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一、形态,旋毛形线虫(旋毛虫),Trichinella spiralis,幼虫囊包,P176,Larvae cyst of Trichnella spiralis,2019,-,1,二生活史,2019,-,2,幼虫逸出,Adult (in small intestine),Larvae (deposited in mucosa),circulation,Encyted larva (in straited muscle),1. the capsule becomes calcified.,2. the capsule is ingested by another host.,larvae,( released in the duodenum ),adult,2019,-,3,生活史的特点:,2、被寄生的宿主既为中间宿主又为终宿主; 3、必须更换宿主才能造成疾病的流行。,1、旋毛虫是人畜共患寄生虫;,Trichinella spiralis requires only one host in its life cycle, with larval and adult stages occurring in different organs.,2019,-,4,三、致病(pathogenesis),侵入期(肠型期 enteral phase),幼虫移行期(肌型期 muscular phase),囊包形成期(恢复期 convalescent phase),2019,-,5,四、诊断(diagnosis),病原学诊断,免疫学诊断,肌肉压片活检法,主要辅助方法,The definitive diagnostic procedure is the demonstration of live larvae in a specimen of biopsied muscle. In such a procedure, usually performed during about the third or fourth week of infection, a muscle section is typically taken from the deltoid or gastrocnemius muscle, placed between two slides or in a muscle press, and examined microscopically.,2019,-,6,五、流行 (Endemity),传染源,猪,传播途径,食未熟猪肉,防治,阿苯达唑,Infection results from the consumption of meat, most commonly poorly cooked pork, containing encapsulated first-stage larvae.,2019,-,7,Wuchereria bancrofti (班氏吴策线虫),Brugia malayi (马来布鲁线虫),Filaria(丝 虫),P180,2019,-,8,Adult worm,The adult worms of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi are very similar in morpholog,2019,-,9,Microfilaria (微丝蚴),2019,-,10,Life cycle (生活史),2019,-,11,腊肠期幼虫 (胸肌),微丝蚴 (外周血液),1.在蚊体内发育(mosquito stage),microfilaria,sausage stage larvae,filariform juvenile,(infective stage),(in surrounding lymph of human ),be ingested by the mosquito along with its blood meal.,The females are ovoviviparous, producing thousands of juveniles known as microfilariae.,2019,-,12,成虫 (淋巴系统),微丝蚴 (淋巴系统血液),丝状蚴 (蚊下唇),2.在人体内发育(human stage ),filariform juvenile,adult,(in humans lymphatics),microfilaria,They enter the skin through the wound made by the mosquito,2019,-,13,微丝蚴在人体外周血液中的出现有一定的周期性,一般为夜多昼少,白天它们停留在肺毛细血管,夜晚则出现于外周血液。,夜现高峰时间:,班氏微丝蚴,马来微丝蚴,晚10时至次晨2时,晚8时至次晨4时,Nocturnal periodicity(夜现周期性),The maximal number of microfilaria usually can be found between 10 pm and 2 am in the peripheral blood.,2019,-,14,班氏丝虫,马来丝虫,两种丝虫生活史比较,2019,-,15,生活史特点:,中间宿主(intermediate host ): human 寄生部位(Parasite location ): lymphatics 感染阶段(infective stage): filariform juvenile 传播阶段(Propagation stage): microfilaria 具有夜现周期性(nocturnal periodicity),2019,-,16,三、致病(pathogenesis),血中无微丝蚴,肺或淋巴结活检可查到微丝蚴,无症状,外周血中有微丝蚴,微丝蚴血症,隐性丝虫病,急性淋巴管炎、丹毒样皮炎、丝虫热,慢性阻塞期,象皮肿 鞘膜积液 乳糜尿,录像,2019,-,17,四、诊断(diagnosis),病原学诊断,血检时间:,晚9时至次晨2时,血检微丝蚴,尿液与体液检微丝蚴,厚血膜法,2019,-,18,五、流行与防治 (Endemity and Prevention),海群生药盐,传染源,防治,传播途径,微丝蚴血症者 急性期病人,录像,2019,-,19,Summary : Soil-borne nematodes :Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura,Enterobius vermicularis, hook worm.They have inmediate life cycle.,Bio-borne nematodes: Trichinella spiralis ,Filaria . They have mediate life cycle.,2019,-,20,第十 一章 吸 虫,第一节 概 论,(Trematoda ),P89,2019,-,21,2、有口、腹吸盘;,3、同体(hermaphroditic) (血吸虫除外);,4、无体腔;,5、消化系统不完整、无肛门;,1、外形:舌状或叶片状、背腹扁平(血吸虫除外);,一、形态 (morphology),一般特征:,前进,2019,-,22,卵巢,子宫,睾丸,睾丸,卵 黄 腺,睾丸,睾丸,子宫,卫氏并殖吸虫,布氏姜片虫,日本血吸虫,口吸盘,2019,-,23,口,消化系统:,2019,-,24,焰细胞,(开口于虫体末端),排泄系统:,原肾单位,2019,-,25,卵巢,性生殖系统:,2019,-,26,性生殖系统:,睾丸,2019,-,27,二、生活史(life cycle),有性世代,无性世代,终宿主,毛蚴,卵,中间宿主,Miracidium(毛蚴) Sporocyst (胞蚴) Redia (雷蚴) Cercaria(尾蚴) Metacercaria(囊蚴),2019,-,28,Clonorchis.sinensis(华支睾吸虫),Chinese Liver Fluke or Oriental Liver fluker Found from the biliary passage of a Chinese in Calcutta, India in 1874 firstly. Common in Asia (China, Korea and Japan) Clonorchiasis (肝吸虫病),2019,-,29,Clonorchis sinensis adult (华支睾吸虫成虫),Spindloid measuring about 16 by 4 mm,2019,-,30,Clonorchis sinensis egg,Measure 29 by 16 micrometers (Smallest egg in helminthic egg ) Light-buble shaped Operculated Having a small konb Well-developed miracidium,2019,-,31,Embryonated eggs are passed in feces,Eggs are ingested by a suitable snail intermediate host,The cercariae are released from the snail and penetrate the flesh of freshwater fish and encyst as metacercariae,Metacercariae are ingested by human host,Metacercariae excyst in the duodenum ascend the biliary tract and mature there,2019,-,32,2019,-,33,Pathogenesis,2019,-,34,Clinical manifestation,In the acute phase, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and eosinophilia can occur. In long-standing infections, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, and cholangiocarcinoma can develop, which may be fatal.,2019,-,35,Definitive diagnosis,Finding eggs in the feces (egg-concentration method ,深沉集卵法) Finding eggs in duodenal aspirate,2019,-,36,Epidemiology,Infection source: human ,dogs,cats and rats Eggs are passed into water First and second intermediate host in water Eating raw fish with metacercariae(囊蚴),2019,-,37,后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料仅供参考,实际情况实际分析,感谢您的观看和下载,The user can demonstrate on a projector or comput
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