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unit5 nelson mandela a modern hero,who is your hero/heroine?,albert einstein,bill gates,warming up,why do you like him/her so much? what qualities does he/she has?,hard-working warm-hearted easy-going friendly lovely generous reliable brave wise active honest selfless handsome determined devoted famous calm nice,lazy cruel mean unkind selfish stubborn,positive,negative,thinking?,what qualities do you have? what qualities does our monitor have?,try to use the adjectives as more as possible.,what qualities should a great man has?,hard-working warm-hearted easy-going friendly lovely generous reliable brave wise active honest selfless handsome determined devoted famous calm nice,lazy cruel mean unkind selfish stubborn,pre-reading,he gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the uk in a peaceful way.,mohandas gandhi(18691948),india,a canadian; fought against the german nazis and japanese invaders during world war ii; worked as a doctor and saved many chinese soldiers.,norman bethune(18901939),canada,norman bethune was a canadian, a communist, and also a doctor. he supported the chinese and went to help our army as a doctor and to train other doctors. unfortunately, he got blood poisoning while working in china and died.,sun yat-san(18661952),china,he founded the first republic in china in 1911 after many years fighting; he strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism; peoples rights; peoples livelihood.,sun yat-sen (november 12, 1866 - march 12, 1925) was a chinese revolutionary leader and statesman, the founder of the kuomintang(国民党)and the first provisional(临时的)president of the republic of china.,priest and scholar; translated the bible into modern english. he died for his ideas but his work is still used in the official bible today.,william tyndale(14941536),britan,after his death, the bible was published in english and 80% of it was the work of william tyndale.,american pilot , astronaut; the first person to walk on the moon. “thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”,neil armstrong(1930 ),usa,he fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. he helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.,nelson mandela(1918),south africa,nelson mandela was elected the first black president in south africa in 1994. for the first time ever, south africans all races are citizens.,lets discuss.,who do you think is the greatest one of them? what are the differences between great men and famous men?,a great person is one who has a great idea and sacrifices something to achieve his/her goal; devotes his/her life to help others; selflessly; etc a famous person plays an important role in some field, organization or great events.,discuss if they were/are great men.,homework,review the adjectives in this part. preview the new words of this unit.,bye-bye,words and expressions,quality n. 质量;品质;性质 of good/high quality 质量好/高 of poor quality 质量差 谦虚是他的美德之一。 modesty is one of his good qualities. 这件外套质量很好。 the coat is of good quality. 质量比数量重要。 quality is more important than quantity.,mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 she is too mean to buy her friend a birthday present. it is mean of you to laugh at a beggar. mean v.意思是;意欲;打算 你说那话是什么意思? what do you mean by saying that? mean to do sth. 打算做某事 i dont mean to do my homework myself.,active adj.积极的;活跃的 be active in 在方面积极 he is active in school activities. 他在学校活动中表现积极。 女生在回答老师的问题方面很积极。 girls are very active in answering the teachers questions.,devote vt. 献身;专心于 devoteto (介词) 把献给 devote oneself to 致力于;献身于 he devoted his life to helping poor people. 他用一生来帮助贫穷的人们。 (被动式) his life was devoted to helping poor people.,he devotes himself to science. 他致力于科学。 大多数老师都致力于教育。 most of the teachers devote themselves to education. devoted adj. 忠实的,深爱的 be devoted to 对忠实;对深爱 she is devoted to her husband.,although the working mother is very busy, she still a lot of time to her children. a spends b devotes c offers d provides he devotes all his efforts the task. a for b on c in d to,found vt. 建立;建设 found a theory 创立理论 he founded the university in 1895. 他于1895年建立了这所大学。 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。 the peoples republic of china was founded in 1949. english founded colonies throughout america. 英国人在整个美洲建立了殖民地.,principle n. 法则;原则;原理 moral principles 道德准则 its a matter of principle. 这是原则问题。 livelihood n. 生计;谋生 父亲靠双手维持家人的生计。 my father earns/gains the families livelihood by his own hands.,legal adj. 法律的;依照法律的 in many countries, smoking is not legal. 我所做的是合法的。 what i did is legal. fee n. 费;酬金 school fee (s) 学杂费 how much is the entrance fee? 门票多少钱?,out of work 失业 he is out of work. he was out of work when the factory closed. 他在工厂倒闭后失业了. out of use out of sight out of control out of danger out of breath,没用了,看不见了,失控了,脱离危险了,上气不接下气,vote v. 投票;选举 n.投票;选票;表决 vote for 投票赞成 vote against 投票反对 80%的学生投了他的票。 80% of the students vote for him. 20 of the people vote for the project, and the rest it. a vote in b vote on c vote against d vote to,attack vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击 敌人彻夜都在攻击我们的机场。 the enemy attacked our airport all night. as a matter of fact 事实上 as a matter of fact, he is a mean person. as a matter of fact, i cant afford the school fees.,blow up 使充气;爆炸 their boat blew up when they were sleeping. 他们睡觉的时候船爆炸了。 blow up 给充气;打气 if you want to ride the bike you must blow up the tyre.,equal adj. 相等的;平等的 老师对所有学生都一视同仁。 all students are equal in the sight of my teacher. 人人生来平等。 all men are created equal. (from the declaration of independence),in trouble 在危险、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 dont lose heart when you are in trouble. 这位老人经常帮助处于困境的人。 the old man often helps those who are in trouble. dont . things will be ok.,lose heart,the naughty boy is always trouble, but now he is really trouble. a getting; with b making; in c asking; in d doing;with willing adj. 乐意的;志愿的 be willing to do sth. 乐意做 are you willing to take part in the activity? 你愿意参加这次活动吗?,he is a warm-hearted man because he is always willing to help others. he is a man who is active in social activities, and he do public service work. a is about to b is going to c is willing to d is mean to,turn to 求助于;致力于;转向 他向我求助。 he turned to me for help. she often turns to the book for guidance. 她经常参考那本书。 向右拐。 turn to the right. he turned suddenly to avoid his teacher. 他突然转过身去, 避开老师。,release vt. 释放;发行 第二天他被从监狱里放了出来。 he was released from prison the next day. 他有望今天出院。 he is expected to be released from hospital today. the release of his latest book came last week. 他最近写的一本书于上周发表了。,escape vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露 一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。 a prisoner has escaped from a jail/prison in northern england。 we had to break the door to escape from the fire. 我们不得不把门砸开以逃避火灾。 the gas is escaping somewhere. 有地方在漏气。,come to power 当权;上台 the new leader has come to power. 新领导上台了。 beg vi. 请求;乞求 请您三思。 i beg you to think again. i beg your pardon ( but would you repeat what you said )? 对不起,请你再讲一遍好吗? 我求你快离开这个地方. i beg you to leave this place at once.,reward n. 报酬;奖金 vt. 酬劳;奖赏 i didnt do it for reward; i did it for love. 我做这件事不是为了报酬, 而是出于爱好. is that how you reward me for my help? 那就是你报答我给予帮助的方式吗? 我怎样才能报答你的好心呢? how can i reward your kindness?,set up 设立;建立 这座楼前将要建立一座雕像. a statue will be set up in front of the building. this was where chinas first revolutionary base was set up. 这就是中国第一个革命基地建立的地方.,sentence n. 句子;判决 vt. 宣判,判决 在一个句子的末尾用句号。 use a period at the end of the sentence. he was given a four-year sentence. 他被判了4年徒刑。 she was sentenced to nine years in prison. 她被判 9 年徒刑。,life for life, he will be sentence to death. 以命偿命, 他将被判处死刑. anti- 前缀 反;抗;阻 anti-black 反黑人的 anti-competitive 反政府的 抗体 anti-cancer 逆时针方向的/地,反竞争的,anti-government,anti-body,抗癌的,anti-clockwise,opinion n. 意见;看法;主张 we should listen to the opinion of that old man. 我们应该听取那位老人意见。 in ones opinion 在看来 in my opinion, its better not to go. 在我看来,最好别去。 在查理看来, 美国人应该少吃一点肉。 in charlies opinion, americans should eat less meat.,reading,elias story listen to the radio and pay attention to the new words in the text.,read carefully and try to find how many parts can the text be divided into. give the general idea of each part.,task1,part i paragraph12 the life of elias before he met nelson mandela. part ii paragraph35 the change of elias life after he met nelson mandela and what mandela did.,time-line of elias life,1940: 1942: 1944: 1946:,elias was born.,elias was four years old.,elias was a two years old baby.,elias began school.,task2,1948: 1950: 1952: 1954:,elias left school.,no information.,he went to nelson mandela for advice.,no information.,read part1(para.1-para.2) carefully and answer the following questions. 1. who is elias? elias is a poor black worker. 2. where did the story happen? in south africa.,task3,3. when did elias first meet nelson mandela? when he was twelve years old. in 1952. 4.what did mandela do to help black people? he offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems.,5. why did elias have to leave school? because his family couldnt afford the school fees and the bus fare. 6.what kind of work did elias get? why did he worry about his work? he got a job in a gold mine. because he didnt have a passbook.,read part2(para.3-para.5) carefully and answer these questions. 1.why did elias become more hopeful about his future? mandela helped him get the correct papers so he could stay in johannesburg.,task4,2.whats the situation of black people in south africa? black people had no _. they couldnt get _ they wanted. they were sent to the _ areas where _could grow food.,vote,jobs,poorest,no one,3.how did the anc youth league fight against the government? first, they broke the law in a _ way, but this was not _ . then they decided to answer _ with _.,peaceful,allowed,violence,violence,4.how did elias life change after he met mandela? he joined _ . he helped mandela _ some government buildings,anc youth league,blow up,5.find out the great qualities of mandela according to the passage. “he offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. “he told me how to get the correct papers so i could stay in johannesburg.,(warm-hearted, generous & friendly),(kind, easy-going & wise),true or false questions,elias went to see nelson mandela when he was in trouble. elias left school because the school was too far from his home. nelson mandela helped him keep his job. elias trusted nelson mandela and he joined the anc youth league.,elias was willing to blow up government buildings. nelson mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.,answer these questions.,why did elias visit nelson mandela? because he needed legal help. he was not allowed to work without a passbook . mandela was able to help him get one.,what was elias attitude towards the unfair situation black people faced? how do you know? elias felt angry about the situation black people faced. he tells us in the story that black people could not choose where to live, his job or his homeland outside the city.,why did nelson mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal? because he felt there was no other way of changing this unfair situation.,learning about language,1.find the words that mean the same from the text. 1)group of people organized for a special purpose- 2)help and advice given to someone- 3)not have a job- 4)showi


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