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五十中:对话填空(1)L: Hi, Mike! How are you (1) f_ now?M: Linda! How did you know I was here in the (2) h_? Is it Tom?L:I was talking with Bob yesterday and I learnt your right leg had been(3) i_. How did it happen?M: Their right back Tom (4) k_ me down when I rushed to their goal with the ball.L: Wow! He must have hit you hard.M: Of course. He hit me from the back and (5) s_ me rolling over here and there. At the time I had a lot of (6) p_. Anyway, they brought me to the hospital.L: Nothing (7) s_, I hope.M: The doctor said there werent any internal injuries, but I had (8) b_ stay here a (9) c_ of days.L: Well,Mike. Take it (10) e_.M: Thank you for your coming. And thanks for your flowers.(2)Tom: Im (1) w_ if it is going to be fine this afternoon.Lily: So (2) w_?T: The sports meet! Its (3) f_ at 2:00, but the fog! You can only see a short (4) d_.L: But dont you see the wind is (5) b_ to lift it up? I bet it will be fine this afternoon.T: Dont be so sure.L: Youve heard the (6) f_ this morning, (7) h_ you?T: No, thats why I am worried.L: Why not try the 24-hour telephone weather forecast (8) s_?T: Yeah! How (9) c_ I didnt think of that? Ill do it right (10) a_.(3)Linda: Clinic. Can I h 1 you?Frank: Good afternoon. This is Frank Stone. I want to make an a 2 with Dr Milton, please?L: Yes, of course, Mr Stone. We have you on our records. Can you m 3 this afternoon?F: Im afraid not. I can manage tomorrow.L: But Dr Milton wont be on d 4 tomorrow. Hell be here the day after tomorrow. Thats Thursday, Mar.27th.F: Fine.L:Will 5:30 be all r 5 ?F: Well, yes. But what time is the clinic c 6 ?L: We s 7 from 9:00 am and close at 7:00 pm on w 8 . We dont have work at the weekend.F: Id p 9 a later time so that I can come along after w 10 .L: Then, what about 6:20?F: Well, thats fine.(4)Pigeon Woman: I wasnt always like this, you know.Kevin: Oh, what w_1_ you like before?P: I had a job, I had a home, I had a family.K: Did you have any k_2_?P: No. Oh, I wanted them, but the man I loved fell out of love w_3_ me. That broke my heart. And whenever the c_4_ to be loved came along again, I ran away from it. I stopped t_5_ people.K: No offense, but that seems like. s_6_ of a foolish thing to do.P: I was afraid to get my heart b_7_ again. You see, sometimes you trust a person and then when things are down, they forget about you.K: Maybe they are too b_8_. Maybe they dont forget about you, but they forget to remember you. Arent there people meant to forget? I think it just h_9_.My grandfather says: My head wasnt screwed on, Id l_10_ it on the school bus.(5)A:Good morning. This is Ernesto Garrone.B: Good morning. This is Powerglide. I am p_1_ about my visit on the 22nd. Im afraid I had to change my f_2_ and Im not a_3_ until eleven.A: Oh, right. Thanks for l_4_ us know.B: And there is something e_5_.A: Yes?B: Would you m_6_ if I brought a colleague with me?A: Of course not. Can I h_7_ her name?B: Yes, its a woman a_8_. Signore Agnelli, thats A-G-N-E-d_9_ L-I.A: Signore Agnelli.B: Thats right. Shed like to have a look at your rolling mill.A: Would you like me to a_10_ a demonstration?B: That would be very nice. Thanks a lot. (6)Barbara: Elton, the (1) s_ of Candle In The Wind, which is so more than any song, more than anything, does that amaze you?Elton: Well, its I think it was essential that that (2) s_ came out as soon as possible so that people could have a rememberance of her. I whish the hell that it hadnt had to come out and I wish the hell we hadnt had to go (3) t_ this and I would give (4) e_ I earn and go back to starting again if I could have my friends back.Barbara: (5) W_ the death of Gianni Versace and Princess Diana, have you changed, has your life changed? Elton: Yes, I think so. The last (6) c_ of weeks, two or three weeks Ive beenthereve been some very (7) d_ moments for me, and very sad moments which Iyou know, (8) b_ down and I probably didnt do that when it happened because there was so much going on. But Im an (9) o_ person, I think its (10) e_ that one must get on with ones own life. (7) Beautiful skin starts from the (1) i_ out.Female M.C: If you want beautiful, dear, radiant ski -(2) p_ simple. The right diet will help keep your skin clear.Male M.C: It doesnt (3) m_ boring foods, you can eat really delicious foods, of course. (4) C_ with plenty of water, youll have a healthy, youthful glow.Female M.C.: Having (5) p_ nutrition plays a very large role in how our skin looks. You dont wanna feed your body (6) w_ foods that are going to make your skin look bad. Deciding which foods to focus on, and which ones to (7) a_ may seem difficult. But experts agree: great skin starts with a (8) b_ diet.Male M.C.: If you want healthy skin you need to know what foods to eat. You have to put (9) e_ on a balance of good complex carbohydrates, protein and some good fats. Start by eating your (10) f_ and vegetables. Its the best way to get vitamins you need.(8) Male voice: Do you (1) s_ to tell the truth and (2) n_ but the truth, so help you God?Mr. Wheeler: I do.Male voice: Please be (3) s_. Female lawyer: Mr. Wheeler, were you (4) _ that Andrew Beckett was (5) s_ from AIDS at the time of his departure from Wayne & Wheeler?Mr. Wheeler: No.Female lawyer: For absolute clarity, did you (6) f_ Andrew Beckett because he had AIDS?Mr. Wheeler: No, I did not fire Andrew Beckett because he had AIDS.Female lawyer: Mr. Wheeler, can you explain in a way that leaves no (7)d_, why you (8) p_ Andrew Beckett through your firm? And then, most important, why you (9) e_ asked him to leave? Mr. Wheeler: If youre the owner of a majorly ball club, you recruit (招募、吸收) the hot rocky. And Andy was very (10) p_ as a lawyer. Thats why we were after him, thats why we hired him and thats why we stuck with him, year after year.(9) A: I read a book about John Milton this afternoon; It was very interesting and moving.B: Really? Whos John Milton?A: He is a very famous English (1) p_ and one of the greatest (2) E_. B: What (3) e_ did you learn?A: He was born in 1608 in London. Even when he was young, he had he (4) i_ of writing a great poem.B: How interesting!A: He (5) m_ Latin and Greek and he learned some French, Italian and Spanish. He studied the (6) l_ theories of science to prepare for his great work.B: Thats unbelievable.A: In 1649, he became the Foreign Secretary of Cromwell. He worked (7) e_ for twenty years. Unfortunately he became completely blind with his greatest works still (8) i_.B: Oh! No! Thats terrible!A: And then it got even worseB: May I ask a question? Did you say Milton was completely blind? (9) H_ could he write if he was blind?A: He (10) d_ everything to his daughter. B: Oh! He really was a great man.Key:(1)1. feeling 2. hospital 3. injured 4. knocked 5. sent 6. pain 7. serious 8. better 9. couple 10. easy(2)1.wondering 2. what 3.fixed 4. distance 5.beginning 6.forecast 7. havent 8.service 9.come 10.away(3)1. help 2. appointment 3. manage 4. duty 5. right 6. closed 7. start 8. weekdays 9. prefer 10. work (4)1.were 2.kids 3.with 4.chance 5.trusting 6.sort 7. broken 8. busy 9.happens 10. leave (5)1.phoning 2.flight 3. arriving 4.letting 5. else 6.mind 7.have 8.actually 9.double 10.arrange(6) 1. success 2. single 3. through 4. everything 5.With 6. couple 7. depressing 8. broken 9. optimistic 10. essential (7) 1. inside 2. pretty 3. mean 4. Combined 5. proper 6. with 7. avoid 8. balanced 9. emphasis 10. fruits(8) 1. swear 2. nothing 3. seated 4. aware 5. suffering 6. fire 7. leaves 8. promoted 9. eventually 10. promising(9) 1. poet 2. Englishmen 3. else 4. idea 5. mastered 6. latest 7. endlessly 8. incomplete 9. How 10. dictated四中:对话填空阅读下面对话, 掌握其大意, 并根据所给首字母的提示, 在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式, 使对话通顺。(A)Johnson: Good morning!Alice: Good morning!Johnson: The paper says the temperature in Florida will be around 10Centigrade for the next week or (1) s_ .Alice: But I (2) e_ this cold weather here. Whats wrong with a few low temperatures.Johnson: I like the fall here. The brilliant color of the maple leaves. Fall is always beautiful in this part of the country. But the (3) w_ Alice: I know what youll say, but there is (4) b_ in the snow, too. Just look at that carpetwhite out there. Johnson: But its (5) f _. The temperature hasnt been above minus five and its going to drop (6) b _ minus 5 again tonight. We have to shove off the steps (7) e_ other day. Thats not beautiful.Alice: Dont you think the brisk air and the winter sports are (8) m_ wonderful things?Johnson: I know but Im (9) s_ looking forward to the coming of spring (10) w_ green trees and beautiful flowers are seen here and there.Alice. I know what you mean.(1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _(6) _(7) _(8) _(9) _(10) _(B)Interviewer: How do you do?Mrs Brown: How do you do?Interviewer: Im a reporter from Yangzi Evening. Id like to know (1) s_ about the accident. How are you feeling now?Mrs Brown: Terrible. My left leg was (2) b_ injured and it is still hurting.Interviewer: Can you give me a brief (3) d_of what happened?Mrs Brown: Yesterday afternoon I was walking in High Street (4) w_ a car suddenly rushed at me. The car was going much too fast that the driver failed to stop the car (5) i_ time and knocked me down.Interviewer: So you think it is the driver who is to (6) b_for the accident, isnt it?Mrs Brown: Yes. I mean, High Street is a shoping center, not a race track. There are (7) o_ people and little children crossing the road all the time. In my opinion, cars should be (8) f_ to use High Street and above (9) a_, the local government should spend more money on (10) w_the street and building new parks.Interviewer: I cant agree with you more. Thank you for your help.Mrs Brown: You are welcome. (1) _(2) _(3) _(3) _(5) _(6) _(7) _(8) _(9) _(10)_ (C)Promoter: Good morning, Im ringing from the circulation department of the Daily Mirror to say Mrs Rogers: Whats that?Promoter: A newspaper, dear lady. A famous newspaper.Mrs Rogers: (1) A_, why should I want your newspaper?Promoter: Well, mainly perhaps to have the (2) f_ possible picture of what is going on in the world.Mrs Rogers: I get (3) t_perfectly well from TV.Promoter: But TV isnt (4) r_ enough, is it? A newspaper is ableto give so many more details than the TV news (5) c_.(6) B_this, our newspaper offers many things to (7) i_ its readers, such as articles, stories, cinema programmes-to name just a few.Mrs Rogers: I dont go to the cinema.Promoter: Nor do I, to tell you the (8) t_. The films these days arent as good as they used to be, but, Hello? Are you still there (9) l_to me? Hello? Good heavens, shes (10) h_ up! What an unpleasant woman!(1) _(2) _(3)_(4) _(5) _(6) _(7) _(8) _(9) _(10) _(A) 1. so 2. enjoy 3. winter 4. beauty 5. freezing 6. below 7. every 8. most 9. still 10. when(B) 1. something 2. badly 3. description 4. when 5. in 6. blame 7.old 8. forbidden 9. all 10. widening: 1. Anyway 2. fullest 3. that 4. really 5. can 6. Besides 7. interest 8. truth 9. listening 10. hung田高中:一M: Yesterday, we were discussing the famous poet, Gabriela Mistral. Who can tell me s_1 about her?W: She was from Chile and lived a poor life in her e_2_ years. She became a teacher then a writer.M: What made her f_3_?W: She won the Nobel Prize in 1945. She was the only Latin American w_4_ to do so.M: Why are her works so i_5_?W: She discusses social p_6_ such as love, children, womens rights and the difficult c_7_ of the poor.W: Did she teach only in her n_8_ country?M: No, she was i_9_ by the governments of Mexico, Spain, France, the United States, and Germany to teach in several universities.W: She was well loved by her colleagues and readers and has left us a t_10_ of poetic works. 二M: Take a s 1 , please.W: Thanks. Well, let me get a s 2 . David and I have been m 3 for fifteen years. For quite some time we havent been very happy. We argue all the time.M: What do you argue about?W: Oh, everything. For example, when the children s 4 school, I got a job. Well, anyway, by the time I p 5 up the children from school. I only get home about half an hour before David .M: Yes?W: Well, when he gets home, he e 6 me to run around and make dinner. He never does anything in the house. After all, Im not his s 7_ .M: I see. Is your husband here?W: Yes, hes waiting o 8 . He doesnt want to come here, but . well, I p 9 him to do it.M: OK. If you dont mind, Id like to talk with him for a m 10 .W: No, not at all.三W: Congratulations on your success in the marathon! Are you pleased with your p_1_?M: Yes, very. It was my new r_2_ and it was also quite a windy day, so I think I did very well.W: Could you tell me about your early days in Kenya? When did you first start running?M: My brother and I used to run to school every day. We lived far from the nearest primary school and we used to run there and back. When I went to s_3_ school I used to join in a lot of c_4_, mainly middle-and-long-distance races. I think I won every race I took part in!W: What is the s_5_of your success?M: First, I had a very h_6_ life. Ive never smoked or drunk and I eat huge quantities of fruit. Weve got p_7_ of that in Kenya. Next, I train high up where the air is thinner. I live and run in the hills which are about 3,000 meters high. I left Kenya just two days before the marathon. So when I ran the race at sea level, my body had all this extra e_8_ to help it run faster!W: What are your future plans?M: I want to run in the Olympics next year. I hope Ill be chosen for our n_9_ team, so Im going to plan a hard training program.W: Is it a hard life, being a long-distance runner?M: Where we live we have some of the most beautiful countryside in the world. Its a pleasure just to run over those hills. It may sound hard to you, but for me running is as natural as b_10_.四M: Good morning, Ms. Green. Thank you for accepting my i_1_. Could I ask you a few questions?W: Sure. Go ahead.M: Do you use English when you write songs?W: You wont believe it, but a_2_ we use English almost everywhere in our work and life. The songs we listen to and the movies we watch are mostly English ones. The instruments and software we use are all in English. We c_3_ with singers abroad in English. English is just too important.M: Have you ever t_4_ of doing some English songs?W: Yes, but maybe not in China. On one hand, I love Chinese and another I am afraid my English is not t_5_ good.M: What subjects did you hate or love when you were in school?W: I loved Chinese and physics. But I was quite good at biology. Geometry is all Greek(难懂的事) to me, I could h_6_ pass the exam.M: What do you want to say to those students who d_7_ of being musicians and singers?W: Studying should be the first thing to c_8_. The music industry is full of risk. Think t_9_ before you step in.M: Do you mean they had better stop this dream?W: No, I just mean the job is full of c_10_ and its not easy to be good musician or singer. But if you are really fond of it, thats OK. There is no failure but only giving up. Just try again, sooner or later you will make your mark.五M: Now, here are the keys. Lets go in. There are two apartments. The one for r_1_ is upstairs.W: Is there a garden?M: Yes, youll s_2_ the garden at the back. Do come in.W: Thank you. I like the floor.M: The colors are nice, arent they? This apartment is in good c_3_. Here is your sitting-room.W: Where could we eat?M: There is the c_4_ here or you can use your kitchen. Come and see.W: The kitchen is quite small.M: Yes, but it has e_5_. Let me show you your bedroom. This is the smaller one.W: Its a good size though. Is all the furniture i_6_?M: Only what is fixed. You will have to p_7_ tables, chairs and beds.W: Thats a lot.M: You can buy things c_8_ from second-hand shops. Come into the other bedroom. You can see the bathroom too.W: Yes, it is very nice but I will have to ask my friend first and we will come together. I understand it is eight hundred dollars a m_9_.M: Yes. But a few blocks


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