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景秀中学 初二英语组 Johnny 编制Teaching Steps of 8A Oxford Englishchapter 2 School newspapersStep 1 Snapshot P161. Books closed. Introduce the new topic with the following question. 3ms Where can we get the information? (discuss) 2. Books open. Lead the students through the information in the snapshot. 7ms For better understanding the passage, please finish Part A and B (PPT)3. Do the follow-up questions in pairs, in groups, or as a class. 10ms Do you often read newspapers? What kind of newspapers do you usually read? What are the common sections of a newspaper?Step 2 Word Power P991. Introduce the topic and elicit associated vocabulary.1) chief editor: the senior writer and decision-maker of a newspaper2) conclude: finish, come to the end of3) consider: think about carefully4) decision: something you choose to do after thinking about it5) elect: choose by voting6) experience: skill and knowledge gained from doing something7) publish: prepare and print a magazine, book8) secretary: the person who looks after a committees paperwork and records9) suggestion: an idea for others to consider10) take charge of: start being in control of something11) talk over: discuss12) vote: show which person or thing you want to choose, by putting up your hand or marking a piece of paper2. Model the pronunciation of new words.3. Explain and model the task. Tasks of Words Learning Task 1: 动词过去式动词原形started wanted held wrote was/were decided suggested voted elected took said asked told made considered had agreed arranged Task 2: 构词法-词形转换decide elect suggest choose free read responsible discuss consider agree conclude arrange ( 名词)secretary briefly ( 形容词) Task 3: 词组荟萃(请翻译中文)Grade Eight students / publish a newspaper / hold a meeting / after school / report sth. for sb. / vote for sb. / take charge of / take notes be responsible for / talk over / ask for / make a list / pay for /make a decision / in one weeks time4. Students complete the task. Task 4 Complete each sentence using a verb from the listdecide suggest take vote elect make consider1) We Joyce to the chief editor. 2) Tony _ that we should choose Joyce.3) We _ to elect the chief editor.4) Joyce _ charge of the meeting.5) The others _ for Arthur to be the secretary.6) We _ the last question briefly.7) Then we _ a list of some other things we should discuss.Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1 She has been a teacher for more than 20 years, so she has a lot of _in teaching.2 Newsweek and Time _their magazine once a week.3 Do you have any _about the class newspaper?4 The new manger will _ the company in a months time.5 We will _the problem at the meeting.6 Every citizen has the right to _.7 Part of the job of a _ is to take notes at the meeting.8 The people of this nation will _ the new president next week.9 Time is running out. We must _the meeting before 10 oclock.10 We are _ going to Canada on holiday.5. Check the answers with the class. Answers to Tasks of Words Learning Answers for Task 1: 动词过去式动词原形start want hold write be decide suggest vote elect take say ask tell make consider have agree arrange Answers for Task 2: 构词法-词形转换( 名词) decision election suggestion choice freedom reader responsibility discussion consideration agreement conclusion arrangement secret brief ( 形容词) Answers for Task 3: 词组荟萃(中文译文)八年级学生 / 出版报纸 / 召开会议/ 放学后 / 向某人汇报某事. / 为某人投票 / 掌管某事/做笔记 / 负责/ 商量、讨论 / 要求、请求 / 列表 / 支付、付款 / 作出决定 / 一周以后Step 3 Reading P171. Introduce the topic and preview key vocabulary.2. Explain the task. Reading task: Find the information while you read the article. Time: One day after school, soon after the term started Place: At Mayfield school Characters: Some Grade Eight students: Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Mille and Arthur Event: They held a meeting to talk about publishing a newspaper.3. Students read silently and complete the task.Questions of the Reading 1) Which jobs did Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Millie and I get? 2) Why did the elect Joyce the chief editor? 3) Why did they elect Arthur secretary, and what did a secretary usually do during the meeting? 4) Who would be responsible for different sections of the paper? 5) What was the last question? 6) Did they get the name for the paper in the meeting? And when did they discuss about the name of the paper?4. Students compare answers in pairs or groups.5. Check answers with the class. Answers of the Reading 1) Joyce is the chief editor. Arthur is the secretary. And the other three are editors.2) Because she has experience. 3) Because he has experience, and used to be secretary of the Drama Club last year. He started taking notes. 4) They are Pansy, Tony and Millie.5) What should we call it (the name for the school paper)? 6) No. In one weeks timeStep 4 Grammar Focus P21&231. Elicit or explain the rules i) A ExclamationsSometimes we say sentences with emphasis and strong feelings. These sentences are called exclamations. We often use a patten with what or how in exclamations: What + (a/an)+adjective + noun + subject+verb:or How +adj./adv. + subject + verbeg: What an interesting story it is! How lucky we are! What beautiful flowers they are! How quickly the time passed! What bad weather it is! How dull the speech is!2. Present example sentences using the audio program.ii) B Talking about what it is best or right to doshould / ought to “应该;应当”;表建议应当或最好做某事辨析:1) should / ought to 均为情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。2) Ought to 是唯一带有to的情态动词,其句型结构为: 肯定句:主语ought to动词原形; 否定句:主语ought not to动词原形; 疑问句:ought主语to+动词原形? ought主语not to动词原形? 或者oughtnt主语to动词原形?3. Model the task. should / ought to 后用动词原形I / You/ He/ She/ We/ Theyshoulddiscuss it.ought toshould notought not toShould wediscuss it now?Yes, we should / ought toOught we todiscuss it now?No, we shouldnt / ought not to4. Students complete the task. A1Arthur We havent got a sports yet.Joyce Then we (1) _ one right away.Arthur We havent got a title for the paper either.Joyce Then we (2)_ one as soon as possibleArthur Also, we need batteries for our recorder.Joyce Then we (3) _ some.Arthur Finally, should we start to publish next week?Joyce We (4) _that with the others first. Pansy thinks we (5) _until next term.A2 Visit to Shenzhen daily This will take place on Tuesday, 23 October.The bus will leave at 2:30p.m. Students(1) _at the school entrance at 2:20p.m.Students (2) _their school uniforms and (3)_well during the visit. They (4) _ any machines.Each student (5) _ a notebook and pen, but they (6) _ their bags. They (7) _them in their classroom. Students (8) _questions. The staff of the newspaper will be happy to answer them.5. Check answers with the class.Step 5 Listening P201. Set the scene.2. Books closed. Set a focus question, and play the audio program once. Correcting mistakes in an article: Robert Wu has written this article for his school newspaper, but he has made some mistakes in it. Listen to him reading the article, and correct the mistakes.3. Books open. Explain the task.4. Play the audio program once or twice more as students complete the task. My most exciting day was in September last year, at the annual Youth League Party in the park. The chief secretary started the party at 11 p.m. There were many league members from all over the city - about 2,000 in all. It was very exciting. First, we all said our League Promise. Then we marched around the streets. After that, we all formed big circles and started dancing. A helicopter flew over us and took a photograph from the air. I have a copy of that photograph in my classroom now. After that, there were some activities. There were nineteen game stall altogether. I played at a game. In the game, people tried to throw table-tennis balls into grass jars. It was good fun. I also had time to run around and look at the other games. There were some good shows, too. There was a talent show and a zoo, and a competition for people wearing the national costumes of different cities. At the end, we gathered in clubs and sang some songs. It was wonderful to see so many friends together, and I really enjoyed that day.5. Check answers with the class.Step 6 Writing P26 Writing a report1. Explain the task and go over the model.2. Review or elicit key language and vocabulary.3. Students make notes and then write rough drafts. 4. Students exchange compositions to get feedback5. Students edit their compositions and prepare final drafts.AArthurs second report A few weeks after the school newspaper started, Arthur wrote another report about it to the principle. Part of his report is below.Arthurs second repo


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