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BEC高级精讲班第12讲讲义 VocabularyStudyI. Vocabulary Study-forceforce nounMILITARY军队air force空军armed forces 武装部队MILITARY ACTIONuncountable military action used as a way of achieving your aims 武力Peace cannot be imposed by force. 和平是不可能靠武力来强制实现的。PHYSICAL POWERuncountablethe amount of physical power with which something moves or hits another thing 力量force ofThe force of the explosion blew out all the windows. 爆炸的力量将所有玻璃都冲击碎了。NATURAL POWERuncountable and countable a natural power or eventthe force of gravity 地心引力ORGANIZED GROUPcountable usually singular a group of people who have been trained and organized to do a particular job 一群人the companys sales force 公司的销售人员the quality of the teaching force 高水平的教师队伍task force noun countable1 a group formed for a short time to deal with a particular problem 短期工作专门小组task force ona task force on health care reform 医疗改革专门小组2 a military force sent to a place for a special purpose 先遣部队STRONG INFLUENCEcountable something or someone who is powerful and has a lot of influence on the way things happen 强势人物或事情the driving force (behind something/somebody) (=the person or thing that makes something happen) 驱动力Betty Coward was the driving force behind the project. 贝迪是这个项目的发起人。a force for change/peace/democracy etc (=someone or something that makes change, peace etc more likely to happen) 主张改变/和平/民主的力量-placeworkplace n. 工作场所countable the room, building etc where you work in the workplacea report into discrimination in the workplace 一份关于工作场所歧视问题的报告marketplace noun countable1 the marketplacethe part of business activity that is concerned with buying and selling goods in competition with other companies 交流或竞争的场所Some retailers worry that new regulations will hurt their ability to compete in the marketplace. 一些零售商担忧新的法规颁布后会损害它们在市场上的竞争力。2 an open area in a town where a market is held 集市HowcultureinfluencesbusinessII. How culture influences business1. Speaking.2. Reading.National culture, international businessbarrier noun countable1a rule, problem etc that prevents people from doing something, or limits what they can do 壁垒,障碍,隔阂,妨碍因素the removal of trade barriers (=something such as a tax that makes trade between countries difficult) 取消贸易壁垒barrier toProblems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work. 照料孩子仍是妇女在工作岗位取得成功的最大障碍。barrier betweenWe want to break down barriers between doctors and patients. 我们试图打破医生和病人间的障碍。The language barrier (=the inability to communicate with someone because you speak a different language) makes debate impossible. 语言障碍使得辩论变得不可能。2 a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction 栅栏Crowds burst through the barriers and ran onto the pitch. 人群冲破栅栏,跑进球场。3 a physical object that keeps two areas, people etc apart 屏障,障碍物barrier betweenThe mountains form a natural barrier between the two countries. 这些山脉在这两个国家间形成了天然的屏障。methodology noununcountable and countableplural methodologiesthe set of methods and principles that you use when studying a particular subject or doing a particular kind of work 方法methodology for (doing) somethingWeve been developing a new methodology for assessing new products. 我们正在开发一种评价新产品的方法。There are some differences in methodology between the two studies. 这两种研究在方法上有着诸多不同。methodological adjective There are a few methodological issues we need to discuss.methodologically adverb The study was methodologically flawed. 这项研究在方法上有瑕疵。identical adjective exactly the same, or very similar 一模一样的four identical houses 四座一样的房子identical to/withNutritionally, infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk. 从营养角度讲,婴儿配方与母乳几乎相同。The ingredients are identical with those of competing products. 这些成分与我们竞争对手生产的产品完全一样。identical inThe sisters were identical in appearance and character. 这两个姐妹在长相和性格上完全一致。identically adverbintrigue verb1 transitive if something intrigues you, it interests you a lot because it seems strange or mysterious激起好奇心、兴趣;迷住Other peoples houses always intrigued her. 她总是对别人的房子很感兴趣。2 intransitive formal to make secret plans to harm someone or make them lose their position of power耍阴谋,实施诡计intrigue againstWhile King Richard was abroad, the barons had been intriguing against him.criterion noun plural criteria countable usually plurala standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something标准the criteria we use to select candidates 我们选择应征者的标准criterion forthe criteria for measuring how good schools are 评判学校是否优秀的标准Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college. 学术能力并不是大学入学的唯一标准。a set of criteria for identifying people who are genuinely ill and unable to work meet/satisfy/fulfil criteria 满足要求To qualify for a grant, students must satisfy certain criteria. 为了能够得到资助,学生们必须要满足一定的要求。touch on/upon something phrasal verbto mention a particular subject when talking or writing 提及The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health. 这份报告提到了贫穷与健康差之间的关系。These issues were touched on in Chapter 2. 第二单元涉及这些问题。well-being noun uncountable1 a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy 健康,幸福well-being ofWe are responsible for the care and well-being of all our patients. 我们要对所有病人的照料和健康负责。a sense/feeling of well-being A good meal promotes a feeling of well-being. 一顿可口的饭菜会提升人们的幸福感。physical/psychological/material etc well-being the physical and emotional well-being of the children 孩子的身体和情感健康2 the well-being of a country is the state in which it is strong and doing well 国家的强大和欣欣向荣 We are now concerned for the economic well-being of the country. 我们现在担心这个国家的经济实力。emotive adjective making people have strong feelings 激起(或表现、诉诸)感情的,情绪的synonym emotionalemotive issue/subject/word etc 激起人们高涨情绪的问题/话题/话语Child abuse is an emotive subject. 虐待孩子是个令人情绪激动的话题。emotively adverbunderlying adjectiveunderlying cause/principle/problem etcthe cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed 重要的原因,重要的想法the underlying causes of her depression 他精神抑郁的重要原因There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train. 年轻人易被培训是一条重要的观点。prerequisite noun countable formal something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done先决条件,前提prerequisite for/of/toA reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course. 上这门课的前提条件就是要英语流利。dilemma noun countablea situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad 进退两难的局面a moral dilemma 一个感情上进退两难的局面in a dilemmaIm in a dilemma about this job offer. 我对于这份工作邀请感到进退两难。This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma. 这让罗伯特肯尼迪处于进退两难的处境。Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments. 许多妇女都面临着在工作和奉献家庭两者之间作选择的两难处境。scenario nouncountableplural scenarios1 a situation that could possibly happen 设想可能会发生的局面Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job. 设想这样一个情景:只有20%的人有工作。possible/likely/plausible scenario Under a likely scenario, world population will double by 2050. 在2050年前可能会有这样一种情况,即世界人口将会翻一番。a possible scenario 可能的情况worst-case/nightmare scenario (=the worst possible situation) 最坏的/噩梦般的情况The worst-case scenario was that he would have to have an operation. 最坏的情况就是他将接受一次手术。2 technical a written description of the characters, place, and things that will happen in a film, play etc(小说情节梗概)剧本提纲;电影脚本;分镜头centre verbtransitivecenter American English to move something to a position at the centre of something else 位于中央The title isnt quite centred on the page, is it? 文章的标题并不在纸的正中央,是吗?centre around/round something phrasal verbif your thoughts, activities etc centre around something or are centred around it, it is the main thing that you are concerned with or interested in 担忧或感兴趣In the 16th century, village life centred around religion. 在16世纪,生活在村庄里的人们主要对宗教感兴趣。 centre on/upon something phrasal verbif your attention centres on something or someone, or is centred on them, you pay more attention to them than anything else 关注The debate centred on funding for health services. 这次辩论主要集中讨论医疗服务的资金问题。Much of their work is centred on local development projects. 他们做的许多工作都跟当地发展的项目有关。respondent noun countable formal someone who answers questions, especially in a survey 被试着Only 62 percent of respondents said they were satisfied. 只有62%的被调查者说他们很幸福。reasoning noun uncountablea process of thinking carefully about something in order to make a judgment 推论,推理scientific/logical/legal reasoning 科学/逻辑/法律推理reasoning behindWhat is the reasoning behind this decision? 这个决定背后的理由是什么?plot verbpast tense and past participle plotted present participle plotting 1 intransitive and transitive to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization, especially a political leader or government 密谋伤害某人或组织,尤指政治领导人和政府组织plot to do somethingThey had plotted to blow up the White House. 他们密谋引爆白宫。plot againstHe suspected that the military were secretly plotting against him. 他怀疑军队正在密谋推翻他。The minister was found guilty of plotting the downfall of the government. 这位部长涉嫌阴谋推翻政府。the story of a woman who plots revenge 一个关于一位妇女密谋报复的报道2 transitive also plot outto draw marks or a line to represent facts, numbers etc绘图We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year. 我们将今年销售额的增长绘制在一幅图上。plot something on somethingYou can plot all these numbers on one diagram for comparison. 你可以将这些数字绘制在一幅图上用作对比。welfare noun uncountable 1 someones welfare is their health and happiness 幸福,健康Our only concern is the childrens welfare. 我们唯一的担忧就是孩子们的幸福。2 help that is provided for people who have personal or social problems 福利welfare benefits/services/programmes etc the provision of education and welfare services 提供教育和福利服务The companys welfare officer deals with employees personal problems. 这家公司的福利官员的职责就是解决员工的个人问题。3 American English money that is paid by the government in the US to people who are very poor or unemployed 福利事业British Equivalent: benefiton welfareMost of the people in this neighborhood are on welfare. 这个社区中的多数人都是靠救济生活。bring somebody/something in phrasal verb1 to introduce a new law 颁布一项新法律Harsh anti-Trade Union laws were brought in in the early 1980s. 严厉的反工会法于80年代早期颁布。2 to ask someone to become involved in a discussion or situation 聘请Id like to bring in Doctor Hall here and ask him his views. 我想聘请博士来这里并询问他的意见。The police were brought in to investigate the matter. 他们把警方请来,调查此事。3 to earn a particular amount or produce a particular amount of profit 产生收益The sale of the house only brought in about 45,000. 这栋房子只卖了4万5英镑。4 to attract customers to a shop or business 吸引Weve got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive. 我们如果想要让这家饭馆继续生存下去,我们就必须吸引更多人。opt intransitive to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another 选择opt forWe finally opted for the wood finish.我们最终选择用木头做最终的修饰.opt to do somethingMany young people are opting to go on to college. 很多年轻人现在都选择上大学.opt out phrasal verbto decide not to be part of a group or system 决定不参加, 退出opt out ofBritain wants to opt out of the new European regulations. 英国打算推出新欧洲体系.option nounCHOICEcountable a choice you can make in a particular situation 选择There are a number of options available. He had two options. This was not the only option open to him.option fora range of options for cutting costsone/another option is to do something Another option is to rent somewhere for six months.option of doing somethingShe had the option of staying for an extra year.Teenage mothers often have no option but to (=have no other choice except to) live with their parents.E(at) first handif you see, experience, hear etc something at first hand, you see, experience etc it yourself, not through other people 亲身看到、体验、听见Many people have seen the horrors of war at first hand. 许多人都亲眼看到了战争的恐怖。4. Reading 2.elite noun countablea group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skillspolitical/social/economic etc elite 政治/社会/经济界精英elite adjectivean elite group contains the best, most skilled or most experienced people or members of a larger groupan elite group of artists 一群优秀的艺术家elite universities 优秀的大学; 一流的大学stand alonea) to be strong and independent 独立,自强the courage to stand aloneb) to be at a distance from other objects or buildings 远离The house stood alone at the end of the road.seniority noun uncountable1 if you have seniority in a company or organization, you have worked there a long time and have some official advantages资历深I had fifteen years seniority, and they couldnt fire me. 我在这家公司有十五年了,所以他们没有解雇我。2 when you are older or higher in rank than someone else 年长,地位高a position of seniority 高级别职位discharge verbSEND SOMEBODY AWAYtransitive to officially allow someone to leave somewhere, especially the hospital or the army, navy etc, or to tell them that they must leave 正式命令某人离开(尤指)Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past. 医院有意让病人比以前早些出院。discharge somebody from somethingSeveral of the recruits were discharged from the Army due to medical problems. 一些刚招募来的新兵由于医疗问题而被军队开除。discharge yourself British English (=leave hospital before your treatment is complete)conditionally discharge somebody British English (=let someone leave prison if they obey particular rules) Dunning was conditionally discharged for two years.GAS/LIQUID/SMOKE ETCintransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive to send out gas, liquid, smoke etc, or to allow it to escape 释放气体、液体、烟雾discharge something into somethingSewage is discharged directly into the sea. 污水直接排放入大海。discharge intoRainwater collects here and then discharges into the river Kennett. 雨水在这里收集,然后排放进河。SHOOTtransitive formal to fire a gun or shoot an arrow etc 开枪,放箭A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.DUTY/RESPONSIBILITY/DEBT ETCtransitive formal to do or pay what you have a duty to do or pay 尽职,执行任务,履行discharge your duties/responsibilities/obligations etc The trustees failed to discharge their duties properly.preserve verb transitive1 to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed 保护We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands. 我们必须鼓励种植树木并保护我们现有的森林土地。2 to make something continue without changing 继续保持the responsibility of the police to preserve the peace 警察的职责就是维护和平Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances. 诺马想要在困境中维护好一个正常的家庭生活。3 to store food for a long time after treating it so that it will not decay 保存食物黄色 Italy 红色 Spain 棕色 France 蓝色England 紫色 GermanyBuildinginternationalteamsIII. Building international teams1. Speaking.BEC higher Speaking Test Part Three : 这一部分共7分钟,分为两个阶段,两个学生首先要进行3分钟的交流。这时老师递给两位考生一张纸,上面有提示性的文字放在桌子中间,让两位考生能同时看到,方便后面的讨论。Agreeing and DisagreeingWe can reinforce a proposal by adding supporting ideas.In order to disagree effectively, it is important to give reasons or ask questions.P751. There are two fundamental problems. Firstly, the candidates only attempt to deal with the second part of the task; they ignore the bullet point about company representatives. Secondly, because they do not attempt to establish a shared context, they talk at cross-purposes. They need to establish who the visitors are and their objectives in entertaining them; then they can assess the suitability of any proposals made and move the discussion towards a conclusion2. Both candidates are much better overall. They quickly establish the identity and profile of the visitors before addressing the first part of the task. They appear to understand the task and move it on towards a conclusion. They reach an agreement and summarize the main points.Exam tips:recap (recapitulate) verbintransitive and transitivepast tense and past participle recapped present participle recappingto repeat the main points of something that has just been said扼要描述,概述;总结;概括Let me just recap whats been discussed so far.recap onto recap on the previous lecturerecap noun countable 2. Writing.Dear Mr. JacekFurther to our conversation of 11 November, I am writing to confirm your visit. Since this will be your first trip to the United Kingdom, I include some information about the way we operate.The first meeting is scheduled for 11.15 am and you should be ready to start promptly. Some people say that the British have a rather relaxed attitude to time and that starting 15 minutes late is normal. However, Jim Walsh, the Head of Sales, is extremely keen on punctuality, so do not be tempted to take any risks.One difference between this office and yours that you may notice is the apparent lack of formality between colleagues here. In Britain it is usual to use a persons first name once you have been introduced and you will usually be invited to do so. Also, please do not be offended if our staff here do not use your professional title; only medical doctors are given the title “Doctor here. As I said, especially between colleagues, it is common simply to use a persons first name.A number of our managers are women and you should be aware that they are treated in exactly the same way as their male counterparts.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 799 2603.I look forward to seeing you on 8 Dece


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