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BEC高级精讲班第9讲讲义 Home work reviewHomework 1A proposal on improvement of companys websiteIntroductionWith E-business expanding rapidly, company websites become more and more important. However, our companys website does not show us to the best advantage. We need to improve it.Situations of our current websiteGenerally speaking, most aspects of our current website are successful as follows:n Our current website is designed beautifully and eye-catching.n All products of our company have been listed on the website and can be dealt with through our website.n The introduction of our company is written perfectly, which can make our customers well realize our corporate history and culture.However, there are also some weaknesses involved in our website.n The specifications and functions of our products are not elaborated sufficiently.n The layout of our website is something messed, which inconveniences our customers finding their intended products.n There is no room for our customers to discuss our products and give feedback to us.New services and informationSome new services and information should be provided so as to strengthen our website. For example,n A search engine will be added to the website.n All products will be given detailed and attractive descriptions.n A new unit, a forum, will be created to facilitate our customers to give comments on our products and contact us.BenefitsWith the above improvements, the customers can find needed products conveniently and quickly. Moreover, they can acquire details of all products and place orders duly. In addition, we can realize the customers requirements and improve our products timely and efficiently to maintain and develop our market shares.ConclusionsA perfect website can help us obtain unexpected success, such as reducing our cost and attracting more customers. More importantly, we can get the support from our customers. Therefore, improvements are necessary.RecommendationsWe had better cooperate with experts in website to improve ours. At the same time, each department should participate and collaborate actively. Furthermore, the language used on the website should be concise and exact.Li Qingrong Management DepartmentHomework 2Proposal on Improvement of the websiteIntroductionThis proposal aims to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current website and recommend an improvement plan and elaborate the benefits it will bring.Existing websiteAs a renowned multinational, our company has a beautiful website with a great deal of graphs and pictures. The framework of the website is reasonably designed and it includes almost all necessary aspects.By contrast, the content of the site is not that satisfactory at all. There is only a brief introduction of our company on it without any updated information. Besides, the security of the website also deserves improvement.Improvements to be madeIt has been proved that websites with abundant information and services get more page hits than those which are appearance-oriented. Consequently, the content of the website should be enriched via adding latest news or stories of our company.The security system of the website also needs optimizing so that it can operate normally when suffering virus attack.BenefitsAfter increasing the content of our website, our customers can know more about the company and keep abreast with the latest events. That will definitely enhance their loyalty to our company and will enlarge our customer base at the same time.A more secure system can ensure the safety of the database of the server and also prevent hostile hacking efficiently.ConclusionOur existing website has some defects and need improvement urgently. Appropriate improvements will bring considerable benefits to our company.RecommendationIt is strongly recommended that the content of the website be increased and the security system be optimized.Homework 3Report on improving our websiteThe proposal aims to raise some issues about our website and provide some recommendations to improve it.SituationsThe website of our company was set up in 2000. It has been running for five years. The website showed how our company runs, our mission statement and our structure, to name but a few. It also has a BBS and manager box which improve communications between staff and top leaders effectively. But the homepage of the website needs updating and cannot reflect our companys status quo and the development we are making.More information In response to the expansion of our company, adding some new information is necessary, such as adding updated news, setting up new database centre, renewal of the web into a more customer-friendly way. A self-service system for customers is also a good idea to improve our customer relationships. The new website should be a centre of company information, and every employee can hear the voice from top leaders through the web. It must be a learning centre from which staff can download the newest technologies and skills to learn. Since our products enter Spain and Japan markets and sales rose dramatically, the Spanish and Japanese versions are also needed.ConclusionsThe improvement of our website will give both company and staff stronger backup, and raise the productivity. The multi-language versions website will be more effective for our imagination and provide stronger after-sales service for our foreign markets. RecommendationsIt is suggested that the website should be rebuilt as soon as possible. We should hire a professional team to achieve the end.其他观点online service, mailbox for complaintsu 请听一段报纸介绍德国汽车厂商如何通过建立儿童网站获取客户源的报道2.Report On Changes in the sales of product in Japan, Indonesia and France during the period June 1994 to January 1997In June 1994, Japanese sales were $20,000. They fell sharply for twelve months to no sales at all in June 1995, when a new marketing strategy was introduced. Sales rocketed to $90,000 by late 1996.Indonesian sales, in June 1994, were $50,000, and rose steadily to $70,000 in June 1995. Sales dropped slightly to $60,000 in early 1996, but rose again almost to $70,000 by June 1995. Sales dropped slightly to $60,000 in early 1996, but rose once more to $70,000 in January 1997.In June 1994, sales in France were $50,000, but they plunged to $10,000 in January 1996, and varied slightly around $10,000 to January 1997.The new marketing strategy introduced in June 1995 apparently worked well only in Japan.VocabularystudyII. Vocabulary Study(1) learning words - 缺少lack noun singular, uncountable when there is not enough of something, or none of itsynonym shortagelack ofnew parents suffering from lack of sleepToo many teachers are treated with a lack of ments based on a total lack of information Does their apparent lack of progress mean they are not doing their job properly? tours that are cancelled for lack of bookings There was no lack of willing helpers.lackverb1 transitive to not have something that you need, or not have enough of itAlexs real problem is that he lacks confidence.lacking adjective not before noun1 not having enough of something or any of itlacking inHe was lacking in confidence. She seems to be entirely lacking in intelligence.The new designs have all been found lacking in some important way.2 if something that you need or want is lacking, it does not existFinancial backing for the project is still lacking. These qualities are sadly lacking today.Whatmotivesstaff?III. What motivates staff?motivate verb transitive1 to be the reason why someone does something促使, 驱使同义词 driveWould you say that he was motivated solely by a desire for power? 你的意思是说他完全只被追逐权利的愿望驱使着吗?motivate somebody to do somethingWe may never know what motivated him to kill his wife. 是什么驱使他杀了他的妻子, 我们对此不得而知.2 to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do this 激励A good teacher has to be able to motivate her students. 一个好教师应该是有能力激励她的学生.motivate somebody to do somethingThe profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.这个利润分享计划就是要激励员工勤奋地工作。-motivation n. 1. Speaking.stem from something phrasal verb-to develop as a result of something else 来源于His headaches stemmed from vision problems. 他的头疼是由视力问题造成的。The exact date of its original building is disputed but it probably stems from the late fifth or early sixth century. 人们对原来这个建筑的具体修建日期还在争论,但是可能是在五世纪晚期,六世纪早期。2. Reading.The writer is skeptical. He sees so-called new motivational techniques as old ideas repackaged. He also questions whether these techniques are ever put into practice successfully.sceptical adjectiveBritish English skeptical American English tending to disagree with what other people tell you 怀疑的sceptical about/ofIm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press. 我对从报界读到的消息持完全怀疑的态度。Environmental groups are sceptical of the governments claims. 环保团体对于政府的声明持怀疑态度。highly/deeply sceptical He is highly sceptical of the reforms. 他对改革持强烈的怀疑态度。Meeting the companys motivational challengethorny adj. 充满荆棘的,令人苦恼的-a thorny question/problem/issue etca question etc that is complicated and difficulte.g. the thorny question of immigration policybewilder: totally confused迷惑,糊涂-a bewildered expression on his facesever v. 切断,断绝1 intransitive and transitive to cut through something completely, separating it into two parts, or to become cut in this wayMartins hand was severed in the accident.2 transitiveto end a relationship with someone, or a connection with something, especially because of a disagreementsever ties/relations/connections/links etc (with/between somebody) The two countries severed diplomatic relations.She had severed all contact with her ex-husband.severance noun uncountable formal1 when you end your relationship or connection with another person, organization, country etc, especially because of a disagreement 断绝severance ofthe severance of diplomatic ties between the two countries 两个国家断绝外交关系2 severance pay/packagemoney or other things that you get when you have to leave a company because your employer no longer has a job for you 遣散费Employees will get two weeks of severance pay for every year of service. 员工每工作一年就可以得到两周的遣散费。contactnounCOMMUNICATION uncountable communication with a person, organization, country etc 联系contact with/betweenbe/get/stay/keep in contact (with somebody) We stay in contact by email. 我们靠互发电子邮件保持联系。Wed like to make contact with other schools in the area. 我们希望与本地区的其他学校保持联系。The children lost contact with their families (=they no longer see them because they do not know where to find them). 孩子们与家里人失去了联系。face-to-face/social/personal contact (=talking to someone who is with you) PERSON countable usually plurala person you know who may be able to help or advise you 熟人, 商业伙伴He has a lot of contacts in the media. 他在媒体中有很多朋友。a worldwide network of contacts 广泛的朋友圈business/personal contacts 商业伙伴/私人的朋友contact verb transitiveto write to or telephone someone 写信或打电话联系某人Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. 如果你有任何疑问,请不要犹豫与我联系。fire somebody up phrasal verbto make someone become very excited, interested, or angry 使某人非常兴奋、感兴趣,或愤怒It was alarming the way she got so fired up about small things. 她对于小事情如此兴奋不已的方式令人担忧。park verb1 intransitive and transitive to put a car or other vehicle in a particular place for a period of time 停车You cant park here - its private property. I couldnt find anywhere to park. She parked the car on the drive. a line of parked cars2 transitive spoken to put something in a particular place for a period of time, especially in a way that annoys someone 口语表达:把某物放在令别人厌烦的地方park something on/in etc somethingHe parked a load of papers on my desk.3 park yourselfinformal to sit down in a particular place, especially with the intention of staying a long time 坐很长时间park yourself on/in etcConnie parked herself on the sofa.engage verb formal1 intransitive always + preposition to be doing or to become involved in an activity 参加engage in/on/upon2 transitive to attract someones attention and keep them interested 吸引某人的注意力engage somebodys interest/attention The toy didnt engage her interest for long. engage somebody in conversation (=start talking to them)3 transitive formal to employ someone to do a particular job 雇用engage somebody to do somethingHer father engaged a tutor to improve her maths.engage somebody as somethingWed be able to engage local people as volunteers.gusto 津津有味,兴致勃勃-if you do something with gusto, you do it with a lot of eagerness and energye.g. They sang hymns with great gusto. 他们用充沛的精力唱着圣歌。hymn n.赞美诗, 圣歌shrewd adjective敏锐的,机灵的,精明的,伶俐的,狡猾的1 good at judging what people or situations are really like Malcolm is a shrewd and realistic businessman. .是一位既精明又现实的商人。She was shrewd enough to guess who was responsible. 她非常敏锐,猜得出谁负责。2 well judged and likely to be righta shrewd decision 一个聪明的决定Bridget has a shrewd idea of what will sell. 对于卖什么总是有敏锐的判断。shrewdly adverb Something tells me youve already decided, he said shrewdly. “有种感觉告诉我,你已经做出决定了,”他说得很机敏。shrewdness noun uncountablewarrant verb transitive1 to need or deserve 需要,值得This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence. 这一小群聚集的群众不需要大量警力介入。warrant attention/consideration etc Another area that warrants attention is that of funding for universities. 另一个值得注意的领域就是向高校提供资金。2 to promise that something is true 保证某事正确warrant thatThe Author hereby warrants that the Publisher is the owner of the copyright. 作者就此保证出版商是该书版权的所有者。3 Ill warrant (you)old-fashioned used to tell someone that you are sure about somethingwarrant (that)Ill warrant we wont see him again.dismiss verb transitive1 to refuse to consider someones idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true, or important 不再考虑,拒绝考虑,不接受,抛弃The government has dismissed criticisms that the countrys health policy is a mess. 该国政府不接受人们关于卫生政策混乱不堪的批评意见。dismiss something as somethingHe just laughed and dismissed my proposal as unrealistic. 他对我的提议一笑了之,说我的提议不切合实际。2 to remove someone from their job 解雇同义词 fire, sackdismiss somebody from somethingBryant was unfairly dismissed from his post. 被不公正地剥夺了工作的权利。dismiss somebody for somethingEmployees can be dismissed for sending obscene emails. 员工可能会由于发送粗俗的电子邮件而被解雇。3 formal to tell someone that they are allowed to go, or are no longer needed 下课The class will be dismissed early today. 今天的课程会早点结束。4 if a judge dismisses a court case, he or she stops it from continuing 驳回,不受理The case was dismissed owing to lack of evidence. 这个案件由于缺乏证据而被驳回。dismissal noununcountable and countable when someone is removed from their job 解雇Wilson was claiming compensation for unfair dismissal. 威尔森就不公正的被解雇而提出索赔。No dismissals have been announced yet. 目前还没有宣布解雇人员名单。contentadjective not before noun1 happy and satisfied 满族的,满意的Andy was a good husband, and Nicky was clearly very content.content withWell be content with a respectable result in tomorrows match.2 content (for somebody) to do somethingwilling to do or accept something, rather than doing moreShe sat quietly, content to watch him working. 她安静地坐在那里,心满意足地看着他工作。He seemed quite content to let Steve do the talking. 他看上去对于让史蒂夫讲话非常高兴。Dr Belson had been more than content for them to deal with any difficulties. 贝尔森博士对于让他们处理苦难感到相当地满意。3 not content with somethingused to emphasize that someone wants or does more than somethingNot content with her new car, Selina now wants a bike for trips into the city centre. 对于自己的新车并不满意,她现在想要一辆自行车进城。keep your head downto try to avoid being noticed or getting involved in something 避免引人注目,卷进事情中Do what youre told and keep your head down. 按照别人告诉你的去做,避免引起别人的注意。volunteer verb1 intransitive and transitive to offer to do something without expecting any reward, often something that other people do not want to do 志愿做某事volunteer to do somethingHelen volunteered to have Thanksgiving at her house this year.volunteer forSidcup volunteered for guard duty.I volunteered my services as a driver.2 transitive to tell someone something without being asked 主动告诉别人Michael volunteered the information before I had a chance to ask. 在我还没有找到合适机会开口问的时候,米舍尔就主动把情况告诉了我。3 intransitive to offer to join the army, navy, or airforce 志愿参军When war broke out, my father volunteered immediately.other thanapart from a particular person or thing 除此以外synonym exceptThe truth was known to no one other than herself. 除了她自己知道,别人一无所知。He doesnt eat pork, but other than that hell eat just about anything. 他不吃猪肉,但是除了猪肉他什么都吃。mark somebody/something down phrasal verbto write something down, especially in order to keep a record 记录下来Mark down everything you eat on your daily chart. 在每日表格上记录下你吃的每一样东西。mark somebody/something down as somethingThe teacher marked him down as absent. 这位老师把他作为缺席者记下来。restore verb transitiveFORMER SITUATIONto make something return to its former state or condition 修复restore something to somethingThe government promises to restore the economy to full strength. 政府承诺要将经济完全复兴起来。She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would restore her to full health. 她希望地中海的气候能够将她恢复到完全健康的状态。The National Guard was called in to restore order (=make people stop fighting and breaking the law) when riots broke out. 当骚乱爆发时,国家护卫队的士兵们就被叫来恢复秩序。initiatives to restore peace in the Middle East 有关恢复中东地区和平的提议restore (dipl


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