



翻译技巧 9 状语从句的翻译1. 条件状语从句1) During the execution of a contract, if one party fails to perform the contract and thus bring economic loss to another party, the latter may ask the former for compensation according to the contract stipulation. 在合同的执行中,如果一方不能履行合同而造成另一方经济损失,受损方可根据合同规定要求对方赔偿。2)We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage if it is confirmed. 我方谨通知贵方,如果确定货物数量短缺,我方将有权向贵方提出索赔。3)It will be very helpful for us to push our claim on condition that you can give us some evidence that your figure in the invoice is correct.只要贵方能提供证据,证明发票上的数字准确无误,这将有助于我方提出索赔。4)We shall have to cancel the order unless it is executed within two weeks. 除非这张订单在两周内履行,否则本公司不得不将它取消。2. 时间状语从句1) When we investigate the matter of your claims, we have noticed a discrepancy between our invoice figure and the quantities you specified. 我方在调查贵方提出的索赔时,发现我方的发票数量和贵方描述的数量不一致。2)You will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand after you study the prices and terms of trade.贵方在看过价格和交易条件后,会理解为何本公司要加紧生产以满足需要。3)Before we send our formal order confirmation, we have to inform you that we cannot accept your request for a 5% discount. 在本公司寄出正式订单确认之前,必须通知贵方,本公司不能接受贵方打九五折的要求。4)As soon as the goods are on board, the master of the steamer or the ships agents will give the exporter a receipt of the goods shipped. 货物一装上船,船主或轮船代理人就会给出口商开出一张所装货物的收据。5)We will pack and ship the goods urgently as requested the moment the L/C arrives. 本公司一旦收到信用证,立刻按照贵方的要求包装并运送这批货物。3. 原因状语从句1)Since you have failed to uphold your end of the agreement, we find it necessary to cancel our order. 既然贵方无法履行协议义务,我方认为必须取消订货。2)As we have always received your payment punctually, we are puzzled to have had neither remittance nor report in connection with our current statement of June 30.因为我方总是准时收到贵方的付款,但是迄今为止,我方几既没有收到汇款,也没有接到有关我方6月30号结算的回音,因此深感困惑。3)Now that you have had a chance to examine what we have sent to you, we are enclosing an order form for you to make an order easily. 既然贵方有机会审读我方寄送的材料,因此为便于贵方订货,附上订单一份。4. 让步状语从句1)We are sorry to report that although we have tried hard, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory. 很遗憾通知贵方,我方虽然经极大努力,但由于工人罢工,还是无法保证依照原订日期装船。2)The price of our product is still slightly lower than those of competitors even though it has been increased by 5%.尽管我方产品的价格提高了5%, 但是与我方的竞争对手相比,还是稍低。3)The letter of cr


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