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上海复文教育:/index.html复 文 教 育精品小班课程辅导讲义讲义编号 2012秋季YY09辅导科目: 英语 年级: 初三课 题第9讲:学习与拓展(m2u5)授课时间: 2012年11月11日备课时间: 2012年11月教学目标学习拓展u5教学重点句群的分析教学难点阅读的做题方法Step 1:知识点梳理I. Different forms of the words1.edit v.编辑 -editor n.编辑 -edition n. 版本2.agree v.同意 -disagree v不同意- agreement n.同意3.injure v.伤害 -injured a.受伤的4.prove v.证明 - improve v. 改进- improvement n. 改善, 改进5.imagine v.想象 -imagination n.想象6.memory n.记忆 - memorize v.记住7.colour n.颜色 -colourful a.多彩的 - coloured adj. 彩色的8.amaze v.使惊叹-amazed a.惊叹的-amazing a.惊人的 -amazement n. 惊叹9.connect v.连接 -connected a.有联系的10.drama n.戏剧 -dramatic a.激动人心的dramatically adv. 戏剧性的11. base n. 基地 - basic adj. 基本的12. forget (forgot, forgotten, forgetting) v. 忘记 forgetful (adj.) 健忘的 - unforgettable (adj.) 令人难忘的13. anger (n.) 怒气,-angry (adj.) 生气的 - angrily (n.) 生气的IINotes to the words and phrases1.basic most simple; main2.connected joined; linked3.death the end of life4.dramatic exciting; unusual5.imagine pretend; make a picture in your mind6.improve make something get better7.injured hurt; damaged8.link join; connect9.memorize put into your memory; learn so that you remember well10.method way of doing something11.lose ones memory be unable to remember thingsIII. Phrases1. write a feature about memory 写一篇关于记忆的专题文章2. agree to do 同意做3. a short-term memory 短期记忆4. long-term memory 长时记忆5. get old 变老6. tell sb. a joke 给某人讲个笑话7. become weaker 变弱8. go wrong 出错9. lose ones memory 失忆10. be essential for 对很必要11. have an accident 发生事故12. be injured 受伤13. injure ones brain 大脑受伤14. be angry with 对生气15. the basic way of doing 做的基本方法16. improve ones memory 改善记忆17. the link method 联想法18. in ones mind 在的脑海中19. make it the longest word 使它成为最长的字20. some amazing stories 令人惊奇的故事21. the Guinness Book of Records 吉尼斯世界纪录22. be connected with 与有关23. be connected to 与 相连24. the opening ceremony 开幕式25. the 29th Olympic Games 第29届奥运会26. something dramatic 戏剧性的事27. play cards 打牌28. playing cards 扑克牌,纸牌29. break down 出故障, 抛锚30. had better (not) do sth. 最好(不要)做某事Step 2:巩固练习A. Make sentences with the phrases above: 1.也许我的电脑出错了。 _2.去年夏天,Mike从树上摔下。更不幸的是他失去了记忆。 _.3.早晨吃健康的早餐对我们的成长很必要。_.4.我听说昨晚发生了一起事故。 _.5. 老师告诉我这就是解出这道题的基本方法_.6.Millie 正在努力改善记忆。 _.7.十八大的召开是今年最激动人心的事。The conferencing of Eighteen Bib_.8.他们交谈了好久,终于同意一起去欧洲出席这个重要的会议。 _.9.你有一些好的办法将短时记忆变成长时记忆吗? _?10.Millie,还有她的父母一起观看了这部电影。 _.B. 词性转换: 1.With the help of his English teacher, his spoken English was _ (improvement).2.In a moment of great_, he shouted at his brother. (angry)3.The great scienists _ made all of us very sad. (die)4.It was _ moment in my life. (drama)5.His works arent good enough because he hasnt much _ (imagine)6.The _background of this article is real. (base)7.My father is an_ of a music newspaper. (edition)8.Many of them wore _ national costumes(民族服装) on National Day. (colour)9.Youd better try to _all these phrases before the exam. (memory)10. I was really _ to see such a little boy run so fast. (amazement)C. Complete the sentence with the given words in their proper forms1. Its such an (interest) film that all of us are (interest) in it.2. Teachers Day comes at the (begin) of the new term.3. I was (bad) ill yesterday. 4. In Book III, the (twenty) lesson is the most difficult.5. Of all the students he is (good) at English.C. Rewrite the sentences as required1. John can hardly understand Russian.(改为反义疑问句) John can hardly understand Russian, ?2. The Red Cross has helped the homeless people in the floods four times since last year.(对划线部分提问) times has the Red Cross helped the homeless people in the floods since last year?3. Tom didnt watch TV that evening. He listened to music. (保持句意不变) Tom listened to music watching TV that evening.4. They will move into the new school in a month. (对划线部分提问) will they move into the new school?5. Mr. Smith wanted to know where he could get the information.(保持句意不变) Mr. Smith wanted to know get the information.D. 阅读能力训练 A. Choose the best answerA young father was visiting an old neighbor. They were standing in the old mans garden, and talking about children. The young man said,” How strict should parents be with their children?”The old man pointed to a string between a big strong tree and a thin, young one.“Please untie that string,” he said. The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.“Now tie it again, please.” said the old man. ”But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again.”The young man did so. Then the old man said, “There, it is the same with children. You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting on. If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again. But when you find that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away. ”( )1. The story is about .A. how to take care of young treesB. how strict parents should be with their childrenC. how the young father should get on with his old neighbourD. what is the difference between an old tree and a young tree( )2. The young man untied the string . A. in order to throw it away B. so that both of the trees would grow straight C. only to find that one tree bent over to one side D. so as let the young tree bend over to the other side( )3. When could the string be taken away? A. When the young man tied it next time. B. When the young man untied it next time. C. When the young tree grows strong enough. D. When it is the same with children.( )4. At last the old man told the young man . A. that he should be strict with his children if they could not stand alone. B. that he should always be strict with his children C. that he should be hard on his children D. that he should tie the string tight again if it could not be taken away( )5. In the story the relation of the big strong tree to the thin young one is like that of . A. the young father to the old neighbor B. parents to their children C. the old neighbor to the children of the young father D. the young tree to the stringB. Fill in the blanls according too the given letters The teacher looked ahead with worries but with hope. Would the way be smooth or rough? Would it end in s 1 or failure? The teacher stood and looked wondered. And a voice said, answering, “There will be no end.” And the teacher smiled and said, “I know it will end. I may teach one year, or two years. But this I know: s 2 it will end.”And the teacher went forward to each. Those who gathered around the teacher were eager to learn. And the teacher looked into their eyes and desired to fill their eagerness, and taught them with mind and heart and voice a mind f 3 with knowledge from continued study, a voice speaking this knowledge in wisdom, and a heart filling the mind and voice with confidence and power. The teacher learned from mistakes made and received happiness from lessons taught with encouragement.Then life c 4 , and the teacher was too old to teach. “It has ended,” said the teacher, continuing on the road of life. “This is r 5 the end of my teaching.”第九次课后作业学生姓名: A. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.21. Finally, they _ in catching that robber . (success)22. My mother is responsible for _ in this company. She often helps to _ the goods after work. (sell) 23. My parents always tell me that doing _ exercises is good for me. (physics)24. Our teacher looked _ _ at the broken window and asked, who did it?( angry)25. Bob is interested in _ . He likes to make more money. ( busy )B. Rewrite the sentences as required.26. Lily seldom goes to school late .(改为反意疑问句)Lily seldom goes to school late,_ _ _ ?27. The language is very important. (改为感叹句) _ _ important language it is!28. Wendy is very young. She cant drive a car.(句意相同) Wendy is _ _ young _ _ she cant drive a car.Wendy is _ to drive a car. Wendy isnt _ to drive a car.29. My daughter began to learn cooking when she was fourteen.( 句意相同)My daughter _ _ _ begin to learn cooking _ _ _she was fourteen.30. I will be back in an hour or two. (改为特殊疑问句) will you be back?31. Peter often had some bread as supper. ( 句意相同) Peter _ have some bread as supper.32. Macao is forty miles from Hong Kong. (改为特殊疑问句) _ is Macao from Hong Kong?33. The old man died two months ago. ( 句意相同) The old man _ _ for two months.34. Oh,the banknote(纸币)is one thousand dollar.(保持原意) Oh,this is _ _ banknote.35. I hope I will study in Yale University some day. (保持原句意思)My hope is _ study in Yale University some day.C . Reading(A). Choose the best answerWhat is “Walk to School”?Now we are working on a programme of “Walk to School”. We would like as many parents and children as possible to take part, even if in a small way. Children who walk to and from school along with their parents can learn essential (基本的) road safety and life skills.You can take part by . Walking to and from school with your child every day. Walking for one or two days during the week. Encouraging others to walk, if you already do.Walking is great! Walking is great exercise!A walk is good for your body and can keep you fit. You wont have to waste time looking for a parking site (停车点). Its free. Youll save money by not using the car. Its pollution free. Its a good chance to talk to your children and to meet other parents, too.Enjoying walking to school!Here are some suggestions to help you and your child enjoy walking to school. Plan a safe route together. Encourage your child to help you choose the safest places to cross the road. Look at and discuss the things you see on your wayespecially road signs and what they mean.Walk to school! Thousands of parents and children already take part, could you?Please go to .uk for more information.1. _ are encouraged to take part in the programme.A. Children B. Parents and children C. Bus driversD. Teachers2 By walking to and from school, children can learn _.A. driving skills B. running skills C. road safety and life skills D. knowledge about science3. Which is NOT the benefit (好处) of walking to school?A. It can keep you fit. B. It can save money.C. It wont pollute the air. D. It helps children do well in study.4. Parents should tell their children _ on the way.A. what the road signs mean B. how to study wellC. when to walk to school D. why they should walk to school5. According to the writer, you can learn more about the programme by _.A. reading a newspaper B. making a phone callC. going to the Internet D. having a traffic lesson6. From the passage we can learn the writer is _.A. asking children to work hard at schoolB. encouraging parents and children to walk to schoolC. making people protect the environment D. helping children to enjoy their school life(B). Choose the words or expressions and complete the passageToday, it is a big problem for young graduates (大学毕业生) to get satisfying jobs. It is said that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. However, choosing the right one itself is not 1 .“Finding a job” is not the same as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in a job because they are not suitable for it. Sometimes “chance” may play a 2 important part than “decision”.Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university. First, it is important to 3 what kind of person you are, which special ability makes you outstanding among people and what you are interested in. There is a difference 4 an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures,that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse not a big dog, that is a skill.Then ask yourself a question, “In the following 5 areasskills with people, skills with information and skills with things, which are your best skills?” After examining your skills, the next step is research . To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers 6 information. Ask your friends what they think of the work they do.Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, just find the job you really enjoy doing.1. A. comfortableB. easyC. trueD. excellent2. A. muchB. manyC. moreD. most3. A. realizeB. reuseC. recognizeD. receive4. A. bothB. eitherC. from D. between5. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four6. A. forB. asC. toD. by. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsReading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important way.Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use theirt 1 to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too easy.Many experts (专家) say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a f 2 expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words w 3 they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good writing.Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure readingh 4 each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it p 5 for each student to learn what he or she needs.Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your o 6 books, and you dont have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:learn how English speakers use Englishread faster in Englishfind e 7 of good writing in Englishlearn new wordslearn about the cultures of English speakers1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _ 7. _(D). Answer the questions American schools are quite different from those in China. In America, at the beginning of the term, students must select (选择) their courses (课程) and teachers first. While in China students usually have no chances to select their courses and teachers.Selecting is very important for your grades in America. So at the first term, dont select too many courses, or youll feel very nervous and it may influence your study. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is


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