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如何提高做题速度(发表于2010年5月4日 8时59分28秒)阅读:2 1.听力这是规定时间的所以没什么时间浪费。只要在听的过程中利用自己实力加技巧就可以了。(听力的提高是靠长期的努力。)2.阅读这要靠平时积累,词汇量加平时阅读输入量。平时练多了自然有感觉。但注意的是,我们平时练只是做做题,对对答案就完事了(别忘了还要认真总结)。但这远远不够。要平时开始有时间的紧迫感,当然没必要一定要像考试那样定准35分钟,只是大概的,不超过太多就行了。考试时超过的那些就要从词汇那里弥补了。3.词汇这其实是送分题。这里大家不能丢太多的分,考试时也不能占用太多的时间。尽量省下时间给阅读。词汇先从高频词和历年真题入手,因为词汇题重现率很高。平时也要练反应速度。总之再这里时间能省就省。4.综合这里也像阅读一样,平时多定时练习,扩充词汇量,到最后肯定会有效果的。 5.作文其实很多人在忽略这个模块。就拿江苏省来说,全省作文平均只有4点多分,全国及格率也很低。30分钟内写出好文章不是那么容易的事情。平时没写过作文的就更不用说了。结果就会用高中时学的那些简单句型(there be,主系表结构等),作文也很难拿到理想的分数。作文至少要考前一个月开始练。用写作模板开始练是一个很好的办法。背范文也行,但关键是把范文弄成自己的,一定要动手,写或抄。但现在很多书上的范文都是经过专业老师的不断推敲来写的,我们很难在考场上写出那么漂亮的范文。所以一定要改写范文,改成自己的。重点放在它的结构和亮点句子上。考前一定要写或抄至少5篇以上的作文,这样到考场才会有感觉,写作也流畅多了。6.填卡很多人考试是先把答案写在试卷上,然后最后再利用5,6分钟时间填答题卡。这是一个普遍的做法。但我觉得这个方法不是很好,而且可能时间上和心理上也会造成一定的影响。做到最后阅读看时间不够,而且答题卡还没填,心里就慌,结果词汇连题目都没看就瞎选了。我的建议是做题直接涂卡,包括听力。这是从托福中学来的,托福考试不准让你在试卷上写任何东西否则视为作弊。四六级考试时也可以借鉴,而且四六级答题卡的选项不像托福那么大,不会占用多少时间。这样做不仅可以利用20分钟听力时间,也可以防止错涂、漏涂、大面积涂错。在自己实力的基础上,掌握一些技巧肯定会节省不少时间。7.不放过任何时间旧四级和六级是先发试卷和答题卡然后再过15分钟做听力。这段时间可是送你的啊!好好利用这段时间非常重要。不像托福,四六级没有规定这段时间不许做题,所以要迅速填完相关信息(注意不要填错!)然后利用剩下时间迅速做词汇题,越多越好,至少三分之一以上。这样下来在词汇题上至少省了一半时间。如果基础不错的话,到最后肯定会剩不少检查的时间。做历年真题要有侧重点(发表于2010年5月4日 8时58分31秒)阅读:2 表面上看来四六级考试题型差不多,六级只是多了一种综合改错。但两者的侧重点是不同的,六级对词汇的要求更高,比四级上了一个层次,而且贯穿在每一个题型中。下面简单地讲一下总的复习方法。 听力除了掌握正确的语音和各种考试技巧外,基本的单词短语也是非常重要的。听力中的单词短语基本上属于口语中的,和阅读词汇中有所不同。考生要把历年考题中的重要单词短语和特殊表达法烂熟于心,考试时才能有足够快的反应,因为对话和短文都是只放一遍的。另外,平时最好多做一点听写练习,注重每个单词的拼写,这样考试时才不至于出现听懂了却写错的情况。推荐一些好的听力材料,如toefl和new concept english等。 阅读在几乎任何的英语考试中都占有极其重要的地位,它的重要性再怎么强调也不过分。首先请考生注意一点: 做一些模拟题是可以的,但一定要把主要的精力放在历年的真题上。因为真题是最具有权威性的,代表了出题者的一贯思路。而这恰恰是众多考生忽视的。很多考生把真题草草做过一遍就扔在一旁,没有全面透彻地理解这些文章。考生要从词汇,难句,语篇和出题点四个层次对真题进行精读,平时再多读一些英文报纸杂志,阅读水平一定会得到实质性的提高。尤其要强调的一点是:真题中的重点单词短语一定要牢记。 词汇题虽然只有15分,但也是很多同学头疼的题目,要么做的很好,要么动辄扣八九分以上。六级大纲中的词汇虽然只有一千多个,但都要求复式掌握,也就是要掌握单词在不同的语境中不同的意思或用法,这就是难点。考生要从惯用法,搭配,与同义词,近形词的区别,反义词等等各个方面全面地掌握词汇,这样在考试时才能够从容应对。另外,词汇题考的词汇也有不少是四级就应该掌握的,而这些词汇在六级大纲中就不会有,这就需要考生不能荒废了四级词汇,要打好基础。就词汇题而言,全真题也非常重要,很多词汇每年的复现率很高,全真题中的词汇在各位考生备考时应该首先掌握,重点掌握。 完形填空实际上考的就是考生的阅读能力,以及对搭配,单词辨异的掌握等。综合改错和作文可以归到一类中,两者都考查了考生的写作能力,只不过作文更直接一点。改错中的很多错误其实就是很多学生在平时写作时经常犯的错误。比如说意义形式容易混淆的词,搭配错误的词,词性,时态,语态,数,格等方面的错误。可以说,改错考查了考生的综合能力。除了掌握一些应试技巧外,考生应在自身语言基本功,尤其是语言的准确使用方面提高自己。 写作除了学会一些写作套路以外,考生也要注意掌握各种词汇,句型的不同表达,丰富自己的表达方式。平时学到的词汇,句型要尽量学会使用,看到好的表达法就背下来。只有足够的输入,考试时才会有高质量的输出,到了评卷老师那里你的作文才不会千篇一律,才有亮点,才有加分因素。最后一个月冲刺CET攻略(发表于2010年5月4日 8时57分52秒)阅读:1 备考时端正态度“态度决定一切”,这是不变的真理。做什么事情都是如此,CET备考也不例外。阅读中记忆单词由于每个人的具体情况不同,所以每个人的学习方法也不一样,但不管什么样的学习方法,考试前制订复习计划是必须的。我自己给自己制订的CET考试的复习计划包括两部分:单词记忆和做习题。 先说单词记忆。背单词要有正确的方法。我的方法是在阅读中加强记忆。单纯地背单词既浪费时间和精力,效果也很差;而单纯地在阅读中记忆,则会漏掉一些重要的词汇。我建议先花一周的时间把词汇书看一遍,在脑子里有个大致的印象,然后在大量的阅读中不断地加深记忆。 我当时还准备了一个小的记事本,把不熟悉的单词写下来,并随身携带经常翻看。我喜欢挤时间去看在阅读中遇到的单词,比如我通常在下课的时候把记事本拿出来看一看,在睡觉之前坐在床上翻一下这样记的效果特别好,因为不是强迫记忆,而是利用空闲时间“活动脑子”。习题后总结过错做题这个环节,我集中安排在最后一个月。这有一个好处,在临考的前一个月做题,能找到考试的感觉。 当然,做题也有技巧。这里我特别强调做题要注意自己的速度,通过不断的训练逐步达到“又快又准”的要求。我在刚做题的时候,做快了正确率低,做慢了时间又不够用。怎么办?没有别的办法,只能靠多做题来不断体会,不断提高。 但我不提倡“题海战术”。我认为多做题和题海战的最大区别在于:做完了题你是否真正消化了。我在每做完一套题后会把错误的原因用红笔写在错误的旁边,反复琢磨出题者的考查目的和解题的思路。我还经常回过头看一看以前的错误,检验一下自己是不是又重蹈覆辙。临考前一周把自己做过的题拿出来快速地看一遍,关键是看错误的地方,并牢牢记住。这样复习一段时间,会在冲刺阶段发现自己的英语水平有了质的飞跃。考试时学会取舍关于最后的考试,我想提醒大家的是六级考试中如何学会取舍的问题,这个问题往往被大家忽略掉。 以我自己为例。听力和改错是我的弱项,而词汇(14.5分)、阅读38分和写作绝对不会少于10分,是我的强项。所以在考试中我在改错上花的时间很少(听力的时间固定),只看了一遍就做完了,把很多时间放到了写作上。写作完成后,再用剩余的时间回过头来再做一次改错。我自己总结的经验是,强项多花一些时间去做,准确率明显提高很多,但弱项想通过多分配时间来弥补则很困难。 当然,并不是说强项就必须要花长时间去做,我的词汇只花了不到5分钟,而挤出来的时间我把它用在了阅读上。时间的分布具体应该由题目的难易程度、分值的分布和自己的实力来决定。总的原则是:让强项更强,让弱项不显弱。删除引用回复|返回六级考试技巧总结 (五写作)(发表于2010年5月4日 8时56分24秒)阅读:2 写作 四六级考前必看写作句型与过渡词语【开篇句】 1) With the rapid improvement in./growing awareness of., more and more./sth. (e.g. With the considerable improvement in building industry, more and more structures are being erected to set the peoples minds at ease.) 2) Recently, sth./the problem of.has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern. A (e.g. Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.) 3) One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that. (e.g. One of the universal issues that draw (cause) growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.) 4) In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in. . (e.g. In the past ten years, there has been a sharp decline in the number of species.) 5) Nowadays, more/most important/dangerous for our society is. (e.g. Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is the tendency to take advantage of each other in political circles.) 6) According to the information given in the table/graph, we can find that. 7) As can be seen from the table/graph/figure, there is a marked increase /decline/favorable (an unfavorable) change in. 8) As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/ great changes have taken place in.over the period of time from.(年份)to.( 年份) 9) The table/graph shows that there is a(n) declining/increasing trend of .from.(年份) to.(年份) 10) Anyone who takes a closer look at the data in the table/graph can be surprised to find that. 11) It is a traditional practice to.in our society. (e.g. It is a traditional practice for young people to be financially dependent on their parents for anything like marriage and housing.) 12) It has long been considered only right and proper to.(in China.) (e.g. It has long been considered only right and proper/perfectly justified for the old to assume full responsibility for the growth of the young.) 13) As things usually go against sb.s will, his original intention was to. (e.g. As things usually go against mans will, his original intention was to change the way people lived by inventing the internal combustion engine. Indeed, its birth has greatly enhanced their enjoyment of life, especially in traveling and transporting. But its dark side is presenting a growing worry to our society.) 14) The current situation of., if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that. (e.g. The current situation of our reforms is political structure, if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that much of the achievement is far from satisfactory. For example,.But.) 15) Everything about.seems (not) to be getting on smoothly/just as one wishes in. (e.g. Everything about the economic reform seems to be getting on just as our government wishes in China.) 16) To sb.s mind/In sb.s eye(s), sth. seems/means. (e.g. In the eyes of the public, official corruption means taking bribes,. .But such corruption comes in many different forms.) 17) No one would deny that. 或:Everyone would agree that. 18) When it comes to.(sth.), most people (the public) maintain(s)/contend(s) that. (e.g. When it comes to fake commodities, every consumer has much anger to pour upon them.) 19) Now it is widely believed that. (e.g. Now it is widely believed that examinations are the best possible measure for the selection of the qualified.) 20) A public debate has arisen as to/over/concerning. (e.g. A public debate has arisen as to whether one should step forward bravely in the event of crime.) 21) All that sth. has done for our society seems like a big step forward in the right/wrong direction, but it has also brought along with it a great worry /benefit to.(the average people.) (sth.: cloning, the reform in managerial structures, etc.) 22) The birth/invention of.has made an enormous/essential difference to .But it does not mean that. (e.g. The birth of the computer has made a radical difference to the human progress. But it does not mean that this wonder does no threat to our society.) 23) Sth. has changed the way our society develops.But its bright side should not keep us from following closely its dark side. (sth.: the genetic engineering, etc.) 24) Things about.are going on to our advantage, but a long cool look at .reveals that. (e.g. Things about the reform in state enterprises are not going on to the most workers advantage.But a long cool look at this move reveals that it will produce some substantial benefits to our nation in a long run.) 25) No/Little doubt that.But. (e.g.There is Little doubt that the traditional schooling has contributed much to our social development.But some grave defects in it begin to stand out against the modern times.) 26) What does sth. mean? 27) How/Why does sth. affect our life? 28) What is it like to do.? (e.g. What is it like to have lost all confidence in oneself?) 29) What would our society be like if there were no.? (e.g. What would our society be like if there were no public morals?) 30) Should we put sth. above sth. else? 或:Should we attach as much weight to A as to B? (e.g. Should we put intellectual development above moral education?) 31) Sth. is often referred to as/defined as. (e.g. Corrupt officials are often referred to as the most dangerous borers in our government bodies, who are nibbling away the healthy organism of our party by dishonest means.) 32) (Doing) Sth. is just the same as./is compared to./is likened to. ./is like. (e.g. Life in the middle of marriage is often compared to wire walking, for in the early years spouses attract each other and in late years they need each other.) 33) Sth. is to.what sth. else is to. (e.g. An individual human existence is to the human society what a river is to the ocean, small and busy rushing past rocks at first, but gradually growing wider and quieter until it becomes merged in the ocean in the end.) 34) To/For/With most people/sb., sth. is/means. (e.g. To dishonest people, a friend means a target or an object that is of some use to them at present or in the future.) 35) Sth. is the symbol/mark/equivalent of./is symbolic of./is equivalent to.(e.g. If selling ones sex is the mark of degeneration, selling ones power is equivalent to committing crime.) 36) Suppose/Imagine that./Lets suppose/assume/imagine (that). (e.g. Suppose, by any chance, you heartily disagree with anything that is going on about you, you are less likely to stay on the good side of people around you.) 37) We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether. (e.g. We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bears paw or for the sharks fin/whether to reach for.) 38) If/In case/In the event that., it is better to./a better course is to./sb. has no choice/option/alternative but to./all we want to know is how. (e.g. In the event that you fall in a love river, all we want to know is how you will swim in it, as you are no longer a fisherman.) 39) Unfortunately, sth. may affect sb.s life to the point where. (e.g. Unfortunately, the desire to be well thought of affects ones life to the point where he is reluctant to say no to anyone else regarding anything.) 40) In our life, there often appears such an occasion when./on which. (或it often happens that.)(e.g. In our daily life, there appears such an occasion when we drink success to our work in one field but, at the same time, begin to do great damage to other fields.) 41) “.” That is how one of the great minds/scientists/writers remarked on.(e.g. “Happiness, like an old friend, is inclined to drop in unexpectedly when youre working hard on something else.” That is how a famous writer once remarked on happiness.) 42) One of the great sociologists/psychologists has said:“.” (e.g. The great classical ballerina Anna Pavlova has said: “No one can arrive from being talented alone. God gives talent; work transforms talent into genius.” In other words .) 43) “.” Such is the accurate exposition/exposure of.frequently over heard in public. (e.g. “Public morals are declining day by day.” Such is the correct exposure of the dark side of our society.) 44) How often nowadays we hear such remarks/complaints/words as this “.” or “.”! (e.g. How often nowadays we hear such complaints from officials as this “I have too many social engagements to carry out” or “I have too many social engagements to carry out” or “I have to bear too many titles for our society”! Dont be misled by the complaints of this kind!) 45) One of the great men once said that. (e.g. A gifted American psychologist once said that it is an illusion to believe in the Sunday-school truthmore comfort, more happiness.) 46) Once in a newspaper/magazine, I hit upon the report that. (e.g. Once in a newspaper, I hit upon the news that a quick witted policeman spotted a suspects spittle in the street blotted it up and ran a DNA test on it which led to the mans arrest for a murder. This case best counts as a practical application of the DNA technique.) 47) One day, I happened to witness the incident as follows六级考试技巧总结(四简短回答题的具体解题方法分析)(发表于2010年5月4日 8时55分44秒)阅读:2 简短回答题的具体解题方法分析 下面将针对具体的题型进行分析。A概括总结题型 这类题型主要包括主旨型题目和推断型题目,我们先来分析主旨型题目。我们来看1997年1月的Sl题。这道题是典型的文章大意题,它提问的形式是What is the passage mainly about? 对于这类题,首先要将文章的大意所包含的要点归纳出来。通过读文章我们知道,文章的主要内容有以下几个方面:汽车被盗;盗车犯;赃车如何处置;破案情况;对盗车犯的惩罚;如何防盗。因此答案就必须概括到以上几个方面。显而易见,以上几个方面的综合就是很简单的一句话,那就是“美国汽车盗窃情况”,译成英文,就是,the car theft in the US。这样,答案就搞定了。有的同学在做题的时候不喜欢归纳各段的意思,仅凭对文章的整体印象作答,这样很容易导致答案的覆盖面不全。还有一类题是段落大意题,如 1998年6月的s4题。题目是这样的:Apart from personal preferences。what determines ones choice of the media and media content?应付这类题,一个行之有效的方法是在段落中寻找关键句。就本题而言,段落的首句就点明了主旨quite a different sort of factor that affects your media experiences is the social context of exposure而且该段的第三句也进一步使段落大意明显化:that social context affectsthe media and the media content to which you become exposed所以,答案就应当是the social context of exposure。一般而言,对于段落够精确而影响分数。另外还需注意的一点是,段落大意题往往不直接用类似于文章大意题的方式提问,即用类似于 whatmainly about的形式提问,因此要注意题目的定性分析。如前例,很多同学不知道personal preference是对第三段所论述的因素的概括,没有读懂题意,所以给出的答案离题万里,这种情况是要避免的。其次是推断性的题目。我们首先来看1999年1月的s2题。题目是这样的:Many parents think that,instead of watching a lot of TVtheir children should_本题需要综合一、二段内容作综合判断。一、二段讲很多家长抱怨孩子懒惰,只知道看电视或者依赖父母带他们去玩,而不知道自己想办法玩。可见,家长的意思是希望孩子自己想想应该怎么去玩。对这个意思加以概括,就是play with themselves。这类题目常常是与文中某些人的观点有关的。解此类题目的关键就是根据提问,在文章中寻找与提问相关的部分并提炼其大意,根据所概括出来的内容进行推断。在推断的过程中要注意对题目要求把握的准确性,不要掺杂无关的内容。B细节类题目我们也分几个部分进行分析。第一个部分是描述型题目。我们来看1999年1月的Sl题:According to many par-ents,without TV,their children would like them to 本题是一道典型的描述性题目。文章的第一句话就说,很多家长担心如果没有电视,孩子们会不停地要求家长陪他们玩。答案是显而易见的,用英语表述出来,就是play with them。我们再来看1997年1月的s3题:How serious did the author predict the annual vehicle theft could be in the United States in 1989?文章的第二段最后一句话告诉我们,exper ts predict annual vehicle thefts could exceed 2,000,000 by the end of the decade也就是说到80年代末,美国每年将有200万辆以上的汽车被盗。所以本题的答案应该是it could exceed two million。描述类的细节题的答案,一般在文章中都可以找到,我们只需根据问题,在文中按图索骥,找到与提问相关的内容并加以概括就可以了。在对所找到的内容加以概括的时候,要注意两个问题:其一,文中有的意义的表达方式与题目中不同,如上例提问中的in 1989和文章中的by the end of the decade,要搞清楚它们所表达的是同一个含义。这种表达方式的互换在简短回答中是屡见不鲜的。其二,作为概括对象的内容中的一些关键词汇在答案中一定要体现出来。比如上例中的exceed,如果忽略了这个单词,那么答案的意义就与问题所要求的有很大的差距了。 接着我们来看因果关系型的细节题。此类细节题所考查的对象是文中的因果关系。提问多用why问句的形式,并且该问题的答案一般在文章中是可以直接找到的。我们先来看1998年6月的s2题:Why ale newspapers considered as an important medium according to the passage?文章的第一段第四句中写道:with newspapers a close secondat least as a source of news and other information在这句话中,直接谈到了newspaper的作用,即是重要的新闻和其他信息的来源。用英文表达就是because they are a source of news and information.再看1998年1月的S2题:Why was it easy for boats to tumble over in the Colorado?在文中有两处关键的话,即:all of us naturally set aside any pretenses and put out backs into ever stroke to keep the boat from tumbling over,working together to cope with the unpredictable twists and turns of the river前一句话暗示出小船极易”tumble over”,后一句话表明河流有”the unpredictable twists and turns“,综合这两句话我们可以知道答案应为because of the wilder rapids。 解决因果关系类的细节题,要注意在文中出现的表示因果关系的词汇。通常表示原因的词汇有for that reason, for,as,because,since,as a result of,owing to,thanks to等,表示结果的词汇有as a result,therefore,consequently,thus, accordingly, so。在阅读时要特别注意这些词后面的内容,它们通常就会是因果关系类题所考查的内容。在答案的组织上,一般使用because开头的句子或because of开头的短语来回答。 然后我们来分析举例型的题目。下面请看1998年6月的S3题:For one reason or another,peoples exposure to the media is often_在审题时,应当注意题目中的“for one reason or another”,这表明要填的内容应当具有概括性,也就是各种原因导致的结果。文中第二段首句就突出了主题:There are various factors that can cause you to expose yourself to the media selectively,然后指出原因:is probably due to the psychological pressureHowever,but to other factors, such as在做题时,应紧紧扣住selective这一点来组织答案,也就是说,在答案中一定要体现selective或者与其意思相同的语句。我们再举一个例子,1998年1月S4题:What caused the sharp conflict in the GM plant in the late 1970s?此题的答案需要从文中所举例子前后经过的描述中才能概括出来。文中用For example道出事情经过:For example,in the late 1970s a General Motor plant in Fremont Calif,was the scene of constant warfare between labor and man-agementDistrust ran so high that the labor contract was hundreds of pages of tricky legal temm在这段叙述中,“distrust”是一个关键词。此外,上一段“the teamwork is the key to making dreams come true”也很重要,归纳答案时也应该考虑。经过概括,我们就可以得出答案:Distrust and lack of teamwork 举例型题目,解决的关键是将文章中所列举的比较分散的与问题有关的语句加以概括。在解题时应该注意,所总结的答案的覆盖面一定要足够包容或者代表文章中与此有关的语句。最后我们来分析对照型的题目。我们看1999年1月的S5题:Developing childrens self-confidence helps bring them up to be _此题答案在短文最后一句能直接找到:Giving children the opportunity to develop new resourcesto enlarge their horizons and discover the pleasures of doing things on their own is,on the other hand, a way to help children develop a confident feeling about themselves as capable and interesting people句中on the other hand表示对照,暗示出与前面相反的结果。答案可以总结为:capable and interesting people。 再看同一张卷子的S4题:When parents show constant disappointment in their children。the destructive effect is that the children will_文中有关这个问题的表述为:Such disappointment, however, is not only unjust, it is also destructive. Sensing their parents disappointment, children come t
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