



英文背诵部分第一单元人类生活在大自然的王国里。英文翻译:Human beings live in the realm of nature.They are not only dwellers in nature,but also transformers of it.With the development of society and its economy,pepole tend to become less dependent on nature directly,but indirectly their dependence grows.Human beings are connected with nature by “blood ”ties.No one can live outside nature.However,the previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down .Problems such as the population explosion,ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources has become major factors keeping human society from being further developed.Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human being is the wise organization of production and care for Mother Nature.第二单元目前,许多人都享受着过去历代人想象不到的物质和技术进步带来的好处。英文翻译:Nowadays,many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable in previous eras.With the development of science and technology,peoples standard of living is getting higher and higher.Peoples life expectancy has soared,too.However,oddly enough,many peopke do not feek happier than they used to be.Itcan be seen that there is no close correlation beween peoples income and their happiness.Happiness cannot,after all,be bought with money.Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives,they are happy to be alive,and the more time they get on earth,the better off they feel theyll be.What is important is that material wealth is far from enough.People need spiritual happiness,too.第三单元尽管我们都知道知识就是力量,英文翻译:We all known that knowledge is power but we are seldom aware of how difficult knowledge transfer is.According to Victoria Griffith,there are many barriers to knowledge transfer and lack of trust is one of the major ones.It seems to her that people are only willing to absorb knowledge readily from those they know and trust.For example,in the early 17th century,Galileo argued that the earth and other planets move around the sun,but this knowledge was rejected by the general population at that time because the Italians over three hundred years ago trusted the Roman Churchmore than they trusted science.What was worse,Galileo had to spend the rest of his life under house arrest for his ideas.Victoria Griffith reminds us thar knowledge transfer is still a tough problem although we are living in the “knowledge era”.第四单元有些人认为只要自己准时上下班 就算完成任务了。英文翻译:Some people think that theyve fulfilled their tasks as long as they go on duty and come off duty on time.They never think about what is meant by “work” and why they should work at all.In fact,”work”involves such qualities as wisdom, enthusiasm, imagination and creativity.To do his work well,a worker mudt have a spirit of dedication,and be capable of bearing harships and standing hard work.In addition,he should have initiative and creativity.Having initiative means the worker should be ready to grasp every opportunity to display his outstanding ability.In affition,a worker should make clear the nature and significance of the work he does,be responsible for whatever he isdoing and plunge himself into the work with vigorous enthusiasm.If he can do so,he will find a job no longer a burden but an indispensable part of his life.Whatever he does,he can always find values and pleasure in the work and achieve extraordinary results in otherwise ordinary work.第五单元许多人都想出名,英文翻译:Many people want to be famous because fame can bring them both honor and respectfrom the public.In most cases,fame can also help them gain wealth.But,after all,very few people can really become famous while most people,including most artists,are unlikely to become famous.It is true that some failure for some people at certain times in their loves does motivate them to strive even harder so as to achieve final success.For example,Thomas Edison,thefamous American inventor,had tried hundreds of materials before he finally found the suitable fuse for the electric bulb. However, unfortunately, for most people failure is rhe end of their struggle.Therefore,in my opinion,success is one thing and fame is another. As long as youhave tried your best,youre already successful whether you are famous or not.第六单元真理是什么?英文翻译:What is truth?Truth is the correct reflection of peoples knowledge about the objective world and its laws.Truth makes people full of hope and life full of brilliance and glory.Thereforek,many people regardd the pursuit of truth as the ultimate goal of their lives.In human history,many people devoted their lives to the pursuit of truth and made outstanding contributions to mankind.Truth is both absolute and relative.We say that truth is absolute because truth can objectively reflect the essentials of things. However, any truth is but peoples correct understanding of the development of things at a certain stage. Therefore,truth is relative and develops constantly.Sometimes,the brilliance of truth may seem beyond their reach. In fact,it is close at hand.We can find truth as long as we keep pursuing it heart and soul.第八单元诚信是中华民族的传统美德,Honesty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is the basic moral principle for every citizen.Without honesty, a country would lose its status in the world; a family would lose its harmony; and a citizen would lose his or her personal dignity. No wonder it is said that honesty is more precious than gold. It is a tie for people to m


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