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2009届高三英语复习第二轮复习资料 专题(二)完形填空 一、考纲诠释: 1、目标要求: (1)能熟练运用所掌握的词汇(词义、用法、搭配)以及语法知识; (2)能进行篇章知识分析,通过上下文通盘考虑; (3)运用个人所具备的知识(包括话题以及功能方面的背景知识)以及逻辑推理等与语言运用相关的经验做出判断和最佳选择。 2、语言技能: (1)阅读理解能力:要求考生能够以敏锐的眼光、良好的语感在有限的时间内从选项中准确做出选择。考生就必须在充分理解上下文的情况下,熟练地运用所学的语法知识和词汇知识去完成每一个空,而不能孤立地去推敲一个句子或一处空白。 (2)词汇的语感能力:完形中的每一个空所填词的根据和理由,完全存在于段落之中甚至全文之中。这种词汇的运用能力是在阅读理解过程中培养起来的。所谓语感能力,即在一定语言环境下,对某个词汇是否适合于放在这个位置的判断能力。 (3)语法的运用能力:完形不是单纯测试语法,而是结合词汇的使用和对文章的理解设定的,所以是一种结合上下文的语法测试题。它测试考生在语境中运用语法与词汇的能力。二、命题趋势:1、以实词考查为主,虚词考查为辅;2、语境考查为主,词法考查为辅;3、题型稳定,结构严谨。三、解题技巧:1、总览全篇,识别文体;2、瞻前顾后,找信息点;3、先易后难,逐空试填;4、通过暗示、寻找答案;5、检查核对,定夺答案。四、针对性精练:(一)、例题分析:导读:这是一篇议论文,也是一篇教育新闻。主要论述青少年学生在上学期间是否应该去打工赚些零花钱,有人赞成有人反对。American teenagers have always worked for extra pocket money. In a 1987 1 of 16, 000 high school seniors nationwide, it was 2 that eighty percent of students spent their earning on their own needs, such as clothing, records and movies. Only five percent said they contributed most of their income to help pay family living 3 .The benefits of this work-and-spend ethic (道德规范) are being 4 argued. Some experts, and many parents, insist that year-round part-time employment increases youngsters sense of worth, teaches them financial 5 and reduces tension and 6 within the family. IOthers , 7 , argue that working teenagers are not proper from their families, which, if so, 8 parental authority. Teenagers schoolwork can also be affected. “When youngsters work for luxuries, they are buying 9 from education. said a program director for the U. S. Department or Education. Working teenagers themselves say they have 10 time to spend with friends and family.1A view B inspection C observation D survey2A suggested B found C recommended D advised 3A expensesB moneyC valueD charges4A curiouslyB heatedlyC thoroughlyD entirely5A accountB abilityC responsibilityD comfort6A crashB conflictC battleD struggle7A furthermoreB thereforeC howeverD besides8A weakensB losesC reducesD destroys9A conclusionB separationC affectionD satisfaction10A more B less C reduced D sufficient解析:1. D 根据统计数据16, 000 / eighty percent / five percent 判断。美国的青少年大多通过打工赚些零花钱。在1087年对全国16,000 高中学生的调查(survey)中发现,80%的学生用自己挣的零花钱购买自己的必须品如衣服、唱片或是看电影等等。2. B 句型It was found that 发现。3. A 只有5%的学生拿出他们的收入作为家庭生活费(living expenses).4. B heatedly 兴奋地,激烈地。这种关于(学生打工带来的)工作与消费方面、道德层面上的益处的话题引起了激烈地讨论。5. B 一些专家和许多家长认为整年的临时工可以增加青少年的价值意识,提高他们的理财能力。6. B 根据信息词tension 和argue判断。在家庭内部,减少紧张和矛盾。7. C 上下文意思是转折对比逻辑关系。然而(however),另外一些专家和家长争论认为参加工作的青少年不适于离开家人。8. A 青少年离开家人去工作会削弱(weakens)父母亲的权威。青少年的功课也会受到影响。9. B separation from 脱离。 当青少年为奢侈而工作的时候,他们就会正在脱离教育。10. B 参加工作的青少年们自己也说他们和家人、朋友相处的时间更少了。(二)、实战训练一、记叙文 解读:近几年高考完形填空中的记叙文主要以叙事、记人为主,如幽默故事、童话故事、历史故事、人物传记和新闻报道等。 记叙文是中学英语阅读材料中最常见的文体,其语言特点是:1、以一般过去时为主,其他时态为辅;2、广泛使用动词,特别是动态动词;3、适当运用直接引语。解答记叙文体的完形填空时要着重把握以下几点:1、了解文章的结构形式;2、明确作者的写作目的;3、知晓文章所记叙的几大要素;4、弄清文章是以第几人称的视角来展开积记叙的。(1)Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloudy winters planning their summer holidays. They are 1 of their healthy color when they return home after 2 They know that a certain amount of sunshine is 3 for their bodies and general health.A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made 4 use of i sun in his hospital at Leysin. Leysin is a small village high up in the Alps.The 5 of the sun with the greatest healing 6 are the infrared(红外线) and ultraviolet (紫外线) rays. Dr. Rollier 7 that sunlight, fresh 8 and good food cure a great many diseases.There were a large number of children in Dr Rolliers hospital. He decided to start a hospital school where sick children could 9 and at the same time continue to learn. It was not long before his school was 10 .1A afraid B proud C full D fond2A school B work C winter D the holiday3A harmful B good C too much D enough4A full B large C small D little 5A days B seasonsC rays D hours6A power B medicineC food D way 7A warned B suggested C hoped D found8A water B fish C vegetables D air9A be taught B be cured C play D work 10A full B emptyC setting up D closed (2) The Price of a DreamI grew up poorliving with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I was 1 and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still 2 a dream.My dream was 3 By the time I was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and 4 anything that moved on the football field. I was also 5 ; my high school coach was John, who not only believed in me, but also taught me how to believe in myself. He 6 me the difference between having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One particular 7 with Coach John changed my life forever.A friend recommended (suggested ) me for a summer job. That meant I would have to tell John I wouldnt be playing. When I told John, he was 8 as I expected him to be. You have your whole life to work, he said, Your playing days are limited. You cant afford to waste them. I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his 9 in me. “How much are you going to make at this job, son?” He asked, “3.5 dollars an hour,” I replied.“Well,” he asked, “is $ 3.5 an hour the price of a dream?”That simple question made 10 for me the difference between words and something right now and having a goal.1A happyB polite C shyD honest2A live B afford C make D need 3A athletics B music C business D money4A kick B play C pass D hit5A right B popular C luckyD confident6A gave B taught C brought D asked 7A accident B matter C problem D experience8A madB mournful C frightened D shameful 9A sadness B regretC hopelessness D disappointment10A direct B clearC straightD bare(3)Small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few wordsthough they mean 1 at the time to the people who say themcan have great power.I recently heard a story from Malcolm Dalkoff, who has been a professional 2 for the 24 years, mostly in advertising.As a boy, Dalkoff was terribly shy and 3 He had few friends and no self-confidence. Then one day, his high-school English teacher, Rut Brauch, asked the class to write their own chapter that would 4_ the last chapter of the novel since they had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it in. Today he cannot recall anything 5 about the chapter he wrote, or what 6 Mrs. Brauch gave him. 7 , what he does remember is the four words in the paper: This is good writing. Four words, they 8 his life.“ 9 I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or what I was going to be, he said. After reading her 10 , I went home and wrote a short story, something I had always dreamed of doing but never believed I could do. 1A much B little C well D ill 2A reporter B designer C writer D teacher 3A slow B independent C troublesome D helpless 4A follow B change C connect D explain5A pleasant B important C different D special6A help B encouragement C grade D words7A Therefore B However C Meanwhile D Besides8A improved B developed C changed D enriched 9A Until B After C Since D While 10A chapter B novel C note D explanation(4)Free to fly with the windOne windy spring day, I observed young people having fun by flying their kites in the wind. Colorful creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the blue and clean skies like beautiful birds dancing. As the strong winds blew against the kites, a 1 kept them in control.Instead of blowing away with the wind, they went up against it to achieve great 2 . They shook and pulled, but the control string and the long tail kept them under 3 , facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to be saying, Let me go t Let me go! I want to be 4 ! They flew beautifully even as they fought the control of the string. Finally, one of the kites 5 in breaking loose. Free at last, it seemed to be saying, Free to fly with the wind.”Yet freedom from control simply put it at the 6 of an unsympathetic wind. It dropped ungracefully to the ground and landed in a wild mass of weeds. “Free at last”- free to 7 powerlessly in the dirt, and to be blown 8 along the groundHow we are like kites sometimes! The Heaven gives us adversities(逆境), limits and rules to _ 9 from which we can grow and gain strength. Control is a necessary opponent to the winds of opposition. We can never go up high enough to achieve our goals sometimes if we lose our necessary 10 or the rules.1A belt B string C wireD wind2A skies B lengthsC depthsD heights3A chargeB repairC condition D control4A quicker B higherC free D quiet5A ended B stuck C failed D succeeded6A mercy B top C bottom D expense7A sit B stand C exist D lie8A patientlyB silentlyC helplesslyD comfortlessly9A escape B follow C breakD suffer 10A opponent B friend C assistant D supporter(5)Nick sat in my classroom after school, five years ago, wanting help on a research paper that stood between him and graduation. An 1 student at the school, he felt much worried about his assignment.Many 2 find themselves in the same position: A child feels lost with 3 and turns to you for help. Not wanting the child to 4 . some parents step in and take over. I could easily tell the 5 between a parents writing style and the students style on homework.Parents often have pure purposes, but the result can be 6 . Theyre cheating their kids out of the very education they want them to get. Allowing children to master a skill 7 lifelong gains.Some ways to help without hurting: Be a model learner. If your child sees you 8 papers, magazines or literature, hell be more motivated to learn. If youre 9 that he or she is falling behind, talk with the teacher about it instead of doing the work yourself.Nick made it through fine. I didnt write his paper. Nor did his mother. Instead, we guided him together. At 10 , we are very happy to see him collect his diploma. But no one was prouder than Nick. He knew what he had done.1A averageB excellent C open-mindedD absent-minded 2A children B teachers C parents D students3A school B homework C research D graduation 4A lose B graduate C succeed D fail 5A difference B similarity C comparison D distance 6A pitiful B successful C harmful D useful 7A results in B comes from C makes up D takes over8A writing B reading C learning D collecting9A sure B anxious C worried D happy 10A classroom B home C graduation D presentation 二议论文解答议论文体的完形填空时要着重把握以下几点:1. 把握作者的观点,不要把自己想当然的观点强加于作者。2. 抓住文章开头与结尾。 ( 1 )What I saw was a great opportunity to provide computing technology in a more efficient way. That was the core(核心) 1 of what became Dell Computer Corporation, and thats one we have been following ever since.I started the 2 with a simple question: how can we make the process of buying a computer better. The 3 was: sell the computer directly to the end 4 . Eliminate (去除) the resellers markup and pass the 5 on to the customers. It hadnt 6 to me that others hadnt figured in out. I thought it was pretty obvious. I am sure if I have taken the time to ask, plenty of people would have told me that my idea wouldnt 7 - I have heard that a lot in the fifteen years since 8 the business.Sometimes its 9 not to ask or to listen - when people tell you something cant work. I didnt ask permission or approval. I just went 10 and did it. 1. A. ideaB. standardC. technologyD. opportunity2. A. serviceB. planC. projectD. business3. A. wayB. answerC. processD. line4. A. supermarketsB. customersC. resellersD. drivers5. A. savingsB. earningsC. incomesD. expense6. A. occurredB. seemedC. appearedD. happened7. A. changeB. workC. understandD. refuse8. A. challengingB. findingC. startingD. beginning 9. A. worseB. betterC. moreD. less10. A. aheadB. outC. onD. along ( 2 ) Five Balls of Life In a university commencement address (开幕典礼致词) several years ago, Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprise, spoke of the relation of work to ones other commitments ( 义务) : Imagine 1 as a game in which you are juggling (耍弄) some five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and youre 2 all of these in the air. You will soon understand that 3 is a rubber ball. . If you 4 it, it will bounce (弹) back. But the other four balls family, health, friend, spirit are made of 5 . If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably (不能挽回的) scuffed (磨损) , marked, nicked (刻痕) , damaged or even shattered (粉碎) . They will never be the same. You must 6 that and struggle for balance in your life. How ? Dont destroy your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is 7 . Dont set your 8 by what other people think important. Only you know what is best for you. Dont take for granted (想当然) the things or persons closest to your 9 . Hold to (抓牢) them as they would be your life, for without them, life is 10 .1. A. workB. relationC. commitmentD. life2. A. keepingB. holdingC. puttingD. flying3. A. familyB. healthC. workD. spirit4. A. playB. patC. dropD. lose5. A. woodB. rubberC. glassD. cloth6. A. repairB. understandC. preferD. support7. A. equalB. carefulC. specialD. valuable8. A. exampleB. goalC. aimD. sign9. A. heartB. seatC. successD. idea10. A. unluckyB. shortC. longD. meaningless ( 3 )It is interesting to observe the way in which children so often react against their parents ideas, while at the same time 1 their parents characteristics. That is to say, the children grow up to have different views from their parents, yet to have 2 personalities. There is a quarrel going on in the toy world at present over whether children should be 3 to have war toys. I do not believe in encouraging war toys, but I dont see any point in forbidding them when I think of the 4 of my friend Henry.Henry is the son of strict parents who were totally opposed to war. He was never allowed toy soldiers 5 a boy , never allowed guns. Henry grew up and went into the army, becoming a first-class soldier and winning all sorts of military honors in a rather fierce unit. He became the opposite in 6 way of what his parents might have expected of their son. And yet there is a gentleness about Henry which shows a 7 personality. There is a sympathetic element about the man which I can see must have come from his family. In 8 of doing things differently from our parents a lot of the spirit gets passed on.Parents in all conscience have to teach their children what they believe to be right; but it is not much your ideas that the children 9 your example. Perhaps the best way to teach ones child gentleness is not to forbid toy guns, but to be gentle in ones 10 everyday life.1. A. have keptB. keepingC.keptD.keeps2. A. differentB. sameC.noD.similar3. A. admittedB. offeredC.acknowledgedD.encouraged4. A. pastB. adventureC.exampleD.experience5. A. suchB. ofC.fromD.as6. A. everyB. thatC.a D.no7. A. quiteB. silentC.peacefulD.calm8. A. spiteB. thatC.whichD.way9. A. followB. do C.acceptD.see10. A. behaviourB.ownC.onlyD.way ( 4 ) Education ought to give students the tools for dealing with real-life situations . In todays ever-changing world, critical-thinking skills are extremely 1 for young people beginning new careers.Successful employees dont just 2 facts and stuff their minds with details like ducks or parrots. 3 , they analyze situations. They understand how different facts fit together to make one big picture , 4 a jigsaw puzzle. They know which facts are more important than others and what makes one event lead to the 5 .Some education officials have begun to realize that too much memorizing has 6 effects on students. Stuffing facts without appreciating their connection makes students 7 learning. When students learn only to confirm, they lose their valuable sense of 8 .Successful societies encourage people to think for themselves and to 9 the world around them. Such attitudes need to be encouraged at school. On the bright side, students can be happy that China is adjusting 10 educational system toward these goals.1. A. agreeableB.impossibleC.remarkableD.valuable2. A. checkB.faceC.hideD.repeat3. A. BesidesB.InsteadC.NeverthelessD.Therefore4. A. atB.forC.likeD.with5. A. firstB.lastC.nextD.second6. A. greatB.negativeC.powerfulD.same7. A. fond ofB.good atC.satisfied withD.tired of8. A. curiosityB.directionC.humourD.safety9. A. askB.inquireC.questionD.reply10. A. itsB.hisC.ourD.their ( 5 ) Have you ever regretted doing s


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