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外研版九年级英语上册Module 9 Cartoon StoriesUnit 3 Language in use 复习学案及点评目标展示内容分析:外研版教材每个模块都有三个学习单元,每个单元都有不同的学习任务,Unit3 是运用本模块所学语言结构与词汇、听说读写技能等综合运用能力培养,所以是Language in use单元。本节课主要复习本模块的重点词汇、重点句型、主要语言点,以复习为主,在复习过程中记录疑难问题。知识目标重点词汇ask for;remember doing / to do ; no one 与none 区别;make 的有关短语;as many as 。语言目标1 The cartoons (which/that)I like have lots of jokes .2 Ive got a camera which has got his name on it .3 It tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys .语言结构掌握which , that , who 引导的定语从句,以及引导词的省略语言功能描述正在发生的事情能力目标学会使用定语从句;能够谈论卡通人物,介绍卡通故事.情感目标通过对几个卡通人物的了解,培养对异国文化的兴趣,了解不同国家的文化。学习策略1自学策略: 能够检索有关卡通的故事、图片以及音像资料。2 合作学习策略: 能够与他人合作介绍卡通作品。【点评】这节复习课学习目标具体明确,兼顾要知识与能力、过程与方法以及情感、态度与价值观这三个维度。尤其是知识目标部分,把本模块的语言知识重点条分缕析地展示出来,使学生复习能够有的放矢。能力目标与情感目标也设置的适合本模块主题。这样设置,除了注重语言的工具性学习,还注重了英语学习的人文性特点,有助于学生了解文化发展的全球化。学习策略安排在目标展示中,是个新创意。课前预习热身(5分钟)一、 基础知识感知I 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1 Are you _ (单身的) or married ?2 Many carton writers are great _ (创造者) .3 Havoc in Heaven has become a _ (普通的) expression to describe the mess .4 Tintin is the cartoon _ (系列) that I like best .5 Animals usually look very _ (可爱的)in cartoons .II 用that, who, which将下列句子连接起来。1. The characters _ my father likes are heroes like Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang.2. He has a new pen _ has got his name on it.3. My sister drew a tiger _ has no ears.4. I met a crying boy _ lost his way yesterday.5. The girl _ often helps me with my English is from America.二、 预习小测1【2012 山东滨州】What are you looking for?Im looking for the ring _my husband bought me last year.A. that B. who C. whom D. it2【2012.广东】43. The woman _ bought a doll for me is my aunt. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which 3 【2011资阳】I hear that Lilys brother is a worker here. Look, the man _ is working over there is her brother. A. who B. whom C. what D. which4 【2011湘西】Do you know the girl _ is singing in the classroom?A. when B. who C. which5 【2012浙江衢州】 What are you looking for? Im looking for the pen_ my father gave me last week. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom设计意图:课前预习热身环节是温故而知新,利用上节课学过的词汇和语法进行复习并导入新课,可以自评,也可以同桌互评,看谁掌握的知识最好。这样可以鼓励学生积极主动参与英语学习活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学习英语的自信心,体验学习英语的成就感,促进学生健康的人格发展,从而形成积极的学习态度。【点评】课前预习热身,紧扣本课课时目标,为学习新内容做好奠基,很好。利用的中考真题进行预习检测,更能够激发学生的挑战心理,同时也起到了预习达标检测的应试训练意义。 “课前预习热身”前面应该加上Step1吧? Step2课堂思维碰碰撞(10分钟)【目标1】ask for 我们在初二学习了ask for,这是个固定短语,意为“向-寻求;咨询-”例如: You can ask for help from your teacher .【拓展】本单元也出现了ask for ,现在我们介绍ask 的其它用法:ask sb to do sth 意为“让某人去某事”,其否定形式为ask sb not to do sth 【演练】The teacher asked Daming _ a question in class . A answer B answering C to answer D answered 思路引导:本题考查 _ 这一固定结构,故答案选 【目标2】辨析remember doing sth 和remember to do sth .还记得我们前面介绍的remember doing sth 和remember to do sth .的用法吗?一起看一下下面的例句,认真分析总结,然后补全结论所缺部分。【观察】(1)I remembered telling him about it , but he hasnt come yet .我记得告诉他这件事了但是他还没有来。(2)Please remember to tell him about it ,because he hasnt know it .请记得告诉他这件事,因为他现在还不知道这事。【结论】remember doing sth 记得做过某事,表示事情_(已做完/ 未做);remember to do sth .记得去做某事(表示事情_(已做完/ 未做)。【运用】Please remember _ us an answer next week .A giving B given C to give D being given 思路引导: 由next week 可知, 这个答复还没给,所以用_.结构故选 .【目标3】辨析 no one 与 none 【辨析】两个词均有“没有人”之意,但no one一般指人,不和介词of连用,做主语,谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。No one can answer my question .none是all 的反义词,可以做代词,既可指人也可指物,意为“没有什么人/事”,它常和介词of连用,当none of 后接可数名词时其谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数;当其后接不可数名词时,谓语动词只能用单数第三人称形式。None of us are/is good at English .【演练】What do you think of the four classics (名著)of China?I hear that they are wonderful, but Ive read _ of them.A. allB. bothC. neitherD. none【目标4】辨析be able to 与can 两者都有“能够”之意,通常情况下可以转换,be able to 可与各种时态连用;can意为“能力”,也可以表示“请求,允许”,只能与现在时或过去时连用。【演练】【2011北京】 Can you ride a horse? No. I_ .A. neednt B. may not C. cant D. mustnt【目标5】与make 有关的短语be made into 被制成- be made of / from 由-制成 be made by 由某人制成 be made up of 由-组成 be made to do 被使得做-make sb. do 让某人做- make sb. + adj 让某人-【演练】【2011呼和浩特】At last the boy was made and began to laugh. A. stop crying B. to to stop to cry C. to stop crying D. stop to cry【目标6】as many as -意为“多达-”【观察】 As many as two billion people watched the opening of the Olympic Games on TV .【结论】其后通常接表示_名词【拓展】as -as 之间也可接其它形容词, 如much , long , far 等, 用于表示数量、长度、距离等。【例1】【2011深圳】 There is a smile on Miss Gaos face. She must be _ with Sams work. think so. No one did as_ as him in our class.A. angry: well B. pleasing; good C. strict, good D. pleased; well设计意图: 本环节是师生同台,以课时目标为核心,师生互动,共同思维,学生在独立思考的基础上与老师的点拨互动,从而激发学生的创新思维,启发学生学会思考。点亮学生思维创新的火光。学生在积累知识的同时也为以后的自主学习打好基础。【点评】Step2通过“观察、分析、结论、演练、拓展”等小环节,真切体现学习的思维过程与学习步骤,并进而达到“学习项目小目标”,不仅能够让学生增长知识,还能够培养学生的思维,指导学生的学习方法,既“授之以鱼”,又“授之以渔”,真的是一举两得,两全其美。把大目标分解为一个个小目标,通过达到小目标进而完成课时大目标,这种做法,不仅可以让学习者思路显豁,还可以感觉就像聚沙成塔,集腋成裘一样点滴积累,同时获取海边拾贝一样的学习的快乐。Step3 语法回顾 (5分钟) 本模块我们学习了which ,that who引导的定语从句,感觉学得不错吧,但是你可能还会觉得些句子很难懂,请看下面的句子:The cartoons I like have lots of jocks .是不是跟我们学过的定语从句不一样了?请看分析,你就会豁然开朗了。【观察】【点拨】这个句子中定语从句的引导词被省略了。这句话完整的应该是:The cartoons (that/which) I like have lots of jokes.再来看下面的句子:【结论】(一) that,which, who,whom的使用that可用于指_; which用于指_;who/whom指_, who可作_ ,whom 只作_先行词有人和物只用_。(二)引导词的省略问题:做主语_省略;做宾语_省略,(可以/不可以)设计意图:语法集中梳理,让学生置身语境之中,在不知不觉中运用了所学知识。这些问题是细节性问题,可以加深对语法的理解,边学边练,强化知识的巩固与运用,实现知识与能力的完美对接,达到事半功倍的效果。【点评】Step3 语法回顾这个环节,把本课时语法重点“定语从句”的难点部分图解分析,把抽象的讲解形象化,让学习者一目了然,设计得新颖巧妙,别具匠心。这样的训练方法,更利于学生学习得法,学有所获。Step4轻松挑战中考(3分钟)1【2011四川广元】Have you finished the bookyou borrowed from the library?A. which B. it C. what2【2011兰州】Jane is one of the students in the class have ever been to China. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom3【2011湖北黄石】Do you know the kid with _Bob is talking over there? Yes, its my cousin.A. who B. that C. 不填 D. whom4【2011襄阳】 - Do you know the man is reading the book over there? -Yes, hes Mr. Green, our PE teacher.A. which B. what C. whom D. who5【2011四川德阳】 The people _ helped us build our hometown are from Beijing. A. which B. whom C. who6【2011广西南宁市】 My grandparents like to live in a house _ is not very big but bright and comfortable. A. that B. who C. what D. whose 答案:A设计意图:初三学生要面对明年的中考,学生未免会紧张,“轻松挑战中考”让学生在平日的学习中与中考零距离,培养应试能力。【点评】Step4“轻松挑战中考”这种“现场练兵”,让学生在实际操作中把握知识,提升能力,能够引导并帮助学生学会知识与能力的迁移,不仅巩固了所学的知识,也达到了学以致用的目的。要知道,学以致用是学习的最高境界,也是学习的最终目的。Step5妙笔生花(20分钟) 任务一【重点词汇】翻译短语1 一个十岁的男孩 2 使某人做某事 【重点句型】根据汉语意思完成下列句子1 他被班里的男生欺负,所以他只在家里玩。He is bullied _ students in his _ , so he _ plays at home .2 在蚂蚁的世界里有一只叫Zoc的蚂蚁。In the ant _ , there is an ant _ Zoc .3 Lucas 学到了很多关于友谊和生活方面的知识。Lucas learns a lot _ friendship and life .教师点评:文章生动地描述了这部卡通片作品,简明扼要地介绍了Lucas 的经历。通过作者的描述,我们仿佛看到了Lucas 的转变过程,我们似乎也和他一起渐渐明白更多关于生活和友谊的事。named此处是过去分词作后置定语。 as-as好-一样 make sb do sth 使某人做某事范文: The Ant Bully The story is about a ten-year old boy named Lucas .He has no friends and he is bullied by students in his class , so he just plays at home .Near his home , he finds an anthill(蚁冢),He bullies the ants with water and makes the ants unhappy .In the ant world , there is an ant named Zoc .He makes Lucas become as small asan ant .Then he takes Lucas to the Queen of the aunt world .Some ants wants to eat Lucas , but the Queen makes him live as an ant .He has to work as an ant .Zocs girl friend Hova often helps Lucas and becomes a friend of his .In the ant world , Lucas learns a lot about friendship and life .写作指导:卡通片常富有一定的教育意义,其内容浅显易懂,却能反映出一定的生活道理,其角色多由神话人物或可爱的小动物充当。描写一部卡通片时,要按照一定的顺序,用简明、生动的语言来反映问题,注意把握卡通片发的主题。任务二:名篇欣赏: It was snowing on the last evening of the old year .A poor girl was selling the matches in the streets ,In the hole day , no one bought her a match .She was cold and hungry .The little girl sat at the corner of a wall .To make herself warm , she struck a match .In the fire , the girl saw a nice house .There were very delicious foods on the table .They were eggs , meat and toast goose .The toast goose was approaching the girl .Suddenly , the fire was out .In front of her ,there was only a think and cold wall .Then the little girl struck another match .She saw a beautiful Christmas tree.There were many presents and candles on it .She wanted to pick them up. But the fire was out again .The little girl struck another match again .she saw her kind grandmother .She cried happily , Grandma, please take me away ! Take me away ! She closed her eyes and forget the cold , hte hunger ,the sadness .She walked to her grandmother happily .The next morning , people found the girl had been dad She was holding the fired matches in the hand at that time .任务三:酷秀炫台 展示学生熟悉的Monkey King 图片,Do you know it ? Can you tell me something about it ?Tets have a try .以学生熟悉的卡通人物导入,让学生感觉有话说,有东西可写,也激发了学生的表现欲和挑战欲。小组互评,找出优秀作品展示。 设计意图:写作环节,这是由读上升到了写,要求学生运用所学词句及语法描述自己喜欢的卡通片,把所学语言运用于实践。既考查学生语言的综合运用,又能开拓学生的思维,我设计的这个写作题目对于学生来说比较熟悉,但是学生第一次写这样的文章有点难度,学生们如何去写,为了让所有学生能有话来说,有事来写,在形式上是不统一的,因此我给学生范文,加上老师的点评,这样学生会更好地掌握写作技巧。让学生们动手写一写,小组互评,最后老师点评,学生发现自己写作中的错误并及时改正。这样既培养他们珍惜友谊热爱友谊的情感还锻炼了写作能力,一举两得。【点评】Step5妙笔生花,这个环节由阅读上升到了写作,要求学生运用所学词句及语法描述自己喜欢的卡通片,把所


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