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高职语法知识主谓一致的考试要点 主谓一致主要按照语法结构的要求和语意的要求两方面来考虑。主要有以下几种情况:一 短语在主语中心词后时以下词语构成的短语出现在主语中心词后,谓语仍和前面的主语部分保持一致,即主谓一致不受此类结构的影响。together with, along with, as well as, accompanied by, rather than, as much as, no less than, more than, besides, including, with, like, etc.The president, along with his bodyguards, was rushed away from the stadium. 总统和他的保镖一起被拥挤着离开了体育馆。I, as much as my husband, was responsible for the loss of our child. 我,和我丈夫一样,对我们孩子的失踪也负有责任。The teacher, together with his students, works part of the week in the lab. 这位老师,还有他的学生们,本周内有一部分时间是在实验室度过的。二 集体名词作主语时下面集体名词作主语时,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词按单数变;如果作为个体看待,谓语动词则按复数变。congress, family, group, committee, organization, army, crowd, team, class, government, majority, minority, public, jury, club, crew, etc.Our team are on the playground having a heated discussion. 我们的队员们正在操场上热烈地讨论。The organization has made some new rules this year. 这个组织今年制订了几项新的规则。The majority of the students come from the north. 大多数的学生来自北方。Class One moves for a second visit to the Great Wall. 一班又一次出发去参观长城。The audience were excited at his speech. 观众们被他的演讲所打动。The audience was so large that the spacious hall was filled to the fullest capacity. 观众是如此之多,以致整个礼堂都挤满了人。注意:1. 群体名词people(人们),militia(民兵), cattle(牛群),poultry(家禽)等通常以复数形式出现。Poultry便是家禽肉时以单数形式出现;表示家禽总称时,以复数形式出现。Are there any police around? 周围有警察吗?When the air-dropped spies were arrested, the militia were on the spot. 空投的间谍被抓住时,民兵们就在现场。 2. 一些表示金钱、时间、度量、重量、价值等复数名词作主语,当表示一个整体概念时,看作单数对待。Forty thousand dollars is enough to pay for the tuition for that private school. 四万美元足以支付那个私立学校的学费。Two days on the train is too long for me. 坐火车两天的路程对我来说太长了。20 kilograms is too heavy for me to lift. 二十公斤太重,我抬不动。三 表示数量意义的词作主语时主语中心词为以下表示数量意义的词语时,遵循语义一致的原则。all, most, half, the number, the rest, the last, the remainder, part, variety, one third, 60%, etc. 1. 当这些词后所跟的名词为可数名词复数时,作为复数对待;跟不可数名词或可数名词单数时,作为单数对待。试比较: Half of the ships were damaged in the storm. 有一半的船在这次暴风雨中受到损坏。 Half of the water in the river is polluted. 这条河里一半的水已被污染。 The rest of the performance is dull. 其余的节目都很乏味。 The rest of the books are on sale today. 其他的书今天降价。 Three fourths of all the surface of the earth is sea. 四分之三的地球表面被海洋覆盖。 Three fourths of the members in the committee are men. 委员会中四分之三的成员是男性。 The number of the new students enrolled in our college is 2000. 我们学院注册的新生是2000人。 A number of students enrolled in our college are foreign students. 许多外国留学生在我们学校学习。2. “one + of/ in + n.”的结构作主语,谓语用单数。若属于“one of + 复数名词+ who/ which/ that 所引导的定语从句”的情形,从句中谓语用复数。试比较: This is one of the most interesting questions that have been asked. 这是已提出的非常有趣的问题之一。 One out of twenty people was chosen for the job. 二十人中选出了一人去做这个工作。注意区别:Only one of the fifty states in the US is an island. 四“the + adj.”结构作主语时1. 表示具有某一抽象特征的一类人时用复数谓语 The blind are taught trades in school. 学校教授盲人学习商贸。 The rich are frequently visited even though they may live in the far-fetched mountains. 富人即使住在遥远的山区也会有人拜访。2. 表示特定的某个人时谓语按单数变 The departed was a good friend of his. 死者是他的一个朋友。3. 指事物的抽象特征时则谓语按单数变The best is yet to come. 最好的还在后头。The worst of the storm is over. 最强烈的暴风雨已经过去。五“and”结构作主语时1. “and(bothand)”作主语,谓语一般用复数2. “and”结构作主语指同一人或物时,谓语动词用单数,即:“and”连接两个名词,这两个名词共用一个冠词时,谓语动词用单数 The teacher and writer was going to give us a speech. The black and white skirt of mine has been ironed. 3. 下列的符合形式构成的同一概念的名词作主语要求用单数谓语动词:a cup and saucer (茶杯茶碟) fish and chips (煎鱼加薯条)the needle and thread (针线) a ball and chain (系有铁球的脚镣)bread and butter (面包和奶油) ham and egg (鸡蛋火腿)law and order (法律与秩序) war and peace (战争与和平)time and tide (时间,岁月) a knife and fork (一副刀叉)the ebb and flow (盛衰,涨落) whisky and soda (加苏打的威士忌)Bread and butter is what they usually have for breakfast. 他们早点吃奶油和面包。Fish and chips is my favorite. 我最爱吃煎鱼加薯条。Laws and order is what the common people wish for a peaceful society.法律和秩序是普通百姓们希望一个安定的社会所具备的东西。Time and tide waits for no man. 时不我待(或岁月不等人)。4包含“eachand, eachand each, everyand, everyand every, noand no”的结构谓语用单数。Each boy and each girl was asked to show their identity card. 每位男孩和女孩都被要求出示身份证。Each soldier and sailor was landed at night on the enemy coast for a secret mission. 全体船员和士兵在那天晚上都被运送到敌人的海岸去完成一次秘密的行动。No money and no food was given to him. 没有给他钱也没有给他食物。5. “one and a half + 名词”作主语被视作单数。One and a half apple was left on the table. 一个半苹果被扔在桌上。六. 代词作主语时1. everyone, no one如果作反意疑问句的主语,反问句的主语用它的代词复数形式。 Everyone has a right to vote, dont they? 每个人都有权投票,不是吗? No one has paid the rent, have they? 还没有人付租金,是吗?2. 由any-, no-, some-, every- 作前缀的合成代词:anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, none, nothing, something, somebody, someone, everything, everyone, everybody 以及either, neither, each 等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 If either of you wants to take a vacation, please let me know. 如果你们中的一个想休假,告诉我。七. 其他主谓一致需要注意的考试问题1. “more than one + 名词”或 “many a + 名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,表示复数的意义。 More than one person has protested against the proposal. 不只一个人反对这个建议。 Many a man thinks that life is worth living on the island. 许多人认为那个岛上的生活是值得的。2“not onlybut also., neithernor, eitheror, either, or”等并列连词连接的两部分作并列主语的时候,谓语的形式变化依据临近原则。“There be”句型中,谓语动词的形式变化也依据临近原则。 Not only water but also sunlight is important for the growth of the plants. 不仅是水,阳光也对植物的生长起着重要的作用。 Neither my mother nor I am fond of sports. 我和我母亲都对运动不感兴趣。 Are you or he late today? 今天是他迟到了,还是你迟到了? There is a book and two pens on the desk. 桌上有一本书和两只钢笔。3单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数形式又可用复数形式,依其意义而定。常考的单复数同形的名词有:means。 All available means have been tried to teach language. 有关语言教学的所有手段都已作过尝试。 Taking part in social practice is a means through which college students can get to know the society. 参加社会实践是大学生了解社会的一种途径/方式。4书名、电影名、文章名等等作主语,谓语动词用单数。书名若是以复数形式出现,仍看作单数。His “Selected Poems” was very popular among young people. 他的诗选集在年轻人中很流行。Snow White and Seven Dwarfs is a very interesting fairy tale. 白雪公主和七个小矮人是一部非常有意思的童话故事。5What-从句作主语和谓语


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