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基础训练:短语默写及翻译一、翻译词组:1让我们一起庆祝 _ _ _ 2装扮成一个鬼_3你最喜欢的节日 _ _ 4制作一张海报_ _5在感恩节 _ _ _ 6特殊的日子_ _7你自己的主意 _ _ 8喜欢吃月饼_9谢谢你告诉我 _ _ 10举行一次特殊的晚会_11在十月三十一日 _ _12玩一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏_ _ _13敲人们的门 _ 14给我们糖作为礼物_15招待我们_ 16捉弄他们_ _17在万圣节_ 18穿着特殊的戏服戴着面具_19. 涂脸 _ 20. 制作我们自己的南瓜灯_21. 刻出眼睛 _ 22. 尖利的牙齿_ _23. 在十月三十一日的晚上 _ _ 24. 许多特殊的巧克力_ _ _25. 喝热饮料 _ _ 26. 万圣节快乐_ _27. 在九点钟开始 _ 28. 吃美味的食物_29. 早饭的时候看报纸 _ 30. 看医生_ _31. 带狗出去散步 _ _ _ 32. 有一个长的假期_ _ _33. 一起学习数学 _ _ 34. 举行一次盛大的聚会_ _35. 去度假 _ _ 36. 穿着特殊服装的人_37. 给一些红包 _ _ _ 38. 每周一和周五_ _ _39. 新年的庆祝活动 _ _ 40. 舞狮子_ _41. 通过收音机 _ _ _ 42. 许多有趣的事情_43. 看烟火 _ _ 44. 在这一年里_ _45. 如此喜欢你的生日_ 46. 在度假_ _47. 我第一次去 _ _ 48. 得到许多礼物_ _49. 剪出卡片 _ _ 50 写一句话_ _51. 画一幅画 _ _ 52. 在另一面_ _53. 设法去记住 _ 54. 把蜡烛放在里面_ _55. 西方的人们 _ 56. 用许多方法庆祝_ _57. 招待他们 _ _ 58.用大的南瓜做灯笼_ _二、翻译句子:1. 你们通常为圣诞节做什么? 我们会举办聚会。_2. 你拿什么招待你们的朋友?_3. 在万圣节那天,我们可以玩不招待就使坏的游戏。_4. 我们住在一个叫苏州的城市。_5. 为什么不和他们开个玩笑呢?_6. 你最喜欢什么节日? 我最喜欢的节日是感恩节。_7.孩子们用刀雕刻出眼睛和尖利的牙齿。_ 8.他们通常在圣诞节相互送礼物庆祝。_ 9.她要在九月十一日那天早晨去见她的好朋友。_ 10.在冬天,大多数人喜欢喝热的饮料,吃热的食物。_ 11.会议将在上午十点开始。_ 12.他把玩具小狗的脸涂成了白色。_ 13.在万圣节,穿一件老虎的戏服是非常棒的。_ 14.我们为中秋节制作了一些特殊的月饼。_ 15.我们举行晚会并且给别人礼物。_ 16.他的父母想要为他开一个盛大的聚会。_ 17. 早饭我经常吃面包和牛奶_ 18.孩子们喜欢彼此捉弄。_ 19.不同地方的人用不同的方法庆祝节日。_20. 我们可以用纸来制作卡片。_ 21. 我想买一件礼物给我的父亲,因为父亲节要到了。_ 22. 请不要捉弄别人。_ 23. 请试着记住黑板上的句子。_ 24. 这是他第一次看电影。_ 25.一年中,哪一天是你最喜欢的?_ 265.我暑假在北京度假。_ 27.在春节的时候他没有拿到红包。_ 答案:一、翻译词组:1)lets celebrate 2) dress up as a ghost 3) your favourite festival 4) make a poster 5) on Thanksgiving Day 6) special days 7) your own ideas 8) like eating moon cakes 9) thank you for telling me 10) hold a special party 11) on October 31st 12) play a game called trick or treat 13) knock on the peoples door 14) give us candies as a treat 15) treat us 16) play a trick on them 17) on Halloween 18) wear special costumes with masks19) paint faces 20) make our own pumpkin lanterns 21) cut out eyes 22) sharp teeth 23) on the evening of October 31st 24) many special chocolates 25) have some hot drinks 26) happy Halloween 27) begin at 9 28) eat delicious food 29) read newspapers at breakfast 30) see the doctor 31) take the dog for a walk/ walk the dog 32) have a long holiday 33) study Maths together 34) have a big party 35) go on holiday 36) the person in special costume 37) get some red packets 38) every Monday and Friday 39) new year celebrations 40) lion dance 41) on the radio 42) lots of interesting things43) watch fireworks 44) in this year 45) like your birthday so much 46) be on holiday 47) my first time to go 48) get lots of presents49) cut out pieces of cards 50) write a sentence 51) draw a picture 52) on the other side 53) try to remember 54) put the candles in it 55) people in the west 56) celebrate in many ways 57) treat them 58) make lanterns out of big orange二翻译句子:1) What do you usually do for Christmas? We often have a party.2) What do you give your friends as a treat? 3) On Halloween, we can play the game called trick or treat.4) We live a city called Suzhou.5) Why not play a trick on them?6) Which is your favourite festival? My favourite festival is Thanksgiving Day.7) Children cut out eyes and sharp with knives.8) They often give presents to each other at Christmas.9) She will go to see her good friend on the morning of September 11st.10) In winter, most of the people like to have hot drinks and eat hot food.11) The meeting will begin at 10 in the morning.12) He painted the dogs face white.13) On Halloween, it is very wonderful to wear a tiger costume.14) We make some special moon cakes for Mid-Autumn Day.15) We have a party and give presents to others.16) His parents want to have a big party for him.17) I often eat bread and milk for breakfast.18) Children like to play tricks on each other.19) People in different places celebrate festivals in different ways.20) We can make cards out of paper.21) I want to buy a present for my father because Fathers Day will come.22) Dont play tricks on others23) Please try to remember the words on the blackboard.24) It is his first ti


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