已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




解题思路 考试不给,需要记忆考试不给,需要记忆 难点难点+重点重点+考点考点 Income Tax Step 1确定确定UK Resident非UK resident,只有UK收入纳税AP时间是时间是4.64.5 Days in UKPreviously residentNot previously resident 90D either two past tax yearsin UK 183D Step 2Trading Profit Details 1先判断Basis PeriodCommencement rule: First 3 BPCessation rule: Last BP ConditionBP1 (start 4.5)BP2BP3 POA 130g/km15% ND Pretrading expenditure Previous 7 years, deductible 前7年内费用可抵扣,超过不行 Individual private useOwners salaryX Excess salary to family memberX同工同酬,超出部分不得抵扣 Private motor, telephone expenseX个人水电煤开销 Goods of own use (+MV)X挪用公司资产,按MV加回来 公车私用X老板个人使用不能扣除,只能扣公司使用部分,可用flat ra OPS职位养老金OPS 老板为员工缴纳部分 NICClass 1A, Class 1 secondary 老板为员工缴纳部分 Loan interestBuy PPE for use in employment 合伙企业或雇佣 Buy interest in employee control 员工控股公司 Invest in partnership 合伙企业 Invest in cooperative 合作机构 Cash income Cash expense = Tax adjusted trading profit / (loss) Motor car expense: using the mileage allowance Details 3Trading loss抵扣NI会导致PA浪费一般来说,选择抵扣trade profit,收益更大 第一种第一种 Loss relief against N.I抵扣抵扣Net income可以当年可以去年可以当年可以去年,抵扣封顶额抵扣封顶额=trade profit + 50000或或25%(总收入总收入PPS),取高值取高值 抵扣顺序:先NSI,再SI,然后DI 第二种第二种 Losses relief against CG 抵扣CGT可抵抵扣当年,也可以抵扣去年。但要先抵扣net income,后CGT 第三种第三种 Carry forward loss relief抵扣未来trade profit没有时间限制没有时间限制 第四种第四种 Early trade loss relief抵扣过去抵扣过去Net income开业头4年的loss抵扣开业前3年Net income,FIFO:1230 第五种第五种 Terminal loss relief抵扣去年trade profit最后12月损失+之前的overlap profit,抵扣前3年利润,LIFO:321 Step 3Employment Income Details 1先判断雇员还是自雇 权利和职责来分析,同F4 Details 2理应获得收入的时间 Employee (2个时间取早)PaidEntitled Director (5个时间取早)PaidEntitled Credited into companys account Period endDetermined约定的时间 Details 3Benefit in kind*XX is exempt benefit (不要忘写)一般都是取高值,除了利息福利一般都是取高值,除了利息福利 Taxable benefitVouchersMonetary voucherFace value Nonmonetary voucherCost to employer Use of company redit card用多少算多少不考虑利息和卡的年费 Living accommodationJob related很有必要,行业管理,安全考虑(满足其一时): Exempt Not jot relatedGeneral+AdditionalJob relatedRent paid by employee Living expenseJob relatedTaxable benefit limit to 10% of net earnings (Net earnings: monetary earnings + other benefit allowable expenditure) Not jot relatedFull expense (cost to employer) Use of asset取高值20% MV(给员工使用时) n/12 contribution paid by employ Rent paid by employer Gift of asset取高值MV when given price paid by employee MV when first used benefit assessed price paid by employe Mileage Allowance企业实际支付官方计算0, Taxable benefit Cash basis for small business (new) 免税额度,要纳税Basic rate: 55/week Higher rate: 28/weekAdditional rate: 25/week Occupational pension contributions by employerOPS+PPS40000,免税,未用完可以顺延未来3年。先当后前 Sports and recreational facilities Outplacement counseling service 裁员后的心理咨询 Works from homeTax free allowance of 4/week paid by employer First mobile phone Child benefit chargeAdjusted Net Income 50,000全额征税 ANI来确定来确定rate/band* Adjusted Net Income = Net Income Gross gift aid Gross personal pension contributions Details 4 Allowable deduction为了工作是可扣除的 Occupational pension自己支付的职业养老金 Professional subscription专业会员资格费 Work at home可以主张deduction for an appropriate proportion of 水电煤电话费用 Donations to charity under payroll deduction scheme可抵扣(就不可以延长税基了,只能2选1) Travel expense只有home 临时工作点、公司分部可抵扣;经停自己办公室后再去,家办公室段不能抵扣 临时工作点定义:工作时间4,250 (Annul limit = cash + share 8years, treat as main pool Speical rate Pool(25YAIA 500,000, WDA 8%WDA 8% 指附着在房屋上的硬装,如通风系统、空气净化、电梯等 Proceeds (limit to cost)TWDV, BC130) WDA 8%WDA 8%Pool只有公司不营业,全部清空时,才计算BC/BA 3 Private use assetCaptial allowance, BC/BA 需 x business use rate% 4 Samll balance on main p当余TWDV b/fcost部分,交税 12个月内补偿金全额购买替代品 rollover relief 补偿金部分投资购买替代品进口袋的钱交税进口袋的钱交税 Special assetWasting chattels有形动产有形动产譬如汽车、摩托等(Exempt)Expected life on disposal 50 years Non wasting chattels譬如字画,古董,珠宝,手稿 Cost6000:Gain(GP6000)X5/3或正常值或正常值, Cost6000, Proceeds6000常规 Cost6000, Proceeds去年,申请降低部分需交罚息interest charge for late paymen 以下情况无需POA,直接来年131前一次缴清即可Previous tax year tax liability 11 mths after penalty dateTax payable * 15% Failure通知新纳税项通知新纳税项目目Maximum penaltyMin penalty/Prompted disclosure Min penalty/Unprompted disclosure 主动坦白 Concealment100%50%30% Deliberate70%35%20% Careless30%12M, 20% 12M, 10% 50%)收到的分红,不计入公司利润,哪儿都收到的分红,不计入公司利润,哪儿都不不 第一种第一种 Trading lossCurrent year relief抵扣Total profits before QCD Carry back of losses抵扣Total profits before QCD得先抵扣当年,扣不完再抵扣过去过去12个月个月 第二种第二种Carry forward loss relief抵扣未来trade profit没有时间限制没有时间限制 第三种第三种Terminal trading loss relief抵扣Total profits before QCD最后12月损失,抵扣前3年利润,LIFO:321 Reduced tax limit改变税基300K 4.612.31按照2014/15 rate Long period of account 譬如2014.1.12015.6.31, 有2个45。则划分为2个CAP,12月+剩余6月。 报税日关账期后的关账期后的9月月+1天天 Groups for capital gains 条件直接控股75% Effective holding 间接控股间接控股50% Holding company is a must,UK公司 Tax effectActual transfer视作夫妻交易,nogain noloss;自动,无需申 Loss包括Notional transfer,即A loss抵B gain;或者反之。End+2年内提 Rollover relief。集团成员视作一个公司,需要共同提出。 Order of claim 注意公司不是同一AP,那只有overlap period才能抵扣 Self assessment and payment of tax by companies晚交晚交CT没有罚金,只有罚息没有罚金,只有罚息 Return递交时间AP end +12月 付款时间小公司:AP end +9月+1天大公司:大公司:3/n*当期当期Tax liability时间:7th,10th,13th of AP#1 & 4th of AP#2个月的14号号 大公司定义:上一年大公司交税按21%或者第一年AP收入直接达到1000万以上 Late submission return 03 month36 month 612 month 12 month 1st & 2nd 100 200 200+10% unpaid tax 200+20% unpaid ta 3rd or more 500 1000 1000+10% unpaid tax 1000+20% unpaid Failure通知新纳税项通知新纳税项目目Maximum penaltyMin penalty/Prompted disclosure Min penalty/Unprompted disclosure 主动坦白 Concealment100%50%30% Deliberate70%35%20% Careless30%12M, 20% 12M, 10% 81,000 30天内给采购方VAT发注销:停止销售应税商品。 Notification: within 30 days of the end of the month 30天内通知HMRC。Registration effect: 1st day of next month通知后次月1号 歇业当天或约定未来某日生效。 Future test充足理由相信,30天内应税销售额 81,000(30天非累计12 Notification: by end of 30days period上述30天的最后一天之前 Registration effect: 通知当天 Voluntary registration即使不满足81,000要求也可。通常是0税商品销售商,Reclaim input VAT 申请退税 注销:明年不含税价销售额2 million,月付税 Tax pointBasic tax point已发货给客户,或已完成服务 由由ATP决定决定VAT PeriodActual tax point (取早)Basic tax point前已开票/付款;或BTP后14天内开票/付款 VAT invoice条件客户是VAT注册,Standard rated sales Time limit30天内开票 内容(发票上没有含税单价发票上没有含税单价)(Supply) (Number) (Address) (VAT) 以及总的含税价 if发票含税价发票含税价50%) 优势可指派集团内1家公司代表集团内所有公司,出一份VAT return报告 Intragroup transactions可不用计算VAT Administratively much easier监管方便很多 All members are jointly and severally liable for VAT liability.共同担责,连带责任 Special schemeCash accounting构成条件刚开始不含税销售 1,600,000,需向HMRC发通知,不再使用cash schem 计算&支付当收到客户付款,或支付供应商时,才计算VAT 优点自动购销坏账automatic bad debt relief 缺点未付款进项税不能抵扣 Annual accounting构成条件同cash accounting 9次预缴+1次汇算清缴计算&支付9次预缴,从4h month, 每月支付去年VAT的10% 1次汇算清缴,在end of year后2月内付款,多退少补 优点减少拖欠几率 缺点预缴根据上年估算,可能不准 Flat rate scheme构成条件(适合更小型的企业) VAT不含税 150,000 ,或VAT含税 230,000 VAT注册的第一年,享受计算&支付VAT payable = Sales (VAT inclusive,3种种rate全包括全包括) flat rate, 1% reduction off the flat rate %优点如果客户不是VAT注册,不需要开VAT发票。 Default surcharge第一次拖欠开单后开单后1年为开票警告期年为开票警告期surcharge period。初犯无罚款。初犯无罚款。 拖欠滞纳金警告期内又拖欠拖欠警告期延期至新警告期开始+1年。产生罚金(见下表)。 *罚金最低金额为30First2% *当罚金 10000 or 1% turnover高值NOYES 需要单独的申报表 税务局control visit查出


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