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Section Learning about Language一、用所给单词的正确形式完成下列句子(每词限用一次)adviseordercommandholdrequest1The young woman for help from her friends.答案requested2The secretary told me to on for a minute.答案hold3Ma Lin has a good of Japanese.答案command4She going there by bus.答案advised5The officer the soldiers to start at once.答案ordered二、单句改错1My friend suggested them to start the work immediately.答案suggestedadvised2I will go to attend the party with their request.答案withat3The president commanded that all of them would think of ways to solve the problem.答案wouldshould或去掉would4The person are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.答案areis5He asked me go to visit the city the next day.答案在me后加to三、阅读理解Canadian EnglishCanadian English is affected by both British and American English.In the vocabulary there are a lot of the US influences:Canadians use billboard,gas,truck and wrench rather than hoarding,petrol,lorry,and spanner;but on the other hand,they agree with the British in saying blinds,braces,porridge,and tap rather than shades,suspenders,oatmeal,and faucet.South African EnglishSince 1994 South Africa has had eleven official languages:English,Afikaans(having developed from Dutch),Zulu,Xhosa and other largely regional African languages.English is the first language of only about 10 percent of the population,but the second language of many others.The English of native Afrikaners has influenced the “standard” English of white South Africans,examples being such informal usages as the affirmative (肯定的)no,as in“How are you?No,Im fine.” and the all-purpose response is it,as in “She had a baby last week,is it?”Indian EnglishTogether with Hindi,English is used across India,but it can also be a speakers first,second,or third language.The grammar of Indian English has many distinguishing features,of which perhaps the best known are the use of the present continuous tense,as in “He is having very much of property.”,and the use of “isnt it” as an ordinary question tag,“We are meeting tomorrow,isnt it?” The first example shows another characteristic of the language,which is using in or of in idiomatic phrases.Verbs are also used differently,with speakers often dropping a preposition or object altogether,“I insisted immediate payment”,while double possessives(所有格)“our these prices”(instead of the British English “these prices of ours”)are common.1What does the underlined word “distinguishing” mean in Paragraph 3?A.Different.B.Same.C.Short.D.Missing.答案A解析第三段所举的例子讲述了印度英语一些不同的用法,因此是指“不同的”。2According to the passage,which group of words is all in American form?A.Billboard,gas,blinds,braces.B.Hoarding,petrol,porridge,tap.C.Truck,wrench,shades,suspenders.D.Lorry,spanner,oatmeal,faucet.答案C解析由第一段第二句可知美国英语中常用到billboard,gas,truck,wrench及shades,suspenders,oatmeal,faucet等词。因此选C项。3What can be learned from Paragraph 2?A.Dutch is one of the official languages in South Africa.B.Zulu is one of the official languages in South Africa.C.Less than 10% of the South African people speak English as their second language.D.More than 10% of the South African people speak English as their mother tongue.答案B解析由第二段第一句可知Zulu是南非官方语言的一种。其他选项与文意不符。4How many distinguishing features of Indian English grammar are mentioned in the passage?A.2B.3C.4D.5答案D解析第三段提到了印度英语语法的五种与众不同的用法,分别是现在进行时的用法,isnt it普遍用于附加疑问句中,习惯搭配中插入in或of等,动词后省去介词(及宾语)和双重所有格的用法。5According to the passage,if you are an Indian,you are most likely to.A.use “blinds” instead of “shades”B.say “The students had an exam last week,is it?”C.use “those suspenders of theirs” instead of “their those suspenders”D.say “The students are going to have an exam next week,isnt it?”答案D解析根据各段所举的例子可知,A项属于加拿大英语;B项属于南非英语;C项属于英国英语;D项属于印度英语。四、完形填空(导学号59720007)(2016全国高考卷)Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device(装置) on your desk.And theyve never actually 1 you.Everything they know about you 2 through this device,sometimes from hundreds of miles away.3 they feel they can know you 4 from the sound of your voice.Thats how powerful the 5 is.Powerful,yes,but not always 6.For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone.Rani,my faceless agent whom Id never met 7,got me rock-bottom prices on airfares,cars,and hotels.But her cold voice really 8 me.I sometimes wished to 9 another agent.One morning,I had to 10 an immediate flight home for a family emergency.I ran into Ranis office 11.The woman sitting at the desk,12 my madness,sympathetically jumped up.She gave me a 13 smile,nodded while listening patiently,and then printed out the 14 immediately.“What a wonderful lady!”I thought.Rushing out 15 I called out over my shoulder,“By the way,whats your name?”“Im Rani,”she said.I turned around and saw a 16 woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip.I was 17!Why had I thought she was cold?Rani was,well,so 18.Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport,I figured it all out.Ranis 19-her warm smile,her nods,her Im here for you 20-were all silent signals that didnt travel through wires.1A.acceptedB.noticedC.heardD.met答案D解析根据上下文可知,很多人只凭桌上一个小小的装置(电话)就有了对你的印象,即使从未谋面。根据句意选met“见面,遇见”。2A.cameB.movedC.ranD.developed答案A解析他们对你的一切了解都来自于这台装置,有时甚至相隔好几百英里。故选came。3A.ThusB.YetC.ThenD.Indeed答案B解析然而他们感觉仅通过你的声音就能了解你是个什么样的人。thus“因此,这样”;yet“然而”;then“于是,接着”;indeed “的确,确实”。根据句意选B项。4A.ratherB.alsoC.justD.already答案C解析根据上下文可知,此处表示“仅仅根据你的声音”故选just“仅仅,只是”。5A.telephoneB.voiceC.connectionD.impression答案A解析根据上下文可知,这个小小的装置就是给人们传递声音,保持联系的电话,故选A项。6A.directB.usefulC.easyD.accurate答案D解析此句承上启下,根据前一句表示“电话的确如此强大”以及but和下文作者的亲身经历可知,有时根据电话里对方的声音就加以判断,也会出现错误。因此accurate“准确的,精确的”符合句意。7A.in personB.by myselfC.in publicD.on purpose答案A解析Rani是“我”素未谋面的一位旅行代理人,我从未见过其本人。in person“本人,亲自”;by myself“单独,独自”;in public“公开”;on purpose“故意”。根据上下文可知A项正确。8A.annoyedB.interestedC.discouragedD.confused答案A解析根据But可知,虽然她给我买到的飞机票等都是最便宜的,但是她的声音冷淡的令我十分不悦。annoyed“生气的,不高兴的”;interested“感兴趣的”;discouraged“感到泄气的”;confused “感到困惑的”。根据句意选A项。注意体会作者的情感。9A.promoteB.trainC.findD. know答案C解析根据句意,她令我不高兴,我有时甚至会有换人的想法。故find符合句意。10A.arrangeB.postponeC.confirmD.book答案D解析一天早上,我家里有急事,急需订票。arrange“安排,整理”;postpone“推迟,延期”;confirm“确定,批准”;book“预订,预约”。根据句意选D项。注意动宾的意义搭配。11A.for the first timeB.at any timeC.from time to timeD.in good time答案A解析因事情紧急,我第一次跑进了她的办公室。根据前文“faceless.never met”可知,此处表示“第一次”,故选for the first time。at any time“在任何时候”;from time to time“有时,不时”;in good time“及时地,迅速地”。12A.expectingB.seeingC.testingD.avoiding答案B解析根据前文,已经面对面相见了,此处表示“看到我抓狂的样子,她同情地跳了起来。”故选seeing。13A.shyB.comfortingC.familiarD.forced答案B解析根据前面sympathetically“同情地”可知,看到我这个样子,她很理解,给我一个微笑,以示安慰。故选comforting。14A.billB.formC.ticketD.list答案C解析根据上下文,此处是已经成功订票,将机票立刻打印出来。故选C项ticket。15A.hopefullyB.disappointedlyC.gratefullyD.regretfully答案C解析根据语境,对方成功帮“我”订到机票,“我”自然要表示感激。因此C项gratefully“感激地”符合句意。16A.carefulB.seriousC.nervousD.pleasant答案D解析根据后文“with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip”可知,作者看到的Rani是个可爱友善的人,故只有D项pleasant符合句意。17A.amusedB.worriedC.helplessD.speechless答案D解析当得知她就是我先前认为态度冷淡的Rani时,我惊呆了,一时语塞。speechless“无语的,说不出话来”符合语境。故选D项。18A.calmB.niceC.proudD.clever答案B解析根据上下文,Rani根本不像我先前认为的那样冷漠无情,实际上她是如此的和善。故选B项。和上文的cold形成强烈的对比。19A.forgivenessB.eagernessC.friendlinessD.skillfulness答案C解析根据上下文可知,作者现在亲眼所见,Rani待人友善,而她的这些表现都是无声的,是不能通过电话线传达出来的。故friendliness符合语境。forgiveness“宽恕,原谅”;eagerness “热心”;skillfulness“灵巧,技巧”。20A.explanationB.attitudeC.conceptD.behavior答案B解析“我就在这里等着你”可以引申为“我随时乐意效劳”,这是Rani的一种乐于助人的处世态度。explanation“解释,说明”;attitude“态度,看法”;concept“概念,观念”;behavior“行为,举止”。故只有B项正确。五、短文改错(导学号59720008)When we learn a language,listening,speaking and writing is important,but reading can also be very helpful.We will usually com


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