



Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.The Second period Section A (3a3c)一、根据汉语提示完成单词。1. I am sure you can _(克服)all kinds of difficulties and enter a good university.2. The disabled boy worked hard and _(毕业)from the Tising Hua University. 3. Mr. Wang is one of the most popular teachers because he is knowledgeable and _(体贴人的)。4. No. 6 school team has better players than _(我们的)。5. As soon as their parents left , the children made the house a_.(一团糟).二、单项选择。( )1.I almost forget the worst thing that _ me last year. A. happened B. happened to C. took place D. take place( )2.The workers were made _ day and night in the old days. A. work B. worked C. to work D. works( )3. I hope you _ my party next weekend. OK, I _. A. to come to, will B. come to, will C. can come to, am D. can come to, will( )4. He asked me to give up working on this math problems. Its too difficult. Here “give up working” means _. A. go on working B. stop working C. stop to work D. work out( )5. Do you still remember _ me somewhere in Kunming? Yes, of course. Two years ago. A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw( )6. There is going to _ an important meeting tomorrow. Please try _ late. A. have, not to be B. have, not be C. be, not to be D. be, not be( )7. There _ a teacher and 40 students in the classroom. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )8. The painting _ to a museum in New York in 2000. A. sells B. was sold C. sold D. is sold( )9. Is Jim at home by himself? No. Theres another boy _ with him. A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play( )10. There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot _. A. conquer B. defeat C. win D. overcome( )11. Tommy, dont _ in your room. OK, mum, I will put away my toys at once. A. take out B. make a mess C. play with D. look for( )12. We went to the park yesterday and we had fun _ volleyball. A. play B. playing C. played ( )13.Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt mater. Dont forget _ it here this afternoon. A. left; to take B. forgot; bringing C. left; to bring ( )14. Please remember your notebook here tomorrow. A. bringing B. to take C. to bring( )15. Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I cant go. I need to _ my baby at home. A. take after B. care about C. take care of 三、 翻译下列句子。1. I remember trying to be on time for morning readings. _。 2. Its time for us to leave our lovely school. _。3. Ill miss the school trees , flowers and our kind and caring teachers. _。4. I remember the days when we helped each other with homework._。 九年级英语第14单元当堂达标题答案第2课时一、根据汉语提示完成单词。解析:根据句意和汉语提示答案分别为:1. overcome 2. graduate 3. caring 4. ours 5. mess二、单项选择。1. 解析:“发生在某人身上”happen to sb. 故选B2. 解析:make 后跟不带to的不定式,被动态时还原to,故选C3. 解析:“希望做某事”hope to do sth.但不可以说hope sb. to do sth. ,此句“hope you.”应该是省略了that的宾语从句, 再结合句意,故选D4. 解析:同义词应是B5. 解析:“记得做过某事”是remember doing sth. 故选C6. 解析:“将有”是There is going to be; “尽力做某事”是try to do sth. 故选C7. 解析:考查there be 的就近原则,故选B8. 解析:考查被动语态,且是过去时间2000年,故选B9. 解析:考查there is/aredoing sth. 故选A10.解析:根据句意是“克服”的意思,故选D11.解析:根据答语可知是“不要弄乱”故选B 12.解析:have fun +doing sth. 故选B13.解析:表示“忘记了某物”left后要有忘记的地点,forgot则不加地点,另,“别忘了去做某事”是forget to do sth.故选A 14.解析:“记得去做某事”


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