



Unit 4 Amazing Science教师寄语:Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale . (生活本身就是最精彩的童话。)Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit 4 Amazing Science (神奇的科学)Topic 2:Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future. ( 对于未来将会被发现的事物我觉得很兴奋。)Section: C 1a-3a ( P93-94) 一课时Learning steps (学习过程): 一、抽测反馈 (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1、Preview the new words(自学新单词 P93-94) 目标:会读、会写,知道单词的意思。要求:先汉译英并写出单词的音标及词性,然后先组内群学,再齐读。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)1)太阳系 ( ) / / _2)古罗马的 ( ) / / _3)上帝,神 ( ) / / _4)直径 ( ) / / _5) 风暴,暴风雨( ) / / _6)重力,引力 ( ) / / _7)重,有重 ( ) / / _8)一般地,通常 ( ) / / _9)旅行 ( ) / / _10)限制,限定 ( ) / / _11)激动,令人激动的事( ) / / _二、学习目标 (Learning target)(1) 1. 学习第93-94页的新词汇,要求会读会写。2. 学习1a的短文,掌握有关火星方面的知识;3. 掌握在原级比较中事物之间倍数关系的句型。学习重点 难点 1、熟记新单词及词组; 2、掌握在原级比较中事物之间倍数关系的句型。三、自主学习 (Self-study)(20)(我最棒)Task1: 组内读93/1a 3分钟,在文中划出重点短语和句子并英汉互译。(目标:能画出对话中的重点短语并能讲出句子的中文。)A:Phrases (短语)1.be named after _ 2.相隔_3.覆盖火星的整个表面_4. be closest to_5.和的2/5一样重 _B:Sentences(句子)1. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.译:_【点拨】name v. 命名, 给取名 n. 名字 2) be named after 以命名 e.g. Chinas first lunar probe was named after Change. 中国的第一颗月球探测器是以嫦娥命名的。2. Its diameter is 53 as wide as that of the earth. 译:_【点拨】1) as形容词/副词原级as 名词 - 和/像一样 【思考】:句中that指代_, 如果前面的名词是复数,用_指代 练习:我们学校像花园一样美。Our school is _ _ _ a park. 2)英语中倍数的表达法为:倍数+as +形容词/副词原级+as 练习:这个盒子是那个盒子的四倍重。 This box is _ _ _ _ _ that box.2. Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers. 译:_【点拨】: at a distance of - 相隔 【拓展】:at/from a distance - 在远处 3. It takes a spaceship about eight months to reach Mars from the earth when the two planets are closest to each other.译:_【点拨】:1)closest 是close 的最高级 当形容词的最高级作作表语时,定冠词the 可省略。 2) be closest to 离最近 Task2:阅读1a判断下面句子的正误。 (Read 1a and mark (T) True or (F)False.)( )1)Mars looks like a red ball.( )2)The temperature on Mars is very high.( )3)Mars is much larger than the earth.( )4)Mars is too far away for us to reach.Task3:根据1a完成1b并核对。P93DiameterColorShapeClimateGravityDistance from the sunTask4: 讨论1c的问题并陈述你的理由。四展示提升 (Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) Task 1: 独立完成P94/2并核对。(选择正确的词完成康康的叔叔从火星上给康康的一封电子邮件。) The answers are :_ _ _ _ _ _ _Task2: 利用列举的事物独立完成3a.(替康康给斯蒂芬叔叔写一封回信了解更多关于火星的信息。)Dear Uncle , Im very glad to receive your e-mail, and I know that the living conditions were quite bad during your journey. _Good luck! Yours,Kangkang五 梳理巩固 (Summary )(4)(我能行)1、记住本节课的所学的知识;2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。六检测达标 (Test in the end ) (5)(我会做)1、根据汉语提示,完成句子。1) If you want to get more _(信息), please call at 62593402.2) There are eight _(行星)in the solar system. Our earth is one of them.3)The _(暴风雨)last night blew down many trees.4)-Im flying to New York to visit my uncle next Monday. - H


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