



杀菌剂1杀菌剂概述植物病害往往是用农药方法处理(例如,杀菌剂,杀线虫剂,杀菌剂)。然而,使用农药来控制植物病害近年来引起了公众的关注,因为某些已经被证明是致癌的有害物质会在环境和食物链中会有富积作用,最终流入人体。同时还包括其他问题如:新菌株的出现、对农药有抗药性的病原体的存在,另外一些公司因注册过程的冗长和开发成本过高拒绝开发新的化学制品。为保持和增加作物产量,农民每年都会使用大量的农药,尽管大量使用杀菌剂,但是它只对会引起农作物减产大约35%的真菌有效。(Bader &阿卜杜勒特,1999)。2杀菌剂的分类已知的杀真菌剂的种类繁多,大体可分为两大类:接触性杀菌剂,如铜(Cu)、硫(S)等有预防真菌孢子萌发的菌丝在植物组织内成长和发展的杀菌剂(尤斯特和gostincar,1999)。系统性杀菌剂,也被称为治疗或根除杀菌剂,可以在菌丝侵入的植物的薄壁组织之前杀死真菌,停止传播或感染其他的植物(尤斯特和gostincar,1999)。苯并咪唑类化合物是一类具有内吸作用广泛性有机杀菌剂。这些类型的化合物在相对较低的应用率内可控制范围广泛的真菌(DELP,1987)。此外,它已被证明,这些化合物可以对植物在生理学上存在有益的作用。例如,苯菌灵(氨基甲酸酯methyl-n-butyl-carbamyl-benzimidazole),就是其中一个最有效和广泛使用的苯并咪唑类化合物,具有萝卜细胞分裂素活性(斯基恩,1972)。多菌灵(苯并咪唑2-il甲基氨基甲酸酯),以及和它性质相似的苯菌灵的活性代谢物,有助与延缓衰老(Triticum aestivum L;特里帕蒂等人,1982)。3杀菌剂的作用机制在一般情况下,大多数杀菌剂的作用是通过抑制能量代谢,阻断生物合成或改变真菌细胞膜来发挥作用的(多明戈斯,1998)。根据细菌在哪里攻击,杀菌剂可以作用于细胞壁,细胞膜,原生质体,其线粒体,核糖体,或核等。因此多菌灵是一个具有系统治疗和保护作用的杀菌剂,它能有效的抑制细菌生殖管的发展,apresoria的形成,与细胞核的增长(汤姆林,1994)。虽然人们普遍认为,这些化合物的活性源于他们对入侵的微生物的直接抗菌作用,并且有关于如何健全强化植物的防御系统可能支持杀菌剂的有效性的流言(Ward等人。,1980),但是在大豆,例如,甲霜灵的有效性,抗卵菌纲真菌的系统性杀菌剂(Fisher &海因斯,1982),与glyceolin积累相关(Ward等人,1980)。后来的报道说,在马铃薯块茎,甲霜灵是有效的抗镰刀菌、链格孢菌,真菌的农药,并且甲霜灵没有直接的毒性(巴拉克等人,1984)。同样地,已被建议的杀菌剂三乙膦酸和Cu(OH)Z,广谱杀菌剂和其他杀菌剂,可以参与激活机体的一些防御反应(客人,1984;nemestothy及客人,1990;琼斯等铝,1991)。在这方面,莫丽娜等人(1998)表明,在拟南芥中与生俱来的植物的防御机制有助于提高各种杀菌剂的有效性。4杀菌剂的药害除此之外,还存在杀菌剂其目标应是具体的简单的想法(一种杀菌剂应对应一种有毒的真菌,昆虫的杀虫剂,等),只有少数文章已经发表对不同的化学产品是否改变或抑制生理机制或植物metabolical活性的问题。在这个意义上,巴德和阿卜杜勒巴吉度(1999)首次发现,杀菌剂的triforin型(三氯哌嗪)具有强烈抑制叶绿体的电子传递反应的药害作用。苯并咪唑类化合物,虽然是有效的杀菌剂,但也会产生药害,可能导致植株矮化或对幼苗生长造成损坏(Marc等人。,1996)。一些产品,如苯菌灵DF(苯菌灵),抑制光合作用(Marc等人。,1996)。最后,多菌灵还存在会不会抑制光合作用而会不会不降低叶面钙(Ca)的水平,促进黄化的问题(Marc等人,1996)。在某些情况下药害的原因已证明是杀菌剂相关产品本身的化学成分问题而造成的宿主细胞和整合细胞代谢后的渗入。因此,马克等人。(1997)表明,dybutylurea,ofbenomyl击穿的产品,对杀菌剂苯菌灵DF药害的产生有特别的作用。苯菌灵其他成分的降解也有助于药剂药害(Marc等人,1997)。了解杀菌剂对植物的生理的影响,加西亚等人。2002。分析的方式是用不同浓度的一种杀菌剂来研究其对生命物质的产生以及颜料的含量的影响,并通过烟草叶面营养水平来测定其应用是否合理。在这个实验中使用的杀菌剂多菌灵(CARB)因为它是在西班牙东南部密集的农业区的生产过程中一个最广泛使用的杀菌剂,并且它是一种广谱性杀菌剂,应用于大量的作物(汤姆林,1994。杀菌剂适用于100%的纯度,在三种不同的浓度:1.3毫米(碳水化合物,1),2.6毫米(碳水化合物,2),和5.2毫米碳水化合物,3)。对照组不应用多菌灵。经过对本实验所有的参数分析,这些研究人员发现,使不同浓度处理的结果与多菌灵具有类似的效果。应用的剂量低于推荐(1.3毫米)导致更大的干重以及更大的氮(N)、钾(K)的浓度比控制。这表明,叶面喷施ofcarbendazim效果对这些重要的营养物质的积累,以及对增长和发展烟草植物都是有益的。多菌灵的推荐剂量的应用(2.6RAM)略有减少的价值,以较小的剂量,为干重,营养水平,所有的叶面颜料,磷,钙,镁(Mg)。这些结果反映了其药害,虽然不严重,但多菌灵对营养状况,色素生物合成,生物量都有一定的影响。因此,结果表明多菌灵对作物有轻微药害,仅部分支持的建议对本产品的使用。最后,这些作者发现的剂量中的应用比建议(5.2毫米)以及所有的叶面颜料,和相对于其他的剂量和控制养分有显著减少。这些数据清楚地表明,这种杀菌剂,应用过量,会导致烟草植物的中毒。此外,经增加剂量的杀菌处理后的作物在老叶上有坏死的症状。总之,实验结果表明,通过对多菌灵的药害作用的研究有利于农业生产过程中避免减产的作用。然而,这在应用率下降将导致对抗病原菌有效性较低的可能性仍然存在,但这个问题需要进一步调查。FungicidesA. USE OF FUNGICIDESPlant diseases are often treated with chemicals (e.g., fungicides, nematicides, bactericides) and, in some cases, with cultivation techniques. Nevertheless, the use of chemicals to control plant diseases has stirred public concern in recent years because of the harmful potential of such substances both in the environment and in the food chain, as some chemicals have been demonstrated to be carcinogenic. Other problems include the appearance of new strains ofpathogens that have become resistant to existing chemical compounds, the gradual elimination of some pesticides, and the refusal of some companies to develop new chemical products due to the long registration process and associated costs (Heydari & Misaghi, 1999). In any case, to maintain, and in some cases to increase, crop yield, farmers apply enormous quantities of chemical treatments of all types each year, but, despite the heavy use of fungicides, an average of 35% of the possible agricultural yield is lost to fungal attack (Bader & Abdel-Basset, 1999).B. TYPES OF FUNGICIDESThe great variety of known fungicides can be classified in two main categories: contact and systemic. Contact fungicides, such as copper (Cu) or sulfur (S) have preventive action by killing the fungi as the spores germinate before the mycelia can grow and develop within the plant tissues (Yuste & Gostincar, 1999). Systemic fungicides, also known as curative or eradication fungicides, can kill the fungus after the mycelia have penetrated the parenchyma of the plant tissue, stopping the dispersal or infection within the plant (Yuste & Gostincar, 1999). Benzimidazoles are a group of organic fungicides with systemic action that are extensively used in agriculture. These types of compounds control a broad range of fungi at relatively low application rates (Delp, 1987). In addition, it has been demonstrated that these compounds can have beneficial effects on the physiology of the plant. For example, benomyl (carbamate of methyl-N-butyl-carbamyl-benzimidazole), one of the most effective and extensively used benzimidazoles, has a cytokinin activity in soy and radish (Skene, 1972). Carbendazim (benzimidazole 2-il methyl carbamate), with properties similar to those of benomyl and of which it is an active metabolite, delays senescence in wheat (Triticum aestivum L; Tripathi et al., 1982).C. ACTION MECHANISMSIn general, most fungicides act by inhibiting the energy metabolism, blocking biosynthesis or altering cell membranes of the fungus (Dominguez, 1998). Depending on where the cell is attacked, fungicides can act on the cell wall, the cytoplasm membrane, the protoplast, the mitochrondria, the ribosomes, or the nucleus. Thus, for example, carbendazim, a systemic fungicide with curative and protective action, inhibits the development of the germinal tubes, the formation of the apresoria, and the growth of the nucleus (Tomlin, 1994). Although it is generally accepted that the activity of these compounds derives from their direct antibiotic action on the invading microorganism, speculation has arisen concerning how the plants defense systems may bolster the effectiveness of the fungicide (Ward et al., 1980). Thus in soy, for example, the effectiveness of metalaxyl, a systemic fungicide active against oomycete fungi (Fisher & Hayes, 1982), has been correlated with the accumulation of glyceolin, an antimicrobial plant phytoalexin (Ward et al., 1980). Later it was reported that, in potato tubers, metalaxyl is effective against Fusarium sp. and Alternaria sp., fungi for which metalaxyl shows no direct toxicity (Barak et al., 1984). Similarly, it has been suggested that the fungicide fosetyl and Cu (OH)z, wide-spectrum fungicides and bactericides, may be involved in activating some defensive responses in the host (Guest, 1984; Nemestothy & Guest, 1990; Jones etal., 1991). In this respect, Molina et al. (1998) demonstrated that in Arabidopsis the innatedefense mechanism of the plant contributes to the effectiveness of various fungicides.D. PHYTOTOXICITYApart from the simple idea that a biocide should be specific in its target (a fungicide should be toxic for a fungus, an insecticide for an insect, etc.), only a few articles have been publishedon the issue of whether different chemical products alter or inhibit the physiological or metabolical activity of plants. In this sense, Bader and Abdel-Basset (1999) showed for the first time that fungicides of the triforin type (saprol) strongly inhibit electron-transport reactions of chloroplasts.Benzimidazoles, though effective fungicides, can become phytotoxic, stunting plant growth and causing visible damage to seedlings (Marc et al., 1996). Some products, such asbenlate DF (benomyl), depress photosynthesis (Marc et al., 1996). Finally, carbendazim does not inhibit photosynthesis but does lower the levels of foliar calcium (Ca), promoting chlorosis in Petunia (Marc et al., 1996). In some cases the cause of the phytotoxicity of the fimgicide proved to be related to certain products resulting from the breakdown of the fungicide itself after penetration of the host cell and integration into the cell metabolism. Thus Marc et al.(1997) demonstrated that dybutylurea, a product of the breakdown ofbenomyl, can be particularly responsible for the phytotoxicity of the fungicide benlate DF. Other ingredients of the degradation of benlate also contribute to the phytotoxicity of the fungicide (Marc et al., 1997). To understand the effects of fungicides on the physiology of plants, Garcia et al. (2002) analyzed the manner in which the different concentrations of a fungicide affect biomass production,the content of pigments, and the levels of nutrients by foliar application in tobacco plants. The fungicide used in this experiment was carbendazim (carb) because it is one of the most extensively used fungicides in southeastern Spain, a zone with intensive agriculture, and because it is a broad-spectrum preventive fungicide, applied to a large number of crops (Tomlin,1994). The fungicide was applied at 100% purity and at three different concentrations: 1.3 mM(carb 1), 2.6 mM (carb 2), and 5.2 mM (carb 3). The control treatment consisted of not applying carbendazim. Taking into account all of the parameters analyzed in this experiment, these researchers found that, in relation to control, the different treatments with carbendazim caused generally similar effects. The application of the dosage lower than recommended (1.3 raM)resulted in greater dry weight as well as in greater nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) concentrations than in control. This reflects the beneficial effect that the foliar application ofcarbendazim can exert on the accumulation of these essential nutrients, as well as on the growth and development of tobacco plants. The application of the recommended dosage of carbendazim (2.6raM) slightly reduced values, with respect to the lesser dosage, for the dry weight, nutritional levels, all foliar pigments, P, Ca, and magne


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