内蒙古翁牛特旗乌丹第一中学高中英语导学案 必修五 unit4 warming-up and readingI(学生案).doc_第1页
内蒙古翁牛特旗乌丹第一中学高中英语导学案 必修五 unit4 warming-up and readingI(学生案).doc_第2页
内蒙古翁牛特旗乌丹第一中学高中英语导学案 必修五 unit4 warming-up and readingI(学生案).doc_第3页
内蒙古翁牛特旗乌丹第一中学高中英语导学案 必修五 unit4 warming-up and readingI(学生案).doc_第4页




备课组 高二英语组 主备人 于晓梅 审核人 孟庆民 课题Unit 4Making the newsPeriod 1Warming Up and Reading I 时间 2) 学习目标:了解新闻媒体 的价值及制作过程学习重点: 掌握词汇及相关用法学习难点: 掌握词汇及相关用法学习方法: 讲练结合 自我查阅, 归纳整合学习内容及过程: Period 1Warming Up and Reading IStep 1.Warming Up and Pre-reading回答下列问题1.How many different kinds of jobs do newspapers have? What are they? reporters chief editor photographer designers printerdeputy editor sub editor critic cartoonist correspondent2. What are the qualities a good journalist needs to have? Discuss in groups and thick the boxes below. Please add more qualities if your like. Very important Important Not very important1 Higher level of education 2 Work experience 3 Good communication skills 4 Curious, active personality 5 Hard-working 6 Enthusiasm for the job 7_ 8_ 3. Give a brief description of your first day at school,being far away from home,your first day abroad. . The following phrases and structures may be helpful:It was the first time that I came to I was very .I were to and 写一篇短文介绍你难以忘怀的一段经历:_Step2. Fast-reading(方法导引:略读或浏览阅读skimming:忽略不懂的句子和生词,快速阅读原文。目的只是为了了解阅读材料的大意。针对这篇文章我们只要回答when ,where ,who ,what ,why and how 的问题)1. Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and answer the questions.1)Where did the conversation happen? _.2) Who were talking? _.2. What does the reading passage mainly talk about? ( )A.The skills necessary to become a good reporterB.The skills necessary to become a good photographerC.How to conduct a good interviewD.Being carefully in the new environmentE.A and CStep3: Careful reading.(方法导引:采用扫描式阅读scanning:进行有目的的阅读,目的是寻找某些资料或信息,对于无关部分可以忽略。)1 Read the passage and then do the True or False exercises.1)Zhou can go out on a story immediately. 2) Zhou took a notebook, a pen, a camera with himself. 3)While interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand. 4)The footballer admitted he took the money. 5)Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school. 6)Zhou is very enthusiastic. 2.Reading and fill in the blanks.Zhou Yangs notesSkillsWe need to be_.To_all the information we need to know,we have to ask many different _.To be a good report, we must have a “_” for a story.When we find people are not_,we must find out the missing part of the _.The importance _of listening.TipsDos_to the answers carefully.Dont be_.Dont talk too much ourselves.Step4. ActivityWhat is news?It is some unusual or uncommon happenings. For example, when a dog bites someone, it is too common to become news. But when you bite a dog, it becomes news!So, can you make a piece of news in one sentence?A man was seriously injured in a car accident at about 7a.m. on the 101 Road because of the heavy fog.Whoa man Whatwas injuredHowseriouslyWhenat about 7:oo p.m.Whereon the 101 RoadWhybecause of the heavy fogCan you make your own news in one sentence?Can you spot them?cover a storyhave a “nose” for a storya trick of the tradeget the fact straight get the wrong end of the stickThis is how the story goes get a scoopW


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