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计算机系统工程本科手册电气工程 电气工程是一个充满活力和创造性地应用于广泛的领域,物理学和数学设计,研究,开发,测试和在社会上流行的今天多样化的产品维修。从手机到智能汽车,发光二极管,自主机器人,从纳米到宏观,电气工程将继续增长,因为我们的多学科,成为技术社会的组成部分。电机工程有趣的一面是:使感觉好像你是一个不可分割的一部分的想法实现。所有的,而你在心里对自己说:“我不能相信他们付钱给我打这么多的高科技玩具,也帮助的别人!“重点及相关课程:嵌入式控制,信号与系统,微电子科技,电子学导论重点领域:通信,信息和信号处理,控制,机器人技术和自动化,微电子及光电子技术,电路和计算机硬件设计,等离子和电磁工程。 电力就业和职业机会:电子工程学士学位的毕业生提供了一个广泛领域的技术骨干。从设计的传感器汽车行业实施的国防企业创造影像产品电路医疗领域,电气工程师能够在许多技术领域的科学思想。据Jobweb,职业发展和新的大学毕业生的网站,电气工程是在顶部工程工作在所有学位课程的需求曲线具有非常明显的优势领先其他工程学科为M.S.和博士学位。该部还预测美国劳工的就业人数增加10.8到2014年。此外,每年平均工作机会最多的电气和电子工程师在23,000。通常,在第一年后,学士学位,两年来,年轻的工程师将结识公司的产品,期望和程序,才能选择一个技术利基。这可能利基包括设计,开发,实施,测试和各种技术鉴定。论这项工作,汲取实际经验,补充了课堂所学的理论。出于这个原因,实习或合作在此之前,为职业生涯早期的成功毕业增加机会。在2007年春季,零售物价指数升高,学生参加合资公司,如IBM公司,GE能源,宝洁,普拉特公司惠特尼,高级微设备公司和Mitre公司。如需合作或资料实习参观事业发展中心,他们在/dept/cdc/网站。“在工程科学学士与电气工程专业学位,也可作为一个在许多其他领域的工作范围从商业到法律,医学,政治,高起点,既然问题解决在电力工程项目获得的技能提供了一个非常宝贵的资产。同样的技能将装备你担任领导角色在您的社区和专业圈子以外的工作场所。“(2001年电机及电子学工程师联合会公司)管理和电气工程是成为一个有技术专长,以及在领导需要流行的组合。从决策一技术的角度来看,往往要求并在其愿望是鼓励电气工程师 领先。金融业也成为电气工程师主要雇主。 本科生科研,研究生院:大多数电气工程师最终以继续读研究生,他们进一步发展与领先的技术专长到新的目标应用和令人兴奋的领域。继续教育是需要研究的一个事业,发展。通常M.S.学生追求的财政援助,他们的学位的雇主。在博士课程EE的学生可以计划全额资助,包括学费这些方案和津贴等基本上是免费的。参与本科生研究项目(后备警察股)是一种很好的方式,了解研究和研究生课程。更多细节本科生科研上可以找到的网页。计算机系统工程 计算机与系统工程领域,是一个动态的创造性适用于计算机的设计,开发,测试和广泛的产品实施数学。从安全的无线网络,到医疗成像系统,从自主移动机器人,在人脸识别安全系统,从飞机控制系统,测绘世界,从分布式水污染传感器到下一代互联网,从手持游戏,MP3播放器,这些系统零售物价指数建造的电脑工程师。计算机与系统工程有趣的一面是:利用各种计算机和冷静设备,真正了解他们是如何工作的同时,也看到了巨大的积极影响,他们有对社会和我们的生活质量。重点及相关课程:嵌入式控制,电路,信号与系统,计算机成分及运营,计算机结构,网络和操作系统,遥感和成像,为工程应用概率。重点领域:自动化控制和机器人,通信和信息处理,计算机图形学与应用,计算机硬件,计算机网络,计算机系统,制造,计算机视觉,超大规模集成电路设计。就业和工作机会:计算机与系统工程毕业,学士学位提供了一个广泛领域的技术骨干,享受巨大自由选择他们想要的项目上工作的类型。在许多情况下,计算机工程师可能决定把重点放在建立一个工具或一个产品,满足了需要,他们所热爱的。例如,电脑工程师谁遭受了损失他或她的家庭因疾病可能投资其能量开发软件,医疗设备管理或协助带回的音乐享受有人带着深厚的听力损失。据Jobweb,生涯发展与新网站 大学毕业生,计算机和计算机工程正处于工程的就业需求曲线顶端有学位的水平,尤其是对M.S.和博士学位。职业生涯 总体而言,信息技术为基础的职业生涯机会仍然非常强劲,并预期将导致未来就业增长良好。通常,在第一年后,学士学位,两年来,年轻的工程师将结识公司的产品,期望和程序,才能选择一个技术利基。这可能利基包括设计,开发,实施,测试和表征和各种软件硬件技术。在工作中,根据经验补充理论在课堂学到的手。出于这个原因,实习或毕业前,早期的成功在这个职业的机会增加合作社路径。目前,RPI的学生都参加了合作,如IBM公司,GE能源公司老年退休金计划,宝洁,普惠,高级微设备公司和Mitre公司。欲了解更多关于合作社或实习信息,请访问职业发展中心,并在他们的网站/dept/cdc/。管理和计算机工程技术正在成为一个有需要的人气组合专业知识的领导。决定从技术角度看决策是经常寻求和鼓励在电脑工程师的愿望是领导。金融业也成为一个主要用人单位注册安全工程师执业毕业生。计算机和系统工程师谁到毕业学校去寻找去超越寻求解决当前的需要,但看向未来的技术项目,并通过指导发现和创新。本科生科研,研究生院:除了学士学位,CSE的方案还提供硕士和博士学位。在MS程度可以作为一个终端学位或准备用于博士学位计划。继续教育是需要在研究和发展的事业。通常M.S.学生们从他们的追求与雇主的财政援助的程度。博士生EE的学生方案可以计划的全部财务支持,包括学费和奖学金等此类方案基本上是免费的。在本科研究项目参与(后备警察股)是一个很好的学习方法关于研究人员及研究生。对大学生研究更多详情,可在接受ECSE部后备警察股在/urte/index.html网页。在美国劳工部(/oco/ocos027.htm)提供了各种信息工程领域和统计有关工资和工作前景。探索与工程事业这些劳动部门的联系。工作性质训练,其他资格和地位就业就业前景预测收入与工资相关职业其他信息来源。通知责任 学生的责任 要知道他们的顾问的办公时间,电子邮件地址,并呼吁时间表。制作并保存,约会,并准备通过审查登记的模板提供意见,班小时附表SIS的,与课程规划提供咨询和项目工作表(CAPP系统)。你把你的CAPP出席会议的副本。制定课程有关的问题,当然选择,职业选择等随身携带一份问题清单。成为他们的学业和个人需要了解和需要时寻求协助。它的确定请向您的指示顾问。要明白,他们的顾问的角色是提供信息,并提醒你,但不为你的决定。我们的目标是成为一个积极的参与者,他们的每一个学生教育,不仅在伦斯勒但他们在生活的时间。顾问在整个一年接触到学生发表办公时间。如果一个顾问将要离开从一个较长时期的校园,他或她应该张贴的姓名和办公地点他们的办公室外候补顾问,让学生有其他建议的资源。预留登记通知指定的时间和个别讨论。要对当前的课程要求,知识渊博的学术政策和程序,转介和校园资源,工作机会的主要领域。要引导学生通过学术课程,以补充他们的个人,教育, 和专业利益。 ELEMCTRICAL AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGElectrical Engineering is a dynamic and broad field that creatively applies physics and mathematics tothe design, research, development, testing and maintenance of diverse products prevalent in society today.From cell phones to smart cars, Light Emitting Diodes to autonomous robots, nano to macro, electricalengineering continues to grow as an integral part of our multidisciplinary, technological society.The fun side of Electrical Engineering is: Feeling as if you are an integral part of making an ideareality. All the while you think to yourself, “I cant believe they are paying me to play with so many hightech toys that also help people!”Key & Related Courses: Fields & Waves I, Embedded Control, Signals and Systems, MicroelectronicsTechnology, Introduction to ElectronicsAreas of Concentration: Communications, Information and Signal Processing; Control, Robotics, andAutomation; Microelectronics and Photonics Technology; Circuit and Computer Hardware Design. Plasma Engineering and Electromagnetics; Electric PowerEmployment and Career Opportunities: Electrical Engineering graduates with a bachelors degree provide the backbone for a wide variety of technological fields. From designing sensors for the automotive industry to implementing circuits for defense companies to creating imaging products in themedical field, electrical engineers enable scientific ideas in many areas of technology. According toJobweb, a career development and website for new college grads, electrical engineering is at the top of theengineering job demand curve at all degree levels with a very clear lead over other engineering disciplinesfor M.S. and PhD degrees. The U.S. Dept. of Labor also projects a 10.8% increase in employmentthrough 2014. In addition, annual average job opportunities are highest for electrical and electronicsengineers at 23,000.Typically, during the first year or two after a bachelors degree, the young engineer would get to know thecompanys products, expectations, and procedures before selecting a technical niche. That niche mayinclude, design, development, implementation, testing, and characterization of various technologies. Onthe job, hands on experience, supplements theory learned in the classroom. For this reason,internships orco-ops before graduation increase chances of early success in this career path. In Spring 2007, RPIstudents are participating in co-ops with companies such as IBM, GE Energy, Proctor & Gamble, Pratt &Whitney, Advanced Micro Devices, and Mitre Corporation. For more information about co-ops or internships visit the career development center and their website at /dept/cdc/.“A Bachelor of Science degree in engineering with a specialty in electrical engineering may also serve asa starting point for careers in many other fields, ranging from business to law, medicine, and politics,since the problem-solving skills acquired in an electrical engineering program provide an extraordinarilyvaluable asset. The same skills will equip you to assume leadership roles in your community and inprofessional circles outside the workplace.” (2001 IEEE, Inc.) Management and electrical engineering isbecoming a popular combination with a need for technical expertise in leadership. Decision making froma technical point of view is often sought and encouraged in electrical engineers whose aspirations are tolead. The finance industry has also become a primary employer of electrical engineers.Undergraduate Research and Graduate School: Most electrical engineers eventually continue on tograd school where they further develop their expertise with the goal of leading technology into newand exciting areas of application. Continuing education is needed for a career in research anddevelopment. Usually M.S. students pursue their degrees with financial assistance from theiremployers. EE students in doctoral programs can plan on full financial support which includes tuitionand stipends so such programs are essentially free. Participation in an undergraduate research project(URP) is an excellent way to learn about research and graduate studies. More details aboutundergraduate research can be found on the ECSE Department URP webpage at/urte/index.html.COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Computer and Systems Engineering is a dynamic field that creatively applies computers andmathematics to the design, development, testing and implementation of a wide range of products. Fromsecure wireless networks to medical imaging systems, from autonomous mobile robots to face recognitionsecurity systems, from aircraft control systems to mapping the world, from distributed underwaterpollution sensors to the next generation Internet, from handheld games to MP3 players, these systems arebuilt by RPI computer engineers.The fun side of Computer and Systems Engineering is: Using all kinds of cool computers andequipment, and really understanding how they work, while also seeing the huge positive impact they haveon society and our quality of life.Key & Related Courses: Embedded Control, Electric Circuits, Signals and Systems, Computer Components and Operations, Computer Architecture, Networks, and Operating Systems, Sensing and Imaging, Probability for Engineering Applications.Areas of Concentration: Automatic Control and Robotics, Communications and Information Processing, Computer Graphics & Applications, Computer Hardware, Computer Networks, ComputerSystems, Manufacturing, Computer Vision, VLSI Design.Employment and Career Opportunities: Computer and Systems Engineering graduates with a bachelors degree provide the backbone for a wide variety of technological fields and enjoy tremendousfreedom in choosing the types of projects they want to work on. In many cases, a computer engineer maydecide to focus on building a tool or a product that meets a need they feel passionate about. For example,a computer engineer who suffered a loss in his or her family due to illness might invest their energy ondeveloping software that manages medical equipment or help to bring back the enjoyment of music tosomeone with profound hearing loss. According to Jobweb, a career development and website for newcollege grads, computing and computer engineering are at the top of the engineering job demand curve atall degree levels, especially for M.S. and PhD degrees. Overall, information technology based careeropportunities remain exceptionally strong and are expected to lead job growth well into the future.Typically, during the first year or two after a bachelors degree, the young engineer would get to know thecompanys products, expectations, and procedures before selecting a technical niche. That niche mayinclude, design, development, implementation, testing, and characterization of various software andhardware technologies. On the job, hands on experience supplements theory learned in the classroom.For this reason, internships or co-ops before graduation increase chances of early success in this careerpath. Currently, RPI students are participating in co-ops with companies such as IBM, GE Energy,Proctor & Gamble, Pratt & Whitney, Advanced Micro Devices, and Mitre Corporation. For moreinformation about co-ops or internships visit the career development center and their website at/dept/cdc/.Management and computer engineering is becoming a popular combination with a need for technicalexpertise in leadership. Decision making from a technical point of view is often sought and encouragedin computer engineers whose aspirations are to lead. The finance industry has also become a primaryemployer of CSE grads. Computer and Systems Engineers who go on to graduate school are looking to gobeyond seeking solutions to immediate needs but look to project and steer future technologies throughdiscovery and innovation.Undergraduate Research and Graduate School: In addition to the BS degree, the CSE program alsooffers MS and PhD degrees. The MS degree can be a terminal degree or used as preparation for a PhDprogram. Continuing education is needed for a career in research and development. Usually M.S.students pursue their degrees with financial assistance from their employers. EE students in doctoralprograms can plan on full financial support which includes tuition and stipends so such programs areessentially free. Participation in an undergraduate research project (URP) is an excellent way to learnabout research and graduate studies. More details about undergraduate research can be found on the ECSEDepartment URP webpage at /urte/index.html.Career LinksThe US Department of Labor (/oco/ocos027.htm) provides information on the variousfields of engineering and statistics concerning salary and job outlooks. Explore engineering careers withthese Department of Labor links.Nature of the WorkTraining, Other Qualifications, and AdvancementEmploymentJob OutlookProjectionsEarnings & WagesRelated OccupationsSources of Additional InformationAdvising Responsibilities Students responsibilities To know their advisors office hours, email address, and advising schedule. To make, and keep, appointments and prepare for registration


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