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奥乐教育中考总复习之一般现在进行时一. 1.现在进行时的构成:Am/is/ are+ v-ing是现在进行时的构成形式v-ing现在分词的构成: 一般情况 +ingfalling以不发音字母e结尾的单词去e, +ing having以重读闭音节结尾的单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母时.双写词尾字母+ingputting2. 否定 be not3. 一般疑问句把be动词前提. Are you watching TV?4. 特殊疑问句在一般疑问句前加上特殊疑问词。E.g. what are you doing?二现在进行时的基本用法1表示说话时正在进行的动作常和now连用,有时用一个动词如look(看)、listen(听)来表示now(现在)这一时间概念。 Look!A train is coming. Listen!He is playing the piano.2表示现阶段正在进行着的动作但不一定是说话时正在进行。常和at present(目前)、this week(本周)、these days(这几天)等时间状语连用。 What lesson are you studying this week?(说话时并不在学)3现在进行时有时可用来表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作即是说可以用来代替将来时,但此时,一般要与表示将来的时间状语连用,而且仅限于少量动词。如:go(去)、come(来)、leave(离开)、start(开始)、arrive(到达)、return(返回)、sleep(睡觉)、 Are you going to Tianjing tomorrow? How many of you are Coming to the party next week? 4 be going to+动词原形这一句型表示即将发生的事或打算(准备)做的事,我们把它归在将来时里了。 she isnt going to speak at the meeting.注意:如果没有表示将来时间的状语,此类句子就可能指现在或现阶段的动作。 Where are you going next week? 用现在进行时表示将来时,因为有next week这一时间状语。 Where are you going?因为没有表示将来时的时间状语,所以就按句型来翻译,即现在进行时。5 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别一般现在时表示经常性的动作;而现在进行时表示暂时性的动作。 He walks to work.(习惯、经常性的动作) Hes walking to work because his bike is being repaired.(只是暂时的情况)Where does he live?(询问一般的情况)Where is he living(staying)?(询问暂时一段时间的情况)6 现在进行时有时可用来代替一般现在时,表达说话人的某种感惰,使句子有强烈的感情色彩。常与always,forever连用。 You are always forgetting the important thing.你总是把重要的事情忘掉。(表达出不满的情绪)Mary is doing fine work at school.玛丽在学校学习得挺不错。专项练习一. 将下列各词变成相应的现在分词形式read _ have _ clean _ wacth _ get _ begin _ make _ swim _ wash _ play _ write _ sing _ _dance _ ride _ eat _give _ visit _ see _ put _ sit _ cook _二、按要求改写句子 1. The boy is playing basketball.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“ playing basketball”提问:_对“The boy”提问:_2. They are singing in the classroom.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“singing”提问:_对“in the classroom”提问:_3. The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问)4. The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问)5. She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)6.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句) 1. What _ you_(do)?2. I_(sing) an English song.3. What_ he _(mend)?4. He_(mend) a car.5._you_(fly) a kite? Yes,_.6._she_(sit) in the boat?7._you_(ask) questions?三、单项选择1.我在照看孩子. A. I am looking after the baby. B. Im look aftering the baby. C. I look am aftering the baby. D. I looking after the baby.2. _friends making _a kite. A. I, me B. My, my C. My, me D. His, his3. Is the woman _ yellow your teacher? A. in B. putting on C. wearing D. having4. Look! The twins _ their mother do the housework. A. are wanting B. help C. are helping D. are looking5. _are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where6. Is she_something? A. eat B. eating C. eatting D. eats7.你在干什么? A. What is you doing? B. What are you do?C. What are you doing? D. What do you do?8. What are you listening_? A. / B. for C. at D. to9.我正在听他说话. A. I listening to him. B. Im listening to him.C. Im listen to him. D. Im listening him.10. They are _ their clothes. A. makeing B. putting C. put away D. putting on11. Listen! She _ in the classroom. A. is singing B. sing C. to sing D. is sing12. Today Jim_ his white shirt and brown trousers. A. is putting on B. wear C. put on D. is wearing13. _are you eating? Im eating _ meat. A. What, some B. Which, any C. Where, not D. What, a14. They_ TV in the evening. They do their homework.A. are watching B. cant watching C. dont watch D. dont watching 15. The children _ football. A. is playing B. are playing C. play the D. play a16. They are flying kites. A. 他们喜欢放风筝. B. 他们在放风筝吗? C. 他们在放风筝. D. 他们常放风筝.17. Look! They are swimming in the river. I want _ you. A. to go with B. go with C. helping D. help18. Look! Lucy is _a new bike today. A. jumping B. running C. riding D. takeing19. Look. Lucy is_ a new bike today. A. jumping B. running C. riding D takeing20. The children _ football. A. is playing B. are playing C. play the D. play a21. They _TV in the evening. They do their homework. A. are watching B. cant watching C. dont watch D. dont watching22. Listen! She_ in the classroom. A. is singingB. sing C .to sing D. is sing23. Look! The children_ basketball on the playground. A. plays B. played C. is playing D. are playing24. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing25. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having26. Listen! The baby _ in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries27. Look! The twins _ new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing28. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. Sleep29. We _ music and often _ to music. A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening30.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework. Aare wanting B help Care helping Dare looking31._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree. AWho BWhat CHow DWhere32.Jane _ swimming every Sunday. But she _ computer games now. A goes; plays B is going; is playong C goes; is playing33.-Look! Maria _ now.-Well,she usually _ after class. A is singing; sings B is singing; is singsing C sings; is singing三. 用括号中动词的适当形式填空: 1. My parents _(watch)TV now. 2. Look. Three boys _(run). 3. What _ your mother _(do)now? 4. _ your dog _ now?(sleep) 5. _ you _(listen)to music? Yes, I am. 6. Listen, someone _(sing)in the classroom. 7. Where is Zhang Yan? She _(talk)with her teacher in the teachers office.8.Her parents can _. They are _now. (swim)9.Listen! Joan is _(sing) in the classroom. She often _ (sing) there.10. Where _ you _ (have) lunch every day? 现在进行时专练2I.用括号中动词的适当形式填空: 1.Myparents_(watch)TVnow.2.Look.Threeboys_(run).3.What_yourmother_(do)now?4._yourdog_now?(sleep)5._you_(listen)tomusic?Yes,Iam.6.Look,MissChen_football.(play)7.Tomandhissister_(wait)foryouoverthere.8.NowClass3andClass4_(have)atest.9.Listen,someone_(sing)intheclassroom.10.WhereisZhangYan?She_(talk)withherteacherintheteachersoffice.II.选择填空:()1.Who_overtherenow?A.singingB.aresingC.issinging()2.Itsnineten.Thestudents_amusicclass.A.haveB.havingC.arehaving()3.Listen! Theboy _.A.cryingB.iscryingC.cries()4.Donttalkhere. Grandparents _.A.sleepB.issleepingC.aresleeping()5.Istheman_teaormilk?A.drinksB.drinkC.drinkingIV.按要求进行句型转换:1.Look!Lilyisdancing.(改为一般疑问句)_2.Kateislookingforherwatch.(改为否定句)_3.MrsWhiteiswatchingTV.(对划线部分提问)_4.Iamdoinghomework.(改为否定句)_5.Theyarewaitingforyouatthelibrary.(就划线部分提问)_V.根据中文提示完成句子:1.小花不是在写作业,她在画画。XiaoHua _homework.She_pictures.2.今天李老师穿着一件红色的连衣裙。MissLi _areddresstoday.3.你爷爷在看报纸吗?_yourgrandpa_thenewspaper?4.Tom和Jim在做什么?_TomandJim_?5.他们是在打篮球还是在打排球?_they_basketball_volleyball?6.孩子们在干什么?他们在唱歌、跳舞。_thechildren_?They_and_.7.你喜欢跑步吗?不。_you_?No,_.VI.改错:1.Peoplelikeswiminginsummer.()_2.Heisgoingtogotheparkwithhismom.()_3.Areyoulistentome?()_4.Inotwritingaletter.()_5.IsshestillhelpingLiLing?()_.将下列句子译成英语:1.在这张照片中,我的小弟弟在吃冰淇淋。_2.你在等谁?_3.现在,他们在打篮球吗?_4.我正在打扫教室。_5.那个男孩不是在弹吉它。_.在A、B栏中找出相应接应语: A B()1.Whatlanguagedoyouspeak? a.Korea.()2.Howareyou? b.Yes,Iam.()3.Whereareyoufrom? c.No,hedoesnt.()4.Doyoulikeapples? d.Its8:00.()5.AreyouwatchingTV? e.French.()6.Doesyourbrotherhaveatoyplane?f.At9:00p.m.()7.Whattimeisitnow? g.Yes,Ido.()8.Whattimedoyouusuallygotobed?h.Fine,thankyou.阅读理解:MrGoing-to-doEverySaturdayJohntalkstoMrSmith.Healwayssaysheisgoingtodosomething.“ Imgoingtocleanmyhousetoday, ”hesays,or“Imgoingtowashmycartomorrow, ”or“ Thesetreesinfrontofmyhousearetoobig.Imgoingtocutthemdownnextweek.”MrSmithusuallysays,“Areyou,John?”Heknowshisfriendisnotgoingtocleanhishouse,orwashhiscar,orcutdownanytrees.Thenhesays,“Well,excuseme,John.Imgoingtodosomeworkinthehouse.”Andhedoes.MrSmithoftensaystohisonlychildDick.“Areyougoingtodosomething?Thendoit!DontbeanotherMrGoing-to


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