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市级赛区决赛(高中大学组)1. Format:l 第一环节:我是能随机应变的沟通者:选手现场抽题和评委老师沟通,本环节重点考察选手在设定沟通对象和任务,和临时加入道具(图片)的情况下,对沟通技巧的掌握;测试选手在虚拟沟通环境中,完成沟通任务的能力,以及想象力、运用道具的表现力等综合素质。时间不超过180秒,含准备时间60秒。1. Represent a teenager who wants to stay out longer in the evening. Persuade the parents to agree with you. Parents point 1: There will be an exam tomorrowParents point 2: You have poor academic performance these days.Parents point 3: There will be an important interview very early tomorrow morning.Parents point 4: too much computer game time is bad for your improvement.2. Represent a teenager who wants to travel with the friends. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Parents point 1: There will be extreme weather there.Parents point 2: What if the money is the lost?Parents point 3: You are not independent at all.Parents point 4: Your plan is to have the adventure. Its dangerous.3. Represent a teenager who wants to be a superstar in the future. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Parents point 1: You are not good at singing at all.Parents point 2: You are not unusually good-looking Parents point 3: You should carry on the family tradition by becoming a doctor.Parents point 4: Your dancing is horrible.4. Represent a teenager who wants to be an athlete in the future. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Parents point 1: You should carry on the family tradition by running own business.5. You are going to rent an apartment with the friend. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Waste moneyWorriedNot independent6. In a room full of parents, what advice would you most like to give them?7. Represent the parents who want their offspring to stay at home and do their homework. Persuade the offspring to agree with you.Too stressedNeed time to relaxIts vacation time8. Represent a teenager who wants to use the pocket money to travel alone during the summer vacation. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Parents point 1: There will be extreme weather there.Parents point 2: What if the money is the lost?Parents point 3: You are not independent at all.Parents point 4: Your plan is to have the adventure. Its dangerous.9. Represent a teenager who wants to use the pocket money to buy a new computer. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Just for playing computer gamesMoney is not enough to buy a computer.Reading is better for you.10. Represent a teenager who wants to have a party with friends at home. Persuade the parents to agree with you.Too noisyNo time to prepareThe house is too small for a party11. You are applying for a job as a chef. Persuade the employer to employ you.You are not good at cooking at all.You were late for the interviewYou look untidy.12. You are applying for a job as a teacher. Persuade the employer to employ you.You dressed as a supermanYou were late for the interviewYou look too nervous.13. You are applying for a job as a firefighter. Persuade the employer to employ you.You are afraid of fire.You are not strong enough to be a firefighter.You were late for the interview14. You are applying for a job as a journalist. Persuade the employer to employ you.You look too nervous.You were late for the interviewYou dont like talking.15. You are applying for a job as an English News reporter. Persuade the employer to employ you.You look too nervous.I cant understand your report.16. You are an English teacher on a summer course. Talk to one of your students who is always late for class and never listens to you to persuade him to study harder.English is so difficult for me.Id like to have fun with friendsPlaying computer games17. Your parents are making you take an English course this summer. But you dont like it because its boring. Talk to your parents to give you more free time.Parents point 1:You feel hard to learn English.Parents point 2: You have poor academic performance.Parents point 3: There will be an important interview in English soon.Parents point 4: too much computer game time is bad for your improvement.18. You believe that you will be the different person twenty years from now, in the year 2032. Talk to your friends how different you will be.19. You believe that the world will be different fifty years from now, in the year 2062. Talk to your friends how different the world will be.20. Represent a salesperson who wants to sell the mobile phone to a customer.Sorry, I cannot hear you and speak to you.I bought iphone4 two days ago.I never use cell phone.Im a salesperson, too.21. Represent a salesperson who wants to sell the second-hand clothes to a famous person.I like fasion. They are out of fashion.I like brand clothes only.People will laugh at me.22. Invite one of your foreign friends to get to know your country and is planning a tour. 23. Represent a businessperson who recommends the hometown as a perfect venue for a business conference.There will be a bad weather in your hometown.Its too expensive for 50 people to go to your hometown by air. Its out of budget.l 第二环节:讨论题:此环节5人/组进行讨论,准备思考时间30秒/人(共同计时),自我表达时间60秒/人,自由讨论时间180秒/组。Keeping animals in zoos and circuses to entertain human-beings is selfish and inhumane. Do you agree?People spend far too much money on household pets. They would do better to have fewer cats and dogs and to use the money to help poor and hungry people. What do you think?Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive?Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property or shop doorways?Cultural differences cause problems. It is better for people to stay in their own countries rather than to migrate to other ones. Do you agree?Would you prefer to live in a monoculture or a multi-racial society? Why?It is better to study major international languages like English rather than to spend time on minority languages for the sake of regional identity. Do you agree?Governments should give regions in their countries more autonomy so that they can protect and enjoy their own cultures rather than serving the centralized policies of the capital city. Do you agree?Religion as a school subject should include all the major world religions - not only the majority religion in the country concerned. Do you agree?Free trade policies are always better than protectionist ones. Do you agree?Countries should try to become self-sufficient in food and basic necessities. Do you agree?Is day school always a better alternative to boarding school?Should rich people be permitted to buy educational advantages by sending their children to private schools or should all schools be run by the state?Which system do you favour for measuring childrens progress -final examinations or continuous assessment?Do our consumption habits destroy the habitats of other species?Do you think that developers should be permitted to build big hotels and tourist complexes in the most beautiful places in your country?Should the private motorist be made to pay more heavily through higher road tax, petrol prices, parking fees and motorway tolls?Should cars be banned from city, town and village centers?Does your country need stricter laws to punish noisy neighbours or discos which play loud music late at night?Should countries try to grow all their own food or is it better to depend on trade to meet your food needs?Do you prefer to book holidays through travel agents or to make your own arrangements? Describe your best and worst holidays?What are the advantages and disadvantages of TWO of the following forms of holiday accom


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