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de0884 research planproject title : exploring applicable techniques to design an eco-friendly house in indonesiai n t r o d u c t i o n based on bachelor degree experience which is architecture and current programme which is ma interior design, writer is interested in nowadays issues, which is global warming issue. realizing that designers are able to take part on answering this issue, writer is interested in gaining more knowledge to find the solutions for this issue. strengthened by another reason which is writers home country, indonesia especially jakarta, the capital city. jakarta is a very dense and high polluted city, a big different with newcastles condition. therefore, interior design with consideration to those issues is a necessity for indonesia. considering that zero usage of electricity is almost impossible, eco-friendly in this research means to maximize the natural energy whenever possible in order to minimize the use of electricity, create a passive design concept. hopefully, it will save more money for users and reduce negative impact to environment. currently, house designs in indonesia are not concerned enough about this eco-friendly issue, only a small part of it which is starting to introduce this concept. to be able put it into practice; writer needs to be equipped with more knowledge from this research. this research would be useful for persons who are trying to find a way of how to design an environmentally friendly architecture or interior design. and hopefully, this research could be useful as well for persons who are undertaking similar research around environmentally friendly design, or green design, especially for tropical countries. the outcome of this research could be valuable for urban area designers, since most urban area are having the same problem. furthermore, if more people realize that we need to consider these issues in our designs, they will implement it on their next project. and we could create a better living environment for us and generations to come. a i m the aim of this enquiry is to find out ways and techniques to design an eco-friendly house which are possible to be applied in indonesia. then, writer will apply those techniques on ma design final project. this will be approached with the question what are the applicable techniques to design an eco-friendly house in indonesia? o b j e c t i v e s in order to achieve the focused answer and intended design, sequence of tasks are necessary to be completed: define and identify eco-friendly house design identify the necessity of eco-friendly house design perform literature search and review regarding eco-friendly house perform literature search and review regarding indonesias condition interview professional for relevant information perform a case study of similar design analyze all obtained data through various forms of research select analysed data which are possible to be applied combine selected data to be applied for intended design evaluate the outcomes of this research to ascertain it is applicableinitially, to define and identify eco-friendly house means to find a right and deeper meaning about it. to identify the necessity of eco-friendly house design, writer needs to give an introduction regarding global warming issue. next is to perform literature search and review regarding eco-friendly design and indonesias condition. for eco-friendly design, possibly about techniques and materials to design with consideration to environmental friendly issue in order to maximize the use of natural energy. regarding indonesias conditions, it would be about its potential to be used and its defective part to be avoided. after those data are obtained, writer needs to analyze them and match one another, find the applicable techniques to create an eco-friendly house in indonesia. next, to select analysed data and combine them to be applied for intended design (an eco-friendly house). finally, to analyze its outcomes to make sure that it is applicable. l i t e r a t u r e r e v i e w as we already know that natural resources which used to produce the energy are almost finished, since they are non-renewable. this occurrence cause the rising cost of energy. therefore, eco-friendly house will become more effective. building means destroying the environment! as an architect and interior designer, that is a reproach that we often hear. however, by building with consideration to environmentally friendly, hopefully this judgment will slowly disappear. roaf et al (2007, p.24) stated that there are 3 principles which every building should be based on, they are: design for a climate, design for the physical and social environment, and design for time, a day or night, a season or the lifetime of a building and design a building that will adapt overtime. she also described some techniques to achieve an ecohouse, such as materials selection, ventilation, health and happiness in the home, passive solar design, and using water wisely. williams (2007, p.xxiii) said that projects should be designed to collect, store and then distribute sustainable energy and resources, since the largest resource is sustainable natural energy. based on kaufmann and remick (2009, p.35 p.58), there are 5 principles for eco-friendly house design: smart design, eco-materials, energy efficiency, water conservation and healthy environment.trulove (2006, p.8) believed that sustainable buildings will play an important role in creating a better environment. because, sustainable building materials are no longer rare and costly, and sustainable technologies are not experimental and economically questionable anymore. there are some techniques which can be applied in order to achieve an eco-friendly house design, which are: providing adequate natural light in order to minimize daytime energy consumption, proper siting of the house and placement of windows in order to take advantage of natures contribution to heating and cooling, and the use of native plant materials for landscaping, as well as capturing rainwater for irrigation. more developed technologies, such as solar roof panels for electricity, and geothermal heating and cooling can be utilized as well, as long as the savings in energy costs allow recovering the additional costs. recycling concept possible to be used in materials, the use of recycled lumber, steel and rags can contributes to the well-being environment and its bottom line as well. this recycling concept can be utilized in grey-water and rain-water harvesting as well. according to strongman (2007, p.8 p.11) there are two key strategies in designing a sustainable house: reducing the amount of energy to construct the building in the first place and minimizing the buildings reliance on energy when it is used. regarding materials, it should be employed economically: the smaller quantities used, the less energy needed for extraction, production and transportation. and about techniques to cut the energy consumption in the finished building, she mentioned about some ways, there are: to include thermally massive materials which store and release heat gradually over time, therefore house can regulate its internal temperature. the uses of insulation to keep the house cool in the summer and trap heat inside in the winter. solar gain can be utilized through extensive south-facing glazing, while protective shades offer a passive means to prevent the house from becoming uncomfortably hot during then warmer months. some ways will also make the best use of natural daylight, all artificial light and appliances should be low-energy or energy-efficient. natural ventilation should be provided by manual operated windows and doors with cross ventilation system. water collection systems can harvest rainwater or treat grey water from sinks and showers for reuse in gardens or toilets. strongman also believed that there is no single optimum design for a sustainable home: the possibilities are continuous and the prospects are exciting. she described some materials and techniques which can be used in order to achieve the eco-friendly function, they include: construction materials, renewable energy, floor surfaces, wall coverings, fabric, furniture, lighting, appliances, heating, bathrooms, and kitchens. climate of indonesia, to be exact jakarta, the capital city (bmkg, 2009) reported separately between temperature, wind speed, and humidity. the average temperature is approximately 26c, average wind speed is about 2,8 knots; average humidity is around 78,5%. the main variable of indonesias climate is not temperature or air pressure, but rainfall. it is totally tropical and the constant warm waters ensure that temperatures on land remain steady. winds are moderate and generally predictable, with monsoons usually blowing in from the south and east in june through september and from the northwest in december through march. located on the equator, the archipelago experiences relatively little change in the length of daylight hours from one season to the next; the difference between the longest day and the shortest day of the year is only forty-eight minutes. therefore, crops are able to grow all year round (climate of indonesia, 2009).m e t h o d o l o g y this research implied in evaluative type of research. since it purpose is to find out answers of research question what are the applicable techniques to design an eco-friendly house in indonesia? based on literature review, interview and case study. it is more about a deeper evaluation regarding particular subject. in order to facilitate those objectives of this research, a series of tasks has to be completed. literature search and review are prepared for 2 different approaches. first one regarding eco-friendly design, it would be around techniques to design environmentally friendly or green houses and also include its sustainable materials. books with content around sustainable design, ecological houses, environmentally friendly materials, et cetera. williams (2007) provides excellent information regarding the necessity of sustainable designs and some examples which can be learned and developed. kaufmann and remick (2009) provides some information regarding eco-principles and some sustainable materials. roaf et al (2007) gives some techniques on how to maximize natural energy and minimize electricity in houses. trulove (2006) and strongman (2007) give some examples of sustainable home and guides regarding techniques and materials which should be used to achieve its eco-friendly purposes. second one regarding indonesias condition, would be around its climate and natural conditon which probably would be obtained from indonesian body of meteorological climatological and geophysical and wikipedia. this review would be to find out the potential of indonesias natural energy which could be used and its defective part which should be avoided. for interview, possibly would be a semi-structured interview to an architect or interior designer with eco-friendly design knowledge, or possibly to an expert of sustainable design. interview would be performed to architect or interior designer who have not implement eco-friendly concept as well, in order to find out the barries that burden them. for case study, an existing similar design (an eco-friendly design) would be a possible subject to be evaluated and reviewed. in order to find out the strengths of that design to be developed and its weaknesses to be avoided. case study probably would be conducted for 2 projects. first one would be an eco-house in surabaya, indonesia and second one would be safari roof house, a sustainable home in kuala lumpur, malaysia. since indonesia and malaysia are quite similar for their climate and nature conditions. after all information is collected, analysis part will begin. those information regarding eco-friendly design techniques should be analyzed in order to find techniques which would be applicable for indonesias climate and nature condition. once the applicable techniques are chosen, it should be combined to be applied in intended design. however, those chosen techniques needs to be analyzed further for more convinced outcomes. the final se


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