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河北师范大学高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文乱世佳人对21世纪女性的启示专业:英语本科考生姓名:张永慧考生所在单位:唐山三友集团准考证号:020303100626导师姓名:黎新华联系电话成日期:2013年 1月31日gone with the wind the revelation of the 21st century womenbyzhang yonghuiprof. li xinhua, tutorsubmitted to the b.a. committee in partialfulfillment of the requirements for the degreeof bachelor of arts in the english departmentof hebei normal universityjanuary31, 2013摘要乱世佳人是一部巨著,它为我们描绘了美国南北战争时期年轻人的爱情故事。女主人公斯嘉丽在战争的演变过程中也经历了个人的婚姻生活。三次婚姻均有不同的原因、经过和结果,也折射出斯嘉丽的性格特点以及对待感情生活的态度。她敢爱敢恨、自强自立的鲜明个性,与传统的南方女性迥然不同。另一位女主人公梅兰妮身上具备着斯嘉丽所不具备的优点,仁慈忠厚、宽容真诚。我们通过阅读这部著作,可以学习两位女性的优点,而摒弃她们的缺点。特别是作为21世纪的新女性,更要学习斯嘉丽的自强自立以及梅兰妮的自尊自爱,处理好事业和家庭的关系,创造出更加美好的生活。关键词: 斯嘉丽 爱情 婚姻 事业 家庭 abstract gone with the wind is a masterpiece, it describes for us young peoples love story during the american civil war. the heroine scarlett had also experienced the marriage life in the evolution process of war. her three marriages were different in the reasons,the processes and the results, but all reflected scarletts character and attitude towards love life. her distinct personality, daring to love and hate,self-reliance, was totally different from the traditional southern women. another heroine melanie had advantages that scarlett did not have,kind and honest, tolerant and sincere.through reading this book, we can learn the advantages of the two females and exclude their disadvantages. especially as the new women in twenty-first century, we should learn scarletts self-reliance and melanies self-esteem, handling the relationship between career and family, to create a more wonderful life.keywords: scarlett love marriage career familycontentsintroduction.1 chapter gone with the wind writings profile.21. about the author.22. the main characters in the book.33. the main story.4chapter scarletts first marriage.71. background .72. experience .73. ending .8chapter scarletts second marriage.91. background .92. experience .103. ending .10chapter scarletts third marriage.121. background .122. experience .123. ending .13chapter scarlett inspiration to us.151.scarlett s character.152. scarletts marriage views on love.163. we get inspiration. 17conclusion .19bibliography.20introduction the thesis sorts out and analyzes “gone with the wind” heroine scarletts love and marriage,and further reveal the character of the heroine. the thesis reveals scarletts concept of marriage and love by introducing scarlett s three marriages experience.the first marriage with charles was because she got angry when ashley refused her love, and soon she became a widow; second times with franks marriage was in order to save tara manor, similar to the first end; third with rhett s marriage because she could not resist the material temptation and rhetts hard in pursuit, and in the end she was abandoned since she had been to think constantly of ashley. scarlett loved ashley, but her love was blind.eventually by the death of melanie, scarlett knew his true colors and found her true love, but it was too late. scarlett had distinctive personality, daring to love and hate, daringe to think and do. she had many advantages but also had many disadvantages.we can see her character and attitude towards love from her three marriage processes. as women in the twenty-first century, we should learn from scarletts self-reliance spirit and melanies self-esteem, becoming more perfect women.chapter gone with the wind writings profile1.about the author the author of gone with the wind is margaret mitchell who was born in a family lawyer in atlanta, georgia, usa in november 8, 1900.she had been studied at the theological seminary in washington and from smith college in massachusetts.later because her mother died , she had to dropped out of school to support her family.during 1922 to 1926 ,she worked as a reporter of the local newspaper the atlanta daily. she began the creation of gone with the wind in 1926.ten years later,she finally finished it. the publication of gone with the windbrought mitchell overnight fame,though it was her only book. mitchells father had been atlanta historical society president. during the civil war, atlanta fell into the hands of the northern army generals schulman in 1864.then this became a favorite topic of atlanta residents. since childhood onwards, margaret always heard her father and his friends talking about the civil war, even among the residents. when the 26-year-old margaret decided the creation of a civil war novel, atlanta naturally became the background of the novel. after a failed marriage, marguerite married john moore stephens who was the advertising director of georgia heating company. in 1926, due to the leg was wounded, margaret had to resign from the newspaper. in husbands encouragement, she was committed to the creation.in nearly 10 years, margaret seldom talked to her friends about her manuscript. although many people were aware that she was creating, but almost no one knew what she was writing specifically. the spring of 1935, the editor of the macmillan publishing company, harold la semu was soliciting contributions around the country. when he came to atlanta, occasionally heard that margaret wrote the book. at first, margaret denied that she wrote the novel, because she did not believe publishers would be interested in southerners s view of the civil war. as a result, the day before la semu left atlanta, margaret just sent him her manuscript already beaten and nearly five feet thick. in july of the same year, macmillan decided to publish the novel, tentatively named tomorrow is a new day.since then, margaret spent half a years time to cross-check the specific time and place of the historical events in the novel. she quoted the american poet ernest - dawsons long poem xin lanas poem, the title of the novel gone with the wind instead. at the same time, the macmillan company also made a lot of publicity. therefore, on june 30, 1936, once the great works of the unknown writer was available, the sales immediately broke a number of records of the u.s. publishing industry: the highest daily sales of 50,000; six months before the issue of 100 million books; 2,000,000 .subsequently. the novel won the pulitzer prize in 1937 and the association of american publishers award.the year the novel came out, hollywood would be a consideration of $ 50,000 purchased the rights to gone with the wind adapted into a movie. produced by david selznick, directed by victor fleming and other two men , clark gable and feiwenlili starred in, the movie gone with the wind came out in 1939.august 11, 1949, mitchell and her husband went out to see a movie and was knocked down by a speeding taxi. five days later, she died at the age of 49 years old and was buried in atlantas oakland cemetery.2. the main characters in the bookscarlett: the heroine of the book, the daughter of tara gerald. she was the most beautiful, the most personality girl in clayton. she was capricious, vain and stubborn, selfish, pragmatic and often dismissive of the moral traditions of the south. starting from girlhood,she had been blindly adored ashley. she pique married melanies brother charles because of ashley and melanies engagement. in order to pay taxes to rebuild tara, she was willing to sabotage her sisters love and married frank. in the face of difficulties, extremely amazing strength and courage she showed. rhett butler was deeply attracted by her charm. she never saw rhett butler and ashleys position in her own mind, and eventually lost the love of rhett butler. but she was strong enough to tell herself that she must have a way to get him back around her.ashley: typical southern family children, handsome, weak character, the decline of an aristocratic society, decadent atmosphere. he realized he was much different in character with scarlett, and thus married fragile melanie.after the war, all the old order of the south was broken. he was useless, and also lack the ability to operate scarletts sawmill.melanie: ashleys wife. quiet, gentle, pure goodness, fraternity tolerance, focused almost entirely on the excellent quality southern women should have before and after the civil war.although physically weak, but her strong and brave was no less than scarlett. during the siege of atlanta and rebuilt in tara, she had a deep friendship with scarlett.throughout she deeply loved scarlett, also tolerant, trust scarlett. finally, she risked her live for a second pregnancy and died for this.rhett butler:the most complex, the sharpest vision of all the characters in the book. he was a bad son of a noble family in the south, stubborn, shrewd, cunning, war profiteers. his behavior was deeply despised by the southern high society. however, in many ways, he embodied the soul of the noble place, such as the love to childen, non-discrimination servants, etc. he deeply loved scarlett, and had long been awared that she and he were very similar to each other.after franks death, he married her. however,scarlett could not comprehend his love for a long time, and he was heartbroken. after his daughter bonnies death, his love to scarlett was then all broken.gerald: scarletts father, irish, rude and frank. in the war his wife was sick to death, and his heart died,too. finally, when riding across the manor fence ,he fell off and passed away.ellen: scarletts mother, south door lady, gentle and beautiful, during the war died from typhoid fever.suellen: scarletts sister, franks fiancee. selfish and awkward. finally married will.karin: scarletts sister, kind and quiet. for her sweetheart died in the war, she entered the convent after the war.charles: melanies brother, shy. shortly after married scarlett, unfortunately fell ill and died.pitt the pat: melanies aunt. timid by nature, not assertive, failing easily excited and fainted.bonnie: rhett butler and scarletts daughter, lovely, won all peoples love. rhett butler loved her deeply. unfortunately, she died in a riding hurdle.frank: suellen fiance, 40s, naturally timid. after the war,he operated a shop. scarlett married him to get his money to save the manor. later he participated in the three k party, and was shot to death in a conflict.3. the main storyeve of the outbreak of the civil war in 1861, taras rich princess scarlett fell in love with the son of another manors son ashley, but ashley chose his cousin - the gentle kind korea melanie for lifelong companion. scarlett out of jealousy, the first to marry a korean melanies brother charles. soon, the american civil war broke out. ashley and charles as conscription on the front. charles died in the war soon. scarlett ohara became a widow, but her heart had been in love with ashley.the day once held the bazaar dance, scarlett ohara and the personable businessman rhett butler acquaintance. rhett butler began the pursuit of scarlett ohara, but she refused. scarlett obsessed with the idea to pursue ashley, results also rejected. during the war,southern u.s. army failed. atlanta, the city was crowded with the wounded soldiers. scarlett and melanie voluntarily joined the nursing profession to take care of the wounded. witnessed the horrors of war brought, headstrong scarlett ohara matured a lot. at this time, the news came from the front, over the northern army fighter, a lot of frightened people began to flee their homes. unfortunately melanie to have a baby, scarlett had to stay to take care of her. the date of the northern army arrived, scarlett begged rhett butler to help her and korea melanie who had just given birth to a child, back tara. rhett butler told scarlett he could not witness the defeat of the confederate army rather than to help. he would participate in the confederate army combat. he left behind a pistol and scarlett kissing farewell. scarlett had a lone bravely driving a horse-drawn carriage back to tara.this time her home had been looted by northern soldiers, and mother died in frightened. near the end of the war,life was still distressed. the rulers of the north forced the lord of the manor to pay heavy taxes. scarlett ohara was in desperation and went to atlanta to find rhett butler to borrow money, but learned that he had been in jail. returning of the way, scarlett met upstart frank who was going to marry her sister. in order to revive the family business of bankruptcy, she defrauding frank and married. scarlett unlawfully employed prisoners in the timber mill of frank, and made big business with northern businessman. at this point, rhett butler restored the frhettom with money. the two accidentally met again and expanded the love-hate relationship. because frank and ashley joined a secret anti-government organization, a rally was surrounded by northern forces. frank was shot to death. ashley wounded fled, back to melanie side with rhett butlers help. scarlett became a widow again. at this point, rhett butler came to ask her to marry him. she finally got married with rhett who always loved her and who got rich by engaging in the smuggling of arms and food. after marriage, the couple lived in atlanta luxury mansion. a year later, their daughter bonnie was born. rhett butler put all feelings into bonnie. scarlett occasionally read ashleys photos and was found by rhett butler, and eventually led to the rupture of their relationship. subsequently, on the eve of ashleys birthday, scarlett and ashley met and hugged warmly which caused others criticism.but korean melanie did not believe there was the ambiguous relationship between them. rhett butler did not think so. when scarlett told rhett butler that she had become pregnant again, rhett butler asked incredulously whose child it was. scarlett was ashamed and angry. she would beat rhett butler but accidentally causing a miscarriage down the stairs. rhett butler felt guilty, determined to bury the hatchet with scarlett. unexpectedly, while they were talking, little daughter bonnie accidentally crushed to her death. at the same time, the unfortunate thing was also happening in another family. melanie was bedridden due to overwork. before death, she entrusted her husband ashley and her son to scarlett ohara, but asked her to keep it a secret.scarlett desperately rushed into ashleys arms, hugged him tightly.standing by the side, rhett butler could not take it anymore , and walked away. facing heartbroken ashley who had no response to her, scarlett finally understood her loved ashley did not exist in fact and whom she really needed was rhett butler. when scarlett went back home to tell rhett butler that she loved him really, rhett butler no longer believed her. he was determined to leave scarlett and return home to look for the good things. standing in fog-shrouded courtyard, abandoned scarlett thought of the words which father had said to her: in the world only the land will be in with tomorrow. she decided to keep her land to re-create a new life.she was looking forward to the arrival of a better tomorrow.chapter scarletts first marriage1. background the good old south, the sun warm, the soil thick, the natural resources rich and the folk was simple. blacks and whites got along and it was like a paradise on earth. high society adhering to the elegant knight cultural,regular weekly meetings held at the barbecue, the young people happily drinking and talking. men and women, wanton wandering around in the world of love. in april 1861, the relationship between the two sides of the american civil had been very tight. georgias men were talking about this war which could not be avoided. tara manor geralds eldest daughter, scarlett, had been over 16 years old. she had no interest in the topic of war.addition to dance and outing outside, she cared the group of admirers who were turning around her everyday. in fact, her heart had long been in love with a person who was another manors son ashley. while scarlett had been maintaining close contacts with him, but ashley was polite to her , never revealed to her feelings of love like. scarlett felt very anxious, but she could not put down a womans self-esteem to take the initiative to express her love to him. and scarlett had always thought her beauty was unmatched locally, the young lads would be attracted to her easily, ashley must also obsessed with her, sooner or later, he would propose to her.2. experiencewhen scarlett heard that the next day the wild banquet, ashley wilkes and melanie would announce engagement, she was unknowingly startled. she had been like ashleys gentleman with his handsome looks, and thought no matter what aspect sh


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