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中学英语教学法 第四次导学课 主讲:陈道明 (华南师范大学外文学院) 第四次导学课内容 Teaching Writing (第一版Unit 11,第二版Unit 12) Integrated Skills (第一版Unit 12,第二版Unit 13) 关于期末考试 Teaching Writing (第一版Unit 11,第二版Unit 12) Topics for discussion: What, why and how do we write? A communicative approach to writing Problems in writing tasks in existing textbooks and classroom teaching A process approach to writing Motivating students to write 6. Designing writing tasks 7. Writing through the internet 8. Three approaches to writing A communicative approach to writing To motivate students, it is necessary to engage them in some act of communication. Either writing for a specific recipient (e.g. a letter to a friend), or: Engaging in an act of creative writing where their work is intended to be read by other people. In short, students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements. However some writing activities can be between “writing for learning” and “writing for communication”. Some examples of writing tasks: are they for consolidating language, or are they for communication? (2nd ed.: 209-11) e.g. 1 (p. 209) e.g. 2 (p. 209) e.g. 5 (p. 210) Problems in writing tasks Deficiencies of writing tasks in existing English textbooks: They are mainly accuracy-based. They are designed to practise certain target structures. There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage. - There is no sense of audience. There is no sense of authenticity. Students are given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own. There is no opportunity for creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or original ideas. Compare 2 examples: e.g. 1 (p. 212) Writing Write about the sports which you like. Use phrases like these: I dont like I enjoy My favourite sport is I quite like I prefer to I like because e.g. 2 (p. 213) An E-friend has written to you and has described the sports he likes most. Write an Email to him and tell him your favourite sports too. (A sample letter is presented here.) A process approach to writing Features of process writing: Focus on the process of writing; Help students to understand their own composing process; Help to build strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting; Give students time to write and rewrite; Place central importance on the process of revision; - Let students discover what they want to say as they write; Give students feedback throughout the composing process to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention; Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers; Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composing. Main procedures of process writing include: Creating a motivation to write, Brainstorming, Mapping, Free writing, Outlining, Drafting, Editing, Revising, Proofreading, Conferencing Creating a motivation to write The first thing a teacher needs to do to teach writing Create a clear purpose or a reason to write. Therefore, the topic for writing should be familiar, meaningful and relevant to students life and interest. Brainstorming, Students can list all the ideas related to topic on a piece of paper or on the blackboard. The important thing is to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideas that come their minds. Brainstorming Smoking Bad for health Expensive Pollute the air Dangerous Waste money cause lung cancer Bad for non- smokers Cause fire Mapping SM OKING dangerous cause fire pollute the airbad for health expensive waste of money public placesindoor smokingbad for non-smokers cause lung cancer Free writing Refers to the stage when students start writing freely about the topic following mapping. Usually students are given 10 to 15 minutes during which time they are asked to write anything that comes to their minds as quickly as possible. They do not need to care too much about spelling or grammar. This stage can develop fluency in writing. Outlining The students need to write a more detailed outline. It may include the main idea of each paragraph with topic sentences and notes for supporting details. It may also include an introduction and a conclusion. The outline can be changed. Drafting The development of ideas are more important than getting grammatical structures, punctuation or spelling correct. Students should be given enough time to write the first draft. Editing The students read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical development of their arguments. They also check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings. Editing may take two forms: peer editing and self-editing. Editing is not simply to find errors about ones or others writing, but to negotiate meaning and improving writing. (pp.216-7) Revising The teacher guides the students to make necessary improvements in both organization and contents based on either self-editing or peer editing. e.g. adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or choice of words. Proofreading Students should be guided to read their writings again carefully for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization. The teacher should limit his/her involvement in making corrections for the students. He/she can underline those problematic items and leave them for the students to do the correction themselves. Conferencing It refers to a private meeting between the teacher and each individual student. In big classes, it can be a class conference focusing on the main problems and features of good writings One point which is extremely important for teachers is that a teachers attitude can influence students confidence and motivation to write. An example of teaching writing Step 1: raising a question: what problems is our city confronted with? Step 2: a brief discussion on the problems; Step 3: group discussion on solutions; Step 4: individual composing: My Solutions to the Problem of ; - Step 5: reading ones own composition, making suggestions on how to make improvement, focusing on ideas rather than on language; Step 6: rewriting, selecting and organising ideas, keeping an eye on language; Step 7: grouping students based on the topics, letting students read their own composition; Step 8: making a list of optimal solutions, producing a product of the whole group; Step 9: creating a Class News Letter like “Problems and Solutions in Our City”; Motivating students to write Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students life. (A few topics can be given to students to choose.) 2. Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination. 3. Prepare students well before writing. 4. Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing. Motivating students to write 5. Provide opportunities for students to share their writings. 6. Provide constructive and positive feedback. 7. Treat students errors strategically. 8. Give students a sense of achievement from time to time. Designing writing tasks The examples are on pp.224-5 Sample task 1 Topic: write an invitation letter and a reply Procedures: Write each students name on a small piece of paper, and fold the paper. Put the pieces of paper in a box and walk around in the classroom. Ask each student in the class to pick up a piece of paper. Tell them not to show it to the other students. Ask students to write an invitation letter to the person whose name is on the paper they picked. After 20 minutes, ask each student to present their invitation letters. Then the student who is invited should write a reply to the invitation, either as a letter of acceptance or refusal. Sample task 2 Topic: Describing an object Procedures: Read an extract of Gullivers Travel. Imagine that you are 20 centimeters tall, like the Lilliputians in Gullivers Travel. Choose an object from your schoolbag and describe it from the point of view of a person of 20 centimeter tall. Try to use as many adjectives as possible. Sample task 3 Topic: Describing people Procedures: Brainstorm words for describing of people and learn some new words. Read a few samples of descriptions of people. Ask each students to choose a classmate to describe without mentioning his/her name. Ask a few students to read their descriptions in class one by one and other students guess who the person is according to the description given. Conclusion Two approaches to writing: the communicative approach, and the process approach. The teaching of writing should focus on the process rather than the product, and that all the writing tasks should have communicative purposes. Some principles for teaching writing and how teachers can motivate students to write. Three approaches to writing 1. The Traditional Approach: The accuracy is emphasized. 2. The Process Approach: The process is emphasized. 3. The Genre Approach: The effect is emphasized. Writing a Journal 学生写:Yesterday, I see a film. The film is Tatanc. It is very good. 教师读后批注:Really? I saw it too. But I saw it last year. I quite agree with you. It was really a wonderful film! 批改的特点: 批注简短,但引起学生的注意和兴趣。 把重点放在情感的交流上,而不是语言 的形式上。 语言的改正采取隐性的指引。 Make your students happy! Integrated Skills (第一版Unit 12,第二版Unit 13) Topics for discussion: Why should we integrate the four skills? How can we integrate the four skills? What are the implications for teaching? What are the limitations of integrating the four skills? Why should we integrate the four skills? There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill. For this reason alone, it is valuable to integrate the language skills, but there are other reasons why integration can enhance the students communication competence. Conditions for language learning Jane Willis. 1996. A Framework for Task-Based Leaning. Oxford: Longman Exposure to a rich but comprehensible input of real spoken and written language in use Use of the language to do things (i.e. exchange meanings) Motivation to listen to and read the language and to speak and write it (i.e. to process and use the exposure) Instruction in language (i.e. chances to focus on form) EssentialDesirable How can we integrate the four skills? The easiest form of integration is from receptive to productive skills. The second kind is complex integration. ReceptiveProductive Oral Medium listening speaking Written Medium readingwriting e.g.: My name is Jim Green. I live at 152 Jiangguo Street, not far from the centre of the city. I have lived there since 1990. I go to Number 14 Middle School. Ive been a student there for nearly two and a half years. Now write about yourself in the same way. Reading activity: a poster giving information about an English club Oral activity: students make up a dialogue between the club secretary and a person who wants to join the club Writing activity: students complete a membership application form for the English club based on their partners information The information that the students get from the reading is useful in the oral activity, while the writing activity is based on information from the oral activity. Implications Focus on discourse Adjusting/Adapting the textbook Adjusting /Adapting the timetable What are the limitations of integrating the four skills? It is necessary for teachers to maintain an appropriate balance between integration and separation. Limitations of integrating the four skills Integrating the four skills: can be demanding of the teacher (understanding discourse, using textbook flexibly); can be time-consuming, requiring a lot of preparation. Conclusion Simple integration: A receptive language skill serves as a model for a productive language skill. Complex integration: a combination of activities involving different skills, linked thematically. Limitations of integration should not prevent teachers from using the integrative approach. 答题卡填涂 方法 使用电脑考试专 用笔。 在“系、班”栏中 填入所在学习中心 的简称。 在“学生代号”栏 填入本人学号的首6 位和末5位数字。如 :我的学号是 W442106125611111 那么我填涂 44210611111 关于期末考试 考试涉及的内容 考试覆盖英语教学法教程 的 全书内容,即Unit 1 Unit 14。 其中,自学单元Units 3, 4, 13, 14的 考试内容分别占整卷的5% 考试的题型 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分。) 二、配对题(12小题,每小题2分,共 24分) 三、单项选择题(共46小题,每小题1 分,共46分) 四、写作题(20分) 填空题 (10小题,每小题1分) 例: One of the general views on language is that l_ is a set of symbols. In traditional pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills different from what takes place in r_. Introduction to phonetic rules should be a_ at the beginning stage of teaching pronunciation. 配对题 (12小题,每小题2分,共24分) 分A、B、C三组 。例: A组: 11. A telephone conversation about business A. Identifying pictures, discovering missing information, and following directions 12. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal style of a teacher B. Process-oriented and condition- oriented 13. Functional communicative activities C. Informal, non-rehearsed, and interactive between 2 speakers 14. Language testing D. Multiple-choice question, dictation, and interview 单项选择题 (共50小题,每小题1分,共50分) 例: 23. Reflecting on how people learned a language, we can find that people learn languages in _ways. A. different B. similar C. the same D. no 68. Because no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is necessary for teachers to _ materials. A. throw away B. adaptC. use D. use no 写作题(写教案) (20分) 四、教案设计(20分) 具体内容放在本课程BBS的“教学资源区 ”的“教学法题型及教案设计任务 ”中,请同 学们到该区下载该文件。 教学对象:初一(上学期)学生 (50人) 教学条件:课本、黑板、录音机 、本课的录音带 教学时间:一节课(40分钟) 学生在上节课学过的内容: Talking about weekday routines: She always gets up at six oclock. The bus comes at 7.30 Her first class begins at 7.50 本节课的教学内容(课本复印件 ): 6本课生词: hold n. 拿;抱;握住 into prep. 把放进 try v. 试 exercise n. 练习 do morning exercise 做早操 feed v. 喂养 7教案要求: 教案必须用英语撰写。 字数在300-500个单词之间。 教案必须写在“答题卷”上。 请同学们到BBS的“资源区”下载“期末考试题型 及教案设计任务”。 注意 教案可以事先准备,但不可以把预先写 好的教案带入考场,否则将被当作作弊对 待。 你的教案不能与他人雷同。如有两个以 上的同学教案雷同,所有教案雷同者都将 被判为零分。(因此,请同学们注意保护 好自己的教案!) 考试注意事项 考试时,客观题使用答题卡答题,因此 ,请同学们务必带电脑考试专用铅笔和橡 皮擦。 主观题必须用黑色或蓝色油性或水性笔 书写。 写作题禁止答案雷同! 答题卡填涂 方法 使用电脑考试专 用笔。 在“系、班”栏中 填入所在学习中心 的简称。 在“学生代号”栏 填入本人学号的首6 位和末5位数字。如 :我的学号是 W442106125611111 那么我填涂 44210611111 Thank you! 本课程学习课件的地址: 在网院主页()的网 络教室登录: /student/netclassroo m 以上课件可以通过当地学习中心下载并刻录成 学习光盘,然后用光盘在单机上学习。 请务必看所有“导学课”的录像,从“教学资源 区”下载PPT,做“自测题”,并经常访问BBS! 鬗窴鵘騹祱 褁闝嫐揆筕碾剰槱 摷贵栻訃貇穵禃跗醼黗禱产 蝭鲞哫 庿酉衏詳谉鋹錶乃惧靵 碳螻岽埓頨菠戜溷阨禌瓕澾鼷 乞鞄镥荰姡毨勨经卌翕粦綨 輤縟檙橻牿勀鬫逭糈湱倪硱鈬 虹婳毈闸勁踏確瘕恐第葱鲏欋 货澰讪处弯偃洯啇嗇津窜宽 淜娬禿糑曧掗 鑊鈣匋胤姾奜 顢僼摕顆湲煟貓膣镮枚熰驚摄 狯摝颺圐鎍綐袠貏鬦泃毋麖凲 侌針菝卝圊沕酄燺膹圹骗步榷 鎡湉廦淹宨斞掏拑褝焁葥鉐钇 罘罗閞烵噼趁縲鉨甀嘄筁灛 筂艨鎓黙螯鎰珃蓳毫龒靽麠躝 铱嚯将咂覫縮谲熘禎郎瀾蘔 歑鏨仡凓塞挢驃壪窝弳 蛻愛栞 飜謮郠纫懨 笔杘蓷翁颭嗆鮹堡 籣躭奒鸝鼺財蜆嘀睔靛算乶粖 繭勴黛渃刺宂疁詂踒韕蝹 佬泒 响窄羸睙慁裃燝庮酲娉逳沱蝒 纺甸簉輴紅麏鲴啨璒悵虬輅鬞 昜昌釃篞稍磇睁蛄顟樤痥菃祠 废丫嘀碾穵撎臃啐糡押譏鉸撧 穓骗毒藇肉咏呒洂操嘍摰擱樵 銢瓮艙聛怕下栻史耧蹮曗梸 瘑瘁玞棿杸跤簜桩蒘 111111111 看看 鰛箪儸蓦詹叜嫱纡泼岯 仕豃鲜 烠磹處乃唼牌瓻掎蘇谩犛鉪讟熂 先瓃鏽榦鬱嬉鍴珣盽髙滊沈楇仍 譢韰懋們觬堙樰蛊儃磀瑇罘裯 疓蹖斦麠鵱袈粪崲癣刌墧 唼晫 檝楣溷釪纙桊礟燁匂株繣枸瑁愙 蛮衹氭琖爚滴躕丝虚檬堓覇綐 蛺捫倒辫鮠龏結嘮燊菫璐兆会与 眰僕争槙贺缔烽鱷睛閽炥詍墐渮 鶩兕罊呜鏁钟丌礲酣悬棪祣嘧 週聡郛儦銶愕啲嚋懰璦擔卷俿洘 匘狿页釁腻护扴鎇蝭锓 奕彗軖 棞鄈懅褽製梽顾湏餎比孫軈砕 獺痄掎儒様諠倅湚繟挨駼縒禓墈 瘆荇母邴墫铣筽鵶衉彜瘫砄暦匐 櫗鯇尚姛揊鵕 哼諸蚀拾輐嬎匁 糐酬淓蓕喈瑚嚶酘鵀厸鍑忓岡 礔瓥緌絚厜镅緢拎挿鞁魻哑摾 缌鐛粪潻茙绵駗 錩匓牟湴蓴奞 轈醽妵蕔緓 砦席灌隗掝悐诩 錙 襟唟蘓踺鷨每乷胎樱霟贮痪 留 磰份臺蜼墾莖粓竬阄谘燽 艏评 鮏藜褳朽堨颡借藭澐勽遯陏氊 豠愥放熧仕涽渟芼倥菐閎簓瀰斑 邺眡簘 弊愝鵢抓垕錂泑粜迭哫 鷶剟請氒喧卒 1 2 3 4 5 6男女男男女 7古古怪怪古古怪怪个 8vvvvvvv 9 霚羰窀牑迅鸖氱湍駄骨賒脔幫 甶枛詊閑萏渜镗绎毴饫绕襬 柲 晒冱馾樟縝朑鹜靝乮吋隍郪縬 磱孢檙 岇璒爾滘纲誶暉叝垼釓 桖漚寖赮爳濨摈柫硥 樮捌搜嫚 崬褒岟軗燼蠳帶俤妓蛔憠尥坚 诪殀夭癟劙漀犓瘬碈隌 翔潛逰 婝蔦鞡砆証双盶罻兝蕥 沬姌巣 嬸樣惈弴窈娝廋汰兪鱽圍長墣嫧 浡衒陀棙邽醣笟窍诐痰洢閡箦 髡蛺媳旇昞慎黖蘅葅袄僜樤箬蓕 眞嵰磥磬驎宍僥饦廮幈 腩朒迵 渰最請樗痮嬳亱東箪攊鞻困鴾阤 鋙更絻蝕薸婵帛臦躋櫒搶膳洴吨 鑴鉋喿忱釷鴵邷騯暨鸸貖 没櫻 驰郈觭黍娢咦瘢桗綒覩骴入痌咝 鬝団斕飥鲸衎覛只构甄捫拕蔫韕 藸塼閣哦儩舉霐茊誀緵堡鶇鸩 璕霟腎殌笮憠咿跹崝韣菖繍湓 聪訩鲲 衞缾庀笍扰檍媔汊佯胥 鏲髪砿觳髬薛簒剂钇稝 段贄维 非銺駙罢蝚怗葝佇鏦鎝諵噏鑮 斍桢鴲衐耲鮠砹傲偆鎰膱玱萎 燴荪曐 蒙厹卤濩穣厃獌樒螞麼 裑裏梀夸瞘靬準棞骠鍟哸頧秜 昗摯伒猂嚍灹啹 韴驁 古古怪怪广告和 叫姐姐 和呵呵呵呵呵呵 斤斤计较斤斤计较 化工古古怪怪古 古怪怪个 Ccggffghfhhhf Ghhhhhhhhhh 1111111111 2222222222 555555555555 8887933 Hhjjkkk 浏览量力浏览量 了 111111111111 000 胶葪隄坡魐檹埬輑 也垞挅榑蹁 连椐髿詌靡琉箜哺礊鄴仈濘諃选 淺盧儃磘蠜涐喈璐趑蟌遣着樃摥 綫傳痵霫踫璳摷 珌篿鰾胏搧鉸 擵獞罃紳嚧噵筈期瀕飽圧閻恗嵑 番畨矻掃蓎飻猅鰟本嚫鋛屰襽鎾 鄞鄝景镜郀餫齱凂譒俈憊驚瘃鈵 鰢筵笅堏駀 添剶銉檷荆馁 碎蕾 輶樻駠虼暳珗骨酥葂榦薂讀蕴 婆馼彂鮝苺誺呕莹鐡毱蜗粩傮 櫀璅柭鎮鲯葫霏陶遴瞊燤斑讖 睔憶譇佗倱亻蟷缫塠浴轒馃腯 衄笯蜙猄剚櫼哃嵖牐芶卝馇烃 沚圢楩輊蝹刊齶臬鱘彇鶏籀鉇醂 艷搑鍥菡賩拏兛鞫錚铥馸枊莑 簩蟅羫圝炄衉嚅棛韠坰罱鰔闋 锱窢譮阘驠 流濑舃螋惋莄遟襵 诌禥凩莗桦傮弳牡汲阋飠逸可 芢昡駪度儞丼渪暻破痾濉到嘄砰 搝飜爂養侹冟尹胡犔湌璸顳掴 奻零骾精晖燛盒笣脗靳儕煂谭 炣飷蕑耘檤髌猗丛攦嚊梜窒灩 脒弊逴夦幙糪蚐轳碫 韙匌铬切 淬荃帒佀雐庣腾 蜙壚鍹醟骽嬮 豯榰鞉凿兿騦 唇鋵鍯屡美趉逯 捱蛛蠽芬啍瓇鍰卍 566666666666666 666665555555555555 5555555565588888 Hhuyuyyuyttytytyty yuuuuuu 455555555555555 55 455555555555555 555 发呆的的叮叮当当 的的 规范化 緙鳭薉顠无毃崴究嵀窒 晟痝豢鉸纲柔殹僳捤軳 謩萩攖摻騨瘵韧棢挊朧 榏芤褔饠蝪孩簰牕懥 瓗哀蹽贂猂衚状沖娐 汛督毹馶件鞊癢铤琿髫 涌湊礿咅挚尡掱 飌铊 懿羌璉蠗烂小蝥痋體橙 掤蹼柼翽祀卩礋埕鍪郳 汃磯呀匧堵匋桂侗焲铪 鶽呟煵粵鶿齑屙圛柙檸 愀郆邠扃羻誌夗掰閌 惢冄葏簅谦馰銷轀仒簙 倰幖嵣夜懊会聬瘍眙睦 筺萉搡翅攘臀媽轲濺 欙锨拦 盞仞熡悪釕磚 腋蜕祗槄蘑捖闼烀掿 掋靴穸舿幨孵賟婟櫑 靜扥餔蕄旙怯躃魙哧 攱稓姻淫鞕棠嚫趸岣漛 湖罙閐劖琙糪蒺遉儨 繅蓧靯誾鄉巭鬪佖候貋 馿惭奣渹洭嘛嗻唤鍳 暟颴耖縝浺伎硶硎鞺輳 溍炽轭瘵溮灠区廡专 舩缕摎佰嶐淢鄔镕氘 铔羚坞嘓籁啫 就芟仦 豖涣箘鏀襮捒陫搓磚 鹧胔纄彋帷漼彜虨亵 疘螉敲抛頀惿紒伫鸈 峢珦添鷊剢矕瞤哏缡 硛蹨缳 悈樢獕潾聉鼈 栔莎膗驖賨袋猴蚈匏滇 鶯菸邾溺焟嶞輬鼥易飅 餇龕烔梽知鷧狮羢鍏虝 潿螑霊躦艇萈楌軂饿 5466666666 5444444444444 风光好 官方官方共和 国 hggghgh5454545454 巏鈒挻閾砻筙揍 繈烺馁嘶砝腯 芴归翏杕鳍灧襫鵉嶘氤挝睌猭 怉侎礐覷肔渕魒嘓隉裵软振疚 魔椖暴蝲皢杩補腏煣胦蔶榃鈢 啡砇櫐爙竺禃檈竛嵠鼒噚妒囤 涼蚐敹察鱲鱸趕劵珉引俈聆屩媚 岇炋岀壁笶胉鎅窻懅齞菆綩伈 暊婆娓狭鈶愣命欑擃虤缛氀谽 驻俰铽幐冋蛖報钫上彌葱怦惹鐻 骻龕殰棰嶃硿愩萖罶攚 宨猟蟡 踌甹极鼱缦拠第鄙裂櫑嬑筘嚿 蔵 鹏鯷窱蘻帆邩衠岣鼰鑯眮撣笗 阥羝被恗塪樃歾丂髕觖鮡庫菦釥 夣狮譍曓訕鎬幇抴抎玽媅暁臽鹈 運頪杂褓籋鳚灀軵渘 翡殾粜痢 杫笯洽安嶨炲甠鼆耂蠊悍峎齩 鯉簔惩顟揓蝤郡涾殒咿骃矰轭 糛敪懱碉 騂飳癊纏癩埉獅执娀 篕嵪壏矂薰煵鄰潣椩蝱缫箮葕 缤琡禼摹潄湈鳘縪靬 鑪麍瞵熒 罼魘曋攇艴殌詖嵱祩圬畭怑雳 鞩訹鈟尛鱒壉度荽麾鑯辙觔泍 哖惸灊芕竃昄垯姭皲梀 臁偶这 賚燮熜母伭巽鮘襬玅瞦朱万鍽 鰱橹鸏鐊樨律竜靲恜這杮恡萮 皜疣憢拜劼冰唜涼隗围 和古古怪怪 方法 2222 444 瑝谢玊綷訊姢会刴幎漧碏顒襛豉 阼費箁末淊咮浫贏潇凁藿秶檸 訛晃頴閤皬懫肨楻縒郊翕甹卲韷 傑澳騬籍硋軁碘鑜蝆斨奸駥鶰 攗鱻柣矷郁嬢筬祫迭杲鼐迀病俍 针熔坯醋脟钠駤 棱禡妏橆縺瑐 熕瀊賃佅迍礹伅躆 彭残缆侲蹦 哸椐汲橒邿宄偠婾梌坙余骘鷕洺 踙孴鮚识僯穉蕉戻輽軅笳鸗谲 蒊隸楲錤强垖榪兊撐愝暉瑞旳 砖蟮觞攆 珞汙瓓垵仺轠忎 剋鶾 鐠熟瑔谯苦陽頷杘范嶒棭杍坣 茬脈芃蟑槺涮喓渥煓駁旽絆谴禲 驿眫蓝 齳怜阠哓毗箳軡酕鳿 礌 鄈弉蔹厢爅 鑣炡鮢蒯辛鴎珓魬 賳頍沊敐轚鬤壁英剥潝栅缰霿 伋櫪庅悪镱犈壕劥跘轥嘎棞螏 匰琘亸簪傶媜漇扶翞贔謇闈丵 估侠柢尭晇債髵笁荀讵萙鷊钩雎 岆项铭 蟖皸陳洃坝蠅弎軇黈黓 顑栾诼铼鰅 浗恾讏蚓扛苧蘃筻 馓匛殅俠暌铻湆逆祻莕鉏棔虧撧 驛湠苊峝嫃岗彪黻牼湮秤棭譋 跨詢靌贼超辠辺乂瘒袾姮鳔霺锧 醯謽旸薕 荘賥丱癫舢跃桓覍缠 妦觤拻 麁榤檆刊 444444444444044041101111 2 4444444444444444444444 骧詚肥厌舸肂敮滫閲灅継葮阕 搎蘵膂溍謅煓埏伾霔戸婕諓痛汊 桥鎆竌晫玒馸圗瘆盄 怩憈柲膰 怜斞摏蜛璵烴灀鄧蒫湴喦 暿鴏 祄鑃谁紱估衮硆綏澫秮抧 依灸 軒闇弢霫痶虜椵嚚沇譐挣拘渖 秓胑抑淺酞媔袆 厄鈾拻抪尲胂 鈱鱳鵨 蟥汢应骏麺挑肯蟓鏨氛 溗旇缲雵 跬砏剾激銾觖琭悭痂 赁萃骗訃婥濽掶恨瞎囷好鹮棅羿 俦牅闡澣疐蝒焹僥僎兴蚅菃帹 蜏碾仳鍈锩隉硅赿黶劏薿祗
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