



Title1. Three little pigs Period2Teaching AimsLanguage objectives:Master the new words in the storySkills objectives:Try to read and understand the whole story; try to role play the story.Learning strategies:Learn to read and understand the story by guessing and predicting; learn to cooperate with others.Emotional attitude: Learn to be diligent and not to be lazy; learn to ready to help others.Analysisof teaching materialsKey pointsNew words: first, second, third, straw, stick, brick, huff, puff, blow, planNew sentences: made his house out of./ What a fine house!/ Let me in! / Ill huff and puff and blow your house down.DifficultPointsRole play the story in groupsTeachingAidsMultimedia, masks, cardsTeaching procedureStepsTs activitiesSss activitiesPurposePre-reading1. Greet to the students2. Sing songs: Old Macdonald had a farm3. T: There are so many animals on the farm. What are they? Have Ss answer.4. T: Our story today is about animal, can you guess which one? (Teacher leads Ss to ask as “Is it about dogs?”)6. Tell Ss: Youre so great. Our story is about three little pigs and a wolf. Lets read the book together.Ss sing songsSs answer: cows, chickens, dogs, pigs etc.Ss guess:Is it about?Sing songs to make class atmosphere easy.Raise Ss interest in the story by guessing.While-reading 1. Have Ss look at the cover of the book, and say: What can you see on the cover? 2. Ask Ss: Look, the three pigs are holding something in their hands. What are they? Teach new words: straw, stick, brick.3. Say to Ss: What are the pigs going to do with the straw, sticks and bricks?4. T: Well, lets see how the pigs make their house. Lets read the first part of the story.5. Read the first part of the story for Ss and then ask Ss a question to make sure Ss understand the story: How did the three pigs make the house?6. Show a picture of a wolf and ask: Whats this?T: Whats the wolf like?7. T: This is a big bad wolf. He wanted to eat the pigs. What should he do?8. T: Can the big bad wolf really get the three pigs? Lets read the rest of the story. Then answer the question. 9. Game: True or False. Say some statements about the story, have Ss judge true or false to make sure they understand the story.Ss look at the cover of the book and answer: Three pigs.Ss learn new word: straw, stick, brick.Ss answer: They are going to make a house.Ss look at the pictures in the book and listen to the first part of the story, then answer: The first/ second/ third pig made the house out of straw/ sticks/ bricks.Ss answer and learn the new word: wolf.Ss answer: Its big and its bad.Ss answer: He should blow down the houses.Ss learn new words: huff, puff, blow.Ss: No, he cant.Ss judge true or false of some statements.Students learn new words. Then lead to todays lesson.Develop students imagination. To stimulate students interested in reading.Get Ss to predict the second part of the story.Make sure Ss get the main idea of the story.Post-reading1.Show some pictures and key sentence structures and try to retell the story with the whole class.2. Divide Ss into groups of four. 3.Ask Ss to choose roles and practice to role play the story.4. Get some groups to present their role play in front of the class.5: Ask Ss: What did you learn from the story?6: T: Well, we should be diligent. Dont be lazy. We also should cooperate with others and try to help others in difficult times.Ss review key sentences in the story.Ss work in groups to role play the story.Ss think it over and talk about their opinion.Develop Ss imagination to role play the story.Enhance Ss moral awareness to be diligent and helpful.Homework1. Summarize the knowledge that the students learn today.2. Homework:Try to tell the story to your friends or parents.Bb. design the first pig straw blow the second pig sticks houses the wolf the third pig bricksTeachingReflection Title2. BJs Fun WeekPeriod2Teaching AimsLanguage objectives:Master the new words and sentences of this story.Skills objectives:Try to read and understand the whole story.Learning strategies:Learn to read and understand the story.Cultural awareness:Know about foreign childrens games and activities.Emotional attitude:Make a proper week plan.Analysisof teaching materialsKey pointsNew words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.New sentences: Today is _. On _, I _.DifficultPointsTalk about daily activities of a week.TeachingAidsMultimedia, mask.Teaching procedureStepsTs activitiesSss activitiesPurposePre-reading1. Greet to the students2. Sing songs: Apple;ABC song.3. Listen and do the actions to review some activities.play football, play basketball, play ping-pong, sing, dance, go swimming1. Ss sing songs.2. Ss listen and do the actions.Sing songs to make class atmosphere easy.Students can review the words about activities. Then lead to todays lesson.While-reading 1. Have Ss look at the cover of the book, and say: What can you see on the cover? 2.Ask Ss: Can you guess what happens? Ss think it over and predict what BJ does and what happens.3. T: In different days, BJ does different things. Lets read the book together. Read the book page by page for Ss.4.Have Ss answer the question and learn some descriptions of activities:fly a kite, play the drum, build a birdhouse, ride a bike, play basketball, play in the sand, play baseball. 5. Have Ss read the book again, and then match the activities with the days of the week.6.Ss learn new words about the week:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7.Game: Quick response. T says one activity and Ss say the corresponding day of the week. Then change the roles. After that, have Ss work in pairs to practice.Ss look at the cover of the book and answer.: BJ and his friend, a kite, a bike.Ss guess what BJ may do.Ss listen to the stroy and find out: What does BJ do?Ss answer the question and learn


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