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*Unit 6-Unit9* 2012.12.18 北京市中关村中学 葛小娣 期末辅导主要内容 一、命题指导思想 二、考查内容和范围 三、单元复习 四、复习建议 五、期末试题 检测 诊断 导 向 激励 一、命题指导思想 1)检测 2)诊断性 (教学效果反馈) 3)导向 (引领今后的教学、课堂教学改革 ) 4)激励性 (让不同层次的学生都有收获,体验成 功,增强学生学习英语的信心。) 二、考查内容和范围 1、基础知识 Unit 1-Unit 9, 重点在Unit6-Unit9 (课程标准和初一上教材要求学生掌握的语言知识) 2. 能力要求 考查学生综合运用语言能力。 (课程标准和教材所要求的综合语言能力) 期末考查范围 Unit1Unit9 Unit6 Do you like bananas? Unit7 How much are these pants? Unit8 When is your birthday? Unit9 My favorite subject is science. 三、单元复习 词 、句、 文、语法 Unit 6 Talk about likes and dislikes Key words 1.food and drinks 2. countable nouns and uncountable nouns 3. diet (eating habit) (breakfast, lunch, dinner/supper) vegetables fruitother fooddrinks tomato, carrot apple, orange, banana, pear, strawberry egg, bread, rice, ice cream, hamburger, salad, chicken water, milk Food and drinks countable nouns uncountable nouns countable and uncountable nouns apples pears hamburgers bananas oranges strawberries tomatoes carrots eggs milk water bread rice food fruit ice cream salad chicken 名词特点词尾加法词尾读音方法例词 一般情况加-s1.-s在清辅音后读s 2. -s在浊辅音后读z 3. -s在元音后读z 4.以ce, se, ze, ge等结尾 的词 carrots apples trees 以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的 加-es-es读izboxes watches 以f 或 fe 结尾 的 改f或fe为v 再加-es -ves读vzknives 可数名词复数形式的构成 1 名词特点词尾加法词尾读音方 法 例词 以辅音字 母加y结尾 的 改y为i 再 加-es -ies读iz strawberries 以元音字 母加y结尾 的 加-s-s读zboys birthdays 以o 结尾的 加-es-es读ztomatoes potatoes 加s-s读zphotos radios 可数名词复数形式的构成 2 名词特点词尾加法词尾读音 方法 例词 特殊情况不规则变 化 man-men woman-women Chinese-Chinese 可数名词复数形式的构成 3 Phrases: 1. letdo 2. think about 3. How about. 4. how many 5. askabout 6. sound good 7. eating habit 8. healthy food 9. help do 9. want to be 10. for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper Sentences 1. Do you like salad? -Yes, I do./No, I dont. 2. Does he/she like tomatoes? -Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesnt. 3. He likes hamburgers. 4. He doesnt like bread. 5. Sandra eats lots of healthy food. 6. She likes eggs, bread and apples for breakfast. 7. They dont like ice cream. Grammar 1. 一般现在时(Present Simple Tense) 实义动词(do) 主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词形式 She likes oranges. She doesnt like bananas. Does she like bananas? -No, she doesnt. She doesnt like bananas. But she likes oranges. 英语中,名词分为可数与不可数两种。 可数名词即可以数的名词。分为单数和复数形式。 1. 单数名词前常用冠词a/an 或物主代词my/ your /his等,指示代词 this/that修饰 2. 若表示一类可用a/an加单数名词表示,也可用复 数名词表示。 3. 可以用数词some、many、a lot of、lots of以及单 位量词来修饰,如 two books some tomatoes many strawberries a bag of apples 。 不可数名词即不可以数的名词,没有复数形式, 1. 不能直接用不定冠词a/an或指示代词 this/that/these/those修饰。 2. 单独做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 3. 不能用数词来修饰,但可以用some、much、a lot of、lots of以及单位量词来修饰。如: some bread much tea lots of coffee a glass of milk Grammar 可数名词与不可数名词 (countable nouns and uncountable nouns) 重点关注可数名词与不可数名词在句中的运用。 For dinner, I often have some rice, chicken and tomatoes. I like an egg and a hamburger for breakfast. Writing 一日三餐离不开美味食品,你都喜欢吃什么?向大 家介绍一下。 I eat lots of healthy food every day. For breakfast, I like eggs and a banana. I often have lunch at school. I have some rice, tomatoes and an apple for lunch. And for dinner, I like some chicken and vegetables. In a word, I like healthy food. So I eat healthily. Good eating habits help me study better. Writing:Write an article about what you and your partner like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We eat lots of healthy food every day. For breakfast, I like For lunch, I have For dinner, I like For breakfast, my friend likes For lunch, he likes For dinner, he likes. Good eating habits help us study better. Writing 写一篇短文,介绍你与家人饮食习惯(内容包括 他们喜欢或不喜吃的食物,饮料以及原因)。 Unit 7 Ask about prices and talk about shopping Key words 1. colors 2. clothes 3. cardinal numbers 服装,颜色,基数词以及描述服装的一些形 容词和购物所需动词等 red orange yellow grey white pink purple black green brown blue Unit 7 sweater pants (trousers) T-shirt shorts shirt/blouse jeans skirt jacket socks coat shoes dress hat/cap Unit 7 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety twenty-one twenty-nine thirty-one thirty-nine forty-one forty-nine fifty-one fifty-nine sixty-one sixty-nine seventy-one seventy-nine eighty-one eighty-nine ninety-one ninety-nine hundred cardinal numbers (1-31重点) 1. one 到 twelve特殊记 2. 13到19结尾加teen,但要注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 3. 整十位数结尾加ty,注意forty 4.表示“几十几”时,在整十位数和个位之间 加连字符,如:fifty-five 5. 百位和十位之间需加and Unit 7 descriptions long, short, small, big, expensive, cheap verbs: buy, sell, take, need, look, help, want Phrases 1. how much 2. what color 3. look nice 4. Here you are. 5. at a great sale 6. at good prices 7. for only 2 yuan/for 2 dollars 8. in purple 9. a pair of shoes Sentences T-shirt? sweater? bag? hat? skirt? pair of shoes How much is this that It is. socks? shorts? pants? shoes? pairs of shoes How much are these those They are. the the Clerk Clerk 售货员售货员CustomerCustomer顾客顾客 Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? Yes, please. I want a/an Im looking for What color do you want/like? Blue./ What size do you want/like?Size L/M/S. Size 8. Here you are.How much is it? How much are they? Its dollars. They are yuan. Ill take it/them. Youre welcome. Its my pleasure. Thanks. = Thank you. Thanks a lot. =Thank you very much. Shopping(部分选用) Sentences 1. How much is.? -Its 2. How much are .(s)? -They are 3. Ill take it/them. 4. Here you are. 5. Thank you very much. -You are welcome. Writing: write an ad (广告) 1. Come and buy your at our great sale! 2. Do you like ? 3. Do you need 4. For, we have for. 5. are yuan (dollars) 6. Come to.now! Writing Huaxing Store的商品要进行减价销售,请根据表 格中的内容提示,写一则 广告。 clothescolorprice T-shirtall colors30 shortsWhite, black25 hatpurple, blue, black 8 Hello, everyone! Its the time of a year again. Huaxings fantastic sale! You name it, and we have it at a very good price. Do you like T-shirts? We have T-shirts in all colors for 30 yuan each! Do you need shorts for sports? We have great shorts for just 25 yuan! For young boys and girls, we have hats in purple, black and blue. They are on sale now. In the sale, they are 30% off. They are only 8 yuan now. And thats not all. We have lots of other clothes for you to choose. Please come down to Huaxing Store and see for yourself! Im sure youll have a good time. Unit 8 Talk about dates Key words 1. 12 months 2. dates 3. ordinal numbers 4. school events 月份名称,日期,序数词,学校活动等 January February March April May June July August September October November December Unit 8 Months 1. The first month of the year: _ 2. Teachers Day is in this month:_ 3. It comes after July: _ 4. The first day of this month is Childrens Day: _ 5. Womens Day is in this month:_ 6. The shortest month of the year:_ 7. The month before December: _ 8. National Day is in this month:_ January September August June March February November October one two three four five six seven eight nine ten first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 基数词 基数词 序数词(缩写) 序数词 (缩写) Ordinal numbers ( 1st31st重点) twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth 21st 22nd 23rd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 基数词 序数词 (缩写) 词 一 、二、三特殊记, th从四上起. 怎么加?真好记! 八加h,九减e f代ve,ty变为tie 若是遇到几十几,只变各位就可以。 基数词变序数词顺口溜 school events ball game School Day Sports Day English Day festival school trip party book sale 1. -When is your birthday? -My birthday is on May 2nd. 2. When is his birthday? - His birthday is on January 17th. 3. When is her birthday? -Its in August. 4. -When is Alices birthday? -Her birthday is on September 5th. Sentences 5. -When is the basketball game? - Its on October 2nd. 6. -How old are you? -Im twelve years old. - Im 12. 7. -How old is he/ she? -He/ She is twelve years old, too. Grammar 序数词用法 序数词表示顺序或编号。 1. 一般在前面加定冠词the。 2. 表示日期,前面可加the,也可省略。 3. 当名词前面有物主代词时,序数词前面 不再加定冠词the, 如my first book Grammar Possessive Case of Nouns 名词所有格表示所属关系,相当于汉语“的” 类别构成方法举例 有生命的单词名词 加 “ s ”Toms father 有生命的复数名词 以s结尾加 the teachers office 表示时间、距离、 国家的名词 加 shalf an hours walk 表示几个人共同拥 有的某物 最后一个名 词加 s Mike and Johns desk 表示无生命的名词 of +名词the leg of the desk Writing 假如你有一位澳大利亚的笔友来信询问你 校本学期活动,写一篇文章介绍本学期学校 的一些重大活动。 Unit9 Talk about preferences; give reasons Key words 1. subjects 2. descriptions 3. days of a week Chinesesubjects English math art geography history science P. E. music descriptions fun, easy, interesting, exciting, relaxing , useful, boring, difficult, hard, Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekdays (工作日) weekends (周末) 1.-Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is science. = Science is my favorite subject. 2. Whats his/ her favorite subject? - His/ Her favorite subject is Chinese. 3. -Why do you / does he like history? -Because its interesting/fun/relaxing 4.-Who is your Chinese/English teacher? - My Chinese/English teacher is Ms. Xie. 5. When is your geography class? -Its on Monday and Friday. Sentences Grammar 特殊疑问句及其回答 Wh-Questions what / who / where / when / why/ how much / how old I like Tuesday best. On that day, I have English and P.E. English is my favorite subject. In English class, I can play games with my classmates and we can also learn many things about foreign countries. I like my English teacher very much. She is kind to us. I also like P.E. I can play basketball. I like it because it can make me healthy. My P.E. teacher is great fun. Writing Talk about subjects and teachers. Dear Li Hua , I havent heard from(收到来信) you for a long time. I miss you very much. I want to know about your school life. What subjects do you have in your school? Which is your favorite? Why ? What do you think of your school events? What do you often do with your friends after school? Please write soon. Yours, Tom Dear Tom, Im glad to receive your letter. How are you ? Im happy to tell you about my school life. Because we need to review our lessons in the morning. We have many subjects in our school. They are Chinese, math, English, history, music, art and P.E. Of all the subjects, I like Chinese and history best. I think they are interesting. We have many school events every month, such as the school trip and English Day. They are great. And we have an English party soon. After school , I do sports with my classmates. Yours, Li Hua 语法归纳 Grammar 名词单复数 可数名词与不可数名词 名词所有格 人称代词的主格与宾格 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词 指示代词this/that/these/those的用法 基数词与序数词的用法 名词 代词 数词 Grammar be的一般现在时 do/does引导的一般疑问句、否定句及肯 定、否定回答 一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时谓语 形式 方位介词in/on/under的用法 时间介词in/on/at 其他介词about , from, for, with 动词 介词 Grammar 情态动词can 情态动词must的肯定句 形容词的辨析 连词 and / but/ because / so 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 情态 动词 形容词 连词 四、复习建议 1. 单词复习(多种形式) 单词归类、头脑风暴、词块复习、百词竞赛等 2. 单元句型复习(grammar focus) 常规的听写、连词成句、完成句子等 3. 作文练习 仿写(基础薄弱学生借助于课文中熟悉的句子) 期末前年级英语口试(先单元后综合) 4. 语法复习 集中复习巩固,夯实基础(配套练习) 在整理中记忆,在整理中巩固,提高 。 在练习中检测,在练习中诊断,提升 。 复习的过程是整理知识的过程 范围:七年级上Unit 1-Unit9 侧重Unit 6- Unit9 分值:100分 时间:1月16-18期末考试,90分钟 形式:全区统考 考试试题 期末考试题型及复习建议 听力理解 (共20分) 一、听对话,选图片4分 二、听对话或独白,选答案11分 三、听对话,记录关键信息5分 知识运用 (共23分) 四、单选11分 五、完形(A: 4分; B: 8分)12分 阅读理解 (共32分) 六、读短文,选答案 (A: 6分;B:8分;C:6分) 20分 七、信息还原4分 八、阅读与表达8分 书面表达 (共25分) 九、完成句子10分 十、文段表达15分 听力(1*20=20) 话题:19 单元 能力: 考查理解对话细节以及分析、归纳的 能力(对关键信息的理解和判断,对说话 者身份 、关系等进行简单的推理) 听 力 部 分 一、听对话,选图片4分 二、听对话或独白,选答案11分 三、听对话,记录关键信息5分 听力复习建议: 1.指导学生跟读与教材配套的磁带; 2.方法指导,教会孩子如何审题,在听之前 预测能力,听过程中抓住关键信息力; 3.训练学生正确拼写词语的能力。 单项选择 (1*11=11分) 1)名词:可数和不可数、复数形式、所有格 2)动词:*be动词 *实义动词:一般现在时态 *非谓语动词(搭配) *动词辨析 3)形容词义辨析 4)代词:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、疑问代词 5)疑问副词 6)数词:基数词、序数词 7)冠词:a, an, the 8)介词: 9)连词:and, but, because,so 10 )交际用语 单选复习建议: 梳理本学期所学的基础知识(词、句 、语法及交际用语)。 完形填空 (1*12=12) A篇(4分) 课文(Unit4Unit9 课文) P23, P29, P35, P41, P47, P53 B篇(8分) 课外阅读 完型复习建议: 1. 细读首句; 2.根据上下文,寻找连接语篇的复现词语; 3.参照语境,利用文章线索、举例和提示; 4. 突破文章


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