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初中英语写作教 学与评价 广州大学外语学院 徐俊仪 2008年12月25日 xu_ 目的: n1. 明白讲授写作的重要性 n2. 了解讲授英语写作的方法 n3. 掌握不同的评价方式 问题讨论(一) n1. 单元中教学中写作课比例一般为多少? n2. 你一般如何设计写作课? n3. 一篇好的作文通常有何特点? n4. 你的学生主要有哪些写作困难? n5. 你认为老师可以从哪些方面帮助学生提 高写作水平? 写作教学现状 n写作是学生最难掌握的技能之一。 n写作教学在日常教学中常被忽略(设计、 实施、反思)。 n写作教学一般着重讲评,缺乏系统地讲授 及训练(如何归纳要点、段落写作、语篇 特点及衔接) 中学生英语写作的困难 n1. 无法发现观点; n2. 语言形式不当; n3. 对语篇总体结构的把握不准 如何有效教授写作? n1. 帮助学生学会构思(不同方法的训练) n2. 让学生感受不同的写作阶段 (plan, draft, edit etc) n3. 帮助学生掌握写作策略 (段落写作,语 篇特征,语篇衔接,建议自己的病句库) 如何帮助学生发现观点? n两种方法: n1. Mind-map (思维图) n2. Cubing (立体拓展) 讲授英语写作的方法 nMind-map n例1. 写作题目: Entertainment n可在课堂上安排以下的活动: n1) 把学生分成四到五人小组 n2) 告知学生一些规则: n i) 不能嘲笑其他同学的想法,但鼓励问 进一步的问题,如为什么会想到这个词等 ; n ii) 人人都要参与,或倾听别人想法,提 出自己的观点,或向同学谈自己的想法, 咨询意见; n iii) 不许某个同学说得过多,主宰整个讨 论的过程; n iv) 要清晰地表达自己的想法,寻求帮助 ,整理好思绪; n v) 最后要感谢同学的建议和意见。 n3)要学生停止讨论,把相关的信息(关 键词或大纲)写出来。 Going Shopping Entertainment Climbing Weekends Pub Seeing Movies Going Roller Skating After class Party With the cousin Climbing Fun Baiyun Hill Going Roller Skating Parks Happy Scary nCubing -从六个方面拓展题目 n n1)Describing (描述) n2)Comparing (比较) n3)Associating (联想) n4)Analyzing (分析) n5)Applying (应用) n6)Arguing (辩论) Examples n例2: My favorite teacher n例3: Guangzhou city n例4: Chatting on the Internet” Drafting:从段落写作开始 n段落的组成部分 n1)Topic sentence n2)Three or more supporting details n3)Concluding sentence n4)Transitional sentence (optional) n可结合阅读教学展开 例5 A Lesson Plan nAim: to teach Ss how to write the topic sentence nTime: One period nProcedure: n1) Divide the Ss into groups of four or five. n2) Present the following pairs of sentences below: nA a) I enjoy Winter in Guangzhou very much. n b) There is no snow in Winter in Guangzhou. nB a) Mary is the most wonderful teacher I have n ever met. n b) Mary always comes to school early and n leaves late in the evening. nC. a) It turned out to be a terrible day for me. n b) I waited in rain for the bus for two hours to come back home. nD a) Living in Guangzhou has both advantages and disadvantages. n b) There are many advantages living in Guangzhou. n3) Ask Ss to discuss which sentence is not an effective topic sentence in each pair and why. (教师 点拨要点) n4) Ask each group to think of three sentences, one of which is an effective topic sentence; the other is either a specific fact or a sentence with two ideas. n5) As Ss to exchange papers with the three sentences. Each group discuss to find out the effective topic sentence, the reason why the other two are not effective and the ways to improve them. 帮助学生掌握写作的连贯性 n课标第五级写作要求:“能使用常见 的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。” n教师要明确地告诉学生一些常用连接词所 表达的关系: 递进 (Addition) 对比 (Contrast) 因果(Cause 常用过去时; 第一人称或第三 人称叙事 n描写文(Description)-用文字呈现图片 ,描述人、物、景、事件 n特征:用词准确、具体而不抽象; 感官词 较多;常用修辞; 提高学生的写作兴趣 n1.合作学习(collaborative learning) n2.选题真实、有趣(neither too hard nor too easy) n3. 适当给予帮助 (内容、语言) 问题讨论(二) n1. 学生作文一般由谁批改? n2. 你一般从什么方面修改学生的作文? n3. 你会指出学生所有的写作语误吗? 作文评价的三个原则: n1)有侧重点 n2)具体、有针对性 n3)有建设性 评价的方法 n1)教师评价: n教师批改,注重流利性,格式的规范性, 语言的得体性,语篇的连贯性等,写出具 体的反馈意见。 n注重学生语言表达的准确性,通过不同的 方法指出学生的语言错误(codes,或打 XX),要求学生自我修改或互相修改。 n2.学生评价(自我评价或互相评价): nWriter _ nWriting Topic _Ev aluation Person and Date _ Score Paragraph Evaluation Criteria 1. The first, second or last sentence contains the main idea and key words from the assigned topic. (The first sentence is usually preferable.) 2. Paragraph contains one to three explanatory sentences. 3. Paragraph contains two to four sentences about specific details. 4. Details are colorful, interesting and appropriate. 5. Paragraph ends with a good closing sentence that refers to the main idea without repeating it. 6. Paragraph contains no sentence fragments. 7.Paragraph is free of errors in agreement. Subject/Verb-singular or plural Pronoun selection correct-singular or plural Pronoun selection correct-subject or object 8. It is free of punctuation errors. 9. It is free of spelling error. 10. Handwriting is easy to read. nWhat are the strongest points of this paragraph? n_ nWhat should the writer do to make this paragraph better? n_ n(Modified from http:/712/cs/rubrics/bblstdalnrubric.ht m) 小


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