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Enter the plan 参加项目 With terrific zest 满怀热情 Catch the zeitgeist 领会时代精神 A man of zeal 热情的人 Regard one as a yokel 把某人当成乡巴佬 Have a yen to do things 有做什么事情的瘾 Spin the steer-wheel转方向盘 Yaw from side to side 左摇右晃 A wry glance 眯着眼的窥视 Give one a wrinkle or two 给某人出几个点子 Wreak his vengeance on one 打击报复某人 Woeful ignorance 可悲的无知 Listen to ones tale of woe 听某人的悲惨遭遇 Their hope withered away 希望破灭了 Preserve few wispy tufts of hair 保护仅有的几揪头发 Winnow chaff from corn 扬谷 Wink at one 向谁眨眼睛 Bear pain without wincing 毫不畏缩的忍受疼痛 Whet ones appetite 促进食欲 Coax and wheedle one into good humor 连哄带骗使人消气 Wean one away from doing 使某人远离 Waylay the victim 埋伏受害者 A welter of unrelated facts 互不相干的事混在一起 Plain but wholesome meals 清淡却有益于健康的食物 Have a whim for doing things心血来潮想做某事 The slightest whiff of a brings memories of b back to cs mind 微微的a的香气让c想起b Not a whit of common sense 并非一点常识 Be sucked into a whirlpool of publicity 深陷舆论的漩涡中 Wield power 使用权利 Waive ones right 放弃权利 Expedite our reaching a proper decision 加快作出决定 Votaries of peace 致力于和平的人 Waffle about 胡乱说 Approach the sentry 靠近哨兵 Grow wary 变得警惕 A virtuoso at the violin 小提琴演奏名家 Put more vim into your acting 演出要更有激情 Select the dress of ones own volition 选了自己喜好的裙 子 The vernal radiance of her smile captivated us all 她笑容如春,把我们全 部迷住了 A verisimilar story 似是而非的故事 Separate plain facts from decorative embellishment分清哪些是基本事实 ,哪些是添油加醋 Hold a candle-light vigil for peace 为和平而举行烛光祈祷 Go at ones job with all the verve of a youngster 拿出年轻人的全部干劲 来工作 Set people at variance 使大家不和睦 The venom of jealousy has poisoned many a relationship 嫉妒恶化了许多 人的关系 The upshot of the rematch was the former champion proved he still possessed all the skills of his youth 复赛的结果是卫冕冠军证明自己宝刀未老 His insult,though unwitting,pained her 他的侮辱,即使是无意的,也 伤害了她 Unversed in social etiquette 不谙社交礼仪 Lend money at usury 放高利贷 An urbane manner 优雅的举止 A man of unimpeachable character 性格无可指责的人 An unmitigated disaster 十足的灾难 Unravel the threads of a tangled skein 将一团乱线解开 Suffering the pangs of unrequited love,Olivia rebuked him for his hard-heartedness 。奥利威亚受尽单相思的苦,指责他是铁石心肠 With unstudied elegance 以天生的优雅 find ones theory untenable 发现谁的理论站不住脚 Acquire the false notion 误以为 Underplay certain aspects 对某些方面不够重视 Unfathomable motives 难以理解的动机 Feel umbrage at a social snub 因在社交场合中受冷落不开心 A twinge of conscience 良心的煎熬 Be guilty of moral turpitude 道德低下 Unblemished reputation 清白的名声 Unalloyed happiness 真正的快乐 Enthusiasm remains unabated 激情一如既往 Uncanny ability to foresee the future 预见未来的超人本领 Unavailing effort to stop smoking 戒烟而未成 A ubiquitous trend 普遍存在的倾向 Ulterior motive 不可告人的动机 Trespass on ones time/hospitality 占用某人的时间/利用某人的好客之情 Trumpery ornaments 不值钱的花哨饰物 A trivial mistakes 小小的错误 Lead a tranquil life in the country 在乡间过着宁静的生活 Start tippling 开始酗酒 His timorous manner betrayed the fear 他惶恐的举动透露了他的害怕 Surrender one to lethargy 整个人浑浑噩噩 He considered the note tantamount to the declaration of war 他认为这个备忘 录无异于一份战书 Teeter on the brink 在灾难边缘摇摇欲坠 Overcome the tenacity of a habit 戒掉根深蒂固的习惯 Smoke swirled up the chimney 烟气从烟囱中袅袅升起 Go off a tangent 跑题了 The moral taint has spread among all classes 各个阶层的道德都在堕落 A surfeit of complements 过渡恭维 Feed oneself to surfeit 吃得过饱 Lay supine 慵懒的躺着 A surreptitious glance 偷瞄 A succulent mango 多汁的芒果 Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying 在、他 自称记者,这只不过是看戏不买票的花招 A substratum of truth in her story 她叙述中的事实根据 Substantiate my statement by producing witnesses 找证人来证明我说的话 Subvert the monarchy 推翻君主政体 A sullen disposition 抑郁的性格 A blush suffused her cheeks 脸红了 Subjugate our foe 征服敌人 Be subservient to someone 对某人毕恭毕敬,低声下气的 Be stingy about 对。很吝啬 She is a stickler for accuracy 对精准度要求严苛 Be in financial straits 陷于财务困境中 A deliberate attempt to stonewall the debate 蓄意设法阻碍辩论 Highly stratified society 有很多阶层的社会 Be immune to bombastic utterances 不相信夸夸其谈 Break the stalement 打破僵局 The stench of rolling eggs 臭蛋的气味 In stark contrast 成鲜明对比 Have a splurge 大量挥霍 A fit of spleen 一阵怒气 Accuse sb of spendthrift inclinations 指责某人花钱随心所欲 The squalor of the slums 贫民窟的污秽状况 Offer as a sop to his anger 给他消气儿用的 Have a spate of bad luck 一连串的不幸 Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features 他略施粉黛,更突显了自己的古典美 Sordid motives 卑鄙的动机 Draw sniggers from the guests 引得客人发笑 Be solicitous for 挂念的 Solicit their votes 拉票 Be smug about 对。自鸣得意 A sloppy worker 做事马虎的工人 Slipshod work 粗糙的工作 Sleight of mind 心思的灵巧 Overcome ones habitual sloth 克服懒惰的习惯 A face smeared with dirt 满脸污渍的脸 Be slovenly in thought 思想懒散 Seek our downfall 想击垮我们 Skimp on necessities 压缩生活必需品 Shiftless husband 得过且过的丈夫 Moonlight shimmer on the sea 海面微微的月光 Be a shambles 一片狼藉 Sever the connection with the firm 与公司脱离了关系 Shoddy merchandise 劣质商品 Shirk the responsibility 逃避责任 Get the room all nice and shipshape 把房间收拾的仅仅有条 Whisper in sepulchral tones 低沉地说道 A senescent industry 衰败的产业 Be sentient of a tense atmosphere 意识到一种紧张气氛 Scotch the rumor 辟谣 Scurry off to find a doctor 急忙赶去找医生 A scurvy fellow 卑鄙的家伙 Feel full to satiety 感到过于满足 Sanguinary violence 血腥的暴力 Pay scant attention to sbs advice 不慎重视某人的劝告 With scant regard for my feelings 不大理会我的感情 As we sauntered through the park,we frequently stopped to admire the flowers 我们在公园信步闲庭,时不时驻足赏花 Scald ones hand with hot fat 热油把手烫伤 Scamper away in fright 惊慌地逃跑了 Be sated with pleasure 享乐得生厌 Sanction the engagement of my daughter to such a worthless young man 同意自己的女儿与一个一无是处的年轻人订婚 The backwoodsman looked out place in his rustic attire 这个从偏远山区 来的人穿的衣服很土气,显得不合适 Have a salutary effect on 对。有好处 Flabby thighs and sagging bottoms 大腿无力,屁股松弛 Make a successful sally 突围成功 A membership roster 成员名册 Have a rollicking time 尽情欢乐 Ruminate upon these plans 思考这个计划 Rout the enemy 击溃敌人 Approach the rostrum 上讲台 Revitalize industry 振兴工业 She started off down the rickety stairs 他举步走下摇摇欲坠的阶梯 I was absolutely riveted by her story 他的故事把我完全给吸引住了 Demand financial restitution 要求还款 A respite from pain痛苦的暂时减轻 A resolute refusal 断然拒绝 Retrench the travelling expense 消减旅费 The book is replete with humorous situations 这本书满是幽默的场景 A reserved disposition 矜持的性格 Repulse kindness 拒绝接受好意 Rescind the order 废除自己的命令 Be resigned to the noise 对。逆来顺受 Curb the impetuosity 防止他冲动 Repress her boundless high spirits 打压他的热情 A remittent fever 忽轻忽重的发烧 Be remiss in answering letters 回信一点不积极 She found her heart relenting in spite of her 他发现自己的心不由自主的 软了下来 Be repellent to a 对a而言是很恶心的 Remonstrate against his behaviors 反对他的所作所为 Many remonstrances 许多怨言 A redoubtable opponent 值得敬畏的对手 Prevent the recurrence of the violence 防止再次暴动 Get no redress for my injuries 不可以为我的伤补偿 The regimented atmosphere of the orphanage 孤儿院的严肃分为 Come up with a rejoinder 立即反驳 His only recourse was the police Lets not indulge in recrimination 让我们不要总是相互指责 Gaze in rapture at the girl he loved 沾沾自喜的看着心爱的姑娘 Be rapt in ones work 专心工作 Have a good rapport with each other 与谁建立良好关系 Raze the hotel 拆除酒店 Erect an office building 建立写字楼 A racy account of his adventures 对冒险经历的生动叙述 An utterly rabid age 完全失去理性的时代 A rampart against infection 对传染病的预防 The lingering stench of putrefaction 臭气熏天,久久不散 If the purport of your speech was to arouse the rabble,you succeed admirably 如果你演讲的目的是激起暴民,你非常成功 Quash the decision 取消了裁决 Feel serious qualms about 对什么感到十分不妥 Be in a quandary about what to do 进退维谷 Quell disagreement 压制不同意见 Make a puissant ally 组建一个强大的联盟 Show remarkable prudence 小心翼翼 Prostrate himself before the idol 在佛像面前俯身膜拜 Trust in divine providence 相信天命 Leading protagonist of the womens achievement 妇女运动领导者 A breach of propriety 失礼行为 A propitious omen 吉兆 The country is obsessed with gloomy prognostication 这个国家充满了消 极语言 Profuse blossoms 大量的花朵 Proffer him her resignation 提交了辞呈 Profane the sanctity of holy places 亵渎了圣地 Prognosticate disaster 估计有灾难 Feel a presentiment about 对。有预感 Have a predilection for 更喜欢 In an awkward predicament 十分为难 Prefigure the future 预想未来 Placate the angry teacher 让愤怒的妈妈平静下来 Pit ones wits against 与。斗志 Go off in a pique 气着离开了 Pesky kids 讨厌的孩子 Perpetuate the hostility between 使永远对立 A sense of social change is pervasive in her novel 他的小说中充满了社会 变革的气息 His peremptory tone of voice irritated everyone 他那专横的口气激怒了 大家 Perambulate the boundaries of his estate 巡视他的庄园地界 In penury 处于贫穷中 Look pensive 显得心事重重 Obtain absolution 获得了赦免 The paucity of customers made it uneconomical to operate 食客太少,无 利可图 Deliver panegyrics about ones valorous act 颂扬自己的英勇行为 Parley with ones enemy 与敌人和谈 Pare an apple削苹果皮 The paramount concern 最需关注的事 Panacea will solve our complicated international problems 灵丹妙药有助 于解决国际问题 The conversation with her seemed paltry 与他谈话似乎没有什么价值 My own feeling of surprise was palpable 我很意外,这是可想而知的 A pallid countenance 病容 Palliate the symptom 缓解症状 The ostensible reason for his absence was illness,but everyone know he had gone to a football match 他声称生病,但谁都知道他去看足球赛了 By osmosis 潜移默化地 Oscillate between the extremes of optimism and pessimism 在乐观主义 和悲观主义间摇摆 Outlandish manner 怪模怪样 Believed in the existence of other worldly phenomena 相信另一个世界的 存在 Obviate the need 不需要 Be obsessed with the fear of unemployment 老是害怕失业 An obsequious compliment 恭维 Nullify the contract 合同取消 Make an obeisance 鞠躬 Obliterate all footprints 冲掉了脚印 Make oblique accusations 指桑骂槐 I resent the obloquy that you are casting upon my reputation 我恨你诽谤 我名声 Neutralize the resolution 采取中立立场 A nominal leader 挂名领导人 In the nascent state 萌芽状态 A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind 无数的念头闪过脑海 Reach the nadir 到达最低点 Nauseating hypocrisy 令人作呕的虚伪 Be caught up in a morass 陷入困境中 The mores of the author 作者的道德观 Mitigate her wrath 减轻她的愤怒 Mollify the hysterical child 安抚这个歇斯底里的孩子 Create a milieu conducive to the study English 创造学习英语的环境 Misconstrue your meaning 误解你的意思 Find oneself in a mire of debt 陷入债务困境 Discount his mendacious stories 不相信他的谎话 A medley of different ideas 不同思想的混合 A prize for meritorious conduct 优秀行为奖 Feel a sudden vague malaise 突然觉得眼前模糊,不舒服 Manacle the prisoner 铐住了罪犯 A macabre nightmare 令人惊悚的噩梦 Lurch along the street 沿街踉跄 Be loath to do sth 不喜欢做 A literal transcript of a speech 讲话的全文抄本 He wore a lugubrious expression 他神情哀伤 Loll back in an armchair 懒洋洋地靠在沙发上 A limpid conscience 宁静的内心 He has a light-hearted disposition 他生性快活 Get a great deal of kudos for 因为获得荣誉 A swindling knave 行骗的无赖 He was jostled by the crowds 他被人群拥挤着 Give sb the jitters 让某人紧张 Get the jitters 极为紧张 She gazed at the painting with jaundiced eyes 他用嫉妒的眼神看着这幅画 Have no jurisdiction over 对什么无裁判权 In a jubilant mood 喜气洋洋的 Invidious criticism 引起反感的批评 Iterate an objection 再三表示反对 Iterate an objection 再三表示反对 Iterate an objection 再三表示反对 Irreproachable conduct 无可指责的行为 An introspective person 好自我反省的人 Intone several players 引用了几通祷告 An novel with an intricate plot 情节错综复杂的小说 Inveigle sb into a place 把某人骗到某个地方 Be inured to the cold 习惯了寒冷 By intuition 凭直觉 Interdict the use of weapon 禁止使用武器 Insurgent troops 叛军 Instigate a revolt 引起暴乱 Inscribe ones name in a book 在书上签名 Its a serious inroad into personal freedom 对个人自由的严重侵犯 I didnt have the slightest inkling of your plans 我一点都不知道你的计划 His thirst for knowledge was insatiable 他对知识的渴望无法满足 An insinuating remark 含沙射影的话 Your insouciant attitude at such a critical moment indicates that you dont have the slightest inkling of the gravity of the situation 在这么关键的时刻你衣服漫不经心的阳 台度说明你根本不知道事情的严重性 Be infuriated with 生气 Infringe on 侵犯 Rail against 指责 Ingratiate himself into her parents good grace 讨她的父母的欢心 Indocile students 不听话的孩子 Indoctrinate students with knowledge 灌输学生知识 Be inebriated by success 因成功而陶醉 Love has infatuated her 他被爱冲昏了头 Infelicitous phrase 不贴切的语句 Infamous outlaw 臭名昭著的亡命徒 Ineffaceable memory 难以磨灭的记忆 Inexpiable hate 不能平息的心头之恨 Make an indelible mark on 给抹上了难以磨灭的印记 Inculcate a love of reading in children 培养孩子从小爱读书 Make a hasty and indecorous departure 匆匆离去,十分不雅 Be indisposed to do 不愿意做 Be incogitant to 不体贴 His words become incoherent in his grief 悲痛使他语无伦次 Inadvertent slips 不经意的失误 Impugn your honesty without evidence 没有证据质疑你的诚实 An inborn talent for music 天赋的音乐才能 An imploring look 哀求的表情 Be deeply implicated in the plot 与该阴谋牵涉颇深 Impinge on 侵犯 Be impervious to reasoning 不听任何道理 Imprecate evil upon him 祈求嫁祸与他 They are impoverished by heavy taxes 苛捐杂税是他们变穷 Children at an impressionable age 处在容易受外界影响的年龄阶段 An impassioned plea for money 希望获得宽恕的热切恳求 Be immersed in thought 沉思 Impel sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 Imperil ones life to save sb 冒生命的危险去救某人 The sheer impertinence of this man is phenomenal 没见过这么无礼的人 An ignoble purpose 卑鄙的目的 An illegitimate child 私生子 An illegible signature 难以辨认的签字 Schoolboy howlers 低级的错误 A hortative speech 激励性的演讲 Hone ones artistic skills 磨砺技艺 I have a hunch 我有预感 Hoary tradition 古老的传统 A hilarious party 狂欢会 Holograph will 亲笔遗嘱 In the heyday 鼎盛时期 hearken to the melody 倾听这个音乐 Hectic last-minute preparation 最后关头的忙碌工作 Frost is a harbinger of winter 霜预示着冬天的来临 Haggle over price 讨价还价 A man full of guile 奸诈的人 Get a grouch about sth 抱怨 A promotional gimmick 推销的噱头 A glib remark 流利的言语 Gloat over sth 幸灾乐祸的看着什么 Genuflect to 向。低头 The lame man walked with an uneven gait 那个跛子步伐不稳 Have a frolic in the garden 在花园嬉戏 Fritter away his time in idle conversation 说一些无聊的话来打发时间 Futile attempt to save the paintings from the flames 试图挽救这幅画是做无用功 A forward young girl 年轻冒失的女孩子 Be flunked in chemistry 化学不及格 Forfeit their deposit 取消定金 Overlook the foibles 忽略缺点 Forebode a confrontation 预示着冲突 Give sb a flat denial 对某人所指断然否认 Give sb a flat refusal 对某人所指断然否认 The flight of capital 资金外流 Flout the authority 蔑视权威 Be florid with excitement 激动的脸发红 A figment of ones imagination 想象之物 A royal fiat 国王的命令 Forget filial obligations 忘记了做儿女的责任 Wish sb great felicity 祝某人幸福 Her surprise was unfeigned 她的惊讶不是装的 Be in a state of ferment 处于混乱之中 The fender of a motor vehicle 汽车的挡泥板 Be subject to nightmares and hallucination 容易做噩梦,出现幻觉 A fervent desire to win 非常想赢 Be fettered to the wall 被限制在墙内活动 The fecundity of his mind is illustrated by many vivid images in his poems 他的诗中有很 多生动的比喻,由此可以看出他的思想非常活跃 Take an oath of fealty 宣誓效忠 Her speech was falsified 他的言论被歪曲了 He is a man of fatuousness 他是一个老朽慵懒的人 Tales of extravagance surged 关于他奢侈消费的传言飙升 Feel a tremendous sense of relief and exultation 感觉到巨大的欢喜和欣慰 Expropriate his palace 没收了他的豪宅 An expeditious response 迅速的反应 Exterminate all the inhabitant 灭绝生灵 Expound his religion to us 向他解释我们的宗教 Expostulate with sb 告诫某人 Charge exorbitant prices 收费过高 An exiguous meal of bread 极度缺乏面包 An exhaustive enquiry 彻底的调查 His exceeding kindness 他的圣善 Evince great sorrow 表示深深的自责 Excogitate a way to do 想出做某事的方法 Bring to an end years of estrangement between the two countries 结束两国多年来的疏 远 Ethereal music 轻柔的音乐 A euphonious trill of silver laughter 一阵银铃般的笑声 Eulogize about his versatility 对他的多才多艺赞颂有加 The stream debouches into the estuary 这条河流入河口湾 Errant husband 出轨的丈夫 Eradicate crime 根除罪恶 Be enthralled by 被。迷住了 Realize the enormity of the crime 意识到罪行很严重 Relieve the ennui 打发无聊 Remain entrenched 难以扭转 Be a deaf to all entreaties 对一切请求置若罔闻 Ensconce himself in a comfortable chair 安坐在一个舒服的椅子上 Realize the enormity of his crime 意识到自己罪行很严重 With a look of entreaty 恳求的神态 Be enmeshed in difficulties 陷入困难中 Enjoin obedience on the soldiers 命名战士要服从 Encapsulate scenes from his childhood 讲的是他童年的故事 Be endowed with a lions courage 被赋予狮子般的勇气 Be embittered by many disappointments 不如意加重了痛苦 Be enamored with 沉迷于 Be embroiled in the heated discussion 卷入这场激烈的讨论中 Embellish the bare facts with anecdotes在事实的基础上加入了一些趣闻 React to the news with elation 高兴的回应着这则消息 Elucidate the point 阐明那一点 Leave him emaciated 让他很憔悴 Obey the edict of parliament 服从会议通过的法令 Have the effrontery to do sth 厚颜无耻的做某事 Drivel on about the meaning of life 胡诌着人生的意义 Remain dubious about her motives 对他动机仍存疑虑 Dreg sth up 旧事重提 Sign a confession under duress 受威逼在供状上签字 Have no earthly hope of 根本没有的希望 Be ones dupe 受骗 His dormant love for her was rekindled 他对她旧爱复燃 In the doldrums 无精打采 Be domesticated 非常恋家 Dote on the children 溺爱孩子 Lie doggo Be domiciled in a 在a有固定住所 Appear distrait about 对。漠不关心 Doff ones hat to sb 向脱帽致敬 Divagate from 从岔开 Divulge it prematurely 提前泄露 Feel disposed to do 愿意做 Dispassionate view 公正客观的简介 Dispel the morning spirit 驱散了清晨的薄雾 Disparage someones contribution 轻视某人的贡献 Lead a dissolute life 过放荡的生活 Dissent from the majority opinion 不同意大多数人意见 Be disinclined to do 不愿意做某事 Disentangle the myth from reality 愤青现实和虚幻 Disabuse sb of a prejudice 消除偏见 Discern the outline of a building 分辨出一座建筑物的轮廓 In total disarray 乱七八糟 His avowal of his part in the conspiracy was not believed by the jury 他否认参加这次阴 谋,陪审团不相信他 Discomfit the enemy 扰乱了敌人的计划 Her diminutive figure 她那小小的身材 Devolve the duties upon me 把工作委托给我 Be devoid of any personal desire 没有个人欲望 Deter sb from doing 使某人不做 Her eyes dilated with terror 因恐惧睁大眼睛 Deride his grandiose schemes 嘲笑他的宏伟计划 Fall into desuetude 废弃 Denigrate the character of the president 诋毁总统的人格 Depose the king 罢免国王 Delimit her area of the research 阐明了研究领域 A person given to dejected mood 情绪低落的人 Defray the expenses 承担经费 The possible deleterious effects of bad books 坏书可能的不良影响 Delude someone into doing 欺骗某人做 Defraud sb of sth by 通过某种方式欺骗某人的某物 Defunct ideas 过时的想法 Defile the mind 亵渎思想 Defer to 遵从 Deface a library book 损坏了图书馆的书 Be deficient in 缺乏 The army debouched from the mountain into a wide plain 军队从山里开出,进入宽阔 的平原 Dally away 蹉跎光阴 Be the cynosure of all eyes 成为所有人的焦点 Debauch the public ideals 使公众思想堕落 Maintain his deadpan expression 保持冷面孔 A dapper young man 风度翩翩的青年 A crumpled suit 皱皱巴巴的一套西装 Curt reply 简短生硬的回答 A cursory examination of the ruins indicates the possibility of arson 遗址的粗略调查表 明有纵火的可能 Curtail the use of this vital commodity 减少这种重要日用品的使用 I was cross with 生气 Hope crumbled to dust 希望破灭了 Their marriage is crumbling 他们的婚姻开始出问题 Place the credence in his promise 相信他的承诺 Give her admiration she craves 给予她想要的赞赏 She was coy in her answer to his offer 她羞于答应他的求婚 Covet ones position 觊觎某人的职位 Understand the covert threat 明白隐含的恐吓 Countermand the orders 取消了命令 Corollary 自然的结果 Corroborate your evidence 支持你的证据 Contravene ones will 违背某人的意愿 Copious tears 丰富的眼泪 Convulse sb with laughter 令人捧腹大笑 Convoke the congress 召开会议 Be conversant with 熟悉 Life is contemplative 生活让人深思 Constringe pore 收缩毛孔 Strong constitution 体格好 Look at her in consternation 惊愕地看着他 Be out of consonance with sb 与不一致 Consign goods by rail 利用铁路托运货物 Consummate i


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