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轴承专业英语(一)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承 rolling bearing ruli2. 单列轴承 single row bearing rau3. 双列轴承 double row bearing4. 多列轴承 multi-row bearing mlti5. 满装滚动体轴承 full complement bearing ful kmplimnt 6. 角接触轴承 angular contact bearing jul7. 自动调心轴承 automatic self-aligning bearing laini8. 可分离的轴承 separable bearing seprbl9. 不可分离轴承 non-separable bearing 10. 英制轴承 inch bearing inch int11. 开型轴承 open bearing open upn12. 密封圈轴承 sealed bearing sealed si:ld13. 防尘盖轴承 shielded bearing shieldedi:ldid14. 闭型轴承 capped bearing15. 预润滑轴承 prelubricated bearing pri:ljubrikeitid16. 仪器精密轴承 instrument precision bearing instrumnt prisin17. 组配轴承 matched bearing(二)向心轴承 1. 向心轴承 radial bearing reidil2. 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing contact kntkt3. 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing jul4. 外球面轴承 insert bearing insert ins:t5. 锥孔轴承 tapered bore bearing teipd6. 凸缘轴承 flanged bearing flnd flanged adj. 带凸缘的;装有法兰的;带法兰的;折边的7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承 track roller (rolling bearing) rul8. 万能组配轴承 universal matching bearing ,ju:niv:sl(三)球轴承 1. 球轴承 ball bearing 2. 向心球轴承 radial ball bearing 3. 深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing4. 装填槽球轴承 filling slot ball bearing 5. 三点接触球轴承 three point contact ball bearing 6. 四点接触球轴承 four point contact ball bearing7. 推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing8. 单列双向推力球轴承 single row double-direction thrust ball bearing9. 双排单向推力球轴承 doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearing10. 特种轴承 special bearing11. 带止动环球轴承 ball bearing with snap ring12. 外球面体球轴承 external sphere ball bearing(四)轴承零件1. 轴承零件 bearing part p:t2. 轴承套圈 bearing ring ri 3. 轴承垫圈 bearing washer4. 止动环 snap ring snp ri5. 隔圈 spacer speis 6. 密封圈 seal si:l7.防尘盖 shield8. 挡圈 slinger sli9. 滚动体 rolling element ruli elimnt10. 保持架 cage or retainerritein11. 内圈 inner ring in12. 外圈 outer ring aut13. 油脂 grease ri:s14. 钢球 steel ballsteel sti:l:钢,钢的15. 偏心套 eccentric collar iksentrik 16. 锁紧套 lockingcollar 17. 止动销钉 anti-rotation pin pin18. 轴承座 housing hauzi19. 橡胶套 rubber grommet romit20. 紧定衬套 adapter sleeve dpt(r) sli:v 21、尺寸:dimension dimenn22、直径:diameter daimit23、宽度:width wid, wit24、长度:length l e25、高度:height hait26、角度:angle l27、半径:radius reidis28、厚度:thickness iknis29、轴向的:axial ksil30、径向的:radial reidjl31、外圆(外径) outside surface32、内圆(内径) inner surface33、沟道 raceway(五)技术常用词1、公差:tolerance tlrnsn. 公差;容忍;宽容;公差2、游隙:clearance klirns 清除;清理;出清,出空 【机械】余隙,间隙3、噪音:noise niz n. 响声;杂音;噪音4、扭矩:torquet:k n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈5、硬度:hardnessh:dnisn. 硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷6、倒角: chamfertmf vt. 去角;挖槽;斜切n. 斜面;凹槽7、精度:precision prisinn. 精确;精度,精密度adj. 精密的,精确的8、残磁:residual magnetismrizidjul n. 剩余;残渣 adj. 剩余的;残留的mnitizmn. 磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力9、表面质量:surface qualitys:fisn. 表面;外观;表层 adj. 表面的,肤浅的kwlti n. 质量,品质;特性;才能10、注脂量:grease fillri:s vt. 涂脂于;贿赂n. 油脂;贿赂 grease volume11、打字:marking m:ki n. 做记号;打分;标志;斑纹v. 作记号于;注意;给打分数 12、包装:packaging pkidi n. 包装;包装业,包装风格 v. 包装(package的ing形式 )13、表面处理:surface finishings:fis finii表面精加工,表面修整14、螺钉:set screw set skru: 固定螺钉;定位螺钉15、公称尺寸:nominal dimension nminl dimenn15、振动/偏差:vibration vaibrein16、钢球等级:ball grade reid17、清洁度:cleanlinessklenlinis 18、毛刺:burr b: 毛口,毛边,毛头,毛刺19、锈蚀:rust rst n. 锈;生锈;锈病vt. 使生锈;腐蚀 vi. 生锈;成铁锈色;变迟钝20、极限转速:limiting speed(六)工序常用词1、割料 cutting kti n. 切断;剪辑;开凿 adj. 严寒的;锋利的;尖酸刻薄的 v. 切开;采伐;削减(cut的ing形式)2、锻造 forging f:din. 锻件,锻造(法)3、铸造 casting k:stin. 投掷;铸造;铸件;角色分配v. 投掷;铸造;投向;选派演员;扔掉(cast的ing形式)4、热处理heat treatmenthi:ttri:tmnt5、车加工 turning t:ni【机械工程】车削工作,车工工艺6、光饰 tumbling tmbli【工程】滚筒抛光7、磨加工 grinding raindi 磨制;研磨:8、粗磨 rough grinding rfraindi 粗研磨9、软磨 soft grinding10、精磨 precision grindingprisin【机械工程】精磨 fine grinding11、修磨 correct grinding12、光磨(无进给磨,即静止状态磨削)13、超精 superfinishing ,sju:pfinii 【冶金学】超级研磨14、磨孔 bore grinding15、清洗 washing wi 洗;洗涤,洗濯;洗净16、装配 assemblysembli n. 装配;集会,集合17、采购 purchase18、原材料 raw material19、坯件冲压(成型) blank punching20、抛光 polish21、整形 truing22、包装 packing / packaging23、纸板盒 carton / cardboard24、抽检 / 取样 sampling inspection / sampling25、全检 full inspection26、终检 final inspection27、巡检 tour inspection28、镀黄锌 yellow zine plated29、热处理前软磨非基准面 non-reference face grinding before heat treatment30、热处理前软磨两端面 double face grinding before heat treatment31、车孔及一端外角 bore and one side outer corner turning32、车两面防尘槽 double-side shields groove turning33、车沟及另一外角 raceway and receive of grinding34、磨削收发 dispatch and receive of grinding35、定期防锈处理 periodically anti-rust treatment(七)机械常用词1、Instrumentinstrumnt n. 仪器;器械;工具;手段;乐器 2、Efficiency ifinsia. 有效的,生效的 n. 效率3、Usage ju:zid n. 用法;使用;惯例4、Straight streit adj. 直的;正直的;整齐的;连续的;笔直的 adv. 直接地;坦率地;立即;不断地 n. 直线;直5、Horizontal adj. 水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的 n. 水平线,水平面;水平位置hrizntl 6、Vertical v:tikl adj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的,顶点的 n. 垂直线,垂直面7、Incline inklain vi. 倾斜;倾向;易于 vt. 使倾斜;使倾向于 n. 斜面;斜坡;倾斜8、Angle gl n. 角度,角9、Arc :k n. 弧(度);弧形物;天穹; adj. 圆弧的;反三角函数的vt. 走弧线;形成电弧10、Scale skeil n. 刻度;比例;数值范围;天平;规模;鳞 vi. 攀登;衡量;生水垢;剥落vt. 攀登;测量;刮鳞;依比例决定11、Tolerance tlrnsn. 宽容,容忍 n.公差12、Interchangeable ,intteindbladj. 可互换的;可交换的;可交替的13、Mechanism meknizmn. 机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程14、Individual ,individjuladj. 个别的;个人的;独特的 n. 个人,个体15、Impractical imprktikladj. 不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的16、Perfect p:fiktadj. 完美的;最好的;精通的vt. 使完美;使熟练n. 完成式17、Worn w:nadj. 用旧的;疲倦的 v. 穿;佩戴;磨损(wear的过去分词)18、Slight slaitadj. 轻微的,少量的;脆弱的;细长的;不重要的 vt. 怠慢;轻视,忽略n. 怠慢;轻蔑19、Variation ,vriein n. 变异,变种;变化20、Minus mainsprep. 减,减去n. 不足;负号,减号;负数 adj. 负的;减的.21、shaft :ftn. 拍杆;轴;箭杆;杆状物22、steady stedi adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的23、rotary rutri adj. 旋转的,转动的;轮流的24、friction frikn n. 摩擦,摩擦力25、component kmpunnt n. 成分;组件;元件26、efficiency ifinsi n. 效率;效能;功效27、assembly sembli n. 装配;集会,集合28、grooveru:v n. 凹槽,槽;最佳状态;惯例29、installation ,instlein n. 安装,装置;就职30、transmission trnzmin n. 传动装置,变速器;传递;传送;播送l 密封的轴承系统减少夹持力并增加轴承寿命。Sealed bearing system reduces clamping pressure and increases bearing life.l 选择适当的工艺参数,能够制得精度很高的小尺寸产品。With proper selection of parameters, small dimension products with high precision can be obtained.l 单列深沟球轴承是球轴承中最普通的种类,应用及其广泛。Single row deep groove ball bearings are the most common type of rolling bearing and are used in a wide variety of applications.l 在高速脂润滑滚动轴承中,摩擦力矩的大小决定了轴承的功率消耗和发热量的大小,发热量的大小直接影响轴承的温升失效。The moment of friction of high-speed grease-lubricated rolling bearing determines its power consumption and heat output, and the heat output has a direct effect on its temperature rise.l 当你使这两条导线一接触,这台机器就会立刻开始运转。When you contact these two wires, the machine will start at once.l 安装带座外球面球轴承时,将轴承套在轴上,先将轴承座牢固地固定在支承面上,然后将轴承紧固在轴上。The desiring installation method of installing insert ball bearing unit is: first install the housing at support base firmly, then tighten the bearing to the shaft.l 质量保证:质检率高达100%,保证所有深沟球轴承均符合标准。NSK,全球深沟球轴承的领跑者!Quality Assured - 100% testing ensures total product of NSK deep groove ball bearing NSK is the World Leader in deep groove ball bearings.l 这一机器部件的制造公差是0.01“毫米”。This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters.l 这个轴承的径向游隙是多少? What is the radial clearance of this bearing?l PEER轴承具有寿命长,振动噪音低等特点. PEER bearing has the features of long life and low vibration noise etc. l 这一工艺去除钢材的硬度。This process removes the steel hardness .l 什么是公称倒角尺寸? What is the nominal chamfer size?l 该轴承的注脂量要求是40-50%。 The grease fill requirement of this bearing is 40-50%.l 包装是否符合市场标准的性能和成本?Does the packaging meet market criteria for performance and cost?l 清洁度对轴承的性能有很大影响. The cleanliness of bearing has a great influence on its performance.l 外观要求:无毛刺、锈蚀等。Appearance requirement: no burrs, rust etc.l 负责自行车零件在热处理工序的工艺参数设置和完善.In charge of the bicycle component heat treatment process parameters setting and update.l 结果表明由于铸造工艺及车削加工的不当导致了断裂的发生。The result indicated that the improper casting craft and turning processing led to the fracture.l 这台新磨床通过了所有的试验。The new grinding machine passed all tests. l 咱们从装配线开始看好吗?Shall we start with the assembly line?l 那台仪器可以记录甚至非常轻微的变化。That instrument can record even very slight changes. l 这些机器的使用使我们的工作效率提高了许多倍。These machines have increased our work efficiency many times. l 检查所有部件,更换任何损坏的或磨损的部件。Examine all parts and replace any damaged or worn components.l 这台机器的轴应该更换了。The machines shaft should be replaced. l 摩擦力使得一只滚动的球最终停了下来。Friction causes a rolling ball to stop finally. l 电脑由成千上万个部件组成。A computer consists of thousands of components. l 这些机器使我们的工作效率提高了许多倍。These machines have increased our work efficiency many times. l 机械臂出问题了,组装流水线停止了工作。Our assembly line paused because something went wrong with the mechanical arms.(八)工厂图标表达1、热处理工段平面分布图 Heat treatment district map报废品暂放处 district for reject temporarily电器柜子 electricity cabinet淬火清洗回火 quenchwash- temper已抛光产品摆放处 district for polished product空箱摆放处 district for empty box淬火待加工产品摆放处 waiting for tempering district 抛光 polishing 待处理品摆放处 district for processing product 检验区 inspection district饮水机 Water Dispenser热处理车间大门 gate通道 route way2、平外车间平面图Map of surface grinding workshop东门 east gate楼梯间 stair half外圈磨外径 soft grinding outer diameter outer ring 检验台 inspection table 修磨待发区 district for final grinding product 待修磨区 waiting for final grinding district 拉车摆放处 district for trolley空托盘摆放处 empty box district动力配电箱 power box料废暂放处 district for laying reject temporarily杂物柜 sundries cabinet车间办公室 workshop office办公桌 desk平外车间南门 south gate 大门 gate工作台 work table北门 north gate通道 route way 外圈磨外径 soft grinding outer diameter outer ring 外圈磨外径/外圈修磨外径 soft grinding outer diameter outer ring / final grinding outer diameter outer ring 内/外圈滚研 supergrinding outer diameter outer /inner ring外圈磨平面 soft grinding outer ring faces内圈磨平面 soft grinding inner ring faces精磨待发区 waiting for grinding district 清洁用具摆放区 district for clean tools 外圈磨平面 soft grinding outer ring surfaces内圈磨平面 soft grinding inner ring surfaces目视板 info. Board 废品堆放区 scrap district工具柜 tools cabinet 饮水机 Water Dispenser圆度检测台 roundness inspection table 圆度检测室 roundness inspection room检验工作桌 inspection desk3、磨工一车间生产平面图精磨内沟 grinding inner ring race way 精磨内孔 grinding inner bore 精超内沟 superfinishing inner ring race way精超外沟 superfinishing outer ring race way精磨外沟 grinding outer ring race way精磨内沟 grinding inner ring race way景磨内孔 grinding inner bore精超内孔 superfinishing inner bore精超外沟 superfinishing outer ring race way精磨外沟 grinding outer ring race way配电柜 electricity cabinet冷干机 cooling drier machine空压机 Air Compresses Machine饮水机 water dispenser 端面修磨床 机修房 repair room工作台 work table磨一车间办公室 office办公桌 desk圆度仪 roundness inspection instrument圆度室 roundness inspection room粗糙度仪 roughness inspection instrument检验台 inspection table仪器物品摆放 district for instrument & goods滚研机 superfinishing machine 清洗机 washing machine 设备办公室 machinery office机修人员办公室 rest room 设备工装室 equipment tools room储物间 storeroom 4、装配一车间三楼平面分布图3F map of assembly workshop NO.1待洗区 waiting for washing district成品清洗间 fine washing room注脂压盖间 inject grease and press shield room检验台 inspection table匀脂 uniform grease 盖子检验台 shield inspection table空盘摆放区 district for empty box注脂工作台 grease injection table清洗 washing清洗间 washing room待洗区 waiting for washing district油料放置区 空盘摆放区 district for empty tray 测振 noise and vibration inspection 测振产品摆放区 waiting for vibration inspection district打字 typing 打字产品摆放区 waiting for typing district鞋柜 shoes cabinet待洗区 waiting for washing district返工品区 rework product district 空盘 empty tray 货梯 stair for goods储物间 storeroom 办公室 office茶柜 tea cabinet 饮水机摆放处 water dispenser 办公桌 desk 椅子 chair 包装物料 wrap page架子 shelf 包装工作台 packaging table 包装间 packaging room 塑料瓶柜 plastic bottle cabinet 成品 finished product 5、装配一车间二楼平面分布图2F map of assembly workshop NO.1 内孔合格区 district for qualified inner bore内孔检验台 inner bore inspection table内孔检验室 inner bore inspection room测量仪摆放台 inspection instrument table 沉淀池 sedimentation pool配备件 spare part 空盘摆放 empty tray 保持器压模柜 cage pressing dies 空盘摆放 empty tray压铆 adding cage合套间 matching room 合套二组工作台work table for matching group 2合套仪 matching instrument 更衣柜 clothing cabinet 更衣室 changing room 鞋柜 shoes cabinet 空盘摆放处 district for empty tray 垃圾摆放处 district for rubbish货梯 stair for goods深浅圈收发室 深浅圈摆放区内圈摆放区 district for inner ring 外圈摆放区 district for outer ring套圈收发室 inner/outer ring control room 内/外圈摆放区 district for inner/outer ring 半成品放置区 district for semi-finished product 外观检验间 appearance inspection room 外观检验工作台 appearance inspection table半成品清洗间 semi-finished product washing room 6、装配二车间平面图Map of assembly workshop NO.2待清洗盖子、保持器摆放区 waiting district for shield, cage盖子清洗机 shield washing machine 合套压铆 matching and adding cage 外圈清洗机 outer ring washing machine 内圈、保持器清洗机 inner ring and cage washing machine 半成品清洗机 semi-finished washing machine 压盖匀脂 press shield and uniform grease 测振仪 vibration inspection instrument 盖子检验区 shield inspection district 包装区 packaging district 洗手池 washing room 男厕所 washroom (male)女厕所 washroom(female)男/女更衣室 changing room(male) changing room(female)内孔检验室 inner core inspection room产品摆放区 district for product 游隙全检区 radial clearance 100% inspection district 备注:1.本图中设备标识第一行代表加工工序,第二行代表设备名称,第三行代表设备编码,第四行代表操作人员编码2.操作人员的编码由四位数字组成,如M123,其中M1代表磨一车间;2代表二组;3代表操作人员, 各个小组正常配置为五名操作人员,6以后数字代表学徒3.操作人员编码见附表 Note: 1 the mark on the machine in this map con
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