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Illocutionary Act 行事行为 (言语行为理论之一) How did it be proposed? Question: What did she do? Saying something may be understood as doing something. 3 Senses Sense1. Locutionary act what did she do? she produced a sound, word or sentence. So, her act can be considered as locutionary act. (发话行为) Sense2. Illocutionary act what did she do? she offered a greeting. So, her act can be considered as illocutionary act. (行事行为) Features: The perlocutionary act is the act performed in the performing of a locutionary act. 发话行为与行事行为同时进行 When we speak, we not only produce some units of language with certain meanings, but also make clear: our purpose in producing them;(清楚说话的 意图) The way we intend them to be understood;( 希望自己的话被听者怎样理解) Or they also have certain forces (as Austin prefers) to say.(我们的话里有一定的语 力) Types Asking an answering, or a question; Giving some information, or an assurance, or a warning; declaring an announcement; Making an appointment or an appeal or a criticism; Giving a description; (陈述、指令、承诺、表达、宣传等类型) Sense3. Perlocutionary act what did she do? shes made peace with her friends. shes performed a behavior of hypocrisy(伪 善) her act can be considered by the hearers prejudice. (取效行为) 疑问:取效行为是否才该 是最能体现言外之意的行 为? One mistake Perlocutionary act is not the hearers act. For example: A:“please close the door!” The B goes to close the door. The Bs act is the speakers perlocutionary act. false! So, what is perlocutionary act? Features: Producing an effect upon the listener, as in persuading, frightening, amusing, or causing the listener to act. (通过告诉某人某事,说话人 可以改变听话人的有关看法,可以误导他、惊吓他、 或诱导他去做某事,等等) Whether or not these effects are intended by the speaker, they can be regarded as part of the act that speaker has performed. The act is effected by Social and psychological factor. My personal view: 1. Locutionary act: the most normal act; the surface act. 2. Illocutionary act:the hearers objective cognition about speakers act. 3. Perlocutionary act: the hearers subjective cognition about speaker
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