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Chapter 4 Prefix and Word Power evoke, convoke, provoke, revoke 这一组词共享词根vok,该词根在名词和形容词之 中一般改为voc,为“声音、呼唤 (voice or to call) ”之意。 evoke v. 唤起, 引起 e-(out) + vok (to call) evocation n. 唤出, 唤起, 招魂 evocative adj. 唤出的, 唤起的 That old film evoked our father generations memories of the years of the war. convoke v. 召集 con-(together) + vok (to call) convocation n. 集会, 召集 The Prime Minister convoked Parliament to decide a policy. provoke v. 激怒, 挑拨, 煽动, 惹起 pro-(forward) + vok (to call) provocation n. 激怒, 刺激, 挑衅 provocative adj. 煽动的;挑衅的 He claimed that it was her rudeness that provoked him to strike her. revoke v. 撤回, 废除 revocation n. 撤回 irrevocable adj. 不能取消的 Her license was revoked. 由词根voc及其变体构成的词汇还有: voice n. vocal adj. advocate v. 冲动的 He said he had been impelled to crime by poverty. dispel v. 驱散, 驱逐, 使消散 dis-(away) + pel (to drive or push) The sun soon dispelled the thick fog over the field. repel v. 击退, 抵制, 使厌恶 re-(back) + pel (to drive) repulsion n.推斥, 排斥 repulsive adj. 推斥的, 排斥的 Electric charges of the same sign repel one another. expel v. 驱逐, 开除, 排出 ex-(out) + pel (to drive) expulsion n. 逐出, 开除 expulsive adj. 逐出的, 开除的 After his expulsion from the cabinet the minister became the subject of a smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike take pleasure in hitting a man when hes down. propel v. 推进, 驱使 pro-(forward) + pel (to drive) propulsion n. 推进, 推进力 propulsive adj. 推进的, 有推进力的 This aircraft works by jet propulsion 由词根pel及其变体构成的词汇还有: pulse n. impulse n. impulsive adj. Apollo push appeal polish Polite pushup * precede, recede, retrocede, intercede, accede, concede 这一组词共享词根ced,该词根在名词和形容词之中一般改为 cess,并有变体ceed,为“走动 (to go)”之意。 precede v. 领先于, 先于 pre-(before) + ced (to go) precession n. 先行 He preceded his speech with welcome to the guests. recede v. 后退 re-(back) + ced (to go) recession n. 撤回, 退回, 衰退 As the tide receded we were able to look for shells. If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. retrocede v. 回去,后退 retro-(backward) + ced (to go) retrocession n. 退却 Under the violent attack, the enemy retroceded to the forest. intercede v. 调解,求情 inter-(between) + ced (to go) intercession n. 代为求情, 代祷, 调解 The lawyer interceded with the governor for a condemned man. accede v. 同意, 加入 ac-(toward) + ced (to go) accession n. 就职, 就任 On his accession to the throne, he inherited vast estate. concede v. 勉强, 承认, 退让 con-(thoroughly) + ced (to go) concession n. 让步 You must concede that I have tried my best. Employers made concessions to the workers in negotiations. 由词根ced构成的词汇还有: proceed v. process n. procedure n. pro- (forward) + ced (to go) + -ure (manner)幻灯片 13 succeed v. suc- (sub: from under) + ceed (to go) success n. succession n. successor n. successive adj. access n. ac- (ad: to) + cess (to go) exceed v. excess n. excessive adj. * announce Aance-, ante- ancestor n. antecede v. antenna n. Bfore- foreground n. foresee v. foretell v. forecast n. 攻击的; 挑衅的 The warring nations accused of each other of aggression. digress v. 离题 di-(aside) + gress (to step) digression n. 离题 digressive adj. 离题的, 枝节的 The old professor used to digress from his subject for a moment to tell his students a funny story. egress n. beneath(在之下), 2) secondary; subordinate( 低于,次于), 3) less than(不如),它根据后接词干的 首字母的不同而改变形状,因而有多种变体:suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-,主要构成以下词汇: submerge v. submarine n. subordinate adj. n. Bde-. devalue v. depress v. Cunder- undermine v. Dhypo- hypothesis n. 幻灯片 30 由词根tain构成的词汇还有: tenant n. ten (to hold) + -ant (person) continent n. con (together) + tin (to hold) + -ent (thing) continental adj. continue v. con (together) + tinu (to hold) + e lieutenant n. lieu (a place) + ten (to hold) + -ant (person) content n. 贬低 de-(away) + tract (to draw) detraction n. 诽谤 That does not detract from his merit. distract v. 分散(注意力等); 使分心 dis-(apart) + tract (to draw) distraction n. 娱乐, 分心 distractive adj. 分散注意力的, 扰乱的 My attentions are distracted from my study. extract v. 拔出, 榨取 ex-(out)+ tract (to draw) extraction n. 榨取,提取 We can extract oil from olive. subtract v. 减去, 扣除 sub-+tract subtraction n. 减少 That subtracts nothing from his merit. protract v. 延长,拖延 pro-(forward) + tract (to draw) protraction n.延长,伸长 由词根tract构成的词汇还有: abstract n. adj. v.代替, 替代 sub-(under) + stitut (to set up) substitution n. 代替, 取代作用 The understudy substituted when the leading actor fell ill. 由词根stitut构成的词汇还有: prostitute n. state n. station n. stay v. we can see many people disporting themselves in the park. export n. & v. 出口 ex-(out) + port (to carry) India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. import n. & v. 进口 im-(in) + port-(to carry) The government has imposed strict controls over the import of luxury goods. purport n. 主旨;v. 声称 pur-(forward) + port (to carry) The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt. support n. & v. sup-(under) +port (to carry) He needs a high income to support such a large family. transport v. & n. 传送, 运输 trans-(across) + port (to carry) transportation n.运输 The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 由词根port构成的词汇还有: portable adj. portage n. importance n. im- (in) + port (to carry) + -ant (ing) report v. reporter n. passport n. portly adj. porter n. porch n. Porto Portugal Portland Oxford * construction, destruction, instruction, obstruction 这一组词共享词根struct,来自于拉丁语struere,并有变体story和stru,表示“to build ( 建设,建造)”之意。 construction n. 建筑, 建筑物 con-(together )+ struct (to build)+-ion construct v. 建造, 构造 constructive adj. 建设性的 I can not figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion. destruction n. 破坏, 毁灭 de-(away) + struct (to build)+-ion destructive adj. 破坏的,破坏性的 The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences. instruction n. 教育, 指导, 指令 in-(in, on) + struct (to build)+-ion instruct v. 教导, 命令, 指示 instructor n. instructive adj. 教育性的 The teacher gave them instructions to arrive early tomorrow morning. obstruction n. 阻塞, 妨碍, 障碍物 ob-(in the way of ) + struct (to build)+-ion obstruct v. 阻隔, 阻塞, 遮断 obstructive (adj. 阻碍的, 妨碍的) He was charged with obstructing the highway. 由词根struc构成的词汇还有: construe v. 解释, 分析 con-(together) + struc (to build) structure n. 结构, 构造 struct (to build) + ure superstructure n. infrastructure n. structural adj. 结构的, 建筑的 * addict, contradict, indict, interdict, predict, verdict 这一组词共享词根dict,来自于拉丁语deik,并有变体dic和dicat,表示“to speak, to say (说)”之意。 addict v. 使沉溺,使着迷;n. 入迷的人, 有瘾的人 ad-(toward) + dict (to speak) addiction n. 沉溺, 上瘾 addictive adj. 上瘾的 There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug. contradict v. 反驳,矛盾 contra-(against) +dict (to speak) contradiction n. 矛盾 contradictory adj.互相矛盾的 The report contradicts what we heard yesterday. indict v. 控告 in-(in) +dict (to speak) indictment n. 控告 You cant indict whole people for the crudeness of few. interdict v. 禁止, 制止, 限制 inter-(between) +dict (to speak) Interdiction n.禁止, 停止, 闭锁, 阻断 The role of the FBI is to interdict spies attempting to pass US secrets to the Soviet Union. predict v 预言 prediction n. 预言 predictive adj.预言的 verdict n. 裁决, 判决 ver-(true) + dict (to speak) The judges verdict was dropped and their prison sentences set aside. 由词根dict 构成的词汇还有: dictate v. dictation n. dictator n. dedicate v. indicate v. diction n. dictionary n. benediction n. malediction n. * deplore, explore, implore 这一组词共享词根plor,来自于拉丁语,表示“to cry out (大声 呼喊)”之意。 deplore v. 表示悲痛 de-(completely) +plor (to cry out) deplorable adj. 可叹的, 悲伤的 I deplore the writings of so-called military history by people concerned with rushing into print so as to catch a market that is still fresh. explore v. 探险, 探测, 探究 ex-(out) + plor (to cry out) exploration n. 探险, 探测 implore v. 恳求, 哀求 im-(toward) + plor (to cry out) imploration n. 恳求, 哀求 She implored me to do her a favor. * distinct, extinct, instinct 这一组词共享词根stinct,来自于拉丁语stinguere,并有变体 sting,表示“to prick, to separate (刺、分开)”之意。 distinct adj. 清楚的, 明显的 dis-(away) + (s) tinct (to prick) distinguish v. 区别, 辨别 distinctio
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