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20092010学年度第 二 学期信息检索与利用专题检索报告课题:钢纤维混凝土抗压性能研究学 院 土木与交通工程学院 专 业 土 木 工 程 班 级 2007级2班 学 号 3107003345 姓 名 杜 锋 光 指导教师 陈 蔚 丽 2010年 5 月 15日目录1.分析研究课题12.选择数据库12.1查找中文文献信息12.2查找外文文献信息13.确定检索式23.1检索点23.2检索词23.3构建检索式24.选择并记录检索结果24.1中文文献信息检索24.2.1维普中文期刊数据库24.2.2万方数据库资源系统44.2外文文献信息检索64.2.1Engineering Village64.2.2EBSCO检索平台75.文献综述105.1钢纤维混凝土的组成材料及分类105.2钢纤维混凝土抗压性能115.3主要结论116.心得体会12课题名称:钢纤维混凝土抗压性能研究1. 分析研究课题混凝土材料是一种复合性材料,由粗细骨料、胶合料和其它不同类型的添加剂组成。钢纤维混凝土是在混凝土基体中再掺入适量的钢纤维制成的一种混凝土基复合材料。混凝土作为一种优良的工程材料,其使用量越来越大,应用领域遍及工业与民用建筑工程、水利工程、交通工程、军事工程、海洋工程等土木工程领域。由于混凝土作为建筑材料存在着抗拉强度低、韧性差等固有弱点,随着高强混凝土的应用,抗压强度不断提高,这一弱点更加突出。还有混凝土材料本身所固有的孔、裂缝及其它原始缺陷使其存在延性差、脆性大等缺点,这在很大程度上影响和阻碍混凝土材料的进一步发展。为了从根本上改善混凝土这种优良建筑材料在阻裂和延性等方面的先天不足,在混凝土中掺入乱向分布、弹性模量较高的短细钢纤维是改善混凝土性能的有效措施。钢纤维混凝土是在混凝土基体中掺入适量钢纤维和外加剂所形成的一种混凝土复合材料,在混凝土凝固过程中,钢纤维可以有效地减少收缩裂纹的数量,并减少裂纹间距。在承受荷载过程中,钢纤维具有阻止裂缝发展的作用,跨越裂缝和靠近裂缝尖端的纤维,能将过高的应力传递给裂纹的上下表面,缓和应力集中的程度,推迟或抑制裂缝的扩展。它兼具普通钢纤维混凝土的延性和韧性好的特征。钢纤维的掺入改变了混凝土的破坏形态,使脆性材料表现出延性性能,扩大了混凝土的应用范围。随着经济的发展,新的结构形式对混凝土性能提出更高的要求,钢纤维高强混凝土这种新型建筑复合材料的应用领域必将不断扩大。2. 选择数据库根据课题需求以及校园网资源情况,本课题选用下列数据库:2.1 查找中文文献信息 维普中文期刊数据库 万方数据库资源系统2.2 查找外文文献信息 Engineering Village2 ISI Web of Knowledge3. 确定检索式3.1 检索点关键词;全文;篇名。3.2 检索词中文:钢纤维;混凝土;抗压;抗压强度;耐压性;耐压性能;耐压。英文:steel fibers concrete;compressive strength。3.3 构建检索式中文:钢纤维*混凝土*(抗压+抗压强度+耐压性+耐压性能+耐压)英文:steel fibers concrete*compressive strength4. 选择并记录检索结果 利用上述数据库,使用不同的检索项进行检索,并按照课题需求,对检索结果进行判断,筛选记录切题文献。4.1 中文文献信息检索4.2.1 维普中文期刊数据库a.检索步骤:进入广东工业大学图书馆中文数据库维普中文期刊数据库高级检索;b.检索过程:检索条件: (关键词=钢纤维)*(关键词=混凝土)*(关键词=抗压+抗压强度+耐压性+耐压性能+耐压)*全部期刊*年=2008-2008;c.检索结果:得到9条记录,筛选摘录其中5篇文摘。【题名】钢纤维混凝土试件的抗压性能研究【作者】代洪伟 赵燕茹【机构】内蒙古工业大学建筑工程学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010000【刊名】内蒙古科技与经济.2008(6).-279-279【关键词】钢纤维混凝土 抗压性能【分类号】TU528.572【文摘】通过对5组钢纤维混凝土试块的抗压性能研究,分析了钢纤维含量、长径比对抗压强度的影响,提出了钢纤维混凝土的抗压强度近似计算公式。【题名】钢纤维高强混凝土抗压强度【作者】谢晓鹏1 杨广军1 高丹盈2【机构】1郑州航空工业管理学院,河南郑州450015 2郑州大学土木工学院,河南郑州450002【刊名】河南科技大学学报:自然科学版.2008,29(5).-54-56,69【关键词】钢纤维体积率 高强混凝土 抗压强度【分类号】TU528.572【文摘】通过对13组39个150150150高强混凝土及钢纤维高强混凝土试件的试验,分析了钢纤维体积率和混凝土强度等级对钢纤维高强混凝土抗压强度的影响,提出了钢纤维高强混凝土抗压强度的回归计算公式。结果表明:钢纤维体积率和混凝土强度等级对钢纤维高强混凝土的抗压强度均有一定的影响;试验值与回归公式的计算值吻合较好。【题名】高强钢纤维轻骨料混凝土力学性能的试验研究【作者】张爱军 申向东【机构】内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院【刊名】农村牧区机械化.2008(2).-74-77【关键词】钢纤维轻骨料混凝土 抗压强度 抗折强度 弹性模量【分类号】TU528.571 TG146.21【文摘】钢纤维轻骨料混凝土具有轻质高强、韧性优、保温隔热等显著优点。本文对这种新型的多相复合混凝土材料的力学性能开展初步研究,分析钢纤维体积率变化对轻骨料混凝土的立方体抗压强度、抗折强度、轴心抗压强度和弹性模量的影响。试验结果表明,采用轻骨料和加入钢纤维后,轻骨料混凝土的抗压强度提高约15,抗折强度提高约62,轴心抗压强度提高14-35,弹性模量也有所增大。【题名】钢纤维混凝土动载疲劳特性的试验研究【作者】石北啸1,2【机构】1河北工程大学学生工作部,河北邯郸056038 2西安理工大学岩土工程研究所,陕西西安710048【刊名】河北工程大学学报:自然科学版.2008,25(2).-9-12【关键词】钢纤维混凝土 疲劳强度 抗压强度【分类号】TU528.572【文摘】运用TAW-2000型微机伺服多功能材料试验机,对不同强度混凝土掺入不同含量的钢纤维进行疲劳破坏试验研究。结果表明:在钢纤维体积含量一定范围内,随钢纤维体积含量增加,钢纤维混凝土的疲劳极限抗压强度增长十分明显;随钢纤维体积含量提高,混凝土的抗疲劳能力显著增强;随时间增长,应力曲线的上升段更加陡峭,下降段更缓慢,即钢纤维混凝土的疲劳强度、韧度均得到显著增长。【题名】钢纤维对RPC混凝土力学性能影响研究【作者】王建雷1,2 郝相雨3 籍凤秋3【机构】1河北工程大学,河北邯单056000 2石家庄铁道学院材料科学与工程分院,石家庄050043 3石家庄铁道学院,石家庄050043【刊名】低温建筑技术.2008(3).-18-20【关键词】RPC混凝土 钢纤维 抗压强度 抗折强度【分类号】TU528.043【文摘】研究了不同种类的钢纤维在不同掺量下对活性粉末RPC混凝土抗压强度以及抗折强度的影响。研究结果表明:钢纤维直径对于RPC的强度有较大的影响;钢纤维的掺量对RPC强度影响的规律是:当体积掺量小于3时,随着钢纤维的掺量增加,强度提高很快;当体积掺量超过3时,强度增加缓慢。4.2.2 万方数据库资源系统a.检索步骤:进入广东工业大学图书馆中文数据库万方数据库资源系统中国学位论文全文数据库;b.检索过程:检索条件: (关键词=钢纤维)*(关键词=混凝土)*(关键词=抗压)*年=2008-2008;c.检索结果:得到2条记录,摘录文摘如下。【论文标题】 钢纤维混凝土动态抗压性能研究【作 者】 柏巍【作者专业】 岩土工程【导师姓名】 彭刚姜袁【授予学位】 硕士【授予单位】 三峡大学【授予学位时间】 20080501【论文页数】 1-122【分 类 号】 TU5 TD3【关 键 词】 钢纤维混凝土 动态 抗压 中等应变速率 纤维含量 图像数字处理技术 应力状态 曲线特征 细观结构 强度等级 混凝土材料 指标参数 应变曲线 循环荷载试验 强度特性 峰值应力 峰值应变非均质性 变形特性 有限元【内容摘要】钢纤维混凝土作为一种新型复合材料,已广泛的应用于建筑、桥梁、隧道、水利等工程中。目前,对于钢纤维混凝土的低应变速率静力试验以及高应变速率冲击试验已有较多研究成果,但对于地震荷载作用下中等应变速率范围内(10-4 /s10-2 /s)的试验研究还有待深入,混凝土材料的动态特性是抗震研究中的薄弱环节。为此,本文系统地进行了钢纤维混凝土在中等应变速率响应范围内的6 种纤维含量(0%、1%、1.5%、2%、2.5%、3%)、4 种周围压力(0MPa、8MPa、16MPa、24MPa)、2 种基体强度(C40,以SFCA 表示;C30,以SFCC 表示)的单轴、常规三轴的单调与重复加卸荷等多种动态压缩试验,累计完成252 个试件的加载试验。同时,利用医用CT 扫描技术得到了混凝土内部细观数据图像,结合图像数字处理技术对混凝土内部细观结构进行了重建,并在此基础上进行了混凝土材料的有限元数字劈拉试验。具体工作内容如下。(1)研究了单向应力状态下各种钢纤维含量和强度等级的钢纤维混凝土在应变速率为10-3 /s 时的强度特性和变形特性。(2)系统地分析了三向应力状态下各种钢纤维含量、围压和强度等级的钢纤维混凝土在应变速率为10-3 /s 时的峰值应力、峰值应变、应力-应变曲线、弹性模量、泊松比、韧度比、八面体应力空间的分布等多种指标参数,得出了各种指标参数与纤维含量、围压大小、强度等级等相互的影响关系。(3)采用等应变增量的重复完全加卸荷试验,并对其应力-应变曲线的包络线特征、峰值应力、峰值应变、卸载曲线特征、残余应变、再加载曲线特征、横向应变特征、共同点轨迹线特征等进行了分析。(4)根据地震时程曲线的特征,进行了钢纤维混凝土两种不同频率的非等幅循环荷载试验,比较了不同频率循环荷载下的强度特性和变形特性。(5)基于CT 扫描得到的图像,结合图像数字处理技术,对混凝土的真实细观结构进行了重建,并将其导入有限元软件之中,建立了更能准确表征混凝土细观非均质性的二维数值试件,进行了几种不同情况的劈裂对比试验;采用对CT 扫描的DICOM 格式原始数据调用的方式,建立了混凝土或钢纤维混凝土真实细观结构的三维模型,较好的体现了混凝土的非均质性,为进一步在细观层次上研究混凝土内部的破坏机理奠定了一定的基础。【论文标题】 钢纤维轻骨料混凝土物理力学性能及韧性的试验研究【作 者】 张爱军【作者专业】水工结构工程【导师姓名】申向东【授予学位】硕士【授予单位】内蒙古农业大学【授予学位时间】 20080501【论文页数】 1-69【文摘语种】 中文文摘【分 类 号】 TU528.572【关 键 词】 钢纤维轻骨料混凝 力学性能 抗压韧性【摘 要】 钢纤维轻骨料混凝土具有轻质高强、韧性优、保温隔热等显著优点。将钢纤维和天然浮石轻骨料混凝土结合起来成为钢纤维轻骨料混凝土,钢纤维轻骨料混凝土兼有钢纤维混凝土的韧性高和轻骨料混凝土质量轻等优点。 本论文通过掺入钢纤维、高效减水剂、优质引气剂及矿物掺合料配制了三种强度等级(LC30,LC35,LC40)的浮石轻骨料混凝土。本文对这种新型的多相复合混凝土材料的力学性能开展初步研究,分析了钢纤维体积率变化对轻骨料混凝土的立方体抗压强度、轴心抗压强度、弹性模量、劈裂抗拉强度和抗折强度的影响。试验结果表明,钢纤维的加入能明显提高轻骨料混凝土的抗拉强度和抗折强度;掺入钢纤维使轻骨料混凝土的抗压强度有一定程度的提高,增长幅度不大,但抗压韧性却有很大改善,使钢纤维轻骨料混凝土裂而不散;钢纤维轻骨料混凝土的弹性模量随钢纤维体积率的增大有一定提高,表观密度略有增加。 本文最后探讨了钢纤维对轻骨料混凝土的阻裂增韧机理,并对进一步的研究工作提出了建议。本文的试验结果可为钢纤维轻骨料混凝土的研究与应用提供试验依据和理论依据。4.2 外文文献信息检索4.2.1 Engineering Villagea.检索步骤:进入广东工业大学图书馆外文数据库Engineering VillageQuick search;b.检索过程:检索条件: (steel fibers concrete) WN KY) AND (compressive strength) WN KY)c.检索结果:82 records in Compendex for 2008-2008筛选摘录其中2篇文摘【Title】: Predicting the compressive strength of steel fiber added lightweight concrete using neural network【Authors】: Altun, Fatih1 ; Kisi, Ozgr1 ; Aydin, Kamil1【Author affiliation】: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey【Source title】: Computational Materials Science【Issue date】:April 2008【Pages】:259-265【Language:】:English【Document type】:Journal article (JA)【Abstract】: An irregular distribution of steel fibers in fresh concrete results in a complex structure. This causes changes in the behavior of hardened concrete members, even in the response of those produced under the same conditions. Therefore, it is fairly difficult to predict the performance of steel fiber added lightweight concrete. This study investigates the usability of artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the compressive strength of such concrete. For this purpose, normal strength lightweight concrete with 350, 400, and 450 kg/m3 cement dosages are produced. The Dramix RC-80/0.60-BN type steel fibers are added to each specimen at the dosages of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 kg/m3 leading to a total of 126 cylindrical samples of the size 150 300 mm. The compressive strength of the specimen is then experimentally determined. The parameters considered for the ANN inputs are the amounts of steel fiber, water, water-cement ratio, cement, pumice sand, pumice gravel, and super plasticizer. The test results obtained from the ANN are compared with the multi linear regression technique based on mean square error, mean absolute error, and correlation coefficient criteria. The study concludes that the ANN predicts the compressive strength of steel fiber added lightweight concrete better than does the MLR. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.【Title】: Study on compression-shear failure of steel fiber reinforced concrete【Authors】: Guo, Yan-Hua1 ; Liu, Jian-Hong2 ; Li, Zhi-Ye1【Author affiliation】: 1 School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 2 The First Survey and Design Institute of China Railways, Xian 710043, China【Source title】: Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Building Materials【Issue date】:April 2008【Pages】:152-156【Language:】: Chinese【Document type】:Journal article (JA)【Abstract】: The compression-shear failure of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) was studied by varying compressive stress and steel fiber content. The obvious material softening character of SFRC after compression-shear failure, indicated by the bilinear shear softening curve, can be observed from test data. The compression-shear strength of SFRC is proven to be the function of compressive stress and steel fiber contents. However, the enhancing effect from compressive stress and steel fiber content is independent. According to the test data, the calculation formula of compression-shear strength was proposed and verified with the finite element method.4.2.2 EBSCO检索平台a.检索步骤:进入广东工业大学图书馆外文数据库EBSCO检索平台选择数据库Academic Source Premier高级检索;b.检索过程:检索条件: TX steel fibers concrete and TX compressive strength 时间:2008-2008c.检索结果:得到4条记录,筛选摘录其中2篇文摘。【标 题】Stress-Strain Behavior of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in Compression.【作 者】Bencardino, Francesco1 f.bencardinounical.itRizzuti, Lidia2 l.rizzutistrutture.unical.itSpadea, Giuseppe3 g.spadeaunical.itSwamy, Ramnath N. 4R.N.Swamysheffield.ac.uk【作者单位】1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Univ. of Calabria, Rende, CS, 87036 Rende, Italy 2Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Univ. of Calabria, Rende, CS, Italy 3Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Univ. of Calabria, Rende, CS, Italy (corresponding author) 4Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Sheffield, S13JD Sheffield, U.K【来 源】Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; Mar2008, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p255-263, 9p, 2 Color Photographs, 1 Diagram, 4 Charts, 3 Graphs【主 题 语】STRUCTURAL design;REINFORCED concrete;STRAINS & stresses;MATERIALS - Compression testing;FIBER-reinforced concrete;CONCRETE。【关 键 字】Compression tests;Compressive strength;Concrete, reinforced;Fiber reinforced materials;Softening;Steel fibers;Stress strain relations。【摘 要】Good structural design demands high quality experimental data and reliable modeling of the mechanical properties of the constituent materials. Although several theoretical models and much experimental data on the behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete in compression are available in published literature, there are considerable reservations on the general applicability of these models for design. This paper presents the results of tests in compression of steel fiber-reinforced concrete carried out according to standard procedures, and a critical evaluation of the models proposed to define the stress-strain behavior in compression. The tests reported were carried out on cylindrical specimens of plain and steel fiber-reinforced concrete with fiber volume of 1, 1.6, and 3%. To evaluate the reliability of the models available in literature, a critical comparative study was carried out between the experimental data and the various proposed theoretical stress-strain relationships. It is shown that while many of the models showed good agreement with test results from which the model equations were derived, there was no such good agreement when the models were applied to other published test data. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHORCopyright of Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering is the property of American Society of Civil Engineers and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)【标 题】Combined effect of silica fume and steel fiber on the mechanical properties of high strength concretes【作 者】Kksal, Fuat1 Altun, Fatih2 .trYiit, İlhami3 .trahin, Yua1【作者单位】1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bozok University, 66000 Yozgat, Turkey 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bozok University, 66000 Yozgat, Turkey【来 源】Construction & Building Materials; Aug2008, Vol. 22 Issue 8, p1874-1880, 7p【主 题 语】BUILDING materials;MATERIALS;STRENGTH of materials;CONCRETE construction;MECHANICAL properties。【摘 要】Abstract: In this experimental study, the changes on some mechanical properties of concrete specimens produced by using silica fume and steel fiber were investigated. The main objective of this work is to obtain a more ductile high strength concrete produced by using both silica fume and steel fiber. Two types of steel fibers with aspect ratios (fiber length/fiber diameter) of 65 and 80 were used in the experiments and volume fractions of steel fiber were 0.5% and 1%. Additions of silica fume into the concrete were 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight of cement content. Water/cement ratio was 0.38 and the reference slump was 12020mm. Slump test for workability, air content and unit weight tests were performed on fresh concretes. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength tests were made on hardened concrete specimens. Loaddeflection curves and toughness of the specimens were also obtained by flexural test performed according to ASTM C1018 standards. Flexural tests on beam specimens were achieved using a closed loop deflection-controlled testing machine. The use of silica fume increased both the mechanical strength and the modulus of the elasticity of concrete. On the other hand, the addition of steel fiber into concrete improves toughness of high strength concrete significantly. As the steel fiber volume fraction increases, the toughness increases, and high values of aspect ratios give higher toughness. The toughness of high strength steel fiber concrete depends on silica fume content, the fiber volume fraction and the fiber aspect ratio. Copyright &y& ElsevierCopyright of Construction & Building Materials is the property of Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)5. 文献综述5.1 钢纤维混凝土的组成材料及分类钢纤维混凝土是由粗细骨料、水泥、水、钢纤维及必要时掺入的化学外加剂或掺合料按一定的比例配制、搅拌、凝固而成的人造复合材料。作为该复合材料主要组成部分的钢纤维,可按外形、截面形状、生产工艺、材料品质、施工用途等划分类型。按钢纤维的外形可分为:长直形、压痕形、波浪形、弯钩形、大头形、扭曲形、盾环型等;按钢纤维截面形状可分为:圆形、矩形、月牙形、不规则形状等;按钢纤维生产工艺可分为:切断型钢纤维、剪切型钢纤维、铣削型钢纤维以及熔抽型钢纤维等;按钢纤维的材质可分为:普通碳钢钢纤维、不锈钢钢纤维;按钢纤维施工用途可分为:浇筑用钢纤维和喷射用钢纤维。5.2 钢纤维混凝土抗压性能混凝土在结构中主要承受压力,抗压性能是混凝土最基本最重要的力学性能指标。混凝土的抗压强度可用立方抗压强度和轴心抗压强度(棱柱体强度)两种方法来表示。立方体抗压强度是确定混凝土强度等级的唯一依据,也是确定其他力学特性(如弹性模量、峰值应变、延性系数、耐久性、破坏形态、多轴强度和变形等)和数值的主要因素。和普通纤
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