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unit 1 will people have robots?一 词组巩固1 爱上 2 去滑冰3 实现 4 未来,将来5 大量,许多 6 有能力做某事7 世界杯 8 将有9 更少的污染 10 空闲时间二 选择填空1 you need friends to _, or you will feel _.a chat, alone b chat with, lonely c speak, lonely d talk with, alone2 mr wang has gone to shanghai on business. he will be back _ four days.a after b from c for d in3 - how soon will the second class begin? - _ two minutes. a for b at c in d after4 though his grandmother lives _,she never feels _.a alone, lonely b lonely, lonely c alone, lonely d lonely, alone5 if we try our best, our dream will _ one day.a work out b come true c put up d show off6 - look, there is a horse racing program on tv now. - hmm it _exciting.a seems b looks like c feels d seems like7 he said that f we told him the news, he _ come to help us. a will can b will be able to c would can d would be able to8 - when shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow - _ is ok, im free these daysa both b all c either d neither9 we hope _ only one country in the world in the future.a there are b there was c there will be d therell is10 the water in the lakes and rivers in yunnan became _ because of the dry weather.a fewer and fewer b more and more c less and less d little and little11 students should wear uniforms on weekdays. but they can wear freely on weekends.a casually b carefully c busily d easily12 many countries have sent lots of rockets into space. it has made science developed in many fields.a lent b spent c flown d built13 turn your ears to me, please, boys and girls. a turn back b listen to c turn to your left d turn around to14 when she knew she didnt pass the english test, she pulled a long facea looked shy b looked sadc looked excited d was wonderful15 put the things behind you, youll enjoy the sunshine in your life again.a think about the things early. b solve the things yourselfc discuss the things carefully d try to forget the things三 课文再现in ten years, i think ill 1_ (are) a reporter. ill live in shanghai, because i 2_(go) to shanghai last year and 3_ (fall) in love 4_(without) it. i think its a really 5_ (beauty) city. as a 6_( report),i think i will meet lots of 7_ (interest) people. i think ill have in an apartment with my 8_ (good) friends, because i dont like 9_(live) alone. ill have pets. i cant have 10_(some) pets now because my mother hates 11_(they), and our apartment is too small. so in ten years, ill have many 12_(difference) pets. i might even keep a pet parrot! ill probably go skating and 13_(swim) every day. during the week ill look smart, and probably 14_ (wear) a suit. on the weekends, ill be able to dress15_( casual). i think ill go to hong kong on vacation,16 (and) one day i might even visit australia.补全对话a: hi, mary. are you going to visit beihai park tomorrow?b: yes. well start at 7:50. _ ? (1)a: id love to. but do you think its going to rain tomorrow?b: _. (2) look, there isnt any cloud in the sky.a: i hope it will be fine tomorrow. _ ? (3)b: not far. itll take us half an hour. its only 5 bus stops. a: you mean well go there by bus, is that right?b: yes. _. (4)a: but id like to go there by bike. at that time the streets are very busy. buses cant go faster than bikes.b: i agree with you. going by bike can save both time and money.a: yes. _ . (5)b: ok. goodbye. a: bye-bye.unit 2 what should i do?一 词组巩固1 不让进入 2 不时髦的 3 和 争论 4 打电话给5 用电话交谈,在通话 6 付 账7 与 同样的 8 时髦的,流行的9 相处, 进展 10 尽可能11 各种各样的 12 一方面二 选择填空1 i _ 300 for the bike.a took b spent c cost d paid2 - we are all here _ lily. wheres she? - shes gone to the library.a besides b beside c expect d of3 this kind of dress is _ this year, and i really want to get one,a in danger b in trouble c in style d in surprise4 its too late to invite any more people. _, you know how tim hates parties.a besides b however c still d instead5 - i like this set of sofa so much, but i dont know _ it in my small house.- youre supposed to put it in the living room.a where to put b why to put c when to put d how to put 6 - how was the youth club last night, mark? - it was great fun. you _ come.a must b can c should d may7 he has no ideas of his own, so he always _ his friends about everything. a plays with b argues with c agree with8 the mother was _ to see the present that her ten-year-old son bought for her birthday. a surprise b surprising c surprised d to surprise9 do what you were told and dont _ mea quarrel b argue c argue with d discuss10 - can i come this evening or tomorrow morning? - _ is ok. a either b neither c both d all11 he is so friendly that he can _ with others.a get on well b get off well c get off badly12 if you dont want to go skating, i wont _. a too b also c either d neither13 i really dont know _. a what should i do b what to do c what does d what doing15 - whats wrong? - my haircut is _.a wonderful b original c trendy d out of style16 i will not do like that if i am in your shoes.a i take you away b you give me your shoesc i want to wear your shoes d the things happens to me17 it was very surprised when the alien went in the shop.a excited b amazing c relaxing d amazed18 mary is in the soup now. lets help her.a mary is in trouble b mary has some soupc mary like soup d mary is drinking课文再现i have a problem, and i need your 1 (helps). i always 2 ( think) i was popular at school. but i just found out that my friends3 (plan) a birthday party for my 4 (good) friend, and they 5 (invite) me. everyone else in my class 6 (be) invited except 7 ( i ), and i dont know why. i cant think what i 8 (do) wrong. im very upset and dont know what 9 (do). what do you think? can you 10 (help) me?补全对话a: you look unhappy. _, jerry?b: i argued with my friend jeff.a: _.b: i broke his favorite snowglope.a: _.b: but i cant find it in the shop.a: _b: he turned deaf ears to me.a: you could write a letter to him.b: maybe _. thank you.unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?一 词组巩固1 出去, 离开 2 起飞,脱下3 逃跑,跑掉 4 进来 5 听说 6 在的前面7 理发店 8 发生9 睡过头 10 叫唤二 选择填空1 linda told the policeman she _ for the bus at 10 yesterday morning.a waited b was waiting c has waited d is waiting2 - dick gave me a note while i _ in the library. - i guess he made it to say “sorry” to you.a am reading b was reading c reads d will read3 when i went to say goodbye to anna, she _ the piano.a is playing b plays c was playing d played4 i _ my homework while my parents _ tv last night a did, have watched b was doing , were watching c am doing, were watching d would do, were watching5 while the alien _ a souvenir, the girl called the policea was buying b bought c buys d is buying6 there are many people downstairs. what do you think _?a to happen b happening c is happened d has happened7 the bus is coming. be careful when you _ the bus.a got on b get off c get up d get to8 - look at the sun! its too hot today. - yes, and i really want to get one.a take off b take away c take out d take up9 _ about the sports meeting make us excited.a news b information c messages d advice10 -what was our brother doing at that time yesterday? - he was reading a magazine _ i was writing.a as soon as b after c until d while11 the plane will _ from beijing capital airport and land in london.a take up b take out c take away d take off12 it was very rude of her to leave without telling us.a kind b friendly c impolite d amazing13 most of teachers in our school get to school ahead of time. a neither late nor early b in a hurry c following the time d before classes begin14 when jay zhou invited a girl to sing with him, she was over on the moon.a was on the moon b liked the moonc was very frustrated d was very excited15 - do you like swimming? - yes, swimming is really my bag. a i go swimming with my bag b i am good at swimming c i go swimming with my backpack d i am not good at swimming.三 课文再现i had a very 1_(usual) experience on sunday. at around ten oclock in the morning, i_2( walk) down the street when a ufo landed right in front of 3_(i).you can imagine how 4_(stranger) it was! an alien got out and walked down center street. i followed it 5_ (see) where it was going , and i was very 6_(surprise) when it went into a souvenir shop. while it 7_(look) at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. before the police arrived, the alien 8_ (leave) the shop and then visited the museum of 9_ (fly). while the 10_(aliens) was in the museum, i called the tv station. 11_ (be) that amazing! linda 1_(love) her dog davy. they 2 (go) to new york city last saturday. while linda was 3_(buys)a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of his box and 4_(run) away. the station was 5_ (crowd) and linda couldnt see davy 6_ (somewhere). when linda shouted his name, some people looked at her but davy 7_ ( come). then she called the police. while she 8 (talk) on the telephone, davy met 9_ (other) dog outside the station. while the police 10_(be) come, linda walked around the station and called 11_(davy) name. she didnt think about 12 _(look) outside the station. finally, a little boy said to 13_ (she),“did you look outside? i 14_(see) a big black dog when i came in.” when linda 15 _ (final)saw davy , 16 (he) was jumping and running with another dog. there was a police officer next to 17 (they). the police 18 _ (office) said to linda, “i think my dog found your dog.”unithe said i was hard-working一 词组巩固1 首先 2 传递3 被期望或者被要求 4 在 方面做得好5 身体健康 6 成绩单7 克服,恢复,原谅 8 打开9 照料 10 对 生气二 选择填空1 - im going to a job interview. i feel a little _. - take it easy. listening to music can help you relax. a comfortable b nervous c excited d terrible2 people in korea _ bow when they meet for the first time.a supposed to b are suppose to c are supposed to d are supposed3 mr black is strongly _ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom. a up b for c against d down4 lindas teacher was mad _ her because she made lots of mistakes n the test. a at b in c on d about5 please keep quiet! if you make a lot of _ the others cant hear me clearly.a music b voice c sound d noise6 - my teacher told me to do eye exercises after doing homework - thats true. it is _ your eyes.a good for b good at c good with d good to7 - li ming did very well in the english exam. - so he did. but he _ math and physics. a was good at b was weak in c did bad in d did badly at8 - jack, will your family move to shanghai? - yes, thats a very big _ my parents made. a decide b decision c education d educate9 we can do a lot to stay healthy. _, we should eat a balanced diet. a at a time b in fact c first of all d all together10 to keep safe, drivers arent supposed to drink before driving.a arent willing to b shouldnt c arent sure to d dont have to11 its difficult for bob to find a good job because hes a green hand.a he likes green b his hand is greenc he has no experience d hes hard-working12 i am glad i was able to be there for my friend when she was in trouble. a to look for b to play with c to travel with d to offer help to13 to my eye, his photographs on display are not as wonderful as hers.a to my surprise b in my opinion c to be honest d in fact14 it really got mr browns goat when he had to wait two hours to get his plane tickets. a made him angry b cost him a lot of timec made him waiting d took his turn15- i dont think i can dance well. there are too many people here. i always get cold feet in front of so many people. - dont be afraid! you are going to make it!a feel comfortable b make my feet coldc feel nervous d make peoples feet cold三 课文再现dear grandma, hows it going? i hope that grandpa is well now. i was sorry 1_ ( hear) that he had a cold last week. i hope you are in good 2_(unhealthy).3 (thing) are fine here. i 4_(finish) my end-of-year exams last week and got my 5_ (reporter) card today. i always get nervous when i see the envelope from school in the mail, but 6_ (lucky) i did ok this time. i had a really 7_(hardly) time with science this semester, and i wasnt surprised 8_ (find) that my worst report was from my science teacher. she said i was lazy, which 9_(is) true. its just that i find science really 10 _(difficulty). another 11_ (disappoint) result was in history. my history teacher said i could do 12_ (good). the good news 13 (be) that my math teacher said i was hard-working. and my 14_(spain) teacher said my 15_(listen) was good. well, thats about all the news i have for now. mom and dad send 16 _ (they) love四 补全对话a: hello, may i speak to david? b: _.(1)a: hi, david! this is lin tao speaking. b: hi, lin tao . whats up?a: what are you going to do next sunday?b: _.(2) do you have any ideas?a: shall we go to the zoo? i hear theres a dolphin show there.b: a dolphin show? good idea! _ ?(3)a: by bike.b: _? (4)a: at half past nine.b: _? (5)a: lets meet outside the zoo gate.b: all right .see you then.unit 5 if you go to the party, youll have a great time!一 词组巩固1 玩得愉快 2 拿走3 在世界各地 4 一直5 让. 进来 6 通过做 谋生7 事实上 8 接收教育9 去上大学 10 赚很多钱二 选择填空1 if you _ to the 2010 shanghai expo next month, i will go with you. a go b has gone c will go d are going2 tom will call me as soon as he _ home. a gets b has got c got d will get3 you have to leave now _ you can catch the early bus.a so that b as soon as c because d if 4 she hut herself _ badly _ she had to see a doctor.a too, that b so, that c very, that d too, to5 - did you call sara back? - i didnt need to, _ well have a meeting together tonight a until b while c because d though6 peter likes reading a newspaper _ he is having breakfast.a until b while c because d though7 _, they were very happy.a though they have no money b though they had got fine clothesc although they were very poor d although they were rich8 - im afraid the meeting has begun. - dont worry. it _ until the bell _.a doesnt begin, rings b wont begin, will ringc wont begin, rings d doesnt begin, will ring9 - when will he leave for shanghai? - as soon as he _ his work.a finished b will finish c is finishing d finishes10 this is _ difficult problem that few students can work it outa so b so a c such d such a 11 can i take lisa to the aquarium tomorrow? if she _ there, she _ a good time.a goes, has b will go, has c will go, will have d goes, will have12 jims brother has several pairs of jeans, but he prefer the black one.a jean b jeans c pair d pairs13 - i hear anna will give up learning the piano. - if she _, her parents will be mad at her.a will b does c do d is14 - i want to know if allen _ to the party. - please tell me if he _.a comes, comes b will come, will comec comes, will comes d will come, comes15 - dont spit here and there, boys and girls. - we wont do that again. miss wang.a somewhere b anywhere c nowhere d everywhere三 课文再现for many young people,1 (become)a professional athlete might seem like a dream jobif you become a professional athlete,you11 2_ (be) able to make a living 3_ (do)something you loveif you become famous,people all over the world 4 (know) youmany 5 (athletic) give money to schools and charities,and do a lot of work to help peoplethis is a great chance that many people 6 (have) 7_(however), professional athletes can also have many problemsif you are famous,people w


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