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人教版新目标英语七年级上学期期末试题(附答案) 评价等级:_ 本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第ii卷(非选择题)两部分。第i 卷1至4页,第ii卷6至8页。共120分。请同学们将第i卷的答案写在第ii卷规定的答题区内 第卷(选择题)一、听力考试(一)录音中有四个句子,每个句子读两遍,根据你听到的内容,选择与其意思相对应的图画。1.2. 3. 4. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _(二)录音中有六组对话和六个问题,对话和问题都读两遍,根据你听到的对话内容和相关问题,选择最佳答案。 5. a. 13 dollars b. 30 dollars c. 3 dollars 6. a. the art club. b. the basketball club . c. the swimming club 7. a. a music teacher b. a musician. c. a guitar player.8. a. eats breakfast b. runs c. plays the drums9. a. on january 9th b. on january 19th c. on february 9th 10. a. blue ,white and red . b. blue ,green and white . c. black ,blue and green.(三)录音中有一篇短文,短文读三遍,根据你听到的短文内容选择正确答案。11.mr browns birthday is .a. october ninth b. november tenth c. october tenth d. november ninth 12.mr brown very well . a. speaks english b. plays volleyball c. plays chess d. plays basketball 13.mr brown often plays basketball with his on sunday .a. father b. friends c. students d. cousins 14.gina likes for breakfast.a. eggs and apples b. hamburgers and bananas c. milk and bananas d. milk and apples 15.linda is .a. an english teacher b. a running star c. a basketball player d. a doctor 请翻到第ii卷,完成第五大题的a) 部分,你们将有5秒钟的时间准备。二、单项填空 16. there is “u” in the word hour. there are sixty minutes in hour.a. a , a b. an , an c. a, an d. an ,a 17.whats your aunts name? name is jane. a. she b. he c. his d. her18.i ask dick to come to my home for dinner. because he likes chinese _. a. food b. pictures c. people d. home19. arrow doesnt like hamburgers, bananas, salad _french fries. a. but b. or c. with d. and20.does the girl in the red sweater like _ books? a. seeing b. looking c. watching d. reading21.he doesnt go to work in his car. the no.16 bus _ him to work every morning.a. brings b. comes c. takes d. joins22.he is from paris(巴黎). he can _ only a little chinese. a. speak b. talk c. tell d. say23.here are two apples. one is for your sister, _ is for you. a. the other b. an other c. other d. other one24.mum, where are my socks? i cant find _. a. their b. they c. there d. them25.i go to school _ seven oclock so i get _ school early. a. at , to b. at, at c. before, at d. before, to 26. what day is it today? its _. a. a fine day. b. friday c. january 17th d. seven oclock27. can lucys mother teach us to play the piano? yes, _. a. it is b. she is c. she can d. she does28. _? because he cant dance or sing well. a. can he dance or sing well b. what club can he join c. why doesnt he join the art club d. why cant he dance or sing29. _ are your beautiful drums? i dont know. but they are not cheap(便宜), i think. a. what color b. how many c. how much d. how funny30. you can play your guitar very well. _. a. yes, i play it very well. b. no, i cant play it well. c. thank you very much. d. thats all right.三、完形填空 hello,everyone! i have _31_ pen pal,mary black_32_ is a girl_33_ is her family name and mary is her _34_ namemarys _35_ number is 709-6756sometimes(有时)i call her_36_ mother is a teacher and her father is an engineer(工程师)_37_ mary have a brother? yes,she _38_ onemary likesenglish and _39_ at schoolshe likes chinese,tooshe _40_ a good student31aa ban cthe d/32ahe bi cshe dyou33amary bblack cmary black dblack mary34afirst blast cfamily dmiddle35aid card bclub card cschool dtelephone36atheir byour cher dhis37ado bdoes cis dare38ahas bhave cdo ddoes39amaht bmtah cmhat dmath40aam bare cis dbe四、阅读理解anick is an american boy. his parents works in chengdu. and he studies in a school in chengdu. he doesnt have brothers. this is his bedroom. look! the baseball is on the table. and his computer game is on the table, too. the books are on the sofa. his shoes are under his bed. wheres his pencil case? its in his backpack. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的在括号里写a,错误的写b。41. nick is in china.42. his computer game and baseball are on the table.43. his books are in his backpack.44. his backpack is in his pencil case.45. his shoes are not under the bed.brobert is a singer. he works very long hours. he usually gets up at 16:00. he brushes his teeth and has a shower. then he eats his breakfast. after breakfast he plays his guitar, then he goes to work. to get to work, he takes the number 13 bus to a hotel. the bus usually takes him to work at 18:30. he works all night. people love to listen to him. he gets home at 7:00 in the morning, and he watches morning tv. he goes to bed at 8:30.46. robert gets up _. a. at 7:00 in the morning b. at 4:00 c. at 8:30 d. at 4:00 pm47. he eats breakfast _.a. in the morning b. in the afternoon c. at a hotel d. at noon48. where does he work?a. at a hotel. b. in a school. c. at a store. d. at bus station49. does he like music?a. no, he doesnt. b. yes, he does. c. sorry, i dont know. d. no, he does50. people _ to listen to him very much(非常).a. dont like b. doesnt like c. like d. likes c阅读下面的短文并完成ii卷第五大题b)部分的id卡。 nick is my good friend. he is 12 years old. he is from canada. he lives in ottawa. he speaks english and french. his favorite subject is science. he likes chinese, too. and he says he can speak a little chinese, but he cant write in chinese. nick likes sports, too. he likes swimming best. he goes swimming on weekends with his father. he says he can swim very well. he doesnt like physics. he thinks it too difficult. nick has a big family. there are eight people in his family, his grandpa, grandma, father, mother and his brothers and sisters. he has two brothers and two sisters. they are bob, tim, jane and susan. they are happy!20082009学年度上学期学业水平检测 七 年 级 英 语 评价等级:_ 题号 一二三四五六七八九十总评等级 请将第i卷的答案填入以下表格内。一、听力考试题号123456789101112131415答案二、单项填空、题号161718192021222324252627282930答案三、完形填空题号31323334353637383940答案四、阅读理解题号41424344454647484950答案第ii卷(非选择题)等级评卷人五a) 录音中有一段短文,短文读三遍,根据你听到的短文内容, 回答问题,你们将有15秒钟的时间阅读下列题目中的内容。51.how old is jenny? 52.when does jenny usually get home ? 53. what does jenny often do on weekends? 54. does jenny like action movies ? 55.what day is it today? b) 阅读第卷第四大题c篇短文,并根据短文内容填写下面的id卡。name:56 _age: 12 from: 57_language(s): 58_ favorite subject(s): 59_favorite sport(s): 60_ 等级评卷人六、词汇考查(一)根据句意及首字母拼写完成句子。61. p_ are the first teachers for kids. 62.the computer is 5,000 yuan. can you a it? yes, i will buy it.63. they need some h_ for their school trip.64. jacky chen is a s_ movie star. i like all his films(电影).65.why d_ he go playing volleyball with us? is he so busy?61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._(二)根据对话情境,用方框中所给词的适当形式完成对话.tell knows teacher me why any really to learn star donta: what is your favorite subject?b: i dont like 66 subject. i 67 think i am a good student.a: why do you say so? 68 me what do you like to do?b: i like basketball only.a: 69 do you like basketball? b: its exciting and not difficult. and i want to be a basketball 70 .a: great! but can a basketball player be a star if(如果) he only 71 basketball?b: i know that, and i want 72 all subjects well. but they are too boringa: interest(兴趣) is the best 73 . you are a good boy. i think you can learn them well.b: so can you help 74 ?a: ha ha! sure! if you need,i 75 want to help you .66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._(三)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。76. miss smith usually (go) to work early in the morning and gets home late at night.77.these are my (watch).78. susan wants (join) the music club because she likes singing.79. i have many good (friend) at school.80. whats your (father) favorite color ?81. i often go (shop) with my mother on saturday afternoon.82. thanks for (tell) me the good news.83. he cant (play) basketball because he is ill.84. jims birthday is december (five).85. my sister likes thrillers, but she doesnt like (comedy).76_ 77_ 78_ 79_ 80_81_ 82_ 83_ 84_ 85_等级评卷人七、句式转换86. they have a school day at their school on april 19th.(改成一般疑问句)_ they a school day at their school on april 19th?87. she wants to see a comedy. (用an action movie 改成选择疑问句)_ she want to see a comedy _ an action movie?88. she does her homework at home on sunday . (改成一般疑问句)_ she her homework at home on sunday ? 89. they sell the black pants for only twenty-five yuan. (就划线部分提问) _ _ do they sell the black pants?90. i go to school at 7:30 in the morning.(对划线部分提提问) _ _ do you go to school in the morning?86_ _ 87 _ _ 88_ _ 89_ _ 90_ _等级评卷人八、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。91.你需要好的运动包吗?do you _ great bags for _?92.你能做什么?来展示一下吧!what can you _? come and _ us.93人们喜欢听他的歌。 people _ to _ to his songs.94感谢你把我们教得那么好!_ you _ teaching us so well!95.你想要了解我们最喜欢的电影明星吗?do you want to _ _ our favorite movie stars?等级评卷人九、书面表达请根据以下提示写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友tim 的情况。tim年龄:13岁;国籍:英国;生日:九月三号;爱好:喜欢看动作片、最喜欢的明星成龙(jackie chan)最喜欢的乐器:钢琴;能唱歌能跳舞;通常6:30起床9:00睡觉,最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋(ice-cream);最喜欢的运动:打乒乓球;最喜欢的科目:英语 my friends name is tim. he is 七年级上学期学业水平检测听力材料及参考答案听力材料:(一)录音中有四个句子,每个句子读两遍,根据你听到的内容,选择与其意思相对应的图画。 1this is my brothers ruler . 2. she has two soccer balls. 3. my sister likes singing.4. he often has a shower in the morning .(二)录音中有六组对话和六个问题,对话和问题都读两遍,根据你听到的对话内容和相关问题,选择最佳答案。5.m: can i help you? w: yes, i want to buy pants . how much are the pants? m: theyre thirteen dollars. question: how much are the pants?6.m: what club does lily join? w: she joins the basketball club. question: what club does lily join?7.m:what is jim ? w: he is a guitar player. he often plays the guitar in the contest.question: what does jim do?8.m: what does gina do in the morning after he gets up? w: she often runs after she gets up. question: what does gina do in the morning after he gets up?9.m:when is bens birthday? w: his birthday is on january 9th. question: when is bens birthday?10.m:what color do they like? m: they like blue ,green and white, but i like blue ,white and red. question: what color do they like?(三)录音中有一篇短文,短文读三遍,根据你听到的短文内容选择正确答案。my father is mr brown . he is thirty nine years old .his birthday is october tenth. he is an english teacher. he speaks english very well .and he is good with his students. my father likes sports. he plays basketball and baseball very well. on sunday he often plays basketball with his students . my father has two sisters. their names are linda and gina .they are running stars. they eat lots of healthy food every day. linda likes eggs and apples for breakfast .gina likes milk and bananas for breakfast.请翻到第ii卷,完成第五大题的a) 部分,你们将有5秒钟的时间准备。(四)录音中有一段短文,短文读三遍,根据你听到的短文内容,回答问题。你们将有15秒钟的时间阅读这些问题。jenny is my sister. she is twenty-two years old. she works at mrs cools clothes store. every day she goes to work at seven fifty. and she gets home at five twenty. jenny likes movies. on weekends she often goes to the movies with her friends. jenny likes action movies best. her favorite actor is jackie chan. she thinks his movies are great. today is friday . its jennys birthday . jenny doesnt go to work. oh, where is jenny? she is i


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