module 5 philosophers of ancient china period three 步精练(外研版必修3,课标通用)(1)_第1页
module 5 philosophers of ancient china period three 步精练(外研版必修3,课标通用)(1)_第2页
module 5 philosophers of ancient china period three 步精练(外研版必修3,课标通用)(1)_第3页
module 5 philosophers of ancient china period three 步精练(外研版必修3,课标通用)(1)_第4页
module 5 philosophers of ancient china period three 步精练(外研版必修3,课标通用)(1)_第5页
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Period Three时间:45分钟.单词拼写1Li Ning made great_ (贡献) to Chinas gymnastics.2People respect the judge for his _(公正) in the work.3Though used for more than 5 years, my car is still in good _(状况)4In the supermarket I had an _(争论) with the saleswoman.5In China we enjoy _(自由) of speech and religion.答案1.contributions2.justice3.condition4.argument5.freedom.完成句子1如果我丈夫能和我一起去,我就出国。I will go abroad _ my husband goes with me.2你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。You must_tell him what happened.3我第一次见到她时,她仅仅五岁。She was only five years old _I saw her.4他们正是在那儿见了第一面。It was there that they met_.5她手指冻木了。Her fingers were numb_.答案1.on condition that2.on no condition3.the first time4.for the first time5.with cold.单项填空1_he didnt like English, but later he was very interested in it.AFor the first time BThe first timeCAt first DFirst of all答案C句意:起初他不喜欢英语,但后来他对英语很感兴趣。at first“起初”符合句意。2He can use the bike on condition that he_it tomorrow.Areturn Bwill returnCreturns Dreturned答案Con condition that.,为条件状语从句,条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。3_the temperature falling rapidly we couldnt go on with the experiment.ASince BFor CAs DWith答案D句意:由于温度下降得非常快,我们无法继续试验。分析句子结构可知,此处应用with复合结构作原因状语。4I cant go climbing this summer. Im out of_.Acondition Ba conditionCthe condition Dconditions答案Aout of condition“身体不适”,符合语境。5He is always_his excellent spoken English; while his sister takes_her beauty.Aproud of;pride of Bproud in;pride inCproud in;pride of Dproud of;pride in答案Dbe proud of/take pride in意为“为骄傲/自豪”。6She has held the_of chief Financial officer since 1992.Aposition BsituationCprofession Dcondition答案Aposition职位;situalion形势;profession职业;condition条件。someone in such a high position意为“职位如此高的人”。7Papermaking began in China and from here it_to North Africa and Europe.Aspread BgrewCcarried Ddeveloped答案Aspread在此表示”传播”。8We were told we should follow the main road_we reached the supermarket.Awhenever BuntilCwhile Dwherever答案Buntil在此引导时间状语从句,表示”直到”。9He promised to do that for me_I allowed him_for a few days.Aon condition that; to leaveBon condition if; to leaveCon condition that; leavingDon the condition that; leaving答案Aon condition that意为“条件是”,allow sb to do sth意为“允许某人做某事”。10He didnt attend the important conference,and thats_he hadnt got informed of it.Awhy Bthat Cbecause Dfor答案C他没有参加那次重要会议是因为他没有得到通知。because 引导表语从句;for不引导表语从句;why 与that 意义不符。11What happened over there?They argued_the waiter_the price of the meal.Ato;for Bagainst;overCfor;at Dwith;about答案Dargue with sb about sth表示“就某事与某人争论”。12Everyone is encouraged to_food and clothing for the refugees.Atake Bgive Ccontribute Dafford答案Ccontribute有“捐赠”的意思。. 完形填空From age eight to eleven,I attended a small school in our village. It was made up of four_1_ with about 25 children in each class according to age. Most of the time, one teacher was responsible for _2_ all subjects. However, the headmaster would_3_come into the only classroom and gave lessons _4_ the teacher if he had asked for leave. It seemed that there was no subject he was not good at_5_he could give us lessons on all the subjects.The headmasters name was Ronald Broackes. He was a large fat man born with optimism. Although he was quite _6_ about rules within the school,all the students there _7_ him as he was humorous (幽默的) and would make them _8_ by telling small stories.He paid much attention to developing students personal interest and had a great _9_ on many of the children.In my own case, he _10_that I enjoyed working on puzzles(难题)He would often_11_ me on my way to class and take a piece of paper out of his pocket, with a puzzle already on it. The puzzles were usually mathematical or logical.As time went on,they gradually got more _12_,but I enjoyed them. Not only that, he helped me develop a (n)_13_ of mathematics and problemsolving that _14_ stays with me to this day.Today I can remember Mr. Broackes excited _15_ of “Well done!” whenever I got a problem _16_.Or he would smile cunningly(狡黠地) when I _17_ to work them out.The time spent with him has a deep influence on my life indeed. I always feel I was _18_enough to have met him then.I had been_19_Mr.Broackes in the next years as I needed his_20_face to face. He died in 1993. I will admire and respect him forever.【文章大意】 理查德J.罗伯茨,英国生物化学家,因发现断裂基因获1993年诺贝尔医学奖。本篇文章中他回忆了对他一生都有着深刻影响的一位小学老师。1A.houses Bclasses Careas Dsubjects答案B由此空后的“with about 25 children in each class according to age.”可知,此处是说“我”的学校很小,只有四个班级。2A.discussing BpreparingCstudying Dteaching答案D学校很小,通常一位老师负责“教”所有的科目。3A.suddenly BfinallyCsometimes Dslowly答案C由上文可知,大多数时间都是一位老师负责教所有的科目,由本句话的“however”可知此处是转折,也就是说校长偶尔也会来教课。 memory of Bin place ofCin honor of Dwith the help of答案B由下文“if he had asked for leave.”可知,在老师请假的时候校长会代替他讲课。 Bthough Cor Dbut答案A由语境可知,此处是解释“It seemed that there was no subject he was not good at”。6A.concerned BcarelessCstrict Dannoyed答案C作为校长,Mr.Broackes在学校纪律上的要求非常严格。7A.thanked BdislikedCrespected Dwelcomed答案D上文说校长很严厉,按理说孩子们是不大喜欢这样的校长(老师)的,但由转折词“although”可知,此处是说尽管他很严厉,但还是很受学生欢迎。8A.laugh BthinkCsleep Dspeak答案A此处解释的是为什么学生喜欢他,由此空前的“humorous”可知,此处是说他很幽默,经常讲小故事逗“我们”开心。9A.pity BinfluenceCgoal Dpride答案B由下文“The time spent with him has a deep influence on my life indeed.”可知,此处是说他很注重培养学生的个人兴趣,对很多学生都有深刻的影响。10A.discovered BdoubtedChoped Dguessed答案A上文说他很注重培养学生的个人兴趣,只有他发现“我”喜欢做难题,才会有下文的“他给我难题纸条”。11A.bother BstopCsurprise Dquestion答案B由文章情境可知,校长总是在我去上课的路上“拦住”我,从口袋里掏出一张写好难题的纸条给我。12A.interesting BtroublesomeCcommon Ddifficult答案D随着时间的推移,校长给“我”的题越来越难。 BhabitCchance Dunderstanding答案A由文章情境可知,此处是说校长培养了“我”对解决难题的钟爱。14A.hardly BseldomCstill Dnearly答案C现在“我”还保持着对解决难题的钟爱。15A.explanations BshoutsCdescriptions Dsigns答案B现在“我”还能够记得每次在我成功地解决一道难题后校长兴奋的喊声。16A.solved BraisedCdesigned Dreviewed答案A参考上题解析。17A.refused Bdecided Cagreed Dfailed答案D并不是每一道难题“我”都能成功地解决,当“我”失败时,他会露出狡黠的笑容。18A.lucky BregretfulCsatisfied Dsuccessful答案A校长培养了“我”的个人兴趣,对“我”一生都有着深刻的影响,“我”认为能遇见他是“我”的幸运。19A.calling BhelpingCvisiting Dmissing答案C离开学校后,我也一直拜访他。20A.praise BcareCgreetings Dguidance答案D“我”拜访校长是因为“我”需要他面对面的指导。.阅读理解Along with silk and paper, gunpowder is another invention by Chinese and the Silk Road helped it spread to the West. The dating of gunpowder is as early as 850 AD. The Chinese used gunpowder to make fireworks and for signal flares. Gunpowder was also thought to have been used in medicine and in alchemy(炼金术). This invention seems to have been discovered in China by accidentby alchemists when doing experiments.The gunpowder used for military purpose was first recorded in 919 AD. By the 11th century, explosive bombs filled with gunpowder were introduced and used in China. The words “fire cannon” “rocket” and “fireball” appeared time and again in the official Song history as well as two other books written during the same period.The first detailed description of using the “fire cannon” in warfare was in connection with a battle fought in 1126 when the Song army used it against the invading enemy. The socalled “fire cannon” was a tube made of bamboo filled with gunpowder which, when fired, threw a flaming missile towards the enemy. According to a description of a battle scene in 1132, it took two persons to carry a “fire cannon” and the cannons were fired from a moving platform. And this platform had to be moved close to the wall of the besieged(被围攻的) city.The Chinese invention of gunpowder reached Japan, the Islamic countries and then Europe in the 13th century and the Arabs improved gunpowder for military use. The early account of gunpowder in Europe was recorded by English philosopher Roger Bacon in the 13th century. One century later the Arabs used it to attack the Spanish town Baza and the next year in 1326 Florence ordered the manufacturing of cannon and cannon balls. From Italy the making of gunpowder soon spread to other European countries, and by the 1350s it had become an effective weapon on the battlefield.1According to this passage, we can learn that gunpowder_.Awas invented earlier than silk and paperBwas used for military purpose as soon as it was inventedCwas used in fireworks, med


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