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关于校本教研选取美文选读的几点思考尊敬的各位领导、老师们,下午好。今天我要讲的主题是关于选修课的,我相信在座的老师中有些可能早已在本校开设了选修课,有许多好的想法与做法,也已经在这方面积累了丰富的经验,所以我今天真的是班门弄斧了。我们学校虽然说生源比较差,但对校本这一块一直是非常重视,经常请兄弟学校的老师和专家来给我们做相关的讲座。上学期开始落实研发工作,但是还没有真正起步,所以我今天在这里只是和大家分享一些我的粗见和不成熟的想法,没有什么经验之谈,不到之处还请多多指正。下面我主要讲两块内容:一是我为什么选择美文选读;第二是和大家分享我的选修课程的初步设计,欢迎大家拍砖。我所选取的选修课的方向是美文选读。选择这个角度,主要是出于以下两方面的因素:首先,是基于我个人的阅读体验。概括来讲是:一句话和一本书。出于职业需要,我平时看的比较多的是教学类的期刊,同行和专家们的经验总结和建议经常能给我的教学指点迷津,开拓我的视野,给我带来启迪。但是,有一天一位同行的话使我改变了我的阅读习惯,她说:教师的阅读,不在于成就教师的技巧,更在于成就教师的内心,转化成成就学生的力。而正是出于为对这句话的认同,我开始尝试广泛地阅读。其中,让我深刻体会到阅读对人的影响的是始于一本小说:the alchemist,翻译成中文叫炼金术士或牧羊少年历险记。说来惭愧,自从参加工作以后,这应该是我看的第一本原版小说。这本书激发了我看原版书的热情,因为我发现我居然还能看懂。另外,我再给大家推荐mitch albon的have a little faith和tuesdays with morrie两本书,non-fiction,two true stories, but they can really touch your heart。我绕这么大一圈子,其实是想说通过这样的阅读,我收获的不仅仅是语言层面的东西,更重要的是它们带给我内心的感动和思考,并重新审视自己的职业和人生。通过这件事,我开始思考这样一个问题:既然阅读这样的文字可以感动我改变我,那不是也可以通过这样的方式去影响我的学生吗?在学习外语的同时,他们还可以通过文本体验到真实的语言和真实的情感,这不是一件两全其美的事吗?所以,当学校要求每个老师开设选修课的时候,我觉得这是一个可以实践我教育理想的好机会。考虑到阅读原著对我们的学生而言不切实际,因此我选择用篇幅适中、难度适宜的美文来代替,作为选修的文本。其次,选择美文选读,也是想尝试给现行的教材做一个合理的补充。教材毫无疑问凝聚了专家学者的智慧,但教材也是编写者根据特定的教学目标编制而成,往往使用规范的语言,并且有目的地包含和突出部分词汇和语法,因此必然在选材上存在一定的局限性。阅读文章缺乏经典性和趣味性也是一个比较突出的问题。有些文章蕴含的思想性比较空洞,斧凿之痕明显。外语教育名家章振邦先生回忆自己的英语学习体验有这么一段话:当时用的是林语堂编写的开明英文读本。这部教材我认为是当时编的最好的,也是我从中得益最大的中学英语读本,它有以下几个要点给我印象最深:一是语言材料丰富,每篇课文能保证有一定的长度,语言地道、生动活泼,有个读头,不像现在有些中学课本,语言材料单薄,写得不生动,干巴巴的,读来乏味。二是课文内容贴近生活,容易读,容易懂,容易上口,学了就能用。三是趣味性,书中编入了一些脍炙人口的神话故事,这些故事多为英国文学中常见典故的来源,经林先生用生动的当代英语一改写便栩栩如生,跃然纸上,读来兴味油然。由此可见,如果我们选择语言地道而又意味隽永的文本,学生必然对学习英语产生兴趣,在丰富自己内心的同时继而提高语言能力。那么什么样的英语文章是美文呢?我的理解是:凡是文字优美,耐人寻味,能激发读者思考、引起思想和情感上共鸣的,能提升人文素养的文章,不拘体裁,都是美文。因为通过这样的文字,我们学到的不仅仅是知识,更重要的是智慧。基于以上原则,我选取了不同体裁的文章作为选修课的素材,有诗歌、散文和演讲等。同时在文章的长度、难度和深度上也进行了考量,尽量适合本校学生所处的语言水平,又稍稍带有一点挑战性。课程设计初步拟定如下: parti poems第一周 unit1 love 第二周 unit2 life第三周 unit3 friendship第四周 unit4 scenery第五周 unit5 peoplepartii essays第六周 unit1 youth第七周 unit2 virtue第八周 unit3 affection第九周 unit4 change第十周 unit5 solitudepartiii speeches第十一周 unit1 honor第十二周 unit2 beginning第十三周 unit3 transition第十四周 unit4 acceptance第十五周 unit5 encouragement第十六周 考核美文选读共16讲,前15讲分为三个部分,即poems, essays和speeches。每个部分按照主题又划分为五个单元。每个单元包括背景知识(background knowledge)、名人名言(quotes)、课文(readings)、教学设计及课后练习(exercises)。1. background knowledge背景知识部分分门别类地介绍了诗歌、散文与演讲的基本知识和学习要素以及相关作者简介。诗歌部分重点介绍“诗歌的发展”、“诗歌的类别”、“诗歌的流派”和“如何欣赏诗歌”。散文部分重点介绍“散文的发展”、“散文的类别”和“著名散文家”。演讲部分重点介绍“演讲的发展”、“演讲的语言特点”以及“演讲稿的写作技巧”。2. quotes该部分是有关单元主题的名人名言,并以此引出单元的主题,有助于学生加深对单元内容的预测和理解。3. readings课文a为讲解课文,设有生词注释、作者简介、文化点注释和课后练习。课文b为学有余力的学生课后自学与欣赏。4. teaching procedures教学设计包括教学目的、重难点及整个教学流程(以一节课45分钟为单位)。5. exercises课后练习主要考查学生对课文的深度理解能力和词汇掌握程度,锻炼学生在听说读写各个层面的能力提升,尤其是关注学生的批判性思维能力。parti poemsunit1 loveknowledge of poemswhat is poetry? “poetry is the best words in the best order.” poetry is language rendered musically. its long history is rooted in the prehistoric oral tradition of the first humans, evolves past the advent of writing, and continues to evolve into the present. it takes on many forms, from simple rhyming couplets to complex free verse. a much misunderstood art form, poetry nevertheless continues to inspire millions of readers and listeners in every culture. historypoetry has taken on many forms and has been defined in many different ways over thousands of years among the worlds cultures. the earliest known recorded poetry comes from ancient mesopotamia (c. 3000 bc), inscribed in cuneiform on stone tablets used for religious purposes. chinese poetry found its canonization in 1000 bc. the poetry of the ancient greeks closely followed, epitomized by the epic novels of homer (c. 800 bc). dantes divine comedy, penned in the 14th century, is considered the crowning literary achievement of medieval europe, while the enlightenment and the romantic period (epitomized by samuel taylor coleridges rime of the ancient mariner) continued the european tradition. the 20th century saw the rise of post-modernism, which essentially did away with all the traditional rules. contemporaneous poetry takes on virtually all of these aesthetic forms and more.quoteskeep love in your heart. a life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. the consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring. -oscar wilde(18541900 irish writer and poet)reading a shall i compare thee to a summers day? sonnet 18william shakespeareshall i compare thee to a summers day?thou art more lovely and more temperate;rough winds do shake the darling buds of may, and summers lease hath all too short a date;sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,and often is his gold complexion dimmd;and every fair from fair sometime declines,by chance or natures changing course untrimmd;but thy eternal summer shall not fade,nor lose possession of that fair thou owst;nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his shade,when in eternal lines to time thou growst:so long as men can breathe or eyes can see,so long lives this, and this gives life to thee.new wordsthee pron. you 汝;你(宾语)thou pron. you 汝;你(主语)art v. aretemperate adj. gentle 温和lease n. contract租约;契约hath v. hasuntrimmed adj. lack of ornament and decoration 不加修饰的owst v. possess 拥有growst v. grownotes1. sonnet 18: the 18th sonnet was among the 154 sonnets, which were found in a 1609 collection of shakespeare. his sonnets mainly deal with themes such as time, love, beauty and changes of affections. there are three major characters in shakespeares sonnets: the fair youth, the rival poet and the dark lady.2.william shakespeare(1564-1616):an english poet and playwright, widely known as the greatest writer in the english language and the worlds most outstanding dramatist. among his works, hamlet, romeo and juliet, othello and king lear are four well-known tragedies; midsummer nights dream, merchant of venice, as you like it, and twelfth night are known as his four major comedies.teaching procedure:step1. lead in questions: do you like reading poems? have you ever read any english poem? can you name any english poets? how much do you know about shakespeare?step2. reading1. students read the title of the poem, guessing which theme the poem is about.2. ask students to refer to the new words and notes while reading the poem.3. discuss in groups and find out what the following words and phrases mean or refer to: the eye of heaven, his gold complexion4. students read the poem again and raise any questions about some difficulty in understanding some sentences.5. deeper-thinking: why does the poet compare his lover to a summers day?6. optional: if possible, ask students to try to translate some sentences or the whole poem and compare.step3. comprehensionplease compare the following two chinese versions of the poem. which do you prefer? state the reasons why you favor one over the other.shall i compare thee to a summers day? version 1:能不能让我来把你比拟做夏日? 你可是更加温和,更加可爱: 狂风会吹落五月里开的好花儿, 夏季的生命又未免结束得太快: 有时候苍天的巨眼照得太灼热, 他那金彩的脸色也会被遮暗; 每一样美呀,总会离开美而凋落, 被时机或者自然的代谢所摧残; 但是你永久的夏天决不会凋枯, 你永远不会失去你美的仪态; 死神夸不着你在他的影子里踯躅, 你将在不朽的诗中与时间同在; 只要人类在呼吸,眼睛看得见, 我这诗就活着,使你的生命绵延。 version 2:我想将你比作迷人的夏日,但汝却更显可爱和温存:狂野之风摧残着五月蓓蕾的柔媚,也一天天消逝着夏日的归期:苍天的明眸偶然泻出璀璨,却难以辉映他暗淡的容颜;一切明媚的色彩渐已消褪,过程是如此苍白;然而你却如永恒之夏,所有的美好永远也不会改变;就连死神也不敢对你嚣张,因你将永生于不朽的诗篇:只要世人一息尚存,你将和这诗篇永驻人间。step 4: cross-culture understandinglove is an eternal theme in different literary works of different countries. how do ancient chinese poets usually express love in their pomes? give some examples.step5: topic-related extensionstudents listen to a song by leann rimes-the rose.some say love it is a _that drowns the tender reed.some say love it is a _that leaves your soul to bleed.some say love it is a _an endless aching need.i say love it is a _and you its only seed.its the heart afraid of breakingthat never learns to dance.its the dream afraid of wakingthat never takes the chance.its the one who wont be takenwho cannot seem to give,and the soul afraid of dyinthat never learns to live.when the night has been too lonelyand the road has been too long,and you think that love is onlyfor the lucky and the strong,just remember in the winterfar beneath the bitter snowslies the seed that with the suns lovein the spring becomes the rose.ask: what is your comparison of love? please explain why you make such a comparison.reading b a red, red rose robert burnso my luves like a red,red rose thats newly spring in june:o my luves like the melodiethats sweetly playd tune.as fair art thou,my bonnie lass.so deep in luve am i:and i will luve thee still,my dear,till athe seas gang dry.till athe seas gang dry,my dear,and the rocks melt withe sun;o i will luv
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