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附录b 翻译原文a new household security robot system based on wireless sensor networkabstractan new environment monitoring system of household security robot is proposed based on wireless sensor networks, which is composed of the robot node and the sensor nodes for monitoring temperature and humidity, gas leaking, fire and housebreaking in family. a robot centering on network topology structure is presented and realized. all of the sensor nodes information in the network will be sent to the robot node, so the robot node usually undertakes the task to collect sensor data information, conserve the information, process the information, and also as the interface of the network with the other users. aim at hard work of the robot node, the paper presents an improved design of zigbee wireless sensor network. a set of design requirements are developed that cover the hardware design of intelligent sensor nodes and robot node. at last we tested the improved zigbee wireless network and verification the effect. the results show that the monitoring system has strong anti-jamming ability and can work well with the robot self-moving and monitoring.keywords-robot;environment monitoring system;wireless sensor network;zigbee;household security.i.introduction with the fast development of wireless network technology and robot technology, the robot began to enter the home as a household security robot 1. researching and developing the robot with security alarm and environmental monitor is important in the current research field of a robot. in the past family environment monitoring system, single type of sensors, usually by the way of cable transmission, was used. wireless network, as a multi-subject, a new type of high technology, is widely used in environmental monitoring, disaster recovery, military, medical, industrial control, and other fields 2. wireless sensor network (wsn) is a wireless mobile network with the characteristic of self-organizing and self-adaptive, and fully capable of self-configuration for network.zigbee3 is a communication standard intended to develop a wireless communication standard at low-cost, very-low power consumption in complement to ieee 802.15.4-2003 standard4.zigbee wireless network, with the characteristic of the self-organizing and robust, solves many problems such as single function of previous monitoring system, complex installation, poor mobility, and the no-robust system 5.based on zigbee wireless network, an environmental monitoring system of household security robot is introduced,which is used for monitoring temperature and humidity, gas leaking, fire and housebreaking in family.the remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in section ii we will introduce the overview framework of the improved zigbee monitoring system. in section iii, present the hardware of the system, in section iv we give software design of the system, and in section v, we give the analysis and test for this improved system. finally, give some conclusions.ii.structure of the monitoring system in this paper, the monitoring system is constructed based on this thinking, which is composed of a node of the robot and some nodes of wireless sensors as shown in fig. 1.figure 1. schematic diagram of systemin this figure, the wireless sensor nodes are installed in different indoor rooms for the acquisition of indoor temperature, humidity, infrared, smoke, and gas information. gas nodes in the kitchen are used to detect gas and combustible gas leak; infrared nodes at the entrance of windows and doors have to detect unauthorized intrusion; nodes of temperature and humidity in the bedrooms and the hall provide reference information for family and personal; smoke node is mainly used to monitor indoor smoke density, realize the family fire alarm by the information of temperature and humidity.the robot node is the central link of monitoring system, composed of the arm host module, wireless sensor communications modules and other components, such as man-machine interface module and so on. wireless sensor communication module is not only responsible for communications between the wireless sensor nodes and the robot node, but also responsible for communications between robot node and other family wireless zigbee sensor networks. the robot node sends the collection and the query command to the sensor nodes, analyses data from the sensors, judges alarm threshold, and sends messages to remote users. iii.hardware of the monitoring system hardware implementation of the monitoring system can be divided into two parts: one is the hardware design of sensor nodes which mainly complete environmental information collection, storage, simple processing and wireless communication; the other is the hardware design of the robot node which finishes computing and processing information from the sensors, sends alarm messages and connects with external units.a. design of sensor network nodeszigbee sensor nodes are the basic unit for information collection. the sensors collect the signal from the environment and the original signal will be processed by the signal processing module. then the processed signal will be uploaded to the zigbee module. the zigbee module sends the information to the robot node. therefore, the node should have three kinds of capability: sensing capability, computing capability and wireless communication capability. the power will be provided by two batteries and the voltage regulator module will assistance in power providing.the sensor nodes are usually used to realize information collection of the temperature and humidity sensor nodes, smoke sensor nodes, gas sensor nodes, and infrared detection sensor nodes. in the course of the designing, we choose cc2430 as the zigbee protocol chips. the chip cc2430 as the core of the hardware, cc2430 integrated rf transceiver, cpu, and 128k flash memory, and very few external components required in the cc2430 typical application 6. it also includes a/d converter, some timers, aes128 coprocessor, watchdog timer, 32k crystal sleep mode timer, power on reset, brown out detection and 21 i/os. the rf transceiver, including a core chip and an antenna, supports ieee802.15.4 protocol.among the 21 i/0 ports, cc2430 p0 ports can be set to adc port. 21 i/o ports can be used as the spi ports, gpio and so on. these sensor nodes except the robot node have the same basic structure. these ports are assigned to the sensors and peripheral equipments.b. design of robot nodethe robot node is composed of control unit, arm920t, linux2.6 operating system software platform, various peripheral sensors (including distance, temperature, images, sound, and etc.), executor, wireless communication module, memory and man-machine interfaces, as shown in fig. 2.in this household security network, the robot node acts as the root node and gateway at the same time. the robot node is the gateway that delivers commands received from a person to the base station and controls messages received from the base station. it can be located any place in the home.each node in the network can send and receive signals. communication between the robot node and all wireless sensor nodes is achieved by the use of wireless communication module. furthermore, the robot node, along with nodes of other family forms backbone network through routing function. figure 2. diagram of the robot nodeiv.software of the monitoring systema. routing protocolin respect to route, we have adopted a hybrid wireless routing protocol hwmp (hybrid wireless mesh protocol) program, which combines flexibly dynamic aodv routing protocol (ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing) with quasi-static tree routing protocol (tree based routing), to make the network well adapt to variable communication status in the wireless environment. the greatest feature of hwmp is its tree routing mechanism, which is very suitable for routing in the quasi-static routing topology. this is because the tree routing network in course of initialization has a grasp of the entire network topology, if there are data to be sent, they are transmitted immediately in accordance with the routing table, greatly resulting in less data delay, which is very positive to a higher real-time business like voice transmission.b. software establishment of the monitoring systemsystem software includes: initialization, the agent table and tree routing table update, route forwarding, mac addressing mechanism, and tree routing protocol design.1)system initialization. the system is to complete the initialization of all nodes and address settings of robot node and sensor nodes and to set up the default tree routing table and agent table.2) routing table and agent table update.the agent table records terminal mac addresses of the nodes followed. the routing table of a node records mac addresses of its father node and parent nodes.the functions of the agent table interface are to insert, delete, and search. on the receipt of the data packets from parent nodes, the agent point adds the source address in the data packets and the address of the last jump respectively as a terminal mac address and the address of the agent point into the agent table. if the address in the agent table already exists, it updates its living time. each address in routing table must identify its node type, that is, a father node or a parent node. all sensor nodes, except the root node (robot node), have a father node and several parent nodes. there is a time value in every item of the agent table and the routing table, and they will be automatically deleted after overtime.3)mechanism of route forwarding and mac addressing. by the combination of routing table and the agent table, data can be transmitted and addressed, the header of only four mac address (last jump address, next jump address, terminal address, source address) is a key issue. the agent table records the associated terminal address. 4)tree routing protocol design. tree routing flow chart is shown in fig. 3. figure 3. tree routing flow chartall of the nodes are involved in the tree topology, which will set up spontaneously after the initialization. the process is as follows: first, the robot node is selected as the root, which initiates the process of creating the tree topology. the tree routing table is updated at a certain period. in the first process, each point establishes its own tree routing table according to the information received. each node maintains the tree routing table of its own node, which contains its parent node address and the father node address. in following process, each node maintains the topology according to the received information, for example, deletes invalid nodes, and adds new nodes. the root node, as a special node, maintains routing of each node in the network.v.experimental results a.verification of system performance in the family security robot experimental verification platform we verify and test the performance of various components of the environmental monitoring system.the packet delivery ratio (pdr) for this simulation is shown in fig.4. figure 4. packet delivery ratiothe result shows that the 25-node configuration can achieve a pdr of approximately 90% of the entire simulation. the 50-node configuration does not perform as well possibly due to more collisions that occur. fig. 5 shows the results for the average end-to-end delay.figure 5. average end-to-end delayin general, the network latency for the two configurations is below 0.2 seconds after the 5000sec simulations. the above findings have indicated the node density influence the performance of ieee802.15.4, 25-node configuration is more suitable for this barn than 50-node.another major issue in zigbee is energy usage. the zigbee technology is designed to work with very low power consumption and the devices are assumed to be working with two aa/aaa batteries for anywhere between 6 months to 2 years.b. zigbee node moduleas shown in fig. 6, zigbee node module that we developed as hardware platform is used to carry out the sensor node protocol algorithm in this paper.figure 6. zigbee node module.vi.conclusionin the system, the transmission range of the terminal nodes is 70 meters. this distance can not satisfy the requirements of family. in order to extend the communication distance, we increase 10 relay routes in the system. by using the zigbee solution, the user can operate several spots in the control center simultaneously. this will provide more accurate and reliable temperature and humidity data to the user. in this system, the communication is based on wireless network which neednt the wiring work and the presence of the operator. additionally, the nodes are lower-power devices; they can work continually for several months or even one year.based on zigbee sensor wireless network, an environmental monitoring system of the family security robot is achieved. wireless sensor nodes are free to join and quit, control and monitor for convenience. these advantages greatly improve the monitoring capacity and enhance the systems robustness. the family robots, as new electronic products for consumer will come into the peoples lives. wireless sensor network is the current focus of the industrial field. however, as a new technology, if we really want to bring to mankind a technological revolution, there are still many problems to be solved, such as, how to design low-power, highly reliable, intelligent zigbee sensor node and how to achieve network security, and etc.【author】 chao lv1,hui li1,jianfeng ma1,meng zhao2 1 key laboratory of computer networks and information security,xidian university,xian 710071,china 2 department of computer science and technology,yanshan university,qinhuangdao 066004,china附录c 翻译中文基于无线传感器网络的新型家庭安全报警系统摘要一个新的基于无线传感器网络的家用安全环境监测系统,由机器人的节点和传感器节点监测温度和湿度,气体泄漏,火灾和在家庭入室防盗等传感器组成。提出并实现了一个以网络拓扑结构为核心的机器人。所有传感器网络节点的信息都将被发送到机器人节点,所以通常承担的任务是收集传感器数据信息,保护信息,处理信息,同是也做为与其他用户的网络接口。在主要工作目标上,我们提出了一种改进的zigbee无线传感器网络作为机器人节点。开发一套包括智能传感器节点和机器人节点的硬件设备。最后,我们测试了改进的zigbee无线网络的效果。结果表明,该监控系统具有较强的抗干扰能力,机器人在自我移动和监测下也工作的很好。关键词:机器人;环境监测系统;无线传感器网络;zigbee;家庭安全。一.引言随着无线网络技术和机器人技术的飞速发展,机器人也作为一个家庭安全系统开始进入家庭1。安全报警和环境监测在当前机器人研究领域的研究和开发上是非常重要的。在过去的家庭环境监测系统中,单一类型的传感器,通常使用电缆传输方式。而无线网络,作为一个多学科,新类型的高科技,他被广泛用于环境监测,灾难恢复,军事,医疗,工业控制,以及其他领域2。无线传感器网络(wsn)是一种具有自组织和自适应特点的无线移动网络,完全有能力为网络进行自配置。zigbee3是一个通信标准,其目的是用来对低成本,低功耗的无线通信ieee802.15.4-2003标准4进行补充。zigbee无线网络具有自我组织和稳定的特点,解决了许多问题,如以往监控系统的功能单一,安装复杂,流动性差,系统不稳定5等。基于zigbee无线网络,家用环境监测保安机器人系统被广泛用于监测温度和湿度,气体泄漏,火灾和家庭入室行窃中。本文的其余部分安排如下:在第二节中,我们将介绍改进的zigbee监控系统的基本框架。在第三节中,介绍了系统的硬件系统,在第四节中,我们介绍软件系统的设计方式,并在第五部分中,我们对改进的系统进行分析和测试。最后,我们对此系统进行总结。二.监测系统的结构在本文中,使用一个机器人的无线传感器和一些节点来构建监控系统就是基于这一思想。如图1所示: 图一 系统示意图在上图中,无线传感器节点被安装在不同的房间对室内温度,湿度,红外,烟,气的信息进行采集。在厨房里的煤气节点用来检测气体和可燃气体泄漏,在门窗入口的红外节点检测未经授权的入侵,在卧室和大厅的温度和湿度的节点为家庭和个人提供参考信息,;烟节点主要用于监测室内烟的密度,实现基于温度和湿度信息的家庭火灾报警。机器人节点是整个监控系统的中心环节,主机由arm模块,无线传感器通信模块和其他模块组件,如人机接口模块等。无线传感器通信模块不仅负责无线传感器节点和机器人节点之间的通信,还负责机器人节点和其他家庭无线zigbee传感器网络之间的通信。机器人节点发送到传感器节点收集和查询命令,分析从传感器,报警器所给的数据,并将信息发送到远程用户。三.监控系统的硬件实施硬件监控系统可以分为两个部分:一部分是传感器节点完成主要环境信息的收集,储存,简单加工和无线通信的硬件设计,另一部分是完成计算和机器人节点对来自传感器信息的处理,发送报警信息,和与外部单位的连接。a. 传感器网络节点的设计zigbee传感器节点是信息采集的基本单位。传感器收集环境信号和原始信号,将信号交给处理模块处理。然后将处理后的信号上传到zigbee模块。 zigbee模块将信息发送到机器人节点。因此,该节点应该有三种能力:感知能力,计算能力和无线通信能力。系统由两节电池和稳压器模块来提供电力。传感器节点通常使用温度,湿度,烟雾,气体,红外探测传感器节点来实现信息采集。在设计过程中,我们选择cc2430 作为zigbee的芯片。作为硬件的cpu,cc2430集成rf收发器和128k的内存,并在cc2430的典型应用6中需要很少的外部元件的核心芯片。它还包括a/d转换,定时器,aes128协同处理器,看门狗定时器,32k晶振的休眠模式定时器,电源上电复位,欠压检测和21个i / o。rf收发器包括核心芯片和天线,并且支持ieee802.15.4协议。在cc2430的21个i/0端口中,p0端口可以设置为adc端口。这21个i/o端口,可作为spi端口,gpio等等。除了这些机器人节点,传感器节点也具有相同的基本结构。这些端口被分配到传感器和外围设备。b. 机器人节点设计机器人节点组成的控制单元包括:arm920t内核,linux2.6内核的操作平台,各种传感器(包括距离,温度,图像,声音等),执行者,无线通信模块,存储器和人机界面,如图2。图2 机器人节点图在这个家庭安全网络中,机器人节点同时作为根节点和网关。作为机器人节点网关,它从基站接受人的命令并且对从基站接收的消息进行控制。它可以设在家里的任何地方。网络中的每个节点都可以发送和接收信号。机器人节点和所有无线传感器节点之间的通信都是通过无线通信模块来进行传输。此外,机器人节点与其他家庭的节点通过路由功能,形成骨干


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