



初恋初恋 5050 次英文观后感次英文观后感 First love always makes people feel wonderful ,however,how about 50 timesDo you look forward to itAnd are you puzzled when you see the name of the movie In this movie,Hey is a typical prefers to spend time on the women who come here for holidays,because they will leave soon,and he does not need to make any promise. But one day,a local woman called Lucy,caught his played his strength to know the woman,and he got made a date with her that they would eat breakfast together he was confused that Lucy did not know him at all in the second the end,other people told him that Lucys memory just can stay for 24 hours and she would forget all things which happened yesterday. Hey did not give up,and he knew that Lucy eats breakfast in the cafe,so he came to the cafe to know her and just like he did not know her at did the same things the movie,Lucys father and brother keeps doing the same things to try to avoid harming her .In the end,Lucy got to know her condition and understood there is a man called Hey who did many things for she thought she has falled in love with him. They got movie shows that love is perseverance,and we young people should learn something from scene in the movie,and every words,makes people feel humorous and after laugh,people would have great warmth about love . 人们常说最美好的情感是初恋,最难忘的也是初恋。 的确,尽管初恋的人们有些懵懂有些茫然有些不知所以, 但毕竟,我们是单纯的。我们没有世俗的约束,我们没有 世故的教条,我们有的,只是对自己内心涌动的情感的忠 诚。对绝大多数人来说,也许初恋只有一次,不然就不叫 初恋了,可是却有这么一个人,他有过 50 次初恋! 电影初恋 50 次讲述了这么一个故事:女主人公在 遭遇车祸后,得了一种奇异的失忆症。她的记忆永远停留 在车祸的那一天之前。无论过了多少日子,只要一觉起来, 昨天的记忆就全部失去了。而男主人公对她一见钟情,不 得不在每天一早想尽办法和她“初恋” 。 露西虽然不记得头一天发生的事,但是她对亨利的爱 却一直存在,我觉得只要有真爱,不管是哪天碰到亨利, 露西都会爱上他,每天都是初恋,虽然这种情节只有在电 影里出现,但是给人希望,感觉世界很美好。 “初恋 50 次” 让我羡慕电影中的那个女主角,原因很简单,每天都会面 对新的生活,虽然早晨醒来有那么一丝丝的惊讶,不过还 是蛮刺激的。也许也吻合我现在的心情吧! “人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇” 。初见是总是美 好到接近完美,却不知秋风扫落叶,画扇寄悲情。当往事 成风,扫掉的又何止是美好,还有年华。 初恋 50 次 ,对 露西来说每一次的相见都如初见,但对亨利来说每一次都 是煎熬。然而,煎熬化成美好,那执手航于海的浪漫就漫 透进每一名观众的心。爱,当该如此,恰恰如此。 看完这部电影,让我想得最多的就是,怎样能让露西 每天都记得亨利,可是 谁说露西什么都不记得,即使她的 记忆只有一天,即使男主角离她而去,即使她把所有日记 里有关他的内容都删掉,她的脑海里还是留下了他的讯息, 他的眼,他的眉,他圆圆的鸭蛋头。 一直一直,你都在我 的记忆里。一直一直,从未忘记。因为是你,永远值得我 去多爱一次。 其实我们知道,真正延续了他们爱情的,不是录相也 不是日记,而是在露茜生命的深处记忆不能到达的地 方留有无法抹去的、真爱的痕迹。 另外,我还想说,初恋需要勇气! 经典对白 Hey Roth: Sorry to bother you. Im kind of stuck here. Lucy Whitmore: Car trouble Hey Roth: Yeah. You mind giving me a jumpOkay. Appreciate your time. Not everybody would stop like you. Youre really sweet. Lucy Whitmore: oh, yeah. Thank you. Hey Roth: I cant believe you fell for that. Lucy Whitmore: Well, my grandfather died trying to jump-start a car. Hey Roth: Im sorry. I was just joking around. Lucy Whitmore: I cant believe you fell for that! Hey Roth: oh, my God. That was very good. My names Hey. Lucy Whitmore: Im Lucy. Hey Roth: Nice to meet you. You look like a nice. Hey Roth: Hi. Sorry for the delay. Should be a few minutes. Lucy Whitmore: No problem. No worries. Hey Roth: Where you coming fromBreakfast Lucy Whitmore: Yeah. Hey Roth: How was it Lucy Whitmore: I had waffles. They were delicious. Hey


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