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外国语学院本科翻译专业毕业论文装订顺序(外国语学院本科翻译专业毕业论文装订顺序(MLA 格式)格式) 1.毕业论文封面(汉语) 2.毕业论文扉页 (英语) 3.致谢(英文) 4.毕业论文中文摘要及关键词 5.毕业论文英文摘要及关键词 6.目录 7.原文 8.译文 9.翻译实践报告 10. 参考文献(英语文献在前,汉语文献在后) 11. 附录(可选) 附:论文模板(模板仅供参考,学生可根据自己翻译实践的具体情况撰写)附:论文模板(模板仅供参考,学生可根据自己翻译实践的具体情况撰写) 学号:0905010185 国际新闻翻译国际新闻翻译 (第一章(第一章 权力语言与翻译)权力语言与翻译) 翻译实践报告翻译实践报告 学 院 名 称: 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 名 称: 翻 译 年 级 班 别: 2009 级 2 班 姓 名: 刘 涛 指 导 教 师: 年 月 河南师范大学 本科毕业论文 20 磅字号,华文中 宋,加粗,居中 四号黑体 黑体,小三,居中 A Report on the Translation of xxxxx A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of International Studies of Henan Normal University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Your name Supervisor: 英文年月日 I Acknowledgements (Times New Roman 三号 粗体 居中) I would like to thank all those who have given me their generous helps, commitment and enthusiasm, which have been the major driving force to complete the current paper. Times New Roman 12 号,1.5 倍行距 全文每段首行缩 进 4 个字符 II 摘摘 要要(此处为宋体,小二号,粗体) 本文是一篇翻译实践报告, 选材来自于埃斯佩兰萨贝尔萨(Esperanca Bielsa)与苏珊巴斯奈特(Susan Bassnett)合著的国际新闻翻译 (Translation in Global News) 。 笔者翻译了其中的第一章“权力、语言与翻译” (Power,language and translation) 。第一章探讨了译者角色以及语言和权力对 于新闻翻译的意义等话题。讲述了不同语言和文化之间在权力和地位方面是不 平等的,输出语和目的语在权力和地位上存在高低之分。考虑到原文用词正式, 句子较长等特点以及翻译的目的,笔者在翻译时主要使用了以下几种方法:词 以及短语转换,长句的顺译与重构,增译与意译。笔者认为翻译虽然是再创造 的过程,但是译者在翻译过程中应当尽量遵守忠实和准确的原则。一名合格的 译者,除了要做好翻译的前期准备工作之外,还需具备扎实的双语运用功底、 深厚的文化底蕴、坚实的理论基础及良好的职业操守。 关键词关键词:翻译实践报告;国际新闻翻译 ;全球化;直译 宋体,小四号, 1.5 倍行距 罗马数字 编排页码 宋体, 小四号, 粗体 III Abstract(Times New Roman,三号,粗体,居中) This is a translation project report on Translation in Global News by Esperanca Bielsa and Susan Bassnett, of which Chapter 1 is the source texts. Chapter 1 (Power,language and translation) mainly describes the role of the translator and the influence of language and power on news translation, the inequalities of different languages and cultures in terms of power and status, and the high and low status of output language and target language in the aspect of power and status. The source text is featured by its use of formal words and long sentences, and considering these characteristics and the translation purpose, the following methods are mainly used in the process of translation, namely translating words or phrases into sentences, changing the part of speech, using sequential method and splitting method to translate long sentences, method of adding and literal translation. Although, the author believes that translation is a process of recreation, it should follow the principle of faithfulness and accuracy. Apart from the good preparation a qualified translator should make for the translation, he needs to have a good mastery of English and Chinese, a great deal of cultural knowledge. The translator must be skillful in using translation skills and have professional morality. Key words: Report on translation,;Translation in Global News; Globalization,;Literal translation Times New Roman 12 号,1.5 倍行距 全文每段首 行缩进 4 个 字符 Times New Roman 12 号 粗体 IV 目目 录录 Acknowledgements.I 摘摘 要要IIIIII AbstractV 英语原文英语原文1 1 汉语译文汉语译文3333 翻译实践报告翻译实践报告5757 1 1 项目介绍项目介绍5757 1.1 选材背景57 1.2 研究意义57 1.3 报告结构57 2 2 文本分析及理论运用文本分析及理论运用5858 2.1 源语文本分析58 2.2 翻译理论的指导.58 3 3 翻译方法及实例剖析翻译方法及实例剖析6060 3.1 词及短语的转换60 3.1.1 转词为句60 3.1.2 词性转换61 3.2 长句的翻译62 3.2.1 顺句操作62 3.2.2 句式重构63 3.3 增译(重复)与意译.64 3.3.1 增译.64 3.3.2 意译64 三号,粗体,居中 V 4 4 项目总结项目总结6666 4.1 体会与感悟66 4.2 认识与展望66 参考文献参考文献6767 河南师范大学本科毕业论文 1 英语原文英语原文 1Power, language and translation Translation in the twenty-first century The emergence of translation studies as a distinctive field of research has had considerable impact across a number of disciplines since its early tentative beginnings in the late 1970s. Opinion is divided as to whether or not translation studies can be classified as a discipline in its own right, and the term interdiscipline is probably the most favoured term at present (Snell-Hornby et al., 1994). But regardless of debates about the name and nature of the subject area, what is clear is that discussion of translation has grown steadily in importance since then and has become significant in a wide variety of fields, from literary studies to post-colonial studies, from socio- linguistics to discourse theory, from business studies to international relations and globalization studies. Understanding something of what happens when translation takes place has come to be seen as necessary and important. Translation as a metaphor for intercultural exchange serves also as a key image for the start of the twenty-first century, a century that is already one of massive movements around the planet on an unprecedented scale. Millions of people are displaced, some by wars and repressive governments, others by failed harvests, famine and economic catastrophe of one kind and another. Millions have left their 2 homelands, abandoning their culture and language and seeking to start a new life in another place. In such circumstances, there is a heightened awareness of cultural difference and a greater need to reach out across cultural and linguistic boundaries than there has ever been before. This is reflected increasingly in literature, and many of the great writers of our age have changed languages, crossed borders and experimented with the unfamiliar: writers such as Vladmir Nabokov, Josef Brodsky, Milan Kundera, Samuel Beckett and Carlos Fuentes, and Literary theorists such as Julia Kristeva, Tsvetan Todorov follow on from James Joyce, Joseph Conrad and Franz Kafka, and find themselves anew by translating themselves through the use of other languages. The pain of exile can result in extraordinary creativity, and is also a means of writing differently, because exiles, like translators view their world from more than one perspective. Times New Roman 五号,1.5 倍行距 河南师范大学本科毕业论文 3 汉语译文汉语译文 1 1 权力、语言和翻译权力、语言和翻译 2121 世纪的翻译世纪的翻译 19 世纪 70 年代末期,人们开始尝试着研究翻译。此后,作为一个独特的 研究领域而出现的翻译研究,对许多的学科都产生了巨大的影响。翻译研究是 否可以划分为一门独立的学科,对此人们意见不一。当前, “跨学科”可能是最 受青睐的术语(斯内尔. 霍恩比等等,1994) 。但是对于主题区名称和性质的争 论不论如何,很明确的是,此后讨论翻译的重要性不断增长,且在一系列领域都 凸显出其重要性,从文学研究到后殖民研究, 从社会语言学到话语理论,从商业 研究到国际关系和全球化的研究。翻译发生时,又发生了哪些事情,理解这点 被认为是必须且重要的。 作为跨文化交流的一个隐喻,翻译是二十一世纪开始的一个关键形象的象 征。这个世纪有着规模空前的全球人口大迁移。因战争动乱和独裁政府的压迫, 数以百万计的人无家可归。由于粮食欠收,饥荒和经济灾难等等原因,其他一些 人流离失所。数百万人已经离开他们的祖国, 放弃他们的文化和语言, 希望在 另一个地方开始新的生活。在这种情况下, 人们增强了对文化差异的意识,感 觉到有前所未有的需要去跨越文化和语言障碍。这越来越多的反映在文学中,我 们这个时代的许多伟大作家已经改变了语言, 跨越了国境和尝试着陌生的东西: 比如作家,弗拉基米尔纳博科夫, 约瑟夫布罗茨基, 米兰昆德拉, 塞缪 尔贝克特和卡洛斯富恩特斯;文学理论家,詹姆斯乔伊斯, 约瑟夫康 拉德和卡夫卡, 以及后来的朱莉亚.克里斯蒂瓦, 托思旺.托多罗夫。通过其它 的语言翻译自身的作品,他们重新找到自我。流亡的痛苦会产生非凡的创造力, 它也是一种不同的写作方法, 因为流亡者会像翻译者那样,会从不同的视角审 视他们自己的世界。 当 21 世纪的历史被记录的时候, 公众的注意力会被吸引到基督教和伊斯兰 世界之间这个大裂缝, 这个裂缝导致了 2001 年 9 月 11 日纽约双子塔的毁灭, 导致了伊拉克战争和残酷的阿富汗战争的爆发。评论人士一次次的在媒体中就 4 民族间的误解、不准确的解释(一句话,误译)提出了问题。9/11 事件爆发后, 人们立即在全美的大学及翻译局里寻找一些人,只要他们对在阿富汗及周边地 区使用的语言有一定了解。自发生冲突以来, 数百名年轻士兵牺牲, 无数平民 和大量的翻译人士死亡。 宋体,小四, 1.5 倍行距 河南师范大学本科毕业论文 5 参考文献参考文献 Andonian, Cathleen Culotta. The Critical Response to Samue


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