



Unit1 Mood 情绪 unique 独特的 curious 好奇 complain 抱怨 protest 抗议 react 影响 affect 影响 relatively 相对 surgery 手术 emergency 紧急 lock 锁上 consciousness 意识 1. The more Tom tried to avoid talking about his past, the more(curious)Jane became about it.( 汤姆试图避免谈论他的过去汤姆试图避免谈论他的过去,简就越好奇简就越好奇) 2. It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task that, more than anything else,(affects) the result. 开始时我们的态度是艰巨的任务开始时我们的态度是艰巨的任务,更重要的是更重要的是,会影响结果。会影响结果。 3. The government has declared a state of (emergency) because of the tsunami (海啸海啸) resulting from the earthquake. 政府已宣布进入紧急状态政府已宣布进入紧急状态,因为地震带来的海啸因为地震带来的海啸 4. He closed the door behind him and( locked) it, as was his habit. (他关上他身后的门,锁定它,因 为是他的习惯 ) 5.(Relatively) speaking, Spain is a poor European country. (相对来说相对来说,西班牙是一个贫西班牙是一个贫 穷的欧洲国家穷的欧洲国家) 6. Cant you do something positive to help improve the situation instead of (complaining)so much? 你就不能做些积极的事情你就不能做些积极的事情,帮助改善这种情况帮助改善这种情况,而不是抱怨这么多而不是抱怨这么多? 7.“I dont see why I should take the blame for this!” Mary (protested) when her boss shouted at her about the broken window. “我不明白为什么我应该为此承担责任我不明白为什么我应该为此承担责任!“玛丽抗玛丽抗 议时议时,她的老板大声对她破窗理论。她的老板大声对她破窗理论。 8.Its not what happens to you but how you( react) to it that matters. 发生了什么并不重要,重要的 是你如何应对它。 9.Simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, can have a good effect on our (mood) . 简单简单 的快乐的快乐,比如散步在一个晴朗的日子比如散步在一个晴朗的日子,可以对我们的情绪有很好的效果可以对我们的情绪有很好的效果 10.Humans are (unique) because they have the capacity(能力能力) to choose what they do. 人类是人类是 独特的独特的,因为他们有能力选择他们所做的事情因为他们有能力选择他们所做的事情 11.Without air, the victim stopped breathing, lost (consciousness) , and soon died. 没有空气没有空气, 受害者停止呼吸受害者停止呼吸,失去了知觉失去了知觉,很快死亡很快死亡 12.Doctors said that Johnston definitely needed (surgery) if he wanted to play football again. 医医 生说生说,约翰斯顿肯定需要再次手术如果他想踢足球约翰斯顿肯定需要再次手术如果他想踢足球 Unit2: Deserve 应得 intense 强烈的 effort 努力 compromise 妥协 evidence 证据 influence 影响 opponent 对立的 concept 概念 selfish 自私的 committed 承诺 shortcut 捷径 matter (v.)物 质 1. A very (intense) wind hit the store and blew its roof off on Saturday night.星期六晚上,一阵很强烈的风吹中了屋顶并把屋顶掀了起来. 2. Freedom is a (concept) that means different things to different people. 自由是一个概念自由是一个概念, 对不同的人意味着不同的东西。对不同的人意味着不同的东西。 3. Greenpeace is (committed)to peaceful non-violent action in its effort to protect the environment绿色和平组织努力致力于和平非暴力活动来保 护环境。 4. Most people agreed that in spite of the crime he committed, the guy didnt(deserve)to die. 大多数人都认同的是尽管他犯了罪,但这人罪不至死。 5. How can you be so(selfish)? Consider the wishes of other people. 你怎么可以这么自私呢? 考虑考虑别人的意愿 6. After two weeks-strike, the workers and government officials finally set out to work out a (compromise). 两周的罢工之后,工人和政府最终着手解决妥协方案 7.I dont care what others think of me. What(matters)is that I have done my best. 我不在乎别 人怎么认为我。重要的是我已尽力了 8.Tyson knocked his(opponent)out in the second round. 泰森在第二局淘汰对手 9.Dont let what I say(influence)your decision; you must do what you think is right. 不要让我 所说的影响你的决定;你必须做你认为对的事情 10.If you have an idea to present, please make a(n) (effort)to present it concisely(简洁地简洁地) and clearly. 如果你有想法提出的话,请尽力简明扼要的描述 11.There arent really any (shortcuts)to learning English. 学习英语真的没有任何途径 12.Medical(evidence)shows that men are more likely to have heart attacks than women. 医疗 证据表明男人比女人更有可能得心脏病 Unit3: Approval 批准 chief 首席 consult 咨询 crucial 重要的 frustrate 阻挠 gather 收集 Numerous 许多 opposite 相反 seek 寻求 suggestion 建议 withdrawt 退出 yield 收 益 1.Following his nervous breakdown(神经崩溃(神经崩溃), he (withdrew) from public life and refused to give any interviews. 他精神崩溃后他精神崩溃后,他退出公共生活他退出公共生活,拒绝提供任何采访。拒绝提供任何采访。 2.My father is lively, witty(说话风趣的)(说话风趣的) and popular with everyone, but my mother is just the (opposite) . 我父亲是活泼、诙谐和受大家欢迎我父亲是活泼、诙谐和受大家欢迎,但是我妈妈是恰恰相反。但是我妈妈是恰恰相反。 3.If the symptoms(症状)(症状) continue or get worse after you take the medicine,(consult) the doctor. 如果你服药后症状持续或恶化如果你服药后症状持续或恶化,请咨询医生。请咨询医生。 4.The police are (seeking) information as to the whereabouts(下落下落) of the robbers. 警察正在警察正在 寻找劫匪的行踪信息。寻找劫匪的行踪信息。 5.On June 3rd he announced that he had become head of state, prime minister and (chief )of the armed forces. 6 月月 3 日他宣布他已经成为国家元首日他宣布他已经成为国家元首,总理兼武装部队的。总理兼武装部队的。 6.He is terrified that Jack is going the same way as his brother Andrew, and feels(frustrated) that he cannot control either of his sons behavior. 他是吓坏了,杰克是他的兄弟安德鲁以同样的 方式,而感到沮丧,他无法控制他的儿子“行为。 7.You must (gather) your strength for the journey; it is going to be a tough one. 您必须收集的旅 程你的实力,这将是一个艰难的一个。 8.The doctor was truly helpful, making (suggestions)as to how I could improve my health through diet. 医生是真正的帮助,使我可以如何通过饮食改善我的健康建议。 9.We have discussed these plans on (numerous) occasions. 我们已多次讨论这些计划。 10.Getting this contract is (crucial) to the future of this company. 获得这项合同是这家公司的未 来至关重要。 11.The city governments decision to close down the chemical plant has met with the (opproval) of local residents. 市政府的决定关闭化工厂曾与当地居民的批准。 12.Police have been interviewing people in the area in the hope that it will (yield) further information about the crime. 警方已经在该地区的人希望它会产生进一步的有关犯罪的信息 采访。 Unit4 Suffer 遭受 hardship 困难 financial 金融 cure 治愈 evil 邪恶 suicide 自杀 Determination 决心 burden 负担 define 定义 research 研究 resource 资源 mankind 人类 1. If the earths temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all mankind. 如果地球温度上升, 这将是全人类的灾难。 2.After the accident, Bill learned to walk again through hard work and determination. 事 故后,比利通过勤奋努力和决心再次学会走路。 3. I have bought myself insurance for I dont want to be a(n) burden to my children when Im old. 我已经给自己买了保险,因为我不想在我老的时候变成孩子们的负担。 4. The job involves a lot of writing, typing, and even traveling so its duties are difficult to define. 这项工作涉及很多写作、打字甚至到处奔波(旅行),所以很难定义它的任务。 5. The amount of financial aid offered has influenced students decisions about which school to attend. 提供的金融资助的数量已经影响了学生们的择校方向。 6. We need to devote more time and resources to this important project. 我们需要在这项 重要项目上投入更多的时间和资源。 7. Shes doing research into the connection between crime and poverty. 她正在做关于犯 罪和贫穷之间调查。 8. Scientists have agreed on the cause of the disease but still havent found a cure for it. 科学家们已经对引起此种疾病的原因统一了意见,但是仍未找到攻克的方法。 9. Life can be seen as an endless struggle between good and evil. 生命可以被看作是在 善与恶之间的挣扎。 10. Rising food prices caused great hardship for most of the population. 上涨的食品价格 给大多数人造成不便。 11. The police denied any responsibility and suggested that many of those who died had committed suicide. 警察不愿承担责任,并且表明很多死者都是自杀的。 12. An examination revealed that the driver had suffered a heart attack at the time of the accident. 有实验证明,那个司机在发生事故的时候发生心脏病。 1.If the earths temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all (mankind) . 如果地球的温度上如果地球的温度上 升升,这将是全人类的灾难。这将是全人类的灾难。 2.After the accident, Bill learned to walk again through hard work and (determination). 事故发事故发 生后生后,比尔又通过努力工作和决心学会了走路。比尔又通过努力工作和决心学会了走路。 . 3.I have bought myself insurance for I dont want to be a(n) (burden) to my children when Im old. 我自己买了保险我自己买了保险,我不想成为一个负担我的孩子当我老了。我不想成为一个负担我的孩子当我老了。 4.The job involves a


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