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链家房地产经纪有限公司房屋租赁合同Beijing Homelink Real Estate Service Co., Ltd.Lease Contract on House本合同当事人Contract Parties:出租方:Landlord:委托人: (甲方)Consigner: (Party A)承租方:Tenant:委托人: (乙方)Consigner: (Party B)见证方:北京链家房地长经纪有限公司Witness company: Beijing Homelink Real Estate Service Co., Ltd.见证人:Witness individual:根据中华人民共和国合同法及有关规定,甲、乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经协商一致,为明确双方之间的权利义务关系,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。In compliance with the Peoples Republic of China Contract Law and relevant regulations, on the basis of willingness, equality, mutual benefit and consensus, in order to definitude the rights and obligations between two Parties, Party A and Party B have hereby entered into following contract on the matters that Party A leases Party As legal owned house to Party B, and Party B accepts the lease house offered by Party A.一、 房屋的坐落、面积、装修、设施情况.Location, area, decoration and facilities of the House1、 甲方将其拥有的坐落在北京市_区(县)_出租给乙方使用。1. Party A leases Party As_, which is located at_ District, Beijing to Party B.2、 出租房屋建筑面积共_平方米(含公用分摊面积)。2. The building area of the House is_ square meters (including public allocated area).3、 该房屋现有装修及设施情况,由双方在合同附件中加以说明。除双方另有约定外,该附件作为甲方按照本合同约定交付乙方在本合同租赁期满交还该房屋时的验收依据。3. Two Parties shall state in details about the current decoration and facilities of the House in the appendix of the Contract. Except two Parties come to other agreement, this appendix shall become the receipt when Party A delivers the House to Party B according to the Contract as well as Party B returns the House after the lease term expires.二、 甲、乙双方提供证件. Certificate presented by two Parties: 甲方提供: 乙方提供: Presented by Party A: Presented by Party B:1、身份证 1、身份证1. ID Card 1. ID Card2、房产证 2、暂住证2. Certificate for House Ownership 2. Certificate for Temporary Stay3、户口本 3. Registered Household三、 租赁期限、用途. Lease and usage of house1、 该房屋租赁期共_个月。自二零_年_月_日起至二零_年_月_日止。1. Total lease term shall last_ months, which commences on_ to _.2、 乙方向甲方承诺,租赁该房屋仅作为_使用。2. Party B shall promise to use the House only for the purpose of_.3、 租赁期满,甲方有权收回出租房屋,乙方应如期交还。乙方如要求续租,则必须在租赁期满前一个月内书面通知甲方,经甲方同意后,重新签订租赁合同。3. After the lease term expires, Party A shall have right to withdraw the House which Party B shall return as schedule. If Party B demands for continuous lease of the House, Party B must written inform Party A 1 month before the lease term expires. After Party A approves, two Parties shall sign new lease contract on house.四、 租金及支付方式. Rental and term of payment1、 该房屋每月租金共_元。 (大写_万_仟_百_拾_元整)1. The monthly rental of the House is RMB_ Yuan. (in capital letter:_)2、 该房屋租金支付方式如下:_2. The term of payment is:_乙方如逾期支付租金,每逾期一天,则乙方须按照月租金的0.3%支付滞纳金。If Party B fails to pay before the deadline of payment, Party B shall pay late fee in the amount of 0.3% of the monthly rental for each delayed day.五、 房屋修缮与使用. Maintenance & usage of the House1、 在租赁期内,甲方应保证出租房屋的使用安全。乙方应合理使用其所承租的房屋及其附属设施。如乙方因使用不当造成房屋及设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或者给予经济赔偿。1. Within the lease term, Party A shall guarantee the safety of the House. Party B shall use the House and affiliated reasonably. If there is any damage to the House and facilities caused by improper use of Party B, Party B shall repair immediately or compensate Party A.2、 该房屋及所属设施的维修责任除双方在本合同及补充条款中约定外,均有甲方负责(但乙方使用不当除外)。甲方进行维修须提前七天书面通知乙方,乙方应积极协助配合。2. Except two Parties have come to consensus through the Contract or supplementary agreement, Party A shall be responsible for the maintenance of house and affiliated facilities. (except due to the improper use of Party B). Party A shall written inform Party B the maintenance 7 days in advance. Party B shall coordinate with Party B actively.3、 乙方因使用需要,在不影响房屋结构的前提下,可以对房屋进行装修装饰,但其设计规模、范围、工艺、用料等方案应事先征得甲方的书面同意后方可施工。租赁期满后,依附于房屋的装修归甲方所有。3. Without affecting the House structure, Party B shall have right to decorate the House for the purpose of use. But, Party B shall get the written approval of Party A on design, scope, technique and materials, etc. in advance of the construction. After the lease term expires, all decoration affiliated to the House shall belong to Party A.4、 对乙方的装修装饰部分甲方不负有修缮的义务。4. Party A shall undertake no responsibility for maintenance the decoration of Party B.六、 房屋租赁的有关税金. Relevant tax on house lease1、 房屋和土地的产权税由甲方依法交纳。1. Party A shall pay the property right tax on house and land as regulated by law.2、 房屋租赁期间,乙方使用的水、电、煤气、电话、电视等发生的费用,和应由使用人承担的物业管理费用,乙方自行负担并按时向甲方或有关部门交纳。应由房屋产权人承担的物业管理费用,由甲方按规定即时交纳。2. During the lease term of the House, Party B shall undertake and pay in time relevant authority the expenses for water, electricity, gas, telephone call and TV etc. as well as real estate service fee which should be undertaken by the user of the House. Party A shall pay real estate service fee which should be undertaken by owner of the House in time.七、 房屋的转让与转租. Transfer and sublease of the House1、 租赁期间,甲方有权依照法定程序转让该出租的房屋,转让后,本合同对新的房屋所有人和乙方继续有效。1. During the lease term, Party A shall have right to transfer the House following legal procedures. After the transfer of house, the Contract shall keep valid among the new owner of the House and Party B.2、 未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得擅自转租、转借承租房屋。2. Without written agreement of Party A, Party B shall not sublease, onward lend the House to others.3、 甲方同意乙方转租房屋的,应当单独订立补充协议,乙方应当依据与甲方的书面协议转租房屋。3. If Party A agrees Party B to sublease the House, two Parties shall sign supplementary agreement by which Party B sublease the House.八、 乙方违约的处理规定. Party Bs responsibilities of breach1、 在租赁期内,乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止合同,收回该房屋,乙方应向甲方支付合同总租金20%的违约金,若支付的违约金不足弥补甲方损失的,乙方还应负责赔偿直到达到弥补全部损失为止。1. Within lease term, if Party B has one of following behaviors, Party A shall be entitled to cancel the Contract and withdraw the House. Party B shall pay fine for breach of contract in the amount of 20% of total contract rental. If the paid fine for breach of contract fails to compensate the loss of Party A, Party B shall be responsible for compensating the other loss caused to Party A.(1) 未经甲方书面同意,擅自将房屋转租、转借给他人使用的;(1) Without the written agreement of Party A, Party B subleases or onward lends the House to others.(2) 未经甲方书面同意,擅自拆改变动房屋结构或损坏房屋,且经甲方书面通知,在规定期限内仍未纠正并修复的;(2) Without the written agreement of Party A, Party B removes, changes the House structure or damages the House, also, Party B fails to correct and repair within regulated term after gets Party As written notice.(3) 擅自改变本合同规定的租赁用途或利用该房屋进行违法活动的;(3) Without approval of Party A, Party B uses the House for other purpose than use as regulated by the Contract or Party B conducts illegal activities by making use of the House.(4) 拖欠房租累计一个月以上的;(4) Party B fails to pay the rental for 1 month accumulatively.2、 在租赁期内,乙方逾期交纳水、电、煤气(天然气)及其他有关物业管理费,每逾期一天,则应按上述费用的0.4%支付滞纳金。逾期达两个月以上的,甲方有权采取停止供应或使用的权利,因此造成的一切后果由乙方自行承担。2. During lease term, if Party B exceeds the time limit to pay expenses for water, electricity, gas(natural gas) and other relevant real estate service fee, Party B shall pay late fee in the amount of 0.4% of above-said expenses. If Party B exceeds the time limit for 2 months, Party A shall have right to stop to supply or use for Party B, and Party B shall undertake all results thereby.3、 在租赁期内,乙方未经甲方同意,中途擅自退租的,乙方应按合同总租金20%的额度向甲方支付违约金。若支付的违约金不足甲方损失的,乙方还应负责赔偿。3. During lease term, if Party B stops to lease the House without approval of Party A, Party B shall pay Party A fine of breach contract in the amount of 20% of total contract rental. If the fine of breach of contract paid by Party B is not sufficient to compensate the loss of Party A, Party B shall compensate Party A by paying more.4、 租赁期满,乙方应如期交还该房屋。如乙方逾期归还,则每逾期一天应向甲方支付原日租金的两倍的违约金。4. Upon lease term expires, Party B shall return the House as scheduled. Otherwise, Party B shall pay Party A the fine of breach of contact in the amount of twice daily rental for each delayed day.九、 甲方违约处理规定. Party As responsibilities of breach1、 甲方未按本合同规定时间,交付房屋供乙方使用的,每逾期一天,甲方应按月租金的0.3%向乙方偿付违约金。逾期七天,则视甲方不履行本合同,乙方有权终止履行合同。甲方除应按规定支付违约金外,还应对违约金以外的实际经济损失进行赔偿。1. If Party A fails to deliver the House to Party B within the time limit according to the Contract, Party A shall pay Party B the fine of breach of contract in the amount of 0.3% monthly rental for each delayed day. In case of exceeding 7 days, Party A shall be regarded as failure of performing on the Contract. Therefore, Party B shall be entitled to canceling the Contract. Besides paying fine of breach of contract as regulated, Party A shall compensate Party B for the real economic loss beyond the fine of breach of contract.2、 在租赁期内,甲方非因本合同第九条第1款规定的情况,擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应按合同总租金的20%向乙方支付为月经,若支付的违约金不足弥补乙方损失的,甲方还应负责赔偿。2. Within lease term, except due to reason stated in Article 9 Clause 1, Party A releases from this contract, withdraws the House in advance, Party A shall pay Party B the fine of breach of contract in the amount of 20% of total contract rental. If the fine of breach of contract paid by Party A is not enough to compensate the loss of Party B, Party A shall compensate Party B by paying more.3、 因甲方房屋权属瑕疵及非法出租房屋而导致本合同无效时,甲方应对乙方的实际经济损失进行赔偿。3. If the flaw of the House ownership and illegal lease of the House causes the invalidity of the Contract, Party A shall compensate Party B for the real loss.十、 产权变更. Change of ownership of house1、 如甲方按照法定程序将房屋所有权转移给第三方时,在无约定的情况下,本合同对新的房屋所有权人继续有效。1. When Party A transfers the ownership of the House to the third Party, if there is no appointment, the Contract shall keep valid to the new owner of the House.2、 甲方出售房屋,须在三个月前书面通知乙方,在同等条件下,乙方有优先购买权。2. If Party A wants to sell the House, Party A shall written inform Party B 3 months in advance. Party B shall have the priority to purchase the House in equal qualification.十一、 合同终止与解除. Termination and cancel of the Contract1、 乙方应于房屋租赁期满后一日内,将承租房屋及附属设施设备交还甲方。1. Within 1 days after the lease term expires, Party B shall return Party A the House and affiliated facilities.2、 乙方交还甲方房屋应当保持房屋及设施设备的完好状态,不得留存物品或影响房屋的正常使用。 未经甲方同意留存物品视为乙方已做抛弃,甲方有权任意处置,乙方不得提出异议。2. Party B shall return Party A the House and affiliated facilities in good condition without leaving things or affecting the normal use of the House. Party A shall have right to handle the goods left by Party B without agreement of Party A. Party B shall not present any objection.3、 房屋租赁期间,乙方有下列行为的,甲方有权解除合同, 收回出租房屋:3. During the lease term, if Party B has one of following behaviors, Party A shall have right to cancel the Contract and receive the House.(1) 未经甲方书面同意,擅自转租、转借承租房屋;(1) Without the written agreement of Party A, Party B subleases or onward lends the House to others.(2) 未经甲方书面同意,擅自拆改变动房屋结构;(2) Without the written agreement of Party A, Party B removes or changes the House structure.(3) 损坏承租房屋,在甲方提出的合理期限内仍未修复的;(3) Party B damages the House and fails to repair within the reasonable period required by Party A.(4) 擅自改变本合同规定的房屋租赁用途;(4) Party B changes the use of the House as regulated by the Contract.(5) 利用承租房屋存放危险物品或进行违法活动;(5) Party B left dangerous things of conduct illegal activities in the House.(6) 逾期交纳水、电、煤气(天然气)、电话、电视、物业管理等项费用,已经给甲方造成严重损害;(6) Party B fails to pay expenses for water, electricity, gas(natural gas), telephone call, TV etc. or real estate service fee, which have caused serious damage to Party A;(7) 累计拖欠房租两个月以上。(7) Party B fails to pay rental for two months accumulatively.十二、 免责条件. Exempt from responsibility1、 房屋因不可抗力的原因导致毁损或造成乙方损失的,甲、乙双方互不承担责任。1. If there is any loss occurred to Party B due to the reason of Force Majeur, Party A and Party B shall undertake no responsibility.2、 因市政建设需要拆除或改造已租赁房屋,使甲、乙双方造成损失的,互不承担责任。2. If there is any loss occurred to Party A and Party B since the House has been demolished or reconstructed due to the reason of urban construction.3、 因上述原因而终止合同的,租金按照实际使用时间计算,多退少补。3. If two Parties cancel the Contract due to above-said reasons, Party A and Party B shall refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for


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