



办公室争执的五大常规模式 类型一:专业争执 伤害度: 常规情景:常见于不同专业领域、不同部门的人,对同一问题不同的看法,各执己见 ,互不相让。 处理原则:我可以不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你发表观点的权利。 一般结局:属于常规的理念差异,一般是老板出面调解,或者求同存异。想要彻底说 服对方,难度很大。 类型二:工作争执 伤害度: 常见情景:专业争执,其实多数是为了真理或者是为了术业尊严,而工作争执则是为 了利益的争执,这涉及谁少做一点,谁多拿一点的问题。 处理原则:一定要穿好“大家都是为了工作,对事不对人” 的外衣,否则就是为了利益 裸奔了。 一般结局:弱肉强食,强者自然获得更多的利益。 类型三:正面冲突 伤害度: 常见情景:两人各自叉腰,宁静的办公室里突然传来犀利的高八度,以及凝眉怒目的 神情,迫使胆小的人远远驻足,生怕被流弹击中。 处理原则:不到万不得已,不要用这一招,否则你多年苦心积累的形象,瞬间崩塌。 倒是可以利用对方的暴怒,表现出相当高姿态,淡然一笑而去。 一般结局:正面冲突的多数作用只是宣泄,并不解决任何问题。一个人不会因为怕跟 对方吵架而屈服,他会选择适合自己的方式回击。 类型四:上司向下属发难 伤害度: 常见情景:老板因为某事或某人的错误行为或触犯自己底线而恼羞成怒,大声指责、 呵斥下属。 处理原则:若是老板,偶尔发下脾气,那是警告下属的技巧,如果把发脾气当做唯一 的沟通方式,那么下属就真的不拿你发脾气当回事了。 一般结局:当下属的当面点头称是,背后把老板骂个狗血淋头。 类型五:下属向上司挑衅 伤害度: 常见情景:当上司给下属的压力达到一定程度,下属认为自己的尊严和利益受到过多 侵犯时,也会指着上司的鼻子大骂,然后拂袖而去,留下一个呆若木鸡或者暴跳如雷的上 司。 处理原则:敢于和上司pk的,通常都要做好被炒鱿鱼的准备。 一般结局:要么是上司幡然悔悟,发现你的价值;要么卷好铺盖,不要等别人哄你。 Five conventional models of office. Type A: professional dispute The injury degrees: General situation: common in different field, different departments, different views on the identical question, each sticks to his own viewpoint, inflexibility. Treatment principle: I cant agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. The general outcome: belongs to the concept difference of conventional, is generally the boss to mediate, and seek common ground while reserving differences. Want to completely convince each other, very difficult. Type two: work dispute The injury degrees: A common scenario: professional argument, in fact the majority is to truth or to industry dignity, and work for the benefit of the dispute is over, this relates to who do less, who take a little problem. Treatment principles: must wear good /“everyone to work, on the wrong things“ coat, otherwise it is for the benefit of streaking. The general outcome: Law of the jungle, the strong natural gain more benefits. Type three: positive conflict : damage degree A common scenario: two separate akimbo, quiet office suddenly came a sharp eight degree high, as well as the Ning eyebrow Nu objective look, forcing the timid person is stopped, for fear of being hit by a stray bullet. Treatment principle: not to cannot but, with this move not, otherwise you years of painstaking accumulation of image, / instant collapse. It can use each others rage, showing very high profile, indifferent smile. The general outcome: most positive conflict is catharsis, does not solve any problems. People will not yield because of fear of argue with him, he will choose to own way. Type four: the boss down is a revolt : damage degree Familiar: the boss because of an error behavior of someone or something or in violation of their bottom line and become / shame, loudly denounced, scold subordinates. Treatment principle: if your boss, occasionally under the temper, it is warning skills, if the temper as the only way of communication, so you dont get your subordinates temper seriously. The general outcome: when the subordinates to nod, behind the boss scolded a pour dogs blood on. Type five: subordinate / to the boss provocation harm: A common scenario: when the boss to subordinate the pressure reaches a certain degree, subordinate think their dignity and interests are violated when too much, will also pointed to the bosss nose at, and then turn on ones heel, leaving a dumb as a wooden chicken or stamp with rage boss. Treatment principle: th


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