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人文环境对低碳消费的影响分析中英文对照 Cultural environment to analysis the influence of Chinese and English language compared low carbon consumption 摘 要:低碳消费是消费者以对社会和后代负责任的态度在消费过程中积极实现低能耗、 低污染和低排放。它是一种基于文明、科学、健康的生态化消费方式。人文环境以其独特 的方式作用于消费者,成为消费者低碳消费行为形成和发展进程中一个不可替代的影响因 素。基于此,本文探讨了人文环境对低碳消费的作用机理。分析认为,不论是价值观还是 传统文化、科学素养,都会直接或间接地影响消费者的低碳消费行为。为推动低碳消费, 文章认为当务之急是要努力营造良好的低碳消费人文环境。要唤起消费者文明消费和科学 消费的意识,在全社会形成崇尚节俭、合理消费、适度消费的理念,用可持续消费的理念 引导消费方式的变革,逐步建立与国情相适应的文明、健康、科学的低碳消费模式。 Pick to: low carbon consumption is the consumer to society and future generations of responsible attitude in the process of consumption actively to realize low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission. It is a kind of based on ecological consumption patterns of the civilization, science and health. Humanities environmental effect on consumers in its unique way, become consumers of low carbon consumption behavior in the process of the formation and development an irreplaceable influence factors. Based on this, this paper probes into the cultural environment on the mechanism of the low carbon consumption. Analysis argues that both values and traditional culture, scientific literacy, will directly or indirectly affect the low carbon consumption behavior of consumers. In order to promote low carbon consumption, this paper think that the urgent task is to strive to create a good cultural environment of low carbon consumption. To arouse the consumer civilization and scientific consumption consciousness, formed in the whole society advocating frugality, the concept of rational consumption, moderate consumption, with the concept of sustainable consumption to guide change in patterns of consumption, to build compatible with national conditions of civilization, health, science of low carbon consumption pattern. / / 关键词:人文环境;低碳消费;消费方式;消费经济。 Key words: cultural environment; Low carbon consumption; Consumption patterns; Consumer economy. 一、问题的提出。 A, problem is put forward. 近些年,气候变暖已经导致水资源失衡、农业减产、生态系统等严重损害,严重影响 了人类环境和自然生态,对人类社会可持续发展带来了巨大冲击。一份来自联合国政府间 气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的评估报告表明:气候变暖的原因除了自然因素影响以外, 主要是归因于人类活动,特别是与人类活动中排放二氧化碳的程度密切相关。从而,低碳 消费的议题便越来越受到国际社会的关注与重视,有些国家甚至提出要推行“零碳消费”。 In recent years, global warming has led to imbalances in water resources, agricultural production, ecological system, etc. Serious damage, serious impact on the human environment and the natural ecology, the sustainable development of human society has brought the huge impact. A report from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) assessment reports show that the cause of the warming besides natural factors, mainly due to human activity, particularly with human activities closely related to the degree of carbon dioxide. Thus, issues of low carbon consumption is more and more concern and attention of the international community, some countries have even offered to carry out “zero carbon consumption“. 从现有文献看,学者们围绕低碳消费的命题已从以下几方面展开了探讨:低碳消费 的含义。陈晓春、谭娟(2009)等认为低碳消费包括五个层次,即“恒温消费、经济消费、 安全消费、可持续消费和新领域消费”。低碳消费的意义。张一鹏(2009)认为,低碳 消费的广泛实施,将从根本上扼制高碳经济的蔓延,促进低碳经济发展。中国应当在实行 低碳生产的同时,实行低碳消费,为保护世界气候和全球环境做出贡献。低碳消费的影 / / 响因素。辛章平和张银太(2008)认为,低碳消费的实现程度与社会经济发展阶段、社会 消费文化和习惯等诸多因素有关。结合中国现阶段发展的实际情况,低碳消费则面临着一 系列挑战,如发展阶段、发展方式、资源禀赋、贸易结构、锁定效应等。推行低碳消费 的对策建议。李胜、陈晓春(2009)分析认为,在形成低碳消费方式中,需要政府、企业、 公民和社会组织分别发挥引领、主导、积极推进和广泛参与的具体作用。构建政府、市场 与企业“三位一体” 化的监管体制(刘敏,2009) 。 Looking from the existing literature, scholars around the proposition of low carbon consumption has on the discussion from the following aspects: 1) the meaning of low carbon consumption. Chen Xiaochun, Tan Juan (2009) argued that low carbon consumption consists of five layers, namely “constant temperature, economic consumption, safe consumption, sustainable consumption and new areas of consumption“. (2) the significance of low carbon consumption. Zhang Yipeng (2009) argues that widespread implementation of low carbon consumption, to fundamentally curb the spread of high carbon economy, promote the development of low carbon economy. China shall adopt low-carbon production at the same time, in practice the low carbon consumption, contribute to the protection of the worlds climate and the global environment. (3) the influence factors of low carbon consumption. Zinn ZhangPing and zhang YinTai (2008) argues that the implementation of low carbon consumption level and stage of social and economic development, social consumption culture and habits, and many other factors. In combination with the practical situation of Chinas current development, low carbon consumption is faced with a series of challenges, such as the development stage, development mode, the resources endowment, the trade structure, the lock-in effect, etc. (4) promote low-carbon consumption countermeasures. Li Sheng, Chen Xiaochun (2009) analysis, in the formation of low carbon consumption patterns, need the government, enterprises, citizens and social organizations play a leading and dominant, actively promote and widely involved in specific function. Building the government, market and enterprise of “trinity“ supervision system (liu, 2009). 本文试图通过对低碳消费及其人文环境的界定,分析、揭示人文环境对低碳消费的作 用机理,以期探索出一条合乎中国实际的低碳经济发展道路。 This article attempts through to the definition of low carbon consumption and its cultural / / environment, humane environment analysis, to reveal the mechanism of low carbon consumption, in order to explore a accord with the low carbon economy development of Chinas actual road. 二、低碳消费及其人文环境的界定。 2, low carbon consumption and its definition of humanistic environment. 低碳消费是消费者以对社会和后代负责任的态度在消费过程中积极实现低能耗、低污 染和低排放。它是一种基于文明、科学、健康的生态化消费方式,是人类社会发展过程中 的根本要求,是低碳经济发展的必然选择。从经济学上讲,低碳消费包括低碳生产消费和 低碳非生产消费。 Low carbon consumption is the consumer to descendants and responsible attitude to society in the process of consumption actively to realize low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission. It is a kind of based on ecological consumption patterns of the civilization, science and health, is the basic requirement in the process of human social development, is the inevitable choice of low-carbon economy development. Tell from economics, low carbon consumption including low-carbon production and low-carbon non-production consumption. 至于人文环境, “人文” 是个不甚明确的观念符号,游离于许多概念的边缘,各学科对它 的界定颇有歧义。从研究文献看,将人文因素引入经济史和消费史中的一个变数来考察尚 不多见。在此,我们对人文环境作一简明的界定人文,即有关人的文化和文明 (朱 杏珍,2006) 。人文环境可以理解为一定社会系统中各种能够反映文化价值内涵的事物的集 合,它既表现为社会本体中某些有形环境,也表现为隐藏在社会本体中的某些无形环境, 如社会成员的认知模式、价值观念、信念信仰等。人文环境有些可量化的指标,如人均受 教育年数、人均文化设施面积、居民掌握科技知识和社会科学知识的程度等,但人文环境 中最本质的东西应该是人的价值观念、行为方式、道德规范等人性文明。 As to human environment, “humanity“ is a vague concept of symbol, drifting on the edge of many of the concepts interdisciplinary in its definition of ambiguity. Look from the research literature, / / to the introduction of the humanistic factors in economic history and the history of consumption of a variable to examine is still rare. Here, we make a concise definition on human environment -, the humanities, namely the human culture and civilization (Zhu Xingzhen, 2006). Humanities environment can be understood as a social system in various can reflect the cultural connotation of the value of a collection of things, it is characterized by certain physical environment in social ontology, ontology also show the hidden in the society of some intangible environment, such as members of the community of cognitive patterns, values, beliefs, religion, etc. Humanities environment some quantifiable indicators such as per capita education years, per capita area of cultural facilities, the residents knowledge of science and technology and the degree of social scientific knowledge, but the humanities environment is the most essential thing should be in peoples value idea, the behavior way, moral norms such as human civilization. 低碳消费的人文环境可理解为低碳消费生存的积淀在特定区域的价值观念、传统文化、 科学素养等的社会文化形态。低碳消费体现了消费主体的一种心境,其实质是消费者在消 费品的选择过程中按照自己的心态,根据一定时期、一定地区低碳消费的价值观,在决策 过程中把低碳消费的指标作为重要的考量依据和影响因子,在实际消费活动中青睐低碳产 品和低碳服务。低碳消费是众多消费主体的思维方式所产生的结果,人文环境是其发展深 化的深层内因 (仇保兴,1999) 。从广义上讲,任何经济现象和行为都可以认为是某种相 对应的文化沉淀的结果。低碳消费的存在和发展受人文环境的约束,只是这个结论的一个 新注解。 Low carbon consumption in the cultural environment can be understood as accumulation in a specific area of the low carbon consumption survival value idea, the traditional culture, social and cultural forms of scientific literacy and so on. Low carbon consumption reflects the main body of a kind of mood, its essence is consumer in the process of consumer choice according to their own point of view, according to a certain time, certain areas of low carbon consumption values, low carbon consumption index in the decision-making process is an important consideration basis and impact factors, the actual consumption activities in favor of low carbon low carbon products and service. Low carbon consumption is the effects of the main way of thinking, deepen the development of humanistic environment is the deep internal cause (qiu, 1999). From broad sense, / / any economic phenomena and behaviors can be thought of as a result of corresponding cultural precipitation. Low carbon consumption of existence and development of the human environment, is the conclusion of a new annotation. 三、价值观念对低碳消费的影响分析。 Three, the influence of the value concept of low carbon consumption analysis. 价值观念是人的大脑关于外界事物对自己、对社会的意义和重要性的认识,它对人的 行为导向起着重要的支配、调节与定向作用,规范着人的活动,指引着社会主体向着既定 的目标前进。Gutman(1982)提出了方法目的链理论来探讨价值观与消费者行为的 关系,认为价值观影响消费者对产品属性重要性的判断,从而影响消费者对产品的评价和 购买。Richins(1994)的研究成果也表明价值观在个体消费者的行为、态度及其决策中起 着特别重要的作用。事实上,价值观念对低碳消费的导向作用是从宏观和微观两个方面进 行的。宏观导向作用集中地体现于政府的消费政策之中,微观的导向作用则体现于消费者 的价值观之中 (傅正华,1999) 。 Values is the brain of a person on the outside things to yourself and to societys understanding of the meaning and importance of it to the persons behavior guide play an important control, regulate, and directional role, the activities of people, guiding the social main body toward the established goals. Gutman (1982) proposed method - purpose chain theory to investigate the relationship between the values and consumer behavior, think values influence consumer to judge the importance of product attributes that affect consumers product evaluation and purchase. Richins (1994) research results also show that values the individual consumer behavior, attitudes, and decision-making plays a particularly important role. In fact, the value idea of low carbon consumption guiding role from the macro and micro two aspects. Macroscopic guiding role clearly reflected in the consumption policy of government, microcosmic guiding role is reflected in the values of consumers (Fu Zhenghua, 1999). / / 1.消费政策对低碳消费的宏观导向作用。 1. The consumption of the macro guidance of the policy of low carbon consumption. 任何消费政策的制定都必须依据一定时期、一定区域的价值观念,唯此才能提出社会 消费的目标和方向抑制或鼓励消费。方向和目标明确,消费活动发展就快,反之, 则慢。比如低碳消费,如果一段时期内政策的低碳性指向明确,则低碳消费就能快速实现, 否则就会停滞不前。 Any consumer policy must be based on the values of a period of time, a certain area, which can be put in social consumption is the goal and direction - to restrain or encourage consumption. Direction and specific goals and consumer activity development quick, on the other hand, is slow. Low carbon consumption, for example, if a period of low carbon policy, clear sexual orientation is low carbon consumption implementation can be quickly or you will stagnate. 面对全球气候变暖的现象,西方发达国家纷纷推出低碳消费的政策措施。英国在 2003 年发布了政府白皮书 我们能源的未来:创建低碳经济 ,将实现低碳经济作为英国能源 战略的首要目标。德国政府先后出台了 5 期能源研究计划,以能源效率和可再生能源为重 点,为“高技术战略” 提供资金支持,实施气候保护高技术战略。欧盟在 2007 年通过了欧 盟战略能源技术计划,其目的在于促进新的低碳技术研究与开发,以达成欧盟确定的气候 变化目标。澳大利亚在 2007 年批准了 京都协定书 ,在 2008 年又发布了酝酿已久的 减少碳排放计划 政策绿皮书,提出了减碳计划的三大目标。日本历来重视节能减碳, 在 2004 年日本环境省发起了“ 面向 2050 年的日本低碳社会情景” 研究计划,其目标是为 2050 年实现低碳社会目标而提出的具体的对策。 In the face of the phenomenon of global warming, the western developed countries have launched a low carbon consumption policy measures. Britain issued in 2003 the government white paper “our energy future: creating a low carbon economy“, to achieve low carbon economy as the first goal of the energy strategy. The German government has launched a five phase energy research program, with an emphasis on energy efficiency and renewable energy, and provide financial support for the strategy of “high technology“, implement the strategy of climate protection of high / / technology. The eu in 2007 through the European strategic energy technology plan, the purpose is to promote the new low carbon technology research and development, to achieve the certain goal of climate change. In Australia in 2007 approved the “Kyoto protocol“, in 2008 and released the long-simmering policy green paper carbon emissions reduction plan, puts forward the carbon reduction plan of the three goals. Japan always attaches importance to energy conservation and carbon reduction, the environment ministry launched in 2004, “facing the low carbon social scene in 2050“ research program, the goal is to achieve a low carbon society in 2050 and puts forward specific countermeasures. 我国作为发展中国家,面对全球气候变暖的现状,党和国家领导人积极研究部署应对 工作,决定到 2020 年我国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比 2005 年下降 40%45%, 作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展中长期规划,并制定相应的国内统计、监测、考 核办法 (胡鞍钢,2008) 。我国制定的这一应对气候变化的国家方案,充分体现了发展中 国家对低碳消费的责任担当与大国风范。 In China as a developing country, facing the present situation of the global climate warming, research deployment to work actively, the party and state leaders decided to unit of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 carbon dioxide emissions by 40% 40% lower than in 2005, as the binding forces incorporated into the national economic and social development long-term planning, and formulate the corresponding domestic statistics, monitoring and assessment method (hu angang, 2008). Our country formulated the national plan to respond to climate change, fully embodies the developing country to bear the responsibility of the low carbon consumption and power. 值得一提的是,政府作为低碳消费政策制定的主体,既是低碳消费的管理者,也是消 费者。政府要在引导低碳消费的同时树立低碳消费的榜样,即政府自身也要低碳化消费。 目前政府部门也同样存在着消费的“高碳化”,如政府公务用的大排量轿车, “文山会海”带来 的大量纸张浪费等。因此,政府部门自身要低碳化运作,减少公务用车数量,改大排量轿 车为小排量轿车甚至采用环保清洁能源,减少纸张的使用率,实现“无纸化”、 “网络化”办公, / / 树立低碳消费的榜样。 It is worth mentioning that the government as the main body, low carbon consumption policy is both low carbon consumption, and consumers. Government to lead a low carbon consumption of low carbon consumption model at the same time, the government itself to low carbon consumption. Government departments are also currently there is a “high carbon“ consumption, such as public service with large displacement cars, “wenshan cope“ brings a lot of waste of paper, etc. Therefore, the government sector itself to low carbon operation, reduce the number of official cars, instead of large displacement cars for low-emission cars even adopt clean energy, environmental protection to reduce paper usage, achieve “paperless“ office, “network“, low carbon consumption model. 2.生产者、消费者的价值观对低碳消费的导向作用。 2. Producers and consumers values of low carbon consumption guiding role. 无论是生产者还是消费者都有自己的价值观,并影响着他们当前及将来的行为。从这 个意义上讲,生产者、消费者个人树立低碳生产、低碳消费的理念对于我国实现低碳消费 具有举足轻重的作用。首先,生产者必须强化低碳生产意识。一是生产过程低碳化。生产 者在生产过程中必须坚持“3R”原则,即减量化(Reduce) 、再使用(Reuse)和再循环 (Recycle) ,通过技术进步提高废弃物的回收利用率以及循环利用,实现生产的“ 低碳”化、 “碳水”化和可循环。二是生产结果 (消费品) 低碳化。企业是低碳消费品的提供主体, 是联系低碳生产性消费和低碳非生产性消费的桥梁。只有企业提供了低碳节能的消费品, 使公众在超市或商场购买产品时根据低碳化程度有所选择,才能有更广泛、深入地推行全 民低碳消费方式的物质基础。其次,消费者必须强化低碳消费意识。在当今社会,个人的 消费行为不同程度地对其他人以至整个社会发生影响,因而不能放纵和无度,要彻底戒除 某些人以大量消耗能源、大量排放温室气体为代价的奢侈消费嗜好。个人的消费行为不仅 要兼顾当代人的当前消费和长远消费,而且要兼顾当代人和后代人消费需要的满足,当代 人消费的增长要以不影响后代人消费的增长为前提。 Both producers and consumers have their own values, and affects their current and future behavior. / / In this sense, the producers and consumers build up the idea of low-carbon production and low- carbon consumption plays an important role for our country to implement low carbon consumption. First of all, producers must strengthen the awareness of low carbon production. A low carbon is the production process. Producers in the production process must adhere to the “3 r“ principle, namely reduction (Reduce), then use (Reuse) and recycling (Recycle), through technological advances to improve waste recycling and recycling, realize the production of “low carbon“, “carbon“ water and recycled. The second is production results (consumer goods) low carbonization. Enterprise is low carbon consumer goods provides the main body, is contact low- carbon production and low-carbon unproductive consumption of Bridges. Only enterprises with the low carbon energy saving of consumer goods, make public in the supermarket or mall according to low carbonization degree have a choice when buying products, can have a more extensive and in-depth implementation of the material base of the low carbon consumption patterns. Second, consumers must strengthen the awareness of low carbon consumption. In todays society, peoples consumption behavior in others and the society as a whole in different degrees, and therefore can not indulgence and excess, thoroughly rid of some people with a lot of energy, a large number of greenhouse gas emissions at the expense of luxury consumption habits. Individual consumption behavior is not only to both current and long-term consumption of modern people, and to meet both current and future consumption need, contemporary consumption growth is on the premise of not affect future consumption growth. 四、传统文化对低碳消费的影响分析。 4, the influence of the traditional culture of low carbon consumption analysis. 传统文化是在历史发展过程中随物质条件的改变而演变、沉淀下来的观念形态的总括。 它是一定社会的政治、经济的反映,同时又给予社会的政治、经济以巨大的反作用和深远 的影响。传统文化对低碳消费的影响也是异常深刻的。 Traditional culture is in the process of historical development along with the change of material conditions in the form of evolution, the idea of settling down blanket. It is a reflection of social, / / political, economic, and gives great reaction to the social, p


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