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中式风格在现代室内设计中的运用 Chinese Style Applied to Modern Interior Design 摘要:本文在总结现代室内环境设计中存在问题的基础上,进而从传统图案、装饰材料、 居室色彩、自然景观、 陈设饰品、听觉嗅觉六大表现语言入手,较为详细地总结出现代室内设计中中式风格的运 用手法,并提出 了在运用中式风格时应该注意的问题。 关键词:中式风格 传统文化 室内设计 检索:/ Abstract:This review describes the design of modern environmental problems,based on further from the traditional pattern,decorative materials,room colors,natural landscape,furnishings accessories,hearing,smell the six lan- guage performance to start,a more detailed summary of the modern interior design the use of Chinese-style approach,and proposed the use of Chinese style should pay attention to. Keywords:Chinese style,traditional culture,interior design Internet:/ 1现代室内设计中存在的问题 室内设计是根据建筑物的使用性质、所处环境和相应标准,运用物质技术手段和建筑美学 原理,创造功能合理、舒适优美、满足人们物质和精神生活需要的室内环境。这一空间环 境既具有使用价值,满足相应的功能要求,同时也反映了历史文脉、建筑风格、环境气氛 等精神因素。我国现代室内环境设计中存在的问题主要表现在以下几点: 11 设计过程中传统文化的迷失 当今中国社会的浮躁和文化追求上的迷失,表现在设计上则是重造型、轻文化。建筑是一 种文化现象,建筑是人类文明的重要载体。城市又是建筑的集聚地和载体,是一个国家文 化状态、文明程度最集中的体现、是国家的浓缩。全球化的浪潮席卷而来时,我们看到了 中国的现代文化的“不自主性”与传统本土文化的迷失,具体到建筑与环境艺术方面,突 出的状况是粗制滥造的“包豪斯式”建筑遍布,格调低俗的“伪欧陆风情”的泛滥。模仿、 抄袭、追求豪华的现象在设计作品中随处可见,鲜明强烈的区域性文化特色在当今中国的 大多数城市中渐渐消退,这无不与传统文化迷失和社会浮躁有关,究其原因,既有文化的 迷失,也有制度上的缺失。这是当今城市决策者和设计师必须面对的严重而紧迫的问题。 12 设计过程中缺少人性化的关怀 室内设计的根本宗旨是为人而不是为物,我们的行为规律、生活需求是室内设计的根本参 照,这是由人与外在环境的“非确定关系”决定的(即自然界没有提供现成的生存条件, 而是人通过自己的改变来使环境为自己服务,人与动物不同就在于人对外在世界必然的超 越性),随着社会经济的发展,人对自己生活质量提出越来越高的要求,正是这种要求才 推动室 内设计的发展。人与社会需求是社会发展的动力,所以人的无止境的追求成为室内设计不 断更新的原动力。室内环境设计必须抓住人们提高生活环境质量的强烈愿望,在人的这种 心态和产品开发(如室内环境更加完善的建筑、如现代住宅、别墅、新型商业空间的建设 等)之间起到重要的中介作用。 1. The problems existing in the modern interior design Interior design is based on the structure of the use of nature, environment and the corresponding standards, using the material technical means and architectural aesthetics principle, create function reasonable, comfortable beautiful, satisfy people material and spiritual life need of the indoor environment. This one space environment has both use value, meet the functional requirements, but also reflects the historical context, architectural style, mental factors such as environment atmosphere. Problem of modern indoor environment design in our country is mainly manifested in the following points: 1.1performance in design is heavy, light culture shape. Buildings is a kind of cultural phenomenon, is the important carrier of human civilization. To gather and carrier of the city and architecture, is a national culture status, the most centralized embodiment of civilization, is the concentrated in the country. The wave of globalization swept by, we see the “autonomy“ of Chinas modern culture and traditional Chinese culture of the lost, specific to the architecture and environment art, prominent status is churning out “the Bauhaus“ architecture throughout, tastelessness of the proliferation of “false“ of Europe land amorous feelings. Imitation, the phenomenon of plagiarism, the pursuit of luxury in the design work can be seen everywhere, bright strong regional culture characteristics in most cities in todays China is decreasing, it is related to lost of traditional culture and social blundering, investigate its reason, both the lost of culture, there is also a lack of institutional. This is the city policy makers and designers must face the serious and urgent problem. 1.2 lack of humanistic care in the design process Is the fundamental purpose of interior design is not driven by material, our behaviors and life needs is the basic reference to interior design, which is by the people and external environment of the non-deterministic relationship decisions (namely nature didnt provide a ready-made living conditions, but through their own changes to the environment for their services, people and animals is that man in the world to foreign inevitable transcendence), with the development of social economy, people more and more high request to the quality of their life, it is the requirement to promote chamber In the design development. People and the social demand is the motive force of social development, so people endless pursuit to become the lifeblood of the interior design update. Indoor environment design must seize peoples strong desire to improve the quality of living environment, in the person of this kind of mentality and product development, such as indoor environment more perfect construction, such as modern residential, villa, the construction of the new type of commercial space, etc.) play an important role in the mediation. 2中式风格在现代室内设计中中式风格的彰显 中国传统艺术中追求的风格,是情与景的交融,意与象的统一。书画观其韵,实际指精神、 性情。让作品在平淡中达到意到而笔未到的深度,可超越线条上的精神境界。将此原理用 于室内设计,则能创造出丰富的环境,使其具有更高层次的审美价值。 21 传统图案的取形延意 我国传统装饰图案的题材大致分为两大类:一是纹样图案,二是寓意图案,但界限却不是 那么明显,绝大多数纹样图案同时也都具有各种吉祥寓意,其图案形象本身就具有一定的 象征意义。在中国传统的室内装饰中,传统装饰图案扮演着十分重要的角色,无论是建筑 的门窗、天井、梁柱等装饰,还是室内的屏风、隔断、家具摆设,以及瓶镜陈设、书法字 画等壁挂,还有床幔,窗帘、座垫、墙纸、地面拼花等,都离不开传统装饰纹样,达到了 无物不饰、无饰不巧的程度,是中国传统室内装饰设计的重要组成部分。传统装饰图案在 现代室内中可以通过对围合界面的装饰处理,选择具有传统图案装饰的室内陈设品来表现。 围合界面即墙面、地面、天花,包括了分隔空间的实体和半实体、室内陈设品主要指室内 家具、设备、装饰织物、陈设艺术品、照明灯具等。它们运用在现代的空间设计中,通过 对造型以及纹样内容的辨认与解读,使设计既能满足对功能与理性的追求,又能体现传统 文化特质,产生心理共鸣,进而体验作品所带来的人文关怀,满足人们更高层次的精神与 心理需求。 22 装饰材料的合理应用 中式风格室内设计方案的实施,必须通过材料来完成,现代社会,可以用在室内环境中的 材料很多,但要达到合理运用则比较困难,我们应当学会主动驾驭材料,最大限度发挥材 料 各自的优势。以下是两种在彰显中式风格时常用的装饰材料: 221 木材 木材作为一种轻盈、温暖、坚固的材料,有很好的触感、气味及可塑性。人类早在远古时 代就把很多木材的自然属性融入当时的社会文明中,如对木雕图腾的顶礼膜拜。木材其强 烈 的亲和力和归属感而成为最亲近人类生活起居的材料,被作为地板、墙面以及家具的主要 材料。 222 竹材 竹质装饰材料主要有竹地板、护墙板、竹线条、竹家具、竹板材等新型绿色环保材料。在 崇尚自然和“绿色装修”的今天,竹地板以其优良的内在品质和赏心悦目的外观,逐渐受 到 人们的喜爱。竹地板纹理通直、色调高雅、质感细腻,且能增添室内文化氛围,非常适合 作为地面装修材料。 223 石材 自古至令,从建筑的结构,到建筑表面的铺装,到建筑环境中的装饰,石材一直发挥着重 要的作用。通过对石材的选择、组台、雕刻可以赋予空间环境不同的性格与韵味。石材最 吸引人的特点是色泽纹路能保持自然原石风貌,加上色泽调配变化,能将石材质感的内涵 与艺术性展现无遗。吻合人们崇尚自然,回归自然的文化理念,人们便统称这类石材为 “文化 石”。用这种石材装饰的墙面,铺就的地面,制作的壁景等,确实能透出一种中式文化韵 味和自然气息。 23 中式风格居室的色彩情感表现 色彩通过视觉作用于心理,常常影响人的情感,左右人们的精神和行为。在室内设计中, 色彩的选择对于室内总体环境气氛的烘托起着非常重要的作用。纵观我国传统建筑居住环 境,北方的宫殿、官衙建筑造型考究,色彩鲜明丰富,对比强烈。而在山明水秀、四季常 青的南方民居建筑中,为了使建筑的色彩与南方的自然环境相调和,它使用的色彩就比较 淡雅, 多用白墙、灰瓦和栗、黑、墨绿等色的梁柱,形成秀丽淡雅的格调。中式风格的现代室内 设计对与色彩的情感把握要在满足人们情感需求的前提下对传统色彩的沿袭和创新。如墙 布色彩的选配,就要按照室内总体基调来考虑,同时应对其它物品(如壁灯、装饰画等) 起到衬托作用。又如在大多数以浅淡柔和基调的室内空间,总显得过分和谐而平淡无奇, 我们在整体调整时,若在墙上适当的位置挂上三两幅色彩比较艳丽饱和的装饰画,则整个 空间气氛就会在这种素与鲜的对比中活跃起来。其实,调配色彩的方式很多,尤其以同类 色调或邻近色调和原理运用较为广泛。总之,色彩调和的终极目的就是使室内氛围达到某 种情调,更有利于满足人们的心理需求。 24 中式风格自然景观的交织映衬 随着生态环境的日益恶化,人们对于自然有着热烈的渴望,自然要素对于某些相关主题的 营造有着深刻的意义。人类热爱自然,并同大自然和谐相处,乃是人类之本性,不论是生 理上还是心理上,人们都愿意接近自然,向往自然环境,而现代社会恰恰使人远离自然, 长期生活在人工环境中。因此,如何赋予室内环境以生机,就成了当今设计师在室内设计 中面临 的一个重要课题,比较常见的手法有: 241 室外借景 现代社会,人们己经厌烦了在水泥方盒子生活,渴望融入自然。设计师通过设计把室内做 得如同室外一般,把自然引进室内,这种设计手法称为室内设计室外化。设计者可以通过 建 筑设计或改造建筑设计使室内外通透,或打开部分前面,使室内外一体化,创造出开敞的 流动空间让居住者更多地获得阳光、新鲜空气和景色。但是这种手法局限于只能运用在周 围有 着良好的自然景观的建筑物内。 242 室内造景 室内造景是目前室内设计上常运用的表现手法,利用小空间表达出个人风格,让绿色的景 观丰富室内视觉美感,流露出自然的气氛与居家的雅致品位与内涵。按照造景元素我们可 分为水景、林景、山景、石景等等。水景在室内的应用在较大程度上满足了人们亲水性的 需求,给环境带来了一种自然、恬静的优雅气质。利用水景来表现空间主题的室内设 计已屡见不鲜。 25 室内设计中陈设饰品的精致点缀 在室内环境设计中,很多人过度重视对三大界面(顶面、墙面、地面)的装修处理,忽略 了陈设品的装饰点缀,但伴随着理智消费时代的到来和审美观念的变化,一种“轻装修、 重 装饰”的设计理念已经在国内悄然兴起开了。陈设品包括室内环境中必要的家具以及美化 空间、抒发感情、传达寓意的饰物、小品成功的中式风格室内设计需要明确地表达主 题和性格,家具、饰物、小品等蕴含着深刻的历史文化、风俗习惯、地域特征和传统观念 等意义,可以引起人们丰富的联想。家具、饰物、小品的选型。对于室内气氛的营造是点 睛之笔,其主要作用在于明确空间主题起到传神达意的目的。在对装饰艺术品进考量选择 和陈设时,我们要本着宁少勿滥、恰到好处的原则,根据环境所属的风格、所面对的群体、 所承载的功能等进行合理的布置,让装饰品对整个环境起到画龙点睛的作用,而不是一种 纯粹的堆积摆放。 26 听觉嗅觉的隐性烘托 人们对环境空间的感知能力是多层面、多角度的,包括空间尺度、比例、分隔,秩序、色 彩、体虽、光影等视觉元素,还包括听觉、嗅觉等其它元素。在室内环境氛围的营造中, 听觉主要可以通过背景音乐来烘托。音乐对人的情感刺激较大,曲调优美、风格典雅的轻 音乐能使室内环境充满生机、充满活力,给人以轻松愉快的感觉,能烘托出一种特定的意 境。在我 国古典音乐中,最具中式风格的就是古琴乐。有人说古琴乐是充满人格美与意境美的文人 音乐,古琴音乐强调写意的境界,特征表现为古、推、逸,以清、微、远为主要的审美趣 味,其追求的是弦外之音的深邃意境,与超越物化层面之上而不受现实羁绊的精神境界, 进入天地间的广阔、空灵与无限。例如,在一些文化味比较强的场所,如博物馆、休闲茶 馆等室内环境中,都常伴有优美、典雅的古琴音乐,这对环境主体氛围的烘托起着显著的 作用 2. Chinese style in modern interior design of Chinese style style Traditional Chinese art in the pursuit of style, is a blend of sentiment and scene, the unity of meaning and like. Calligraphy and painting view its charm, actually refers to the spirit and temperament. To work in the plain meaning to and not to the depth of the pen, can go beyond a line on the mental state. The principle used in interior design, can create a rich environment, make it has a higher level of aesthetic value. 2.1 the traditional pattern of extended meanings The subject of Chinese traditional decorative pattern roughly divided into two categories: one is decorating pattern, the second is moral pattern, but the line is not so obvious, the vast majority of decorating pattern also has all kinds of auspicious implies at the same time, its design itself has a certain image Symbolic significance. In the traditional Chinese interior decoration, traditional decorative pattern plays a very important role, whether building doors and Windows, patio, the adornment such as beams, or indoor screen, partition, furniture, and the bottle glass display, calligraphy calligraphy and painting, such as hanging, and bed curtain, curtain, cushion, wallpaper, spelling a flower on the ground, etc., cannot leave the traditional decoration pattern, to the degree to which any act the role ofing, not sorry, is an important part of Chinese traditional interior decoration design. Traditional decorative pattern in modern interior can be dealt with through to surround close interface of decoration, choose a traditional pattern decoration indoor display is tasted. Surround close interface namely metope, ground, ceiling, including the disjunctive space entities and entity, indoor display is tasted refers mainly to furniture, equipment, indoor decorative fabric, display art, lighting, etc. They use in the space of the modern design, through to the modelling and pattern identification and interpretation, make a design can not only satisfy the pursuit of functional and rational, and can reflect the traditional culture traits, psychological resonance, and work experience of humanistic care, satisfy the people to a higher level of spiritual and psychological needs. 2.2 the reasonable application of decorative materials The implementation of the indoor design, Chinese style style must be done through materials, modern society, can be used in indoor environment is the material a lot, but to achieve reasonable use is more difficult, we should learn to take the initiative to control the material, maximum material into full play Their advantages. Here are two reveals Chinese style style often used decorative materials: 2.2.1 wood Wood, as a kind of lightsome, warm and strong material, have a good touch, smell and plasticity. Human as early as in ancient times had a lot of the natural attribute of lumber into the civilization of the society at that time, such as the carved totem worship. Its strong wood Affinity and sense of belonging and become the closest living material, human life was as the main material of floor, wall and furniture. 2.2.2 bamboo Bamboo qualitative decoration materials mainly include bamboo flooring, wall panel, bamboo line, bamboo furniture, bamboo board and other new type of green environmental protection material. In todays advocate natural and the “green decoration“, bamboo floor with its excellent internal quality and aesthetically pleasing appearance, by gradually The love of people. Bamboo floor texture straight, elegant tone, smooth texture, and can add indoor culture atmosphere, very suitable for as a ground decorates material. 2.2.3 stone To make since ancient times, from the structure of the building, to the shop is on the surface of the building, the building environment of decoration, stone has been playing an important role. The art of carving stone material selection, group of Taiwan, can give the space environment of different personality and charm. Stone is the most Attractive colour and lustre is the feature of grain can keep the original rock of natural style and features, and allocate change color, stone texture can be connotation and art show. Match people advocate natural, return to natural culture idea, people referred to this kind of stone material as “culture Stone “. With this kind of decorative stone walls, paved the ground, wall made of landscape, etc., can give a kind of Chinese culture and the natural breath. 2.3 Chinese style style of the bedroom colour emotion performance Color by visual effects on psychological, often affect the persons emotion, about peoples spirit and behavior. In be being designed indoors, the choice of the color for indoor overall environment plays a very important role to the foil atmosphere. Throughout our country traditional buildings live ring , north of the palace, yamun building modelling elegant, bright colorful, comparative and intense. In yixing, evergreen south local-style dwelling houses building, in order to make the building color to reconcile the natural environment in the south, it USES the colour is quietly elegant, Use white walls and gray tiles and chestnut beams, such as black, dark green color, form the style of quietly elegant beautiful. The modern interior design with the color of Chinese style style of the emotional hold to under the premise that meet peoples emotional needs of inheritance and innovation of traditional color. Such as wall cloth color matching, according to the overall tone at indoor, and deal with other items (such as a wall lamp, decoration, etc.) have foil effect. And as in most shallow light soft tone of interior space, always appear beyond the mark and harmonious and bland, we adjust the whole, if proper position on the wall hang the adornment picture three two more gorgeous colour saturation, the atmosphere of whole space will be in this kind of element and bright contrast. In fact, there are many ways to mix colors, especially with a similar colour or adjacent colour harmony principles are more widely used. All in all, the ultimate purpose of color harmony is to make interior atmosphere reached some kind of emotional appeal, more conducive to meet the psychological needs of people. 2.4 natural landscape of Chinese style style mixed set off With the increasing deterioration of the ecological environment, people longing for nature with a warm, natural elements for some related subject construction has a profound significance. Human nature, and in harmony with nature, is the human nature, whether physical or psychological, people are willing to close to nature, natural environment, and modern society just keep people away from the nature, life for a long time in artificial environment. Therefore, how to give vitality to the indoor environment, has become todays designers face in interior design One of the important subjects, more common methods include: Against 2.4.1 outdoors borrow scene In modern society, people have tired of living in cement box, eager to blend in nature. Designer through the design have done like outdoor, indoor natural into indoor, this design technique known as interior design externalization. The designer can be built Building design or architectural design make indoor and outdoor fully, or turn on the front part, make indoor and outdoor integration, create the flow of the open space for the occupants to obtain more Sunshine, fresh air and scenery. But this technique is limited to only use the around A good natural landscape in a building. Interior landscaping 2.4.2 Interior landscaping are often use the technique of expression of interior design, the use of small Space to express personal style, let the green landscape rich interior visual aesthetic feeling, flow Reveal the natural atmosphere and occupy the elegant taste and connotation. I according to the landscape elements They can be divided into the water, Lin Jing, mountain, stone and so on. The application of waterscape in the interior In a large extent to meet the needs of the hydrophilic, brought a on the environment Natural, quiet elegant temperament. Use water to express the space theme of indoor set Meter has common occurance. 2.5 in the interior design of the delicate ornament act the role ofing is tasted In the indoor environment design, a lot of people to focus on three main interface (top surface, Decorate metope, ground) processing, ignoring the display adornment ornament, but accompany With the advent of the era of rational consumption and the change of the aesthetic idea, a “light is repaired, heavy Adornment “design concept has been emerging in China. Display including necessary furniture and indoor environment beautification space, expressing feeling Affection, convey meaning of decorations and sketch. Successful Chinese style interior design needs Articulated theme and character, furniture, accessories, such as sketch was a profound history Shi Wenhua, customs, geographical features and traditional ideas, such as meaning, can cause people The rich lenovo. Furniture, decorations, sketch of the type selection. For indoor atmosphere to the camp Eyeball pen is made, its main function is to clear the space theme play vividly expresses Purpose. In the decorative arts into consideration when selecting and display, we will in line with better less than , the principle of right abuse, according to environments style, faced by groups, Carries the function such as reasonable decorate, make adornment picture in terms of the environment Dragon is the role of the dot eyeball, rather than a pure accumulation is put. 2.6 hidden foil of auditory sense of smell Peoples perception of the environment space ability is more level, multi-angle, including empty Scale, proportion, between space, order, color, body, lighting and other visual elements, Also includes hearing, smell, and other elements. In the construction of indoor environment atmosphere, listen The main background music to foil. Music to the persons emotional stimuli is bigger, Beautiful melody, style and elegant light music can make indoor environment full of vitality, full of life Power, give a person the sense with relaxed and happy, can foil gives a kind of specific artistic conception. In my The classical music, most of Chinese style style is the guqin music. Someone said that the guqin music is full of personality and the beauty of artistic conception beauty literati mu
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