



“最近我总是洗手,不洗就觉得难受” 、 “经常出门老远了,我都要倒回家确认门锁好没” 时下,在各大论坛,很多白领都发帖讲述自己类似的强迫症状。世界卫生组织 (WHO)调查发现,强迫症已成为 1544 岁人群中造成疾病负担最重的 20 种疾病之一。 “Recently I always wash, do not wash feel bad“, “often go all the way back home, I will confirm the door not“ Nowadays, in each big forum, many / white-collar workers are posting about similar symptoms. WHO (WHO) survey found, OCD has become the 15 to 44 year old population in 20 kinds of diseases caused by one of the heaviest burden. 记者近日随机采访发现,有强迫症状的市民数量呈增多趋势,其中,三成白领自认患有 “职场强迫症” 。心理专家表示,强迫症发病与心理社会、个性、遗传及神经-内分泌等因 素有关,白领出现强迫症状还与工作压力大有关。出现经常性强迫症状应该及时就诊,如 果任其发展,患者将陷入无休无尽的烦恼中。 Reporter recently interviewed found, the number of people with obsessive-compulsive symptoms showed an increasing trend, among them, three into the “workplace white-collar admission with obsessive compulsive disorder“. Psychological expert expresses, the / OCD and the social and psychological, personality, genetic and neural - endocrine factors, white-collar appear obsessive compulsive symptoms and stressful work related. Recurrent symptoms should be timely treatment, if allowed to develop, patients will fall into the endless troubles. 案例 Case- 他的手必须交叠放在膝上 His hands must be overlapped on the knee 3 月 28 日,在南昌大学第一附属医院心身科门诊室,记者见到了前来就诊的高二学生小飞 (化名) 。他看上去很阳光,与一般中学生没什么区别,但其实他已经被强迫症折磨了近两 年。 “我是高一开始出现强迫症状的。每次坐下时,我的手必须交叠放在膝盖上,如果不是 这个姿势,我就会感到特别不自在。 ”小飞告诉记者。 In March 28th, in the outpatient psychosomatic Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, the reporter saw come to medical students at (a pseudonym). He looks very sunshine, and general students no what difference, but in fact he has been tortured in the past two years of obsessive compulsive disorder. “Im a began to obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Every time I sit down, my hand shall be overlapped on his knees, if not in this position, I would feel very uncomfortable.“ Peter told reporters. 患病前,小飞成绩很不错,全校排名前三十。自从患上强迫症,小飞的成绩直线下滑,现 在,他的排名已跌至一百开外。 “我很着急,但上课就是没有办法集中注意力,有时甚至对 人生都失去希望了。 ”小飞说。他最向往的大学是北京师范大学,曾暗下决心一定要考上。 也许是自我加压过甚,学习成绩没提高,倒患上强迫症。 Before the illness, little achievement is very good, the school ranked in the top thirty. Since suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, result straight fly down, now, his ranking has dropped to one hundred meters. “I was in a hurry, but just cant concentrate in class, sometimes even to the life lost hope.“ Xiaofei said. His longing for a university is the Beijing Normal University, had decided to go. Perhaps the self pressure too much, learning performance didnt improve, but suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. 走出好远 回家确认是否关煤气阀 Far from good home to confirm whether to turn off the gas valve 前不久,家住洪城路的白领小罗和朋友约好逛街。美美地打扮出了门,可在出租车启动的 一瞬间,她心里突然不安起来:“出门前我做了饭,煤气阀关了吗?”她一边劝着自己 “肯定关了” ,一边又不可遏制地想象起来如果没关煤气阀,老公回家,在不知情的情况 下点燃香烟,那就要出大事了。越想越不安,在出租车的价格表跳到 15 元时,小罗最终做 出决定:“师傅,回到我刚才上车的地方。 ”回家一看,一切都好好的。这么一折腾,等小 罗赶到约会地点时,已经迟到了一个多小时。 Not long ago, who lives in Hong Cheng Lu white-collar Ronaldinho and about good friends shopping. The United States and the United States to dress out of the door, can be in a flash taxi start, her heart suddenly nervous: “before I made dinner, the gas valve closed?“ She advised her “off“, while not curb imagine - if not to turn off the gas valve, husband home, light a cigarette unknowingly, it is to be a great. Grew more and more uneasy, in the taxi price meter to 15 yuan, he made the final decision: “master, I just got back.“ A look at home, everything is good. So after he arrived at the rendezvous, etc., have been more than an hour late. 调查 Survey- 确认关门为 Confirmation and close 最常见强迫症状 The most common symptoms 你有强迫症状吗?具体表现在哪些方面?带着问题,记者在街头和天圆网进行随机采访。 市民朱女士告诉记者,她有一点强迫症状,比如出门时要反复确认大门是否已关上。网友 “peanyi”也说自己离家时要反复确认大门是否关牢。网友“wsay ”说他老是记挂炒完菜 后煤气总阀是否关上。市民万女士只要手上有一点脏就要洗,有时把手上的皮都洗脱了。 市民贾女士有严重的洁癖,床单每星期都要换,进出门用餐巾纸包着门把手。此外,有人 戴耳机前必须看清左右;有人桌上物品必须摆放整齐;有人钱夹里的钞票必须按大小面额 依次放好,花色也得朝着同一面;有人走路一定要走在别人左边,换了位置就不自在。 You have obsessive-compulsive symptoms? In which aspects? With questions, the reporter interviewed in the streets and the local network. Citizens Ms Zhu told reporters, she is a little obsessive-compulsive symptoms, such as when going out the door is closed on the repeated confirmation. Net friend “peanyi“ said repeatedly confirmed the door is fastened to his home. Net friend “wsay“ said he always miss the fried meal after the gas valve is closed. Citizens Ms. Wan as long as the hand a little dirty laundry, sometimes the grip on the skin has cleared. Citizen Ms. Jia has serious cleanliness, bed sheets every week to exchange in and out of the door, the door handle with the napkin paper bag. In addition, there must be clear before people wearing headphones; someone table items must be placed neatly; someones wallet notes must be according to the size of the denomination are placed, color also towards the same side; some people walk to walk in someone else left, a change of position was not at ease. 记者随机采访了 50 位市民,结果发现半数人有强迫症状。发生最多的强迫行为是反复确认 大门是否关上,其次为洗手,再次为洁癖。 The reporter interviewed 50 people, found that half of people with obsessive compulsive symptoms. Most compulsions are repeated to confirm the door is closed, then wash, again for the squeamish. 名词解释 NOUN explanation- 强迫症(OCD):属于焦虑障碍的一种类型,是一组以强迫思维和强迫行为为主要临床表 现的神经精神疾病,其特点为有意识的强迫和反强迫并存,一些毫无意义、甚至违背自己 意愿的想法或冲动反反复复侵入患者的日常生活。患者虽体验到这些想法或冲动是来源于 自身,极力抵抗,但始终无法控制,二者强烈的冲突使其感到巨大的焦虑和痛苦。 Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): a type of anxiety disorder, is a group of obsessive and compulsive behavior as the main clinical manifestations of nervous and mental diseases, characterized by consciousness of the force and the forced coexist, meaningless, even against his will ideas or impulses repeatedly into the daily life of the patients. Although the patients to experience these ideas or impulses from their own, trying to resist, but always can not control, the conflict between the two strong make it feel anxiety and suffering great. 强迫症“盯上”白领和学生 Obsessive compulsive disorder “targeted“ white-collar workers and students 在采访的各类人群中,记者发现,白领和学生的强迫症状最明显。雷小姐在南昌某媒体上 班,她总是担心稿子没写好, “漏了新闻点,或是与事实有出入” 。每次写完稿,她都要反 复检查几遍,关掉电脑刚要离开,突然想起哪个词用得不对,又打开电脑更正。 “这样折腾 来折腾去,经常别人早就下班了,我却还在工作。 ”在南昌某事业单位上班的余先生,做事 喜欢追求完美,每次写材料都要反复修改,有时改得连合作单位的人都感到厌烦了。他还 有点洁癖,到餐馆吃饭必须用餐巾纸擦桌椅,弄了点果汁到手上一定要洗手。 Reporter discovered in the interview all kinds of people, the most obvious symptoms, white-collar workers and students. Miss Lei work in Nanchang media, she always worried about the manuscript does not write, “missed the news, or is the discrepancies with the facts“. Each finished draft, she repeatedly to check a few times, turn off the computer was about to leave, suddenly reminded of what word is wrongly used, turn on the computer to correct. “So messing around, often others early from work, but I still work.“ In Mr Yu Nanchang a business unit of work, like the pursuit of perfection, each write material must be repeatedly modified, so


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