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中国古典诗词(中英对照)增补中 绝色惊人出汉宫, 红颜薄命古今同。 纵使君王轻颜色, 予夺权何箅画工? 五美吟之昭君。 A rare beauty, who departed from Han palace, was quite attr active, Unfortunate beauties can be found, ancient times and modern society alike. Despite devalue imposed on that beauty by emperor Yuan of H an dynasty, How could the emperor delegate the power of selecting beaut y to painter Mao? Appreciation of five ancient beauties (Consort Wang) 一代倾城逐浪花, 吴宫空自亿儿家。 效颦莫笑东村女, 发白溪边尚綄纱。 五美吟之西施。 A woman with charming appearance disappeared like a spray o f waves, She recalled her happy childhood in vain, dwelling in Wu pa lace. Do not ridicule Dong shi living in the east of village, who ever performed crude imitation. Look, she, with gray hair, is still washing clothes by the river, Appreciation of five ancient beauties (Xi Sh i) 断肠乌骓啸西风, 虞兮幽恨对重瞳。 黥彭甘受他年醢, 饮剑何如楚帐中? 五美吟之虞姬 The beloved horse was roaring up against the west wind bitterly, Consort Yu cast sad eyes on Great King, Xiang Yu. Ying Bu and Peng Yue were slain in the years later. It was better to cut throat in Chu camp earlier. Appreciation of five ancient beauties (Conso rt Yu) 二八少女体似酥, 腰中仗剑斩愚夫。 虽然不见人头落, 暗里教君骨髓枯。 金瓶梅诗词 A girl of sixteen is known for butter-like figure, She slays obscene and silly men by dint of the sword hanging by her waist. Despite head free from being severed, Those men of debauchery will be bound to be utterly wasted to the bone invisibly。 A poem of Sexual World. 经年尘土满征衣, 特特寻芳上翠微。 好山好水看不尽, 马蹄催趁明月归。 岳飞(池州翠微亭) My armored attire has been covered with dust from year to year, I squeeze time to climb the green hills that are to me dear. There are more charming hills and brooks than I can enjoy, But now I have to leave on my trotting horse in moonbeams clear. Yue Fei(Cuiwei pavilion in Chizhou) 赤壁沉埋水不流, 徒留名姓载空舟。 喧阗(tian)一炬悲风冷, 无限英魂在内游。 赤壁怀古 The Red Cliff was choked with numerous dead warriors, Nothing left there but empty names hanging up the military flag. Untold soldiers were killed by that soaring fire,along with chilling wind, Only to find countless dead spirits floating within the river. the Red Cliff dwelling on antiquity 壮士须防恶犬欺, 三齐位定盖棺时。 寄言世俗休轻鄙, 一饭之恩死也知。 淮阴怀古 A man of bravery should be alert to being bullied by the vicious, When Han Xin was a prince of Qi state,he was about to die. Warning the mortals against despising the inferior, Han Xin never forgot the gift of meal until his death. Huaiyin dwelling on antiquity 黑水茫茫咽不流, 冰弦拨尽曲中愁。 汉家制度诚堪叹, 摴栎(chu li)应惭万古羞。 青冢怀古 Black river in sorrow was reluctant to drift forward , weeping bitterly, Consort Wang was playing the lute that was covered by ices to express her boundless grief. The marriage policy of Xi Han dynasty to maintain peace mad e one release a heartfelt sigh, Those like Han Yuan emperor should bear eternal shame! Green Tomb dwelling on antiquity 百战疲劳壮士哀, 中原一败势难回。 江东子弟今虽在, 肯为君王卷土来? 王安石.叠题乌江亭 After hundreds of fierce battles, many warrior fighting for Chu State were losing their heart, It is extremely hard to recover from that grave defeat in Central Plain. Despite scions from the Southland still being available, There is few possibility of their serving under their lord to make an comeback. Wang Anshi. Overlapped inscription on the Wujiang pavilion. 生当作人杰, 死亦为鬼雄。 至今思项羽, 不肯过江东。 李清照.夏日绝句 Be a worthy man alive, Make yourself a ghost of might. The reason why people still miss XiangYu, Is he did not cross Wu river in the face of imminent death. Li Qingzhao.a piece of jueju crea ted during one summer 缟素临江誓灭胡, 雄师十万气吞吴。 试看天堑投鞭渡, 不信中原不信朱。 郑成功.出师 White armored attire, facing Yangtze River,I swear to wipe out Hu invader, The army of one thousand hundred soldiers is full of daring to conquer the whole Wu state. Look, our soldiers are whipping across Yangtze River, I am confident that the Central Plain will belong to Ming d ynasty under the reign of Zhu emperors again. Zheng Chenggong. Ready for an expedition 秦时明月汉时关, 万里长征人未还。 但使龙城飞将在, 不教胡马度阴山。 王昌龄.出塞 The same clear moon of Qin dynasty and the same pass of Han dynasty, The soldiers has yet come back home since that long expedit ion. If the Flying General, Li Guang defending the Dragon City was still alive, The Hu invader would not dare march across the Yin Mountain. Wang Changlin. March over the Great Wall 折戟沉沙铁未销, 自将磨洗认前朝。 东风不与周郎便, 铜雀春深锁二乔。 杜牧.赤壁 The broken halberd buried under sands, still fresh, I wash it up to recognize it was from the ancient dynasty. If the eastern wind had not favored ZhouYu, Brone Sparrow Terrace would have put the two Qiao beauties to custody in the deep spring. DuMu.the Red Cliff 胜败兵家事不期, 包羞忍耻是男儿。 江东子弟多才俊, 卷土重来未可知。 杜牧.题乌江亭 The victory and defeat of war can not be foretold, After a grave defeat, It is a real man who is able to endure great shame. The worthy scions from the Southland is in the majority, The likelihood of their making a comeback is much. DuMu. a poem inscribed on Wu river pavilion 兵马纵横布, 书生敢论兵。 坐对忘忧愤, 暂却故乡情。 河东丘赞 The soldiers are deployed across the whole country, Erudite scholars dare to practice the art of warfare. Sitting face to face to forget their indignation, And dispel their homesickness for a while. Qiu Zang from Eastland of the Yellow River 列阵非好战, 常怀百万兵。 局中堪破敌, 何劳事远征? 河南施吉 Being ready for war does mean indulging in fight, There are always millions of soldiers in my bosom. In chessboard, I can see the blueprint of destroying the enemy, Why should I mak
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