已阅读5页,还剩8页未读, 继续免费阅读
21 世纪的营销主流 绿色营销 内容概要 绿色营销,是指企业以环境保护观念作为其经营哲学思想,以绿色文化为 其价值观念,以消费者的绿色消费为中心和出发点,力求满足消费者绿色消费 需求的营销策略。通过绿色营销活动,协调了企业利益保护环境社会发展的关 系,使经济的发展既能满足当代人的需求,又不至于对后代生存和发展构成危 害和威胁,即实现社会经济的可持续发展。绿色营销的主体归根到底是企业, 绿色营销是企业的营销活动,绿色营销的策略主要是企业的一系列营销策略和 方法构成的。21 世纪将是绿色文明的世纪和绿色经济的时代,:绿色营销必将成 为 21 世纪的经营理念。 相关概念 绿色消费 绿色营销 绿色文化 绿色计划 绿色产品 绿色价格 绿色促销 绿色渠道 绿色管理 正文 一、提出绿色营销的背景: 不断恶性化的今天,人们对环境和资源的忧虑逐渐转化为消费过程中的 一种自律行为,更加倾向于适度、无污染、保护环境的消费,绿色需求在世 界范围内已经或正被逐渐唤起。这一点在经济发达国家表现得尤为突出,并 且已形成了绿色需求绿色设计绿色生产绿色产品绿色价格 绿色市场开发绿色消费这种以“绿色”为主线的消费链条。因此, 从根本上讲,是绿色需求决定了绿色营销的产生、规模、运作模式和发展趋 势。同时,由于经济发展程度不同而导致的绿色需求和绿色技术水平的差异, 正越来越多地被发达国家利用来作为遏制他国对外贸易的壁垒,从而形成了 一种新型的非关税壁垒绿色贸易壁垒(Green Trade Barrier)。乌拉圭回合 的技术贸易壁垒协议中规定:“不得阻止任何国家采取措施来保护人类、 动物或植物的生命健康、保护环境。 ”这样,环境保护就成为不承诺相关的国 际贸易规范的一种借口,而实际上确有一些发达国家借保护环境为名,行限 制国外产品进口之实。西方国家设置绿色壁垒的主要目标,很大程度上是针 对发展中国家出口创汇所主要依赖的劳动密集型、资源密集型产品而设置的, 其结果将会使发展中国家的一部分产品逐渐退出国际市场。所以它将严重制 约发展中国家对外贸易的发展,进一步恶化其在国际贸易中的困难处境及国 际收支状况。随着 1999 年 1 月 1 日欧元的启动,欧盟将更注重扶助区内较落 后的国家,这势必也会导致绿色壁垒等贸易保护主义的加强,对此中国政府 和企业应及早准备应对措施。绿色壁垒主要包括课征环境进口附加税、限制 或禁止进口、绿色贸易制裁、绿色标志制度、绿色卫生检疫制度等。由于其 隐蔽性强、技术要求高、灵活多变的特点,在今后相当长一段时期内将会被 越来越多的发达国家利用。由此可见,我国企业要想冲破绿色壁垒,进行绿 色突围必须加强绿色营销,舍此别无他途。 二、绿色营销的含义: 绿色营销是在绿色消费的驱动下产生的。所谓绿色消费,是指消费者 意识到环境恶化已经影响其生活质量及生活方式,要求企业生产、销售对 环境影响最小的绿色产品,以减少危害环境的消费。所谓绿色营销,是指 企业以环境保护观念作为其经营哲学思想,以绿色文化为其价值观念,以 消费者的绿色消费为中心和出发点,力求满足消费者绿色消费需求的营销 策略。 三、绿色营销与传统营销相比, 具有以下特征: .绿色消费是开展绿色营销的前提。消费需求由低层次向高层次发展,是 不可逆转的客观规律,绿色消费是较高层次的消费观念。人们的温饱等生 理需要基本满足后,便会产生提高生活综合质量的要求,产生对清洁环境 与产品的需要。满足绿色需求,是绿色营销的出发点。 .绿色观念是绿色营销的指导思想。绿色营销以满足绿色需求为中心,为 消费者提供生产、流通、消费过程中能有效防止资源浪费、环境污染及损 害健康的产品。绿色营销所追求的是人类的长远利益与可持续发展,重视 协调企业经营与自然环境的关系,力求实现人类行为与自然环境的融合发 展。 .绿色体制是绿色营销的法制保障。绿色营销是着眼于社会层面的新观念, 所要实现的是人类社会的协调持续发展。在竞争性的市场上,必须有完善 的政治与经济管理体制,制定并实施环境保护与绿色营销的方针、政策, 制约地方政府、部门和企业的短期行为,以全社会和全人类的共同努力, 维护全社会和全人类的长远利益。 .绿色科技是绿色营销的物质保证。技术进步是产业变革和进化的决定因 素,新兴产业的形成必然要求技术进步;但技术进步如背离绿色观念,其 结果有可能加快环境污染的进程。只有以绿色科技促进绿色产品的发展, 促进节约能源和资源可再生、无公害的绿色产品的开发,才是绿色营销的 物质保证。 四、绿色营销的功能: 1. 绿色营销所倡导的绿色文明。通过绿色营销活动,协调了企业利益保护 环境社会发展的关系,使经济的发展既能满足当代人的需求,又不至于 对后代生存和发展构成危害和威胁,即实现社会经济的可持续发展。 2. 绿色营销有利于企业占领市场和扩大市场销路。随着消费者“绿色意识” 的增强,消费者购买绿色产品成为时尚和明智之举。 3. 绿色营销促进企业文化建设和优化企业行为。绿色营销促使企业采取防 治和防止污染技术或使用无污染技术,在企业内部营造清洁和安全的工 作环境,有利于企业职工的身心健康,在企业外部通过绿色营销,树立 企业“绿色”形象,促进产品销售和企业发展。 五、绿色营销组合实施要点分析: 1. 制定绿色计划。实施绿色营销战略和生产真正绿色产品的先决条件是要 有一个适宜 绿色计划。在企业绿色计划中,应明确企业的环境事务的 方针和方向,不仅要阐明企业自身应当承担的研制和营销绿色产品的义 务,还要具体说明环保的努力方向以及如何尝试,并用以指导日常决策。 此外,企业绿色计划还必须与企业长期战略计划相组合,保证资源的充 分利用。 2. 绿色产品策略。开发绿色产品,要从产品设计开始,包括材料的选择, 产品结构、功能、制造过程的确定,包装与运输方式,产品的使用及产 品废弃物的处理等都要考虑环境的影响。绿色设计是本阶段的关键,它 强调对资源与能源的有效利用。在产品设计时,要综合考虑各种因素, 如材料选择、产品制造品牌、功能、包装、回收、无污染、安全等。绿 色产品的生产过程应该是“一种清洁生产” ,这是一种物料和能耗最少 的人类生产活动的规划和管理,将废物减量化、资源化和无害化,或消 灭于生产过程之中。企业在给产品命名和选择品牌时,要符合绿色标志 的要求,符合“环境标志” 。而且绿色包装也是一个极其重要组成部分, 应选择纸料等可分解、无毒性的材料来包装,并使包装材料单纯化,避 免过度包装等。企业在产品或劳务满足绿色消费的同时,要考虑废弃物 的再生利用性、可分解性,并搞好包装品及其废弃物的回收服务,以免 给环境带来污染。 3. 绿色价格策略。利用人们的求新、求异、崇尚自然的心理,采用消费者 心目中的“觉察价值”来定价,而且消费者一般都认为绿色产品具有更 高的价值,愿意为此支付较高的价格。二是根据“污染者付费”和“环 境有偿使用”的现代观念,企业用于环保方面的支出应计入成本,从而 成为价格构成的一部分。但是,绿色产品价格上扬的幅度不仅取决于绿 色产品品质提高的幅度和环保费用支出的多少,而且还取决于消费者对 绿色产品价格的理解。在工业发达国家,绿色产品价格上扬幅度较大, 消费者也乐于接受。在我国,由于消费者的绿色意识较弱,绿色产品价 格上扬幅度不宜过大,在大中城市市场价格可略高些。 4. 绿色渠道策略。绿色营销渠道的畅通是成功实施绿色营销的关键,既关 系到绿色产品在消费者心中的定位,又关系到绿色营销的成本。因此, 企业选择绿色渠道时:一是选择具有绿色信誉的中间商。如关心环保, 在消费者心中有良好信誉的大中间商,借助该中间商本身的良好信誉, 推出绿色产品。二是设立绿色产品专营机构,以回归自然的装饰为标志, 招徕顾客。三是所选择的中间商应不经营相互排斥的、相互竞争的,而 且相互补充的非绿色产品,便于中间商虔心地推销企业绿色产品。 5. 绿色促销策略。绿色促销就是围绕绿色产品而开展的各项促销活动的总 称。其核心是通过充分的信息传递,来树立企业和企业产品的绿色形象, 使之与消费者的绿色需求相协调,巩固企业的市场地位。因此,绿色营 销首先是一种观念。企业要通过宣传自身的绿色营销宗旨,在公众中树 立良好的绿色形象;其次绿色营销又是一种行动。企业可以利用各种传 媒宣传自己在绿色领域的所作所为,并积极参与各种与环保有关的事务, 以实际行动来强化企业在公众心目中的印象;最后,企业还应大力宣传 绿色消费时尚,告诫人们使用绿色产品,支持绿色营销,本身就是对社 会、对自然、对他人、对未来的奉献,提高公众的绿色意识,引导绿色 消费需求。因此,制定绿色促销策略,应注意长远目标与现阶段任务相 结合,要突出重点、切忌空泛。 6. 推行绿色管理。 “绿色管理”就是融环境保护的观念于企业的经营管理 和生产活动之中。这一思想可概括为“R”原则:研究(Research): 把环保纳入企业的决策要素之中,重视研究本企业的环境对策;减消 (Reduce):采用新技术、新工艺,减少或消除有害废异物的排放;再 开发(Rediscover ):变传统产品为“绿色产品” ,积极争取“绿色商标” ;循环(Recycle ):对废旧产品进行回收处理,循环利用;保护 (Reserver):积极参与社区的环境整治,对员工公众进行环保宣传, 树立绿色企业形象。企业只有在绿色管理原则下,才能加快向绿色企业 发展转变,推动企业采用各种环保技术,实行清洁生产,生产出符合社 会和消费者需要的绿色产品,从而实现经济的可持续发展。 六、绿色营销21 世纪的营销: 绿色营销将成为世纪营销的主流,这是因为: 社会可持续发展战略呼唤绿色营销。可持续发展战略是指社会经济 发展必须同自 环境及社会环境相联系,使经济建设与资源、环境相协调, 使人口增长与社会生产力发展相适应,以保证社会实现良性循环发展的 长远战略。然而,社会经济的长足发展,在为社会创造巨大财富,给广 大消费者提供物质福利及给企业带来巨额商业利益的同时,却严重地浪 费了自然资源,破坏了自然生态平衡,污染了环境,并造成恶劣的社会 环境,严重地威胁着人类生存环境的良性循环。因此,保护自然环境, 治理环境污染,解决恶劣的社会环境,实施可持续发展战略已势在必行。 年代,西方国家提出了可持续发展问题。年代是逐步树立环保 意识的年代,被称为“环保崛起的十年” 。年代则将环保付诸于行动, 称为“环境行动的十年” 。至今,世界各国,尤其经济发达国家掀起了制 定“环保标志” ,实施“环保意识”的战略及方针。可持续发展战略的实 施,从宏观方面,要求政府重视制定及实施可持续发展战略的总体目标、 方针及具体办法;从微观方面,要求各类企业将营销活动同自然环境、 社会环境的发展相联系,使企业营销活动有利于环境的良性循环发展, 也就是说,要求企业从实施可持续发展战略的高度来开展绿色营销。 世纪的消费者趋向于绿色消费。消费者趋向于绿色消费主要源 于两方面的原因:一是,社会经济发展在为社会及广大消费者谋福利的 同时,造成恶劣的自然环境及社会环境,已直接威胁着人们的身体健康, 因此,人们迫切要求治理环境污染,要求企业停止生产有害环境及人们 身体健康的产品;二是,社会经济的发展,使广大居民个人收入迅速提 高,他们迫切要求高质量的生活环境及高质量的消费,亦即要求绿色消 费。 政府更加重视制定和严格实施规范企业营销行为的立法。政府对企 业立法调控行为日趋严厉,既囿于保护消费者利益运动及保护生态平衡 运动的压力,同时,市场经济日益发展,市场经济体制日趋成熟,亦促 使政府宏观调控手段更加成熟。 绿色营销是世纪企业兴衰的根本。世纪的企业将面临着一 系列的挑战。 先是宏观环境的压力,诸如保护消费者利益运动和保护生 态平衡运动的压力,以及政府规范化立法的压力,从而驱使企业必须树 立环保观念,开展绿色营销;其次是广大消费者对绿色消费的需求剧增, 企业必须顺应消费者的绿色消费需求,开展绿色营销,才能赢得顾客; 最后是市场竞争优胜劣汰规律的作用,迫使企业改变经营观念,开展绿 色营销,才能有力地对付竞争对手,不断地提高市场占有率。 传统经济为现代经济所替代,为企业开展绿色营销奠定了基础。众 所周知,传统经济只重视劳动力和资本在经营活动中的作用,而忽略了 土地等自然资源的重要作用。过去,人们认为自然资源是无价值的,例 如,在种植业中认为唯一成本是开发及耕种,而土地是无价格的。在这 种观念的支配下,对自然资源的过度开采,甚至掠夺式开发也就不足为 奇了。这同早期市场营销理论一样,倾向于产品及生产导向,其发展的 重点是物品数量及服务创造,而非生活的品味及消费者的满意度。如今, 现代经济已取代传统经济,现代经济不仅重视劳动力、资本,而且同样 重视自然资源在经营活动中的作用,强调社会经济发展必须同环境相协 调,从而为企业从传统营销转化为绿色营销提供了理论基础。 参考文献 吴健安 绿色营销刍议 云南财贸学院学报 刘澄,商燕 21 世纪的绿色营销新理念 南方经济 甘碧群 关于绿色营销问题的探究 外国经济与管理 王方 国际绿色营销问题初探 江苏商论 王金洲 绿色营销的理论探讨 江汉石油学院学报 21 marketing mainstream - Green Marketing Summary of the contents of Green Marketing, refers to the concept of environmental protection as its business philosophy to a green culture for their values, to the consumers of green consumption as the center and starting point, strive to meet consumer demand for green consumer marketing strategy. Through green marketing activities, coordinating the interests of enterprises to protect the environment and social development, economic development can meet the needs of contemporary people, not the survival of future generations and the development of the harm and threat, that is, achieve social and economic sustainable development. Green Marketings main business is in the final analysis, the green marketing is the marketing activities of enterprises, green marketing strategy is a series of corporate marketing strategies and methods of composition. The 21st century will be the century of civilization is green and green economy of the times,: green marketing will become the 21st century business philosophy. Related Concepts Green Consumption of green marketing green culture green scheme of green products Promotional prices green green green green channel management Text First, the background to Green Marketing: Of the vicious today, people worried about the environment and resources gradually transformed into a consumer in the process of self-discipline, more inclined to moderate, non-polluting, the consumer protection of the environment, green demand in the world have been or are being gradually arouse . This is in the economic performance of developed countries was particularly prominent, and has formed a demand for green - green design - the production of green - green - the price of green - green market development - green consumption of such “green“ main line The consumer chain. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, the demand for green is the decision of a green marketing, size, mode of operation and development trends. At the same time, due to different levels of economic development and lead to the green level of demand for green technology and the differences are increasingly being developed as a check he used to the foreign trade barriers, thus forming a new non-tariff barriers - Green Barriers to trade (Green Trade Barrier). The Uruguay Round “technical barriers to trade agreement“ provides that: “shall not prevent any country to take measures to protect human, animal or plant life and health, protection of the environment.“ In this way, not a commitment to environmental protection related to international trade norms in a An excuse for some developed countries actually do use the name of protecting the environment, to limit imports of foreign products in reality. Western countries set up barriers of the main objectives of the green, is largely aimed at developing countries which rely mainly on exports of labor-intensive, resource- intensive products and settings, and its results will be part of the products of developing countries gradually withdraw from the international market . Therefore, it will seriously restrict the development of foreign trade of developing countries, further deterioration in its international trade in the difficult situation and the international balance of payments situation. With the January 1, 1999 launch of the euro, the EU will be more emphasis on assisting the region in backward countries, which will inevitably would lead to green barriers such as the strengthening of trade protectionism, which the Chinese government and enterprises should be ready early response measures. Green barriers include import surcharges levied on the environment, restrict or prohibit the import, trade sanctions green, green logo system, green health quarantine system. Because of its hidden nature strong, high technical requirements, flexible features, in the future for a long period of time will be used more and more developed countries. This shows that Chinese enterprises to overcome the green barriers, to break through the green green marketing must be strengthened, there is no other passers-by. Second, the meaning of green marketing: Green Marketing in green consumption is driven by the. The so-called green consumer is that consumers realize that environmental degradation has affected their quality of life and way of life, the enterprise production and sale of the environmental impact of the smallest green products, to reduce the consumption harm the environment. The so-called green marketing, refers to the concept of environmental protection as its business philosophy to a green culture for their values, to the consumers of green consumption as the center and starting point, strive to meet consumer demand for green consumer marketing strategy. Third, the green marketing compared with traditional marketing, have the following characteristics: 1. Green consumption is the prerequisite for green marketing. Consumer demand from low level to a higher level, the objective law is irreversible, green consumption is a higher level of consumption concept. Peoples food and clothing, and other basic physiological needs met, we will have a comprehensive quality of life requirements, have to clean up the environment and product needs. Meet the demand for green, green marketing is the starting point. 2. Green concept of green marketing is the guiding ideology. Green green marketing to meet the demand as the center, to provide consumers with the production, circulation and consumption process can effectively prevent the waste of resources, environmental pollution and damage to health products. Green Marketing is pursued by the long-term interests of human and sustainable development, focus on coordinating business relationship with the natural environment, human behavior and strive to achieve the integration of the development of the natural environment. 3. Green green marketing system is the legal guarantee. Green Marketing is the focus on social dimensions of the new concepts, to be achieved by the human society is the coordination of sustainable development. In competitive markets, there must be a sound political and economic management system, develop and implement environmental protection and green marketing principles, policies, restricting local governments, departments and enterprises in the short-term behavior, to the whole of society and the joint efforts of all mankind And safeguard the whole of society and the long-term interests of all mankind. 4. Green technology is the material guarantee green marketing. Technological progress and evolution of the industrial revolution the determining factor, the formation of new industries an essential requirement for technological progress, but technological advances such as deviated from the green concept, the result may speed up the process of environmental pollution. Only in green technology to promote the development of green products, promote energy conservation and renewable resources, pollution-free green product development, green marketing is the material guarantee. 4, the green marketing functions: 1. Green marketing advocated by the green civilization. Through green marketing activities, coordinating the interests of enterprises to protect the environment and social development, economic development can meet the needs of contemporary people, not the survival of future generations and the development of the harm and threat, that is, achieve social and economic sustainable development. 2. Green marketing enterprises to capture the market and expand market sales. As consumers “green consciousness“ enhance consumers to buy green products become fashionable and sensible. 3. Green marketing to promote the building of enterprise culture and optimization of business behaviour. Green Marketing prompted enterprises to adopt pollution prevention and control technologies or the use of pollution-free technology, in-house create a clean and safe working environment is conducive to enterprise workers of physical and mental health, adopted in enterprises outside the Green Marketing, a corporate “green“ image and promote Product sales and business development. 5, the green elements of the marketing mix: 1. Development of green plan. The implementation of green marketing strategies and production of green products really a prerequisite is to have a plan for the green. Green plans in the enterprise, the enterprise should be made clear the policy of Environmental Affairs and direction, not only to clarify the enterprises themselves should undertake the development and marketing of green products obligations, but also specify the direction of environmental protection and how to try and guide day-to-day decision-making . In addition, the plan must also be green enterprises and enterprises of the combination of long- term strategic plan to ensure the full use of resources. 2. Green product strategy. The development of green products, from product design, including the choice of materials, product structure, function, the determination of the manufacturing process, packaging and transportation, product use and disposal of waste products should consider the environmental impact. Green design is the key to this stage, it stressed that the resources and the effective use of energy. In product design, to be considered a variety of factors, such as choice of materials, manufacturing brands, features, packaging, recycling, pollution-free, and security. Green Product of the production process should be “a clean production“, which is a material and energy consumption for at least the human production activities in the planning and management, waste minimization, recycling and sound, or eliminate the production process Way. Enterprises to choose products and brand names, the green signs to comply with the requirements of the “environmental label.“ And green packaging is also an extremely important component of the choice of paper material such as decomposition, non-toxic materials to packaging, packaging materials and simple, avoid excessive packaging. Enterprises in the products or services meet the green consumption, but should also consider the recycling of waste, decomposition, and do a good job of packaging materials and waste recycling services, so as to avoid pollution to the environment. 3. Green pricing strategies. Use of peoples Innovation, Seeking Difference, advocating the psychological nature, the eyes of consumers using the “perceived value“ to pricing, and consumers generally believe that green products with higher value, willing to pay higher prices. Second, according to the “polluter pays“ and “environmental compensation for the use of“ the modern concept of the enterprises for environmental protection expenditure should be included in the cost, thereby becoming a part of the price. However, higher prices of green products rate depends not only on improving the quality of green products and the extent of the number of environmental costs, but also on consumer prices on the understanding of green products. In industrialized countries, the rate of green products prices rose more, consumers are willing to accept. In China, due to weak consumer awareness of the green, green product prices rose rate should not be too large, medium and large cities may be slightly higher than market prices more. 4. Green channel strategy. Green marketing channels for smooth implementation of green marketing success is the key, not only related to the hearts of consumers of green products in the positioning and relationship to the green marketing costs. Therefore, enterprises choose green channels: First, choose a green credibility of the brokers. If concerned about environmental protection, in the minds of consumers with good credibility of the large brokers, the brokers themselves with a good reputation, introduced green products. The second is the establishment of green products franchise, to return to natural decorations as the hallmark, attract customers. The third is chosen by the brokers should not be mutually exclusive business, competitive and complementary non-green products, brokers Qianxin for green products and marketing enterprises. 5. Green promotional strategies. Green is on the promotion of green products and the promotional activities carried out collectively. The core of which is through the full transfer of information, to foster a business and the green image of
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