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Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 3 My school life is very interesting. .单项选择。 (10 分) ( )1.We often do our outdoor _ at 4:20. A.activity B.act C.activities D.active ( )2.Wheres Mike? He is working _ physics _ in the classroom. A.in; problem B.out; problem C.in; problems D.on; problems ( )3.Linlin often wears a red skirt. She _ like red very much. A.must B.can C.would D.may ( )4.History is a useful subject. We can learn _ the past. A.of B.about C.from D.at ( )5.How many music _ do you have every week? A.class B.class C.lessons D.lesson ( )6. _ do you like science? Because its interesting. A.What B.When C.Which D.Why ( )7.He often _ English _ his classmates. So his English is wonderful. A.says; to B.speaks; with C.talks; with D.tells; to ( )8._ class are you having? We are having an English class. A.Which B.What C.When D.Why ( )9.There is a soccer game _ Class One and Class Two on the playground at 5:00 this afternoon. A.of B.both C.between D.on ( )10.Tom often _ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking .情景交际。 (5 分) 根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两 项是多余的。 A: Hello! May I speak to David, please? B: This is David speaking. Whos this? A: 11 B: Hello, Li Lei. 12 A: Im doing my homework. B: I think you must be learning physics. A: Yes. Youre right. 13 B: Because physics is your favorite subject. A: David, we want to play soccer this afternoon. 14 B: Yes, Id love to. 15 A: We want to meet on the playground at 1:00 p.m. See you then. Bye. 2 B: Bye-bye. A. When and where do you meet? B. Im Li Lei. C. How are you? D. What are you doing? E. Would you like to come with us? F. This is Li Lei. G. Why do you think so? .完形填空。 (10 分) This is our school. There is a very nice 16 in our school. It is big and bright. It has all 17 of books and newspapers in it. We can 18 story books, picture books, English books and many 19 books there. We can 20 do some reading there. Maria likes reading very much. She goes to the library every day, and she often has her 21 by the window(窗口). Li Ming 22 borrows some books and reads them in it. He likes books. Im going to borrow an 23 story book. Our English teacher often 24 us to do more(更多的) speaking and reading. I like English very much. I 25 I can do well in English. What about your school? ( )16.A.dining room B.classroom C.library D.playground ( )17.A.kind B.kinds C.many D.lots ( )18.A.borrow B.buy C.look D.see ( )19.A.others B.another C.the other D.other ( )20.A.both B.also C.not D.too ( )21.A.seat B.book C.bag D.sit ( )22.A.never B.seldom C.cant D.usually ( )23.A.interesting B.English C.Chinese D.American ( )24.A.says B.speaks C.tells D.talks ( )25.A.say B.think C.dont think D.thinking .阅读理解。 (30 分) (A) Kate is a little girl. Shes only five. She is not at school. She doesnt know how to read or write. But her sister Mary is a student. She knows how to read and write. One day, Mary sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Kate?” she asks. “Im writing to my friend, Rose.” says Kate. “But how can you? You dont know how to write.” says her sister. “Well.” says Kate, “It doesnt matter. Rose doesnt know how to read, either(也).” ( )26.Kate doesnt go to school because she is too _. A.young B.old C.tall D.short ( )27.Kate and Mary are _. A.friends B.sisters C.brothers D.classmates ( )28.One day, Kate is writing to _. A.Mary B.Rose C.her father D.her mother ( )29.Can Kate write? A.Yes, she cant. B.No, she can. 3 C.Yes, she can. D.No, she cant. ( )30. _ cant write. A.Kate and Mary B.Rose and Mary C.Kate and Rose D.A and C (B) 108 Wensan Road London, 85 A 100 England March 1st, 2008 Dear Kate, I am writing to you in English. I hope you can understand it. I love studying in London and I have many new friends. Most of them are my classmates. From Monday to Friday, we have Chinese, math, physics and P.E. in the morning. I like Chinese and physics, because theyre interesting. I dont like math. Its too boring. At noon, I have to have lunch at school because my home is far from my school. We usually have two classes in the afternoon, art and politics. We finish our classes at 3:30 p.m. After school, my friends and I always play soccer on the playground. And then we go home by bus. On weekends, we have no classes. We often go to the park and sometimes we go to the movies in the evening. We see movies twice a month. I like some famous stars like Jackie Chan. Oh, I have no time to write more. Please write back soon. Best wishes, Wang Gang ( )31.Where is the writer studying? A.In America. B.In China. C.In England. D.In Canada. ( )32.How many classes does Wang Gang have on weekdays? A.Six. B.Four. C.Two. D.No classes. ( )33.The writer doesnt like _ at all, because its too boring. A.Chinese B.art C.movie D.math ( )34.How does the writer go home every day? A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. D.By car. ( )35.The writer and his friends go to the movies _ . A.once a week B.once a month C.twice a week D.twice a month (C) To: Churchill Language School, Oxford(牛津) From: Amy Chen I would like to study at your school. I am a driver in Henan. I like studying English and find it very useful for my work. Can I study in your language (语言) school? I want to stay in England for six months. Where can I stay in Oxford? To: Amy Chen From: Churchill Language School, Oxford 4 We have ten-month courses for people who want to study English. There is a house for students next to the school, in Park Road, at Number 1123. You need a visa. 根据上面的两份电子邮件,填写出国签证(VISA)申请表。 第三部分 写作(25 分) .词汇部分。 (10 分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 41.What day is it today? M_. Its the second day of the week. 42.H_ is boring, but it is useful. We can learn about the past. 43.It is i_ to fly kites in spring. 44.Xiao Hong is the best student in her class. She always works h_. 45.I w_ you good luck in America. Thanks. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。 46.It is not _ (容易的) for us to learn English well. 47.Xiao Hong always studies hard. We should _ (学习) from her. 48.My classmates are _ (友好的) to me. 49.What _ (别的) things do you want? I want to use some rulers. 50.What do you think of English? Its _(难的) and boring, and I dont like it at all. .句型转换。 (5 分) 51.We have six lessons every day. (对画线部分提问) _ 52.I listen to the radio every Friday.(改成现在进行时) _ 53.I like geography best.(对画线部分提问) _ 54.Its not easy to study English well.(改为同义句) _ 55.How does she like math?(改为同义句) _ .书面表达。 (10 分) 假设你是 Mary, 根据下面中文提示写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,介绍自己的学校、 VISA APPLICATION FORM The name of the school 36. Amys job 37. Subject 38. The time of study in school 39. Address 40. 5 班级和学习情况。 内容包括: 1.在仁和(Renhe)中学学习,两幢教学楼(classroom building) ,两个大操场,教室很大; 2.班上有二十一个男生和二十个女生; 3.所学科目,最喜欢的课程及原因; 4.喜欢参加的体育活动及个人爱好。 _ _ _ _ _ 6 .1.C outdoor activity 是固定短语,根据句意用复数形式,activity 的复数是 activities, 故选 C。 2.D 考查动词短语。work on 从事于;work out 算出,解决;work 与 in 不搭配使用。 problem 为可数名词,本题句意是“Mike 正在教室做物理题”,故选 D。 3.A must 表示肯定;can 表示“能力、可能” ;would like 表示“想要”;look like 表示 “看起来像” ,而此处表肯定的推测,故选 A。 4.B learn about 意为“了解”;learn from sb.意为“ 向某人学习 ”,故选 B。 5.C class 和 lesson 都有“课”的意思,它们的区别是:class 表示“课” ,指以 45 分钟为 单位的课堂教学活动,也可指(学校的)班级或全体学生。lesson 是“课文”, “功课” ,着重指教学内容而言。作“ 课”解时,两者可互换,但 how many 后跟可 数名词的复数形式,故选 C。 6.D 本题用 because 作答,可见上面是询问原因的。what 往往用于对物的提问;when 用来询问时间;which 用来对人或物在一定范围之内进行选择,故选 D。 7.B speak 为“ 说话” 之意,讲某种语言用 speak。say 多指用言语表达自己的思想,强 调说话的内容;talk 的意思是“谈话,谈论”,指相互之间的对话;tell 的意思是 “讲述,告诉” ,指把一件事或一个故事讲出来,有连续述说的意思,故选 B。 8.B 句意为:“你们在上什么课? ”只有 what class 能表达此意,故选 B。 9.C 考查固定搭配 between and 在和之间的用法,故选 C。 10.A 表示“看电视” 用 watch, “看书” 用 read。在本题中, “Tom 经常在星期六晚上看电 视” 为一般现在时,主语 Tom 又是第三人称单数,故用 watches, 后句“他正在看 故事书”为现在进行时,用 reading,故选 A。 .11. F 12. D 13. G 14. E 15. A .16.C 由第四句得知这个地方有许多书,可知是图书馆,故选 C。 17.B 考查词组 all kinds of 各种各样,故选 B。 18.A 由上文可知在图书馆,所以只能是借书,故选 A。 19.D other 修饰单数或复数名词;another 用于泛指三者以上的不定数目中的“另一个”, 其名词不加冠词;the other 表示两者中的“另一个” 或两部分中的“另一部分”,是 特指;others 用作代词,泛指“其他人或其他物” ,故选 D。 20.B also 一般用于肯定句和疑问句中,常放句中,位于系动词或助动词之后,实义动 词之前;both 指“ 两者都 ”;too 一般用于肯定句和疑问句中,一般放在句末, 其前常用逗号隔开,故选 B。 21.A 此句中表示 Maria 经常坐靠窗的座位。而 sit 相当于 have a seat,此句中已有 has,只能选 seat,故选 A。 22.D 后句中提到他喜欢书,所以他应该经常借书,故选 D。 23.B 由下文可知,英语老师告诉我们学英语要多读,多说,故选 B。 24.C 考查 tell sb. sth./that,意为“告诉某人某事” 。另外 our English teacher 是第三人称 单数,故选 C。 25.B 本句意为“我想我能学好英语”,且结构为一般现在时,只有 B 符合题意,故选 B。 .(A) 26.A 凯特没去上学,是因为她只有五岁,年龄太小了。 27.B 由 But her sister Mary is a student.可 知,凯特与玛丽是姐妹。 7 28.B 由 Im writing to my friend, Rose.可知。 29.D 由 She doesnt know how to read or write.可知,凯特不会读书和写字。 30.C 凯特与露丝都不会写字,但玛丽会写。 (B) 31.C 王刚喜欢在伦敦学习,伦敦是英国的首都,故选 C。 32.A 文章谈到上午王刚上四节课,下午上两节课,而问一天上多少节课,故选 A。 33.D 作者不喜欢数学,由第二段第五句可知,故选 D。 34.C 第二段


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